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Democrats Weaponize Courts Against GOP Opponents Trying to Expose Election Fraud

The Democrats in Arizona are showing us exactly how corrupt the American election system has become – using their power gained through a stolen election to stop people from questioning those very results.

Arizona’s elections criminals have revealed the next escalation in the left’s plan to eliminate free elections across the entire country. Weaponizing court sanctions and motions for attorney’s fees against their opponents for even bothering to question the shady election.

Just before 2022 Arizona Gubernatorial candidate Kari Lake’s historic trial challenging the election results, Obama-installed Judge John Tuchi ruled in favor of the Maricopa County Board of Supervisors and SANCTIONED Kari Lake for exercising her right to petition Maricopa County’s procedures before the election. Judge Tuchi waited months until after the General Election was stolen to do this.

Judge Tuchi even admitted that this order was intended to “send a message” to anybody else who wants to file what he calls “baseless” lawsuits in the future.


In the lawsuit which Judge Tuchi claims is “baseless,” Lake argued that the voting machines are “potentially unsecure, lack adequate audit capacity, fail to meet minimum statutory requirements, and deprive voters of the right to have their votes counted and reported in an accurate, auditable, legal, and transparent process.”

And we saw on election day in the 2022 Midterm Election, convenient voting machine failures and tabulation issues led to massive and unprecedented voter disruption!

This led to a complete disaster when voting machines and printers “suddenly stopped working” at 60% of voting centers the moment the polls opened. Republican voters were forced to wait in extremely long lines, turned away from the polls, or told to deposit their ballots in the questionable “box 3” for misread ballots.

However, this was no accident! The chaos that took place on election day only helped one group of people – THE DEMOCRATS.

Now the left is discouraging any questioning of the election results by blatantly trying to intimidate their opponents and their attorneys with the hopes of making them too afraid to ever question the elections whatsoever.

Following that trial and the judge’s effort to “send a message”, corrupt Democrat Governor Katie Hobbs and Maricopa County filed Motions for Sanctions and Applications for Attorneys’ Fees against Kari Lake and her attorneys.

Collectively, the two parties were seeking over $600,000 to bankrupt Kari Lake’s legal fund and PREVENT another election lawsuit from ever going to trial.

This means that even AFTER the corrupt left-wing judge sought to punish Lake for seeking to expose the fraud that took place on election day, Democrat politicians within the state wanted to finish her off!

But even that wasn’t enough for them. These corrupt Democrats are AGAIN using this tactic against Lake to prevent her from advancing a legitimate claim.

Lake has asserted that 35k ballots – more than TWICE the margin of victory in the gubernatorial race – were inserted with no chain of custody, meaning they are very likely FRAUDS!

Naturally, the Democrat that was awarded the election win against Kari Lake,  AZ Governor Katie Hobbs, is DEMANDING more sanctions against her 2022 opponent!

This is the path Democrats want things to go down. They know that if our elections are fair, they will lose, and they also know that if the courts are fair their cheating will be EXPOSED.

We’re at a dangerous point of no return and the Democrats are clearly getting more and more aggressive in their efforts to steal elections.

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25 thoughts on “Democrats Weaponize Courts Against GOP Opponents Trying to Expose Election Fraud”

  1. Hobbs and several other corrupt officials should be removed and prosecuted.
    I personally desire a fair election regardless of outcome. Anyone who
    demands anything less is nothing short of a cheat and has no right to identify as an American.
    Traitor would be the
    correct term for anyone willing to cheat to win.

    1. When will legal Americans realize what the Democrats are doing to our country? It’s so sad to see our country being torn apart by Democrats and their hate for the legal Americans in our country. What it will take for legal Americans to realize what is happening before it’s too late? God Bless Those Believe Our Cointry Can Be Saved!

    2. These are acts of TREASON!!! Arizonans need to OVERTHROW Hobbs and BOOT HER OUT OF OFFICE, whatever it takes, perhaps settle this score at 1200 in a town just north of Benson on Ocotillo Ave exit 304 from the 10 freeway.

