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An Unvaccinated Girl Received a Long-Awaited Kidney Transplant This Week

Back in December, we first told you about a young, adopted girl in North Carolina who was being denied a lifesaving kidney transplant because she is unvaccinated. Duke University Hospital has stood their ground all this time with a draconian policy in place that unvaccinated people should die, rather than being allowed on the transplant waiting list (fascist pigs). On Thursday of this week, that girl received a kidney transplant in another hospital!

The girl’s name is Yulia Hicks. She first came to the US a few years ago as a rescued orphan from Ukraine. The first two families that adopted her gave her up, because she has expensive medical bills due to a genetic condition. Chrissy and Lee Hicks are US Army veterans and faithful Christians, and they fully adopted Yulia into their family.

Yulia has a condition called Senior Loken Syndrome. It’s a genetic disease that attacks the kidneys and the eyesight. She has desperately needed a kidney transplant for some time.


There’s a lot of preparatory work that goes into getting a kidney transplant, in terms of the patient’s diet and medications. Chrissy and Lee followed Duke University Hospitals instructions to the letter, and their doctors knew they were serious about saving Yulia’s life. But then in October of 2022, things went sideways for the family.

The doctors started pushing the COVID vaccine for Yulia. The Hicks family refused. The couple has nine children including Yulia, and none of them are vaccinated. Chrissy and Lee understood that the shots themselves were more dangerous than COVID for Yulia. She has already had COVID, so she has natural immunity from coronavirus antibodies in her system. Not to mention the fact that Pfizer and Moderna created the shots by hacking apart born-alive babies in abortion clinics in order to create the COVID “vaccines,” which makes them a no-go for any informed Christian.

The Hicks family was informed that Yulia could not go on the kidney transplant wait list, because she is unvaccinated. Despite the severity of Yulia’s illness, the ghoulish monsters at the hospital refused to budge. They would sooner see this bright young girl die for the “crime” of being unvaccinated than budge on this tyrannical policy. As we’ve been reporting for the past few weeks, this is happening at most of the major transplant facilities in America and Canada.

As we mentioned, we first talked about Yulia and her family’s ordeal back in December. Around that same time, Alex Berenson and others spoke out about what was being done to the Hicks family, and the story eventually went viral when Fox News reported it.

Since that time, 30 people have stepped forward to volunteer a kidney for Yulia’s transplant operation. She has no living relatives here in the US, so she desperately needed to go on the transplant wait list to find a donor.

The really great news is that one of the 30 donors was a match! He agreed to donate a kidney to Yulia, and the operation happened on Thursday. Kidney transplants, of course, work best when the organ comes from a live donor, so this was the best possible outcome for the family. They found a different hospital that is not operated by vaccine fascists, where the doctors agreed to perform the operation.

The only thing that Yulia asked for in the run-up to the operation was an early birthday party. She turns 15 in June, and she will have to remain in quarantine for several months while her body accepts the new kidney.

Here’s some more good news. The North Carolina state House just passed “Yulia’s Law,” which bans the practice of medical discrimination against the unvaccinated. The bill just went through its first reading in the state Senate. House Bill 586 will finally put an end to this vaccine tyranny that the hospitals are committing against patients who need lifesaving transplants. It is likely to pass in the Senate, although it’s unclear at this point whether Democrat Governor Roy Cooper will sign it. The Democrats love them some medical fascism.

The Hicks family still has a GiveSendGo page set up where people can pray for Yulia or donate to help out the family with the medical bills. They’ll also be posting updates on her condition as time goes on. You can visit the donation page for Yulia HERE.

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3 thoughts on “An Unvaccinated Girl Received a Long-Awaited Kidney Transplant This Week”

  1. If she had been Vaxed, she would probably be dead now. She has a major medical problem, and if she don’t get some help she will die anyway and the people that refused to help her will be responsible for her death and should be held accountable.

  2. The Administrators at Duke should be fired. This attitude is against everything the Hypocritical Oath that Doctors take stands for. For any doctor to say the the natural antibodies from having Covid are not good enough to protect you, and then try and force the vaccine on you is criminal. I truly feel sorrow for the millions of Americans that were forced to take the jab to keep their job. I think we’ll regret the day we forced our service men and women to take the jab, now that all the “Heart” problems are coming too light. How many pilots will we loose when they are no longer able to fly and handle the G-forces put on their hearts.

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