The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) has released all-cause mortality numbers for kids between the ages of 1 and 19 for 2021 finally. Better late than never.
When you see the numbers, however, it becomes clear why they’ve been dragging their feet on releasing data that should have been out a couple of years ago. Kids in America are dying at the highest rate since the late 1960s.
There are a number of reasons for this when you look at the data – some obvious, and some not-so-obvious. One of the obvious ones is the “you-know-what” that the globalists injected most of the human population with, starting in early 2021.
First off, all of this data has lumped together kids between 1 and 19. There are very different reasons why a 1-year-old might die, compared to an 18- or 19-year-old. Keep that in mind as we take a closer look at this.
All-cause mortality in 2020 for 1-to-19-year-olds jumped by 10.7% when compared to 2019. There were no COVID vaccines in 2020, so there are some other causes for that increase that we’ll get into in a moment. But in 2021, the first year of the COVID shots, all-cause mortality jumped by another 8.3%, resulting in a 19% increase over a two-year period.
To be clear, the death rate among kids was not caused by COVID-19. The CDC lists the cause under the vague heading of “injuries,” in order to muddy the waters. Kids were dying at an “injury” rate of 0.24 per 100,000 in 2019, and by 2021 the rate had jumped up to 2.8 deaths per 100,000.
It’s not your imagination. The number of young kids in America dying is 12 times higher than it was before the vaccine rollout.
What accounts for the jump between 2019 and 2020? Three things: fentanyl overdoses, suicides from the lockdowns, and Black Lives Matter.
The fentanyl overdoses are probably one of the smallest factors, but an obvious one. The stuff is decorated to look like candy. Accidental poisonings are rampant.
As for suicides, we know that the rate of teenage girls killing themselves increased by about 50% because of the lockdowns. This is one of the reasons why we must never “forgive and forget” when it comes to health authorities and teacher unions in how they treated people during the pandemic. Many families didn’t open Christmas presents in late 2021, because they were mourning the loss of their 14-year-olds who hanged themselves in the garage. Fauci and the teacher’s unions did that, and they deserve to go to jail for it.
The Black Lives Matter tie-in to all-cause mortality is less obvious, because we’re incapable of having adult conversations about race in America these days. During the George Floyd terrorist attacks in 2020, prosecutors in our biggest cities delivered the worst possible message that they could to black teenage males.
We told them that the system was “racist” against them, and that if they were charged with any crime, it was due to white supremacy and racism. Therefore, we’d no longer be prosecuting them for any crimes.
Any parent could tell you how retarded that idea is. If you tell a kid there will be no consequences for their bad behavior, guess what they’re going to do more of?
Much of the increase in “injuries” for 1- to 19-year-olds in 2020 was due to homicides and gunshot wounds. What the CDC does not provide is a breakdown of which category of kids is being shot. It’s black kids in large, urban cities like Chicago, Detroit, Baltimore and Atlanta. There were 364 juveniles shot in Chicago in 2022. The increase in shootings of kids in Chicago started to go up bigtime in 2020, due to the George Floyd terrorist attacks and a promise that black hooligans would no longer be arrested by the racist cops.
As for the 2021 increase over 2020, we know what caused that as well. Yes, fentanyl was still killing kids. The suicide rates went down when the lockdowns ended. The BLM murders of black teenagers stayed fairly steady. And the CDC admits that COVID-19 did not cause the 8.3% jump in all-cause mortality for kids in 2021. Is there anyone out there who thinks they can solve this mystery?
If you cannot trust the CDC or big media, who ya’ gonna’ call? Fact is, we face a new world where common sense must dictate actions to save yourself. Fact is CDC hides information that’s friendly to a conservative mindset and releases whatever enriches socialist forces.
The next time you vote, ignore candidates and things you don’t trust. Support politicians you believe are trustworthy or who match your own common sense. Currently, liars and scoundrels control the fate of our once great nation. The rest of us are on our own. Cries for secession are loud and popular.
1- 800- give a sh-t uer government doesn’t care there killing us off as quick as they can , thats there hole plan they only 5 hundered thousand in there population , easier for them to control ,
The “Depopulation by vaccine” is working as planned.
Yes it is.
Off the Wall: That was Faucci’s suggestions as to how to control population numbers, wasn’t it?
The globalists are smiling! One reason they all need to be the first to be depopulated. Then, we can be free in our pursuit of happiness! Nuremburg 2 trials!! – coming soon to a TV near you!!! (hoping and praying!)
The government and people like gates, fauci, zuckerbucks, etc must be jumping for joy. Kill off our babies before birth if possible, if not try with unproven poisonous jabs, if that doesn’t work, indoctrination them so they’re confused about their gender and have surgery and they can’t have children. Do it even more quickly by drugs coming over our open border. One of those should finish off our future generation. These evil people are playing God and I’m praying that God is watching and will help us. Lord knows we need him in our lives. I’m praying people begin to find Him now.
Unfortunately the plan to selling the united states’payed for the Bidden family as millions were paid by communist China and received by our president, a traitor by all meaning of our constitution. The COVID was and is directly s product of China with our administration using taxpayers funds to pay for the communist China doctors to research the poison. Communist puppets and socialist demons are happy to crush our economy with the new green deal scamm. Making America as weak as Joe Biden and friends