    3. Election fraud should be investigated in CA
      One big mess. Boxed of ballots in post office piled against the wall, no security. Blue drop boxes set on fire, pulled out of cement and sawed open. Pasteboard ballot is in 47 different areas, no security. Anyone could have put 10 or more ballots in the boxes. No locks. Big dumpster found full of pasteboard ballot boxes, never opened. At least 20 bbn boxes on the grounds. That’s how the driver realized that they were ballots. Law Enforcement called but I don’t know what happened to the ballots. It was several days after election.

  2. We, the American people need to take back our elections. Get involved in the process, work the polls, watch what is happening so we can tell the correct story or conservative values will be lost forever

  3. And this is why Presudent Trump did not want the 2920 election certified until a legal process, a thorough INVESTIGATION of it was done. But the opposing party couldn’t have that. Both the CHAIRMAN of the J6 Committee and the NY Committee member had each called for this legal step in past elections, but that was not even discussed. VP Pence could have taken the legal step Trump asked for… to DELAY THE CERTIFICATION UNTIL AN INVESTIGATION WAS DONE, but they convinced him that wasn’t an option and pre-planned the “riot” of J6 to cement the deal and anger unwitting people to oppose an investigation. Just from less than intelligent Gen Milley’s J6 testimony we learned there absolutely was fraud and that they pre-planned the riot themselves. Unfortunately NOTHING was done about what he’d spilled and the Committee had declared at the start that Pelosi, her phone calls, texts, notes, and questioning her was OFF LIMITS. Did tge media go into an outrage about that odd declaration that was surely illegal? Of course not.

    So what did Milley state to the Committee, under oath I assume? That several days BEFORE the November 2020 election HE had called a meeting with heads of MSM companies, a step beyond any legal parameter he had as a MILITARY appointee, to tell them to gear up to give wide coverage of an anticipated JANUARY 6 2021 RIOT. That Trump supporters were going to be rioting and angry (he knew this BEFORE THE ELECTION?) and it could be dangerous and needed to be well covered. He knew this in OCTOBER 2020… We had heard and read he and Pelosi was in communication re the election, near hysteria apparently. Gen Milley had assured her that Trump wouldn’t use the nuclear codes for anything and we also learned he treasonously contacted his counterpart in China to (illegally) tell him if he learned Trump was considering taking action against China, he, Milley, WOULD NOTIFY HIM TO WARN HIM AHEAD OF TIME if he heard of such a plan, so China could react. Also treason. We know from Trump that Milley told him to leave the $87.9 BILLION of equipment in Afghanistan as he planned a withdrawal, telling Trump it would be TOO EXPENSIVE to remove it. Trump shared he told him everything was getting out. Filling a plane with gas and flying them out was not expensive and it was idiotic to say so. But Milley obviously convinced Biden to make that stupid decision. TREASON to leave equipment, bombs, ammo, missiles, cash, and weapons behind for our enemies to use against us. Which happened.

  4. Agreed with this extensive explanation about the preplanning the January 6 riots with inadequate armed guards and capital police. General Milley treasonous actions should be removed from the office that he is in charge of. Much Thanks

  5. Elections are one of the most important things that happen in this country. The outcome of the election determines what happens to the American people and this country. Every precaution should be taken to ensure that the election is ligitiment. If there is any question about the election being legal, it should be investigated before the winner is announces. Voter ID should be one of the requirements. The voter rolls should be checked before each election and any person not elligable to vote should be taken off the list. The politicians and elections are getting so crooked that you can’t believe what they tell you. I’m afraid we have no honest politicians anymore.

    1. WW11 all over again with the help of Soros onebof Hitler’s Brown uniform kids. Soros and Obama. Biden and Hunter their puppets.
      Prayers for our country.

  6. Those that fight against transparent and fair elections have something to hide. The party of racism is also the party of Fascism. One element of that is to manipulate the legal system into a result of one party rule, suppressing dissent. Another is control of the media. Hitler did both these things and we see it today. In AZ we see the representatives of the people passing bills that Hobbs is vetoing left and right. This is someone clearly not allowing the will of the people to take place.

