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Biden Claims Credit After Europe Bails Out America’s Baby Formula Crisis

Let’s pretend for just a few seconds that a baby formula crisis could have happened with President Donald Trump in charge. How long do you suppose he would have allowed that problem to percolate before calling a Cabinet meeting and solving it? Five minutes tops? Yet CNN was reporting back in November of 2021 that it was becoming harder to find baby formula on store shelves in many places. It’s been six months now and the doddering old man occupying the White House hasn’t lifted a finger to help alleviate the problem. Oh, but he’s claiming credit now that Europe is bailing us out.

Now that more than half of all states are suffering critical shortages of baby formula, and infants are being hospitalized in more states to be intravenously fed, the first “mercy flight” of formula has arrived from Europe. More than 78,000 pounds of formula donated by European nations was trucked to Ramstein Air Base in Germany. It was then loaded on a plane and transported to Indiana.

The criminal Biden regime which caused the shortage has labeled this “Operation Fly Formula.” As if it was their idea! It was the idea of European leaders to gather the formula and truck it to Ramstein. We’re being bailed out by the European Union because Joe Biden is too criminally incompetent to solve this problem. His Cabinet of advisers is, likewise, too stupid to figure this out.


Government monopoly created this problem in the first place. The Biden regime’s first instinct when the media reporting on the shortage really started to ramp up was to blame the moms. Outgoing White House Press Secretary Jenn Psaki called the mothers “hoarders.” They were just hoarding all the formula, so that was why it was running out on the shelves.

Next, the Biden regime created a government website to try to help moms find formula. It was an Obamacare website-level disaster. The site did not work and provided no help to desperate parents looking for formula other than a 1-800 number for you to leave a message at.

Then they blamed the supply chain problems on it, and distributors. (Anyone but that person in the mirror!) And now that Europe has started to bail us out, they’re claiming credit for the bailout as if it were their flash of genius.

Not that much, if any, of this first flight of baby formula is ending up in the hands of moms with hungry babies yet. The government is hanging onto the formula in order to distribute it, rather than sending it to stores. The incompetent buffoons might actually send the pallets of formula to the southern border to bolster their supplies of formula for illegal aliens. Would anyone be surprised if they did that at this point?

This is even more embarrassing than the Afghanistan withdrawal. America supplies most of the food for the rest of the entire world, thanks to our large swaths of farmland, favorable growing season and advanced economy. We grow enough food, raise enough livestock and create enough baby formula to supply the entire world under normal circumstances.

But Joe Biden has managed to eff it all up. Can anyone guess where the baby formula that was just shipped to Indiana from Germany was made? Any guesses at all?

Yep. It was made at the Nestle plant in Eau Claire, Wisconsin.

Formula that was made here and shipped to Europe has now had to be shipped back to try to bail Joe Biden’s failed administration out. The first shipment represents enough formula to feed 9,000 babies for about one week. Then we’re all out again! A second FedEx shipment is expected sometime this coming week. The snail’s pace at which this is happening, and the fact that the shipments are so small, should have a lot of people worried.

It’s hard to believe that an administration could be so incompetent as to cause a food shortage of any kind in America. Has everyone in the building been sucking on Hunter Biden’s crack pipe?

None of this would be happening if Donald Trump was in office. He headed off every problem before it became one.  Trump had the economy humming along like never before in American history. It took a month of completely shutting the economy down (two weeks to slow the spread!) just to slow the Trump economy down. Every baby that goes hungry tonight is going hungry because of Joe Biden’s incompetent team.

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43 thoughts on “Biden Claims Credit After Europe Bails Out America’s Baby Formula Crisis”

  1. Create a problem.
    “Fix” the problem.
    Take credit for the “Fix”.
    Brag about the “Fix”.

    Do all of the above.

    1. How did they fix it, the formula is not enough to o feed the babies in one major city for a week.

      1. Biden will claim HE fixed the problem by importing formula, in order to save what is stacked up at the border for the illegals.
        It remains to be seen how long his “fix” lasts. One way or the other, HE will take the credit, even if undeserved.

        1. Yea Biden puts illegals ahead of citizens -wow! what a great leader we have sarcastically speaking. Biden is a total moron and should have never been in our White House.

    2. Biden can be impeached, if the Republicans enact the ‘WAR POWERS ACT’ against him.
      With all the illegals he’s letting in, they are a threat to National Security!
      Otherwise, welcome to the United States of Venezuela.
      How many ISIS fighters are coming in??
      The contents of Hunter Biden’s laptop???

