Have you noticed how scripted the criticism of Donald Trump has seen since the 2022 midterms? Pundits who were, in a best-case scenario, lukewarm toward Donald Trump all along keep telling us that Republican losses were all Trump’s fault. “The GOP is SO DONE with Donald Trump!”
These people do not and never will feel the same sense of loyalty toward President Trump as most Americans from the forgotten and devastated former middle class. And if you think Donald Trump’s influence on American political life has diminished, you need to take a closer look at what happened in 2022.
First, what impact did President Trump’s endorsement have on the races this year?
224 of his 241 primary election picks won their races – a 92% success rate. 208 of his 254 general election picks won their races – an 86% success rate. That doesn’t sound like failure. Trump continues to shift the legislative bodies to the right, as his endorsement helped many flagging campaigns across the finish line and on to victory. Trump’s endorsement did this despite Kevin McCarthy and Mitch McConnell taking money from Democrat Sam Bankman-Fried, the disgraced ultra-liberal head of FTX, to defeat MAGA candidates in the primaries.
What impact did Donald Trump’s America First rallies have on the 2022 midterms?
Well, the first obvious observation is that Republicans beat Democrats in the popular vote for the first time that I can remember in my lifetime. Our turnout beat the Democrats by about 3.5 million votes – a 3% margin of victory. The anti-Trump RINOs can’t have their cake and eat it too. If the 2022 midterms’ lack of a red wave is Trump’s fault, then why was turnout massively increased in areas where Trump held rallies?
More importantly, why did Republicans win back the House, if not for Trump? Was it Kevin McCarthy’s tired talking points about cutting taxes? Or Kevin McCarthy’s PROMISE that the GOP would not engage in political gamesmanship by impeaching Joe Biden? McCarthy’s base WANTS Joe Biden impeached. If they don’t impeach Biden at least 3 times in the next 2 years, they’re not even trying.
And if McCarthy’s performance was milquetoast at best, Sen. Lindsay Graham’s (R-SC) was an exercise in backstabbing. He proposed a nationwide abortion ban in October. Don’t get me wrong. I’m in favor of a nationwide abortion ban. I’m in favor of using a woodchipper as the penalty for anyone who performs an abortion. But everyone knew a nationwide abortion ban wasn’t going to pass this year, and that there was no way Joe Biden would sign it into law. It was nothing more than a political stunt to help increase Democrat voter turnout, in a year when Lindsay Graham and Mitch McConnell were not up for reelection. If you’re not in control of the House, the Senate, or the White House, maybe hold off on the nationwide abortion ban until later? Just a thought!
And what about the overall demographic shift in the electorate, which was driven by Trump in the 2022 midterms?
Comparing this year’s midterms to the 2018 midterms, GOP support among white women and white men increased 7%. GOP support among black women increased by 7%. GOP support among black men increased by 11%. GOP support among Hispanic women increased by 13%. And GOP support among Hispanic men increased by an astonishing 21%.
Those shifts did not happen because Sen. Thom Tillis (R-NC) was pushing amnesty for illegal aliens during the biggest border invasion in human history. Those shifts happen because all of those demographics realize that life was much, much better for them two years ago under Donald Trump than they are today under the Democrats. We’ve never had such a tremendous contrast before in our lifetimes as the one seen between Trump and Creepy Joe.
We had peace, prosperity, jobs, energy independence, a rip-roaring economy and low immigration rates under Trump. We have economic devastation, pointless wars with Russia (and soon China), poverty, runaway inflation, mass casualties from the Biden vaccine mandates, gas is $5 a gallon and no southern border at all.
Sure, cheating played a role in the GOP not performing better in 2022. But all of the major gains that Republicans made in the midterms can be traced back to one person. And he’s running in 2024, whether the RINO geniuses like it or not.
We have way too many Rino’s in the republican party that love the swamp, that’s where the money and power is, and that was one thing Trump wanted to take down. This is why these people hate Trump, he doesn’t play by their rules.
DJT has it ALL on the whole bunch.
They have plenty to lose.
Especially when it comes to the punishment for treason.
Rodney your comment is so correct. The Rhinos have destroyed the GOP. As a result I have pulled away from the party.
The haters of President Trump will have their eyes open.If God has chosen this man all you haters keep your eyes open.You will not succeed in your evil plots
If you are a Trump hater, why you still in America? If you support these politicians that are RINO, OR DEMOCRAT dud you visit your local hardware store? Did you buy YOUR OWN BALLS AND CHAIN? There NOTHING even been accomplished by these people. Not even under OBAMA! Take a good look around you. I can tell you everything that is being push by DEMOCRAT POLITICIANS AND RINO doesn’t add up to the VALUE OF LIVING IN AMERICA
Yes, we have to wonder just how bad things have to get before the voters will open their eyes.