    1. You nailed it, brah, absolutely CORRECT, and btw, LETS GO BRANDON, FJB!!!!! But let me respectfully remind you that the absolute ROOT of all this IS INDEED a former NAZI of Hungarian ethnicity, a 90 year old multibillionaire who began his wealth accumulation working for Hitler when he was a teenager as a Dacchau/Ausschwits concentration camp officer during the holocaust. Hitler let all his concentration camp officers pillage any and all assets of people of a particular religion including jewelry and even dental fillings before ‘sending them to the showers. Yes, every fucking penny of that evil bastard is BLOOD MONEY, and has been used to bankroll election campaigns of DAs and leftwing politicians for the sole purpose of creating anarchy in America.

  7. I am very surprised that the Republicans have not resorted to the same techniques demonstrated numerous times by the Democrats – convenient suicides by people who opposed their desires. The Democrats were quite busy during the Clinton days by arranging for impossible suicides to occur one afte the other in order to protect Bill and Hilary Clinton. A somewhat an expert in hand weapons, I found it simply impossible toshoot yourself in the rear of your head a coouple or few times. I also wondered how someone would be able to fatally shoot themselves, but then have the weapon responsible for the shooting to be deozens of yards distance. Going back even further in the history of Bill Clinton’s diary of mysterious suicides, isn’t it strange how two young boys in Arkansas found it convenient to sleep on a railroad track only to be overrun by a train? How many people decided to jump from very high levels of hotels or other buildings to satisfy Democrat coroners in their suicide decisions? It seems to me that first, the Republicans must ensure coroners and district attorneys are 100% dependable to their cause — just like the Democrats have done for decades. Then it is a simple process to end the life of a political opponent by any means and have their coroners and attorney generals declare the death entirely suicide. In my old home state of Georgia, back in the 1930s-1950s, Democrats were a bit more primitive in disposing of Republicans or would-be Republicans — they simply hung them normally from Oak trees. I’ve seen two hangings, and one tar-and-feather Democrat style of justice, and it certainly isn’t pretty, but pretty damned effective. I am an old man, but I do believe that at the rate the Democrats are totally destroying our Nation and encouraging any form of justice, there will be another hateful revolution within the United States. Not all Democrats are communists – most of them have no idea what the communists really want. They simply follow whoever claims to be their leader and continued to do as they are ordered. Beginning in the 1940s and 1950s, common sense and patriotism became the two words the Democrats wanted stricken from the dictionary. The Democrats have damned near succeeded. The majority of college diplomas are now nothing more than Certificates of Wokeism, certified by Professors of Ignorance. For well over 200 years, our Nation rose to be the most admired and desired Nation in the world for people of other countries to want to visit and become a citizen thereof. Today, we are nothing more than a laughing stock for even third world countries to feel pittance. I am about to be 90 years old, and have lived through three major wars. I am a military reitree, and have seen combat in four different countries. I have fought alongside many courageous, heroic patriots, and I truly saw many who gave some, and unfortunately, I saw some who gave all. But, I think I can speak for all of my more than tens of milllions of my fellow servicemen and servicewomen who fought to preserve the honor and survival of our Democracy – the USA.

  8. Conservatives have lost their courage to face criminals in their midst. They survived under British royalty for more than a century and a half. They’ve supported the constitutional republic form of government since 1775. They mustered the courage to protect American citizens through the Civil War, World War 1 and 2, Vietnam and a number of other bloody conflicts over the past 50 years.

    Today, our republic hangs by the hope that our judiciary will prove the massive and obvious criminal activity that begins with the President and floods through his family. Democrats will need to face the truth or face an angry nation trying to start all this effort again.

    1. There is a mechanism in the US Constitution to OVERTHROW any government that becomes tyrannical, not sure if that threshold has been reached yet, but it can’t be to far.

