Democrats have a huge messaging problem in rural America. It turns out that in areas where people still maintain local control of their school boards and school curricula, the people are not so down with the communist struggle as the Democrats would like. In fact, the modern Democrat Party’s political platform is toxic poison to most rural Americans.
What’s a bathroom-confused weirdo who wants to put his/her/xir enemies in a gulag supposed to do in that situation, especially when running for office? Democrat political consultants have seized upon a brilliant strategy just in time for the 2022 midterm elections: Lie to the voters more than usual!
Winning the hearts and minds of rural Americans over to communism won’t be a small task for the Democrat Party. That’s because the lives of these “forgotten Americans” improved more under four years of Donald Trump’s leadership than under the 30-plus years of globalism that preceded him. Now that Trump is temporarily out of office and they’re suffering under massive Biden-flation, it’s going to be a tough sell to get people to vote for Democrats.
Here’s just one problem with the Democrat Party’s disconnect: Beef prices. Since Joe Biden’s inauguration, beef cattle prices have plummeted to their lowest level since Bill Clinton signed NAFTA into law. But steak suddenly costs $24 a pound at my local grocery store, thanks to fuel transport costs, global warming policies of the Biden regime, and other hellish inflation-causing rules and regulations.
Just as the agriculture industry was starting to recover for the first time in decades under Donald Trump, along comes Joe and his America Last policies! Rural Americans understand the intricacies of this very well. If you show me a cattle rancher who’s been in business for a decade, I’ll show you a guy who understands economics better than any professional economist at the US Department of Labor.
The advice from Democrat political consultants on this is for Democrat candidates to never mention that they are Democrats in their campaign ads. This is already being put into play.
In Ohio, Rep. Tim Ryan (D-OH) is running for Senate next year. He’s already released his first campaign ad, and he never once mentions what party he’s in. If that name sounds familiar, Tim Ryan is one of the 847 Democrats who ran in the presidential primary in 2020, before the DNC rigged the contest for Joe Biden. Ryan also voted to impeach Donald Trump twice. And now he hopes to win over Trump-voting factory workers, farmers and other rural Ohioans by pretending that he’s Mr. Family Values, American Flags and Anti-Globalism.
It’s definitely a slick ad. You can watch it HERE if you want to. But you’ll notice some progressive dead giveaways if you view the ad.
Tim Ryan talks a lot about “bringing the jobs back” while standing in a factory that was hollowed out by Joe Biden and Barack Obama shipping American jobs to Vietnam and other places. But Ryan isn’t talking about bringing back blue-collar factory jobs. He says he’s going to create “green energy jobs” that will continue to drive energy prices and inflation up.
This is going to be so hilarious!
According to a report in Axios, Democrat strategists are also advising rural Democrat candidates to “refrain from fancy language.” Excuse me?
“Fancy” language?
The Democrat Party holds Americans in flyover states in such contempt that I’m amazed whenever one of them manages to get elected there. They actually believe that they’re so much smarter than everyone else that if they just use small-syllable words, they’ll be able to dupe the toothless hillbillies into voting for them. That’s how they view everyday Americans.
The Axios report does get one thing correct about rural Americans. We recoil in horror from the Democrat Party’s “progressive” policies. That’s why they have to lie to the voters and pretend that they’re something else just to win a few votes. Pick any issue on the Democrat Party’s smorgasbord of communism this year and ask yourself whether any normal, mentally healthy person could support: Open borders. Draconian speech restrictions. Amnesty. Gun Control. Reparations. Political prisoners jailed for opposing the Biden regime. Hulking trannies crushing little girls on the soccer field.
Not a lot of winners on that list of issues! The question isn’t whether this strategy of lying to the voters will succeed. (It rarely does.) The question is whether Republicans will be smart enough to embrace Donald Trump’s America First policies, in order to hit the 2022 elections out of the park.
Been in play by democrats since Bill Clinton was elected president! People need to do lot of research on any candidates running for any office! Don’t trust them or anything they say! You have heard enough LIES IN THE PAST to know they will NOT DO as they say on the campaign trails. They only care about 174 thousand dollars salary! Once they get elected IT A LIFETIME salaries!
I have been saying the same things for years! Research each person before voting. Go back years of how they previously voted!
Unfortunately, Elizabeth, the people who should do the research don’t even bother. If they took the time to actually research all the horrible things the demos are doing to this Country with no thought to how it affects the citizens, they would not vote these horrible, greedy people into office. You ever notice when they are asked a question, the only answer they can come up with is ,”you are a racist” and that is as far as they are capable of answering because they know nothing else.
Wyatt– you hit on the magic word”RESEARCH” which seems that in this day and age many American voters still don’t know how to do. They are either too naive,ignorant or too stupid to research anything. I have made enemies out of friends because I have told them that face to face. They absolutely come unglued when I ask them to give me a real,factual bona fide reason why they didn’t vote for Trump and voted for the pedophile and the tramp.
100% correct!
Really. You folks should get better editors for your headlines at least! ”Their” is a possessive, meaning it belongs to them….What you meant was ”They’re;; meaning ”they are” which is a contraction.
