President Biden left a Connecticut audience completely SPEECHLESS when he made what may have been his most embarrassing and bizarre gaffes to date!
Joe capped off his speech by blurting out the phrase “God save the queen, man,” and then proceeded to wander around aimlessly, confused about where he was supposed to go next – a scene which we have seen far too often out of the 80-year-old president,
“God save the queen” is an expression of British patriotism.
The weird Biden line turned heads and forced several journalists to admit that Joe’s mental fitness is in rapid decline.
Todd Gillman, the Washington Bureau Chief for the Dallas Morning News, who covered the event as a pool reporter, told his fellow journalists, “Those watching online heard the final utterance of President Biden at the gun summit – god save the queen man – several of you have asked me why he might have said that – I have no idea. Other poolers likewise have no idea.”
Gillman admits to being rather thrown off by the incident which showed Biden’s at the phase in his dementia where his brain has started to malfunction and he just blurts whatever strangeness come to mind, but the reporter conveniently left it out in his reporting of the speech which was delivered at a gun violence summit hosted by Sen. Chris Murphy (D-CT).
In the speech Biden renewed his call to “ban AR-15 rifles and high-capacity magazines…They’re not only a weapon of war, they’re the single biggest driver of profit [for gunmakers]. Profit, profit, profit.”
Biden said some other pretty absurd things during that speech – including saying, “Put a pistol on a brace and it turns into a gun…makes it [so] you can have a…higher-caliber bullet coming out of that gun.”
This bizarre series of comments comes just a few weeks after Joe took a hard fall on stage at a U.S. Airforce graduation.
RELATED: Biden’s Fall Leaves Everyone Terrified Kamala Will Take Over Sooner Than We Thought
In April it was Biden unable to remember the last foreign country he’d visited (which came just 13 days earlier) and a small child was forced to help him out, shouting out “Ireland!”
Biden’s mental state is undeniably declining and a continually growing concern for Americans on both sides of the aisle.
In fact, a new poll suggests that roughly half of DEMOCRATS believe he is just too old for the job – on top of 52% of voters who feel that their lives have gotten worse under the Biden presidency.
According to that same poll, 71% of ALL voters believe that Biden is too old to be president – never mind a second term which would see him turn 86 years-old!
Some 28% of COMPLETELY DELUSIONAL individuals feel that Biden is “about the right age” for the presidency.
But with more Democrats than ever before starting to admit that Biden is COMPLETELY SENILE – the writing may be on the wall for old Joe!
If the election was rigged, which I think it was, Kamala and Joe should both go!
Why would anyone be surprised at Bidens Gaffe. Everyone on this planet knows he is suffering from Mental problems. You all voted for him…you saw he was not mentally right. Yet you voted for him anyway. I’d say the entire U.S.A must be mentally incompetant too.
Not all voted for him.
If unsure about election integrity, view unedited video of election night
I imagine that the millions of cats, dogs, and dead people who voted for the creep in chief are regretting their decision though…..
Great answer
Speak for yourself, I’m not incompetent and I didn’t vote for Biden. Only fools would vote for him. I believe that the ones that DID vote for Biden, are starting to come to their senses and see the errors of their ways. Biden doesn’t stand a chance of being re-elected in 2024 in a FAIR election. They’ll have to cheat again to get it done. Trump 2024
Sharon how right you are
People who voted and elected Biden most be mentally ill as he is.
Democrat women with their “I hate Trump” motto could have voted for for Jeffrey Dahmer too. How imbecile they are.
I Agree. Also she has done nothing to protect our Border or the American people. She needs to go.
It was time for Biden to go when he started writing executive orders dismantling our Energy independence. throwing open our Southern border to every Tom Dick and Harry to come in and live free off the hard working American tax payers, and bringing in their drug buddies with their drugs. when he stopped construction on the wall and then turn against America and aligned himself with China he then became a traitor and also becoming cozy with George Soros and and putting the American flag second to the pride flag. He has totally sold out the Amercan people but then again the registered Democrats did also for voting for him and then being dumb enough to support him even though all of his bad moves have affected them also. How DUMB are they trying to be. Go Woke and go broke is also affecting them. Seems as if common sense has left all of them. And turning your back on GOD and JESUS is not a smart move and neither is turning the USA into another Sodom and Gomorrah. His administration lacks anyone with brains.
You speak the truth 100%
You have said it all correctly. Biden and Soros are all incompetant people who are trying to dismantle everything that Trump did for us just to be vengeful. Not to be smart, heavens no, never be smart. Stupidity reigns with the Democrat party.
Well said, I concur !!!!