  9. That Judge Tuchi, needs to stop supporting democrats, He should be working for law and order but no he is working for crime and fraud. Everybody knows Katie Hobbs cheater her way in with lies and deceptions, What has she done for arizona, not a dame thing.

    1. I agree with you 1,000%, but just WHO Is going to do that? Can’t count on the Republicans. Our illegitimate “president” is taking away all of our freedoms, one at a time. What are the Republicans doing about it? Sitting on their butts and running their mouths with their “going nowhere” hearings.

  10. All election cheaters / liars are traitorous. They would have 3 choices: 1. They can be sent to a Communist country for the rest of their lives. 2. Have their voting rights suspended for 10 to 15 years and undergo Consititutional Rehabilitation to know and understand why the Constitution was written the way it was by the Founding Fathers of America who believed in and honored a Creator God. 3. The ultimate outcome of a Traitor: according to “The Constitution” is death. No more than 3 Traitors at one time, would be shot by a firing squad of 9 “Constitution Soldiers” made of 3 line-groups – 3 persons / line-group, of which only 1 person per group would have 1 Live hollow-point round in the rifle’s chamber. Each rifle would be loaded before-hand, by a highly respected person of the Constitution and Laws of the Land: a Federal Judge, chosen by a lottery of Federal Judges of that jurisdiction. Should that fail for any reason – the Leader of the Constitution Soldiers – at least a Colonel by rank – would take a rifle that he had loaded, present to the sharpshooter and proceed with the firing: 1 round per Traitor: head or heart.

    1. If they continue to do this, there may be only one solution – OVERTHROW! I think the very first action towards this may have started a few days ago when US Air Marchals decided to DISOBEY Biden’s order to leave their posts (flying cops in plain clothes to keep our flights safe) to go to US Southern border and ‘assist’ with ‘border security’. Those brave men and women risk being terminated (if that happens, I sure hope airlines hire them back to ride their flights to keep the flights safe, would not mind paying extra for airline ticket to make that happen). Make no mistake about it, the TRUE REASON why Biden tried to reassign them from marshalling flights to the southern border (only Rio Grande border in Texas), was to spy on and INTERFERE with and THWART Texas’ Gov Abbotts’ PROJECT LONE STAR to send Texas National Guard and even Texas Rangers (the Texas highway patrol) to apprehend and arrest illegal aliens coming across the border. Our Air Marshalls had enough with Biden and gave him the proverbial middle finger and told Biden they aren’t having any part of that. Hopefully, one-by-one, other rank-and-file agency employees will follow suit. That is the way to PEACEFULLY overthrow a government that becomes tyrannical. The US Constitution provides for that.

  11. I keep my opinion short. If you understand it then you know what needs to be done! There are JUDGE THAT WERE APPOINTED TO THE BENCH to PROTECT DEMOCRAT RIGHTS! Or you can say WHATEVER THEY NEED TO VIOLATION THE LAWS! There are other official that ONLY FOLLOW DEMOCRAT RULES! These people are YOUR ENEMIES!

    1. of those, the number one enemy, the equivalent of Pablo Escobar in the drug world, is none other than a former Nazi, George Soros

  12. As we all know, absolutely nothing can or will be done until after the Democraps are no longer in control. Once Republicans retake control of the WH and Congress is when things will change. I’m just praying that once it’s all said and done, that Biden and all involved are charged and prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law. What they have done to our once Great Country is nothing short of TERRORISM OF THE AMERICAN PEOPLE. A full out REVOLT AND REVOLUTION AGAINST THE REGIME IS WARRANTED. If they are not removed from office, and soon, WE THE PEOPLE WILL NO LONGER HAVE A COUNTRY TO CALL HOME. Start learning Chinese, or maybe Russian. OUR COUNTRY WILL BE OVERTHROWN, THAT’S WHAT THE DEMOCRAPS WANT. But what they don’t understand is they won’t be exempt from the PURGE. ONCE IT BEGINS, OUR COUNTRY WILL FALL.

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