With all that, did you miss the message here??…asking for a friend LOL
No – all the guy was stating an obvious fact that someone needs to review this stuff before it goes online! I almost said the same thing, but in like manner read with absolute disgust the lengths the libtards will go to win an election at ANY cost!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
You tell them Michael. I get irritated when I see the wrong words used in sentences. And let me tell you I was in school more than a half century ago.
We have to remember (the past 28 years I have drove school bus) the slang, the short cut spelling, children do not know the meaning of words. To all, with that “will the real Republican please stand up.” He will claim his or her party to help identify themselves from the other candidates.
With the state of this country and the communist agenda, zero justice, all our alphabet agencies jumping on the communist parade, this country being flushed down the toilet — all you are worried about is a few misused words — amazing and PATHETIC !!!!!!
Then the RNC must get out the information and publish lists of candidates with their affiliation and post it everywhere there is an election in 2022. Paste it on walls, put it in newspapers, internet tv etc. I have some faith in the American people but that is slowly waining as I am seeing how many nitwits supposedly voted for Bejing Biden even after their lives were so much more improved under Donald Trump.
These democrat liars that are running or re-running need to also be pointed out by their opponents and tagged as such.
All Republican candidates should make sure they mention, several times, in every campaign their opponents name and party affiliation.
I have stated many times the Democrats would support Satan if he had a (D) next to his name. I also contend that the “dumbing down of America” is only a tool to keep young people ignorant. Why would they do that? It’s because ignorant people are easier to CONTROL. Hold a two minute conversation with a typical young person who went through public education and you’ll see how little they know. This all bodes poorly for the future of our country and it has been going on now for nearly 60 years. Heed the words of Cicero and you’ll see our future if nothing is done about the Dem’s brand of tyranny…
“A nation can survive its fools, and even the ambitious. But it cannot survive treason from within. An enemy at the gates is less formidable, for he is known and carries his banner openly. But the traitor moves amongst those within the gate freely, his sly whispers rustling through all the alleys, heard in the very halls of government itself. For the traitor appears not a traitor; he speaks in accents familiar to his victims, and he wears their face and their arguments, he appeals to the baseness that lies deep in the hearts of all men. He rots the soul of a nation, he works secretly and unknown in the night to undermine the pillars of the city, he infects the body politic so that it can no longer resist. A murderer is less to fear. The traitor is the plague.”
Words are cheap actions speak. They can say what they want but past and present actions tell the truth when words don’t. President Donald J Trump is the only person in any office in my lifetime who kept his campaign promises l am aware of! Period!
RNC-post a map showing all Demorats by name running in each state physical local district …..state, local and federal. Kick these lying commies out of politics for good.
Glad all the cowardly demorats from Texas weren’t at the Alamo…. Sam Houston would’ve been massacred at San Jac and the US border would be with Louisiana, Oklahoma, and New Mexico.
Another thing I noticed, he also said they have to push the “reset” button. Sound familiar? Anybody to voted to impeach President Trump TWICE belongs in the garbage can!
I totally agree. It’s time for the Silent Majority to remain silent no more.
Unfortunately the silent majority are being replaced by the brain washed majority. The government indoctrination system or so called education system has sucked the Patriotism out of our Country.
I hope people can see through the socialist Democrats agenda. What it boils down to is this: Vote Democrat and you go under Socialism…. Vote Republican and you remain free. A war is forth coming to the U.S. American’s are tired of Socialistic ideas and agenda. There has been too much blood shed to keep America free.
Mr. Ryan is no good for our country or for Ohio. He is a typical liberal Democrat who embraces most of the far left agenda being pushed by the “Squad” and their allies. Voters beware!
The lying democrats are nothing but communist.
Great Comments, We the People, need to take a hard look at our GOP Representatives in Washington. Do you remember the “TEA PARTY”? GOP Rhinos promised they would do better for the people; how long did that last? not even six months. Yet, I was a fool and believed them along with many others. Now here we are, worse off than we were then. Trump was like a beacon in the storm. Yet, he was harassed by the left and the right. They are all afraid of being called out for the way they conduct business in the swamp.
Remember one thing NOBODY, but Trump went up against Pelosi. Trump was on a mission, MAGA.
Everybody else is afraid of Pelosi, She knows where the bodies are buried, and NOBODY else in the SWAMP wants to be called out.
We need somebody that is not afraid to STAND UP, FACE THEM DOWN.
Cindy — finally someone who posts the “exact” truth !!! Well said and 100% accurate.
Most of the people voting for the Democrats are the losers that want everything for free, of course, nothing is actually free, someone somewhere is paying for it, but the uneducated dirtbags that live off society , make a living out of conning Americans into feeling sorry for them ,
That’s your Democrat voters of today.
Why are they trying to confiscate every bodies guns? Because we won’t have any way to fight against their guns!!!
Always check their endorsements,It’s a dead giveaway, contact those endorsers to confirm endorsement.
Dems are talking lockdowns and mask mandates again. Midterms are coming up. Sounds like their gearing up to pull off another scheme like they did in the 2020 election.