      1. I Totally agree. I can’t believe what he’s going to our Great Country with the help of Obama and Soro’s. Soro’s is Old , but he has his son’t trained to take his place when he dies.

        If people would go to Convention of States and sign the Petition if can help.

        Sadly , we are turning into a 3rd world country. I worry what it will be like for my kids and future grandkids . I can’t imagine living like this , Plus what is still to come . Write your Gov’s , Mayors , Congressmen , Senators…everyone you can think of. Do like me. I tell them to grow a set of Ballz !!

        Prayers for our Great Country , Except for Crooked Dems !

    3. How much longer are we supposed to put up with this farce. How many more children have to die due to his “I don’t give a damn about you and your family” attitude??
      I am not asking these questions of any political persuasion, I am asking American families to go after their representatives and get them to do what they are being paid for, “Representing you and your family”.

    4. Let’s all face it, Joe is a sick, brain dead old man that isn’t fit to be president of a bingo club. What is going on is all by design. Remember this FACT to bring in socialism and communism, they must destroy the middle class. This is what, they are doing with the high fuel pricing. I could go on and on but I won’t. Research it yourself. Be safe and watch what they are planning next.

  2. ” Joe Biden’s incompetent team”, or simply another way or the making citizens depend more on government, a communist inspired government?

  3. We make the formula in Wisconsin, Biden sells it to Europe, We have a shortage because Brandon sent it to EUROPE and gives the rest to illegals at the southern border, babies are in crisis, Brandon begs Europe to send some back, most of the returned formula is stockpiled at the border under FJB supervision. American babies are still in crisis.

    1. Welllll! Undo the fake ‘win’ of this gang of thieves – the Far-Left- vacant-headed Democrats that think what they want is all that matters,,,,!,,, ‘n do it now before this goes any further,,, !!!!

    2. You are so right-Brandon has to goOOOO-he is braindead-never worked a day in his life-does not know how to raise a family or check groceries-he has dementia-he has weak mind weak body-he is the WORST PRESIDENT ever
      you are spot on!!

      1. This is WHY we Need everyone to go out and Vote the Republicans in. We can’t get past Piglosi or other Dems to Impeach anyone . But if we take control in Nov. They already have papers prepared to start nailing every bad person !
        Please tell your friends and family to Vote Republican. If we don’t take over in Nov.2022 , the rest doesn’t matter !

  4. When you think a president can’t get worse, he does. This is all so unbelievable. Two more years of him and we won’t have America any longer. Just the simple truth.

  5. I read this and it really made me cry…. My youngest Grandson is 6 months old…when he is only a little hungry..his cries break my heart..and we have the bottle ready……. But trying to find formula, not hoard it and hope and pray that the situation will be fixed is heartbreaking…..and despicable…. This administration is beyond horrific…truly don’t give a damn….. and if you get rid of number 1, well you know what number 2 has always meant..…

    1. At 6 mos you can feed this hungry baby cereal with evaporated milk. Half milk and half water. A tsp of honey or Karo syrup. Forget the formula. You prob should supplement with baby vitamins, usually liquid. You also use same mix for bottles.
      I was raised on this and so were my babies.

      1. Me and 4 siblings also raised on this. 68 years old next month and still kicking. Nothing wrong with that diet at all.

      2. Why aren’t doctors telling Mother’s about this? Or the grandmothers of theses babies? All of us older grandmother’s were raised on this and we’re a pretty hardy bunch. Good luck young Mother’s. I thank God my 6 daughters are raised and raising their own children.

  6. Biden you make me sick with all your excuses an what you have done Everything you think you do you are real efficient screwing it up you call yourself a president I call you an old man I think he’s a president and can’t think for himself and that include your laughing hyena vice president useless

  7. Biden you make me sick with all your excuses an what you have done Everything you think you do you are real efficient screwing it up you call yourself a president I call you an old man I think he’s a president and can’t think for himself and that include your laughing hyena vice president useless

  8. How many true Americans will go back to the voting booth ‘n remember the grievous damage – the Democrat Far Left- can do ? America did belong to “the people”! Now the People belong to the Gov’t,,,, It won’t be long ‘til the ‘WHITE’ people will be going to the camps ‘n ovens,,,, but never fear – they won’t be the last,,, Some where , somehow, the United States has allowed Soros to take over the country behind the scenes,,, Who will stand up against this powerful, wicked man- this man named SOROS who was forced to leave Hungary -has said publicly in America – that “he lives only to see the destruction of the United States,,, Wake up, America! This man is our Enemy!