Bien is not only a dictator, he is a traitor and a terrorist. Can’t people see where all of the killing of our citizens is coming from? Our illustrious government for the purpose of gun control.
Betrayal, destruction of energy independence, open borders for illegal and unacceptable democrats votes, theft of COVID funds, among other things, and criminals running our government summs up the current administration.
And Mikey the Pussy Pence in part allowed that betrayal by having certified for that since 1972 grifting family!!
100% right! When are “We The People” going to do something about it??
Harris has done absolutely nothing since taking office. Maybe that’s what we need right now is someone who will do nothing until we can get Trump or someone like him back into the White House.
Biden is doing only what the Democrats tell him to do, and he can’t remember from one day to the next what he did yesterday. I think the Democrats knew this when they put him into office and that’s why they did it. They knew Harris was worthless and would do nothing and they would have complete control of what goes on in this country.
We are losing this once great country. It is looking more like a dictatorship every day. Before long, there may be illegal Americans trying to sneak into some other foreign country.and the illegals we have now going back to their own country.
Very well said James!
The man is a frigging babbling imbecile! It blows me away that people think he’s just great and doing a good job! He doesn’t know where the hell he is half the time! Anyone that thinks he’s in good shape & doing a good job should be banned from voting! He’s done nothing but help the illegals!
He is an alcoholic, which enhances dementia. And we are already under Communism.
I doubt that the fake queen is in heaven w/all her criminal activity. If you only knew of her deception. Sad. Hopefully, the rightful heir will be King.
I am finding it hard to believe that many stupid people in this country think we have just done fine and dandy under him!!!! None can truthfully say they have been better off with him! Wake up, people! Quit being so stuck on the party that you cannot see the forrest through the trees!
It is unbelievable that a good portion of Americans STILL think all is well under the most inept, divisive, lying, cheating, maladministration in the history of this country.
They are so firmly in denial that there is no saving them at this point.
Maybe he meant to say “GOD SAVE THE DRAG-QUEENS, MAN”?
Stay in CT Joe, your a looser like the two senators in Ct, one senator said he served in Vietnam , he is a liar, he can’t even spell Vietnam, the other senator just as bad! I got out of that Kiss ass state!
USA President Biden is a victim of “ADVANCING ALZHEIMER’S DISEASE”; this is incurable. The American Nation needs to pragmatically ready contingency plans for succession – this is no time for emotion and sentiments, more a time for confronting unpleasant realities. Seton During, London, UK.
The Democrats wanted someone that would do whatever they told him to do and not ask them why. They picked Biden because they knew he was the best one for that job. He hasn’t a clue what is happening to this country. He can’t remember from one day to the next where he is or what he is supposed to be doing there.
And Harris is someone who hasn’t a clue what she is supposed to be doing so she does nothing. This was not a mistake by the Democrats, that got just exactly what they wanted. Two of the most incompetant crooked people that they could find, that would do whatever they told them to without any questions why.
There has been enough evidence to put the whole Biden family behind bars for a long time and the Republicans have set on their rears and done nothing. I don’t think we have any honest politicians anymore.
We need a house cleaning for both parties, term limits, pay cuts and change everything so no one will want the job unless they are trying to help the American people, which is what they are supposed to be doing.
Once again, I agree with everything you said!
I agree with all of the comments
If Republicans had done better in the 2022 midterms, Biden would be gone by now, or at least headed out the door. A lot of the state wide elections were rigged and should be considered nul and void. There were too many discrepancies in the major swing states. Kari Lake should have been the governor of Arizona and not Katie Hobbs. Democraps are destroying our Country and it’s not going to get any better until the 2024 election when Biden is replaced with a Republican. It doesn’t have to be Trump, but at least a Republican. I believe DeSantis would be a good pick, he and Trump would be unstoppable
People don’t understand what the Republicans did on January 6th, 2021. They handed the country over to the Communist Party on purpose. All that bs about how they didn’t expect them to do so much destruction so fast was just a cover up. They are all doing exactly what they set out to do. They are all one Party, they just go by different names. Pelosi and the Feds were behind the “insurrection” that wasn’t one, and they have to know that, too. All a set up for Trump and a distraction for us.
All the comments were spot on, I agree with all of the comments!!!!!!
Bruce, the key words are FAIR ELECTION!!!
Anyone still claiming the 2020 election wasn’t rigged should seek psychiactric help!! With all the shannigins pulled during the supposed election period, there is no way this imbecile could be elected in a fair election!!!
it”s a shame money and power that”s what it”s all about. AMERICA The BEAUTIFUL.