As part of their latest push to normalize genital mutilation for kids, Joe Biden and the Democrats are now claiming that any opposition to transgender surgeries for children is… antisemitic?
Speaking from the White House, Biden offered up another one of his notoriously divisive speeches, saying, “Folks, racism, antisemitism, homophobia, transphobia — they’re all connected.”
The president referenced a number of red state laws which have banned irreversible gender transitioning procedures for children. Biden argues that these laws designed to keep children safe from making permanent life altering decisions are ‘inspired by hate.’
“We need to challenge the hundreds of callous and cynical laws introduced in the states targeting transgender children, terrifying families, and criminalizing doctors who give children the care they need,” he said.
The Democrat leader then went on to claim that putting an end to these Republican laws is part of the federal government’s responsibility to “protect children.”
“We have to protect these children so they know they are loved and that we will stand up for them and so they can seek for themselves,” he said.
He further warned that Republicans fighting to protect children from groomers posed a threat to communities that were trying to be more inclusive.
“When hospitals, libraries, and community centers are threatened and intimidated because they support LGBTQ children and families, we have to speak out,” he said.
In the past Biden has described Republicans as “immoral” for passing laws prevent transgender procedures from being performed on children.
“I don’t think any state or anybody should have the right to do that, as a moral question or a legal question I just think it’s wrong,” he said during a forum with a transgender TikTok star in October.
“It’s outrageous and I think it’s immoral,” he added. “The trans part is not immoral but what they are trying to do to trans persons is immoral.”
This continues a broader push by the Democrats to demonize Republicans in the eyes of Americans, hoping it will sufficiently distract from their policies which are failing the country.
Biden’s rhetoric, meanwhile, has not deterred GOP leaders from continuing to push for children’s safety.
For example, the state of Florida has subpoenaed 20 medical and academic organizations which are pushing transgender sex change treatments for children.
The subpoenas, issued by the Florida Agency for Health Care Administration (AHCA), seek information about internal decision-making processes and leadership structures to weed out the bad actors involved in pushing hormone treatments and transgender surgeries on minors.
All 20 organizations have either promoted or employ individuals who promote “gender-affirming” care for minors.
The request includes documents pertaining to discussions involving gender dysphoria and related care, along with which of the policies have been adopted, the side effects associated with those policies and treatments, and which members voted to support said policies.
Divider In Chief: Biden Claims People Who Don’t Support Transgender Surgeries are ‘Antisemitic’
Buden is a Chinees communist Satanic Blood Butcher of American children with his pushing of genital mutilation for kids. This Ass hole in the white house has ENDANGERED every American child and any Dr that performs this should be Arrested – permanently lose of all medical licenses for life, and sentenced to life in prison at hard labor well as BLOODY BUTCHER Joe Biden and every Communist Demo that signed Biden bills.
Bloody Butcher Joe Biden is the Devil’s son Illegally Squatting in the Whitehouse, Remove these Communist Asses to prison or hanging or Firing squad for HIGH TREASON against our Country of America.
You said it all. God bless you.
Another sick comment by Biden! Even those sick people who can’t accept what GOD MADE! Well go ahead and commit suicide because you people are sick! Nobody has the right to undo who they were born as! But you will find out your inside part are not the same as a female or male! Then oh, well to late! Life will be very difficult for you, if you believe anything these other sick people believe! They don’t believe in GOD because they are like those FOOLS who GOD DESTROYED IN TWO CITY!
This stinking bastard is the Pedophile in Chief and deserves prison and endless torture for trying to destroy our country.
As usual, this is not the business of federal government. You can talk a child into tasting vanilla, body piercing, smothering kittens, eating fecal matter and almost any horrible act. We protect them from the worst of these but not from genital mutilation. It’s a criminal act, plain and simple.
Amen! You have to wonder about the parents who go along with this evil. Are they being paid to destroy their children’s lives? I would agree to be burned alive before I would ever let anyone mutilate my child.
Backwards version of Adolf Hitler
The hell with conquering the world when you can sell it for money!! Biden & Obama Spell Doomsday for America!!!
this Joe Biden has lost his ever loving mine.
he wants boys made into girls ( bet he like that ) how America can put up with this lawless government is very hard to believe.. lets try this change,, hunter as a trans prostitute so he can smoke crack and not use daddys credit card to pay the bill
Biden and the Democrats have all joined with Lucifer and his demons. Everything they are doing and authorizing is against God’s laws. They think they can change what God has said, well, that isn’t going to happen, because God doesn’t change His mind or HIs ways. If they don’t change their ways they need to remember that hell is really, really hot.