    1. It’s been reported on non MSM sources that DJT is fighting the war against Soros. It feels like progress is slow to non existent. I hope I’m wrong, but my patience is gone.

  9. the biden regime is incompetent to run this country. parents should be so angry. here biden gives baby formula to illegals at the border but lets our babys starve. biden is a corrupt leader, well he is no leader at all. the guy has alzheimers and it should be against the law to let this guy run our nation. biden harris should not be allowed to set foot in our house neither should pelosi, schumer, and all these corrupt america hating swamp creatures . democrats are against everything that is good and decent in this country. vote GOP if you do not want to lose your country to communism and socialism. forget woke, crt, and ALL THE OTHER SICK STUFF DEMOCRATS TRY TO TEACH YOUR INNOCENT KIDS.

  10. Blundering Joe Biden strikes again!!! He is totally incompetent and screws up on nearly every policy decision he makes!!!! Let’s go Brandon!!!!!!

    1. First the Dem Party want to abort babies up To ‘n including 9 mos,, then they want to give them the right to change there ‘sexpref.’ in kindergarten- then they take the baby formula away from them,,! Now the killing in school-Take-the-guns-program ! What is this wrongful fascination with kis? ! Why ‘r we just standing here writing messages? THIS IS A NO-BRAINER. ! Take this country back !

      1. Soon McConnell will betray us to the democrats and they will kick in our doors to forcibly take our weapons. If we’re going to fight we really need to get started.

  11. This Pres. is not the Pres. That was elected by the people! These babies ‘n children ‘r suffering ‘n being killed to give this regime the ‘right to progress with their own selfish needs to promote their own goals – to profit, ‘n rule the world! They have gone too far when they start attacking our children ! First the change of sex, then the baby food ‘n now the school kids,,, REDO THIS ELECTION! This is too much!,,,, Now this will be on ‘your’ heads not theirs! GUNS? Bah Humbug!

  12. Delay any action. That is what the dems do if it doesn’t fit their causes. It doesn’t matter to them how many people or babies are hurt as long as their ego is satisfied. I just find it really hard to believe that 40% of our nation think Biden is doing a good job. It must be in that group that aren’t really his followers. No right minded person can possibly think things are going well for our country., I would love to hear from one of them telling me why they think Biden is doing a good job. Bet I won’t.

  13. At 6 mos you can feed this hungry baby cereal with evaporated milk. Half milk and half water. A tsp of honey or Karo syrup. Forget the formula. You prob should supplement with baby vitamins, usually liquid. You also use same mix for bottles.
    I was raised on this and so were my babies.

  14. My daughter was raised in evaporated milk, half milk, half water and one teaspoon dark Karo syrup. She thrived on it. However, some babies can’t tolerate the lactose in milk, so if you can get soy milk or oat milk, plus the karo, it will work in a pinch. I worry about the kids with PKU that must have a special formula that is VERY expensive, how is that bieng provided? Biden is an A-HOLE, he could care less what happens! So is Obama who is REALLY in charge of this fiasco! The blame lies solely on THEM! They are unholy , evil to the core snakes! Get them both OUT by any means possible!

  15. He even claimed to have gotten the shots out, that Trump did nothing! He has always made huge messes and then he plagiarizes speeches or says, “not me.” biden, didn’t cause gas prices to soar by signing and closing the pipeline and crushing the leases where there was drilling, he crushed our independence immediately. HE DID IT! Inflation roared up because of the Dems reckless spending, that is biden again. He botched up the pull out of Afghan so badly it cost the lives of 13 of OUR soldiers, and then he killed 7 people with a drone strike, and they were mostly children. He left hundreds of good people stuck there and took hundreds of UNVETTED criminals out of Afghan and set them up in the USA! He left billions of dollars of brand-new equipment in the hands of terrorists. The worst is that he opened up our secure border and is letting terrorists and criminals and drugs in every day. This is all HIM!!! He can deny all he wants, he is a disaster, I refuse to even call him whatever position he thinks he has. He needs to be impeached and literally thrown out of office in DISGRACE!!

  16. This President is the most shameful in our history. The Democratic Party will never be trusted again.

  17. Everyone Needs to Vote for a Republican come Nov.2022. If Des. keep control, Kiss our Country goodbye .
    Please tell everyone you know to Vote for a Republican, so we can Take our Country back! and start putting these Evil people in Prison!

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