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Biden Regime Forks Over $6 Billion to Iran on 22nd anniversary of 9/11 Terror Attacks While Refusing to Visit Ground Zero Memorial

Just when you think the Biden presidency couldn’t be any more of a complete disaster, Joe Biden proves to us that it CERTAINLY can.

On the 22nd anniversary of 9/11, Biden and his team of America-hating minions inked a deal to give Iran – a country with direct involvement with the hijackers from that day– $6 billion in exchange for five detained Americans.

Laughably, the Biden admin claims that the terror state of Iran will use the funds strictly for “humanitarian goods.”

But it’s not JUST the money. Biden and co. also agreed to hand over five Iranian prisoners being held in America, cementing the fact that Joe and his people lost the negotiation BIG TIME.

Moreover, the decision to pay for prisoners throws the long-held American stance of not negotiating terrorists by the wayside and opens up a dangerous can of worms which puts American citizens in danger of being held for ransom all over the world.


While Biden was capitulating to terrorists on the anniversary of 9/11, he couldn’t even be bothered to pretend he cares about this country. Joe refused to visit the Ground Zero 9/11 memorial, becoming the first president to not pay his respects to the nearly 3,000 people that died that day.

Instead, his administration sent an out-of-touch Kamala Harris to the memorial where she spent the entire day laughing and talking about how she was ready to be president if Joe Biden slips on a banana peel.

Perhaps the most disturbing piece of all of this was the absolutely abhorrent excuse that the White House gave for missing the event.

After spending a few days in India and Vietnam the president had the opportunity to make it to the NYC memorial site, but opted to travel to Alaska instead.

When asked for an explanation as to why exactly he didn’t show up, the White House shrugged it off as “no big deal” and said that it’s been 22 years since 3,000 Americans were killed – so there’s no need for Joe to make time to visit the memorial.

“When I asked a White House official why it is that President Biden was here and missing the 9/11 commemorations at the attack sites, the analogy that I was given is that 22 years after Pearl Harbor, U.S. presidents were not still going to visit Hawaii,” Fox News’ Peter Doocy said.

But sadly, this type of behavior is exactly what many have come to expect from the current President of the United States.

“It’s no surprise to me that he’s not coming to Ground Zero or any of the 9/11 sites,” Retired Air Force Lt. Col. Donald Arias, who lost his brother Adam during the attacks, said.

Arias added, “And quite frankly, I prefer he stay away anyway. We will be spared one of his stories of how he can relate, like he did with the people of Lahaina, how he can relate because of a kitchen fire. We can do without that.”

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17 thoughts on “Biden Regime Forks Over $6 Billion to Iran on 22nd anniversary of 9/11 Terror Attacks While Refusing to Visit Ground Zero Memorial”

  1. If you are feeling discouraged, go to BeforeItsNews, and scroll to “The Greatest Show on Earth.” This is a lengthy, but worthwhile video, worthy of sharing far and wide. Starts a little slow, but gains momentum after about 10 minutes.
    The narrator is great, and explains in detail what has been going on in this country for the last 7 years, and Trumps part in preparing for our future.
    The info was uplifting for me during these dark days.

    1. The Greatest Show On Earth was a movie about the Ringling Bros, Barnum and Baily Circus, starring Charlton Heston, Betty Davis, and James Stewart.
      A really good circus movie.

      1. Yes Gary, I remember that one too!
        For some reason, the title was recycled!
        I wonder if it will be found to be illegal….

  2. Unbelievable that man is destroying America. I can’t believe he even though about it much let do it !!. America does not comply to terrorists !!. And we the people should of been let in on this , not done behind our backs !!. That supit so called president needs horse whipped. And how many American citizens did the Iranian prisoners killed that stupid is letting go back to Iran? I hate this deranged president and his deranged democrats regime more than ever. No one in there right mind would vote for any of them to be back in office !!!. And I fully believe he lost the election and is in office by fraud ballots. He is the one who belongs in jail not Trump. He is the worse president to ever hit the White House of the United States of America. IMPEACH HIM AND HARRIS run them clearout of the United States.

    1. Horrible
      Well stated cat. They should be put on a ship and sent to sea without any PROTECTION that us AMERICANS are paying for with no food or water and see if they can survive. He hates “GUNS” but loves the guys who carry them to protect his OLD ASS.

    2. total agree. Biden would rather be with Iran, china.ect he keeps giving our money to them so we as America a go bankrupt. he doesn’t care . he wound be around to see us destroyed. god only knows the money that is being put in his pocket. make s me sick to see the man destroyed this country. as for vp. she is useless.

  3. Biden is a complete and total moron as is his whole staff. Anyone like the VP who laughs and acts like a fool all the time just like Biden does, does not deserve to be in office and we need to get these idiotic morons out of office. We didn’t need him at the 9-ll sites as he would have made a bigger fool of himself than the whole world knows he is.

  4. Why isn’t nothing being done to get rid of all the corrupt individuals, but all we get is a lot of lip service and nothing is done

    1. Rebecca, Make sure you vote and tell others to vote too. Either we need to vote OUT the Dems or it might take an assassin. That is NOT the way to do it.

  5. Omg only a complete moron would believe that the Iran leader would use the 6 billion dollars for “Humanitarian goods “. It is so unbelievable how stupid this man is , and the democrats around him who just agrees with whatever he wants done and lets America be made a fool of !!. This four years has saw the fall of a great nation with no one at the top who gives a dam !!. We THE people can not and should not ever negotiate with terrorist now stupid not only gave away 6 billion dollars but now terrorist all over the world will be holding americans for Ransom!!. What the hell is wronge with these ruthless stupid democrats. Its bad enough that the idiot open up the borders now millions of illegal aliens have taken us over. You know they talk about homeless people well thank all this money,food,places to stay elc. Well if the president told all the states to open up and did this for “our” people there would be no homeless citizens. Know instead of doing this he opens up the borders and where up to our eyeballs in IMMIGRANTS to care for and more homeless than ever !!!, what is wrong with this picture ? Anyone who would vote for this deranged democrats regime needs run OUT of what is left of our America.

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