Donald Trump would’ve traded the arms dealer for the Marine Whalen.
Joey was offered Whalen, but picked the pot smoking basketball lesbian instead.
Identity politics at its best!!
This pompous ass in the White House is a nightmare that won’t end!!
If he even considers doing something, it turns to shit….ANYTHING, I’ve never seen a worse person in the presidency since I’ve been alive. Two more years of this and there won’t be a goddamned thing left here. I’m putting my seatbelt in just a little tighter just in case.
The Whalen family now knows the “Real Joe”, they must be devastated
I am 66 and Trump was the only president in my lifetime other than maybe JFK who was for America first and the people here. Trump isn’t one of the swamp dwellers so they hate him for it. He also speaks his mind and doesn’t care whether it offends Democrats or Rino’s. As far as I am concerned if you’re a politician in this country and you’re not for America first then you are a TRAITOR. And that goes for the overwhelming majority of Democrats and all the Rino’s. You’re stinking scum!
I agree with this post. To the Democrats and RINOS: if you’re not for America, you’re against us. And if you’re against us, you’re the enemy, and should be treated as such. You can’t frame Trump tightly enough with your bogus charges and leftist rhetoric for us to accept his denial as a candidate in ‘24, nor will you perpetrate another steal. Enough damage has been done by this senile, corrupt president that if the country permits another Democrat regime, it will not survive.
Creepy Joe is a paid for fool who doesn’t care 1 bit for the American citizen. He has enriched himself and his family with millions from foreign governments and socialists. When the bs hits the fan, and someday it will he and his minions will be pushed aside and prosecuted for their crimes against our the Legal citizens of this country. We also need to stop funding the colleges who teach un-American dogma to our students. They need to be taught that their feelings will be hurt and need to develop their own thick skin to succeed in this Great country.
Yes and his crimes have made Biden and his family a danger to the security of this country. Biden, his son and brother need to be tried for treason.
President Trump was great president. Biden
is a thief and a traitor along with most of his family. McConnell is a snake and probably would qualify as a traitor
because of his stand with China. Romney and Cheney are low life worthless trash. McConnell is the blame for loses in mid terms.
He invested 9 million in Alaska to save the RINO
Murkowski. Wasted money. A Republican was going to win but he wanted to make sure his
RINO buddy prevailed.
Tulsi Gabbard is a class act and showed her class by denouncing the
DemonRAT party. Sinema just recently did
the same.. she and Joe Manchin caved on the bill that is destroying this country. I believe both of them regret their decision. Manchin and Sinema both need to register as Republicans and perhaps one more
to save this country from
Joe Biden and his Communist policies.
Obama is probably calling the shots and he is a dog. He campaigned for Fetterman who is mentally more challenged than Biden.
He campaigned for Warnock and all of his baggage. I don’t know how good Walker might have been but he deserved the chance.
Finally what happened
in Arizona with Kari Lake and possibly Blake Masters is beyond TREASON..
Hobbs was complicit in
voter suppression..extortion thru her threats..and won NOTHING..THE STEAL WAS ON..
This particular race is black and white. Install
Lake as governor..and perhaps Masters too.
Prosecute Hobbs and everyone else found to be complicit.
Being a Democrat or a Republican is a choice..
being an American is a
gift…if you support stealing elections..leaving a Marine in prison while you bring an American
hating piece of shit home..giving reparations to people who have never been a slave..
you think it is okay to groom children and allow minors to be sexually exploited..
find it okay to allow millions of undocumented ILLEGALS
to enter our country and
add to the financial burden we face…or think it was okay for Biden to give 600-700 per week for those who did not work by choice.
The only thing that will save us now is God’s intervention…
About time, a sensible dialogue is presented in behalf of DJ Trump.
The Republican Party is to blame for the Republican Party, Rhino patriotism, most are too stupid to realize, If they don’t work together as one voice,and place one America First, America
As we know it, will be over.
No one ever mentions the struggle for the soul of the GOP. It’s between the historical “get along to go along” Republicans and the Populists. Populism acquired a negative context thanks to the mid-20th Century media — the same institutions who asserted Nazism was a right-wing phenomenon (it’s not, it’s a left-wing thing), the very same people who think leftism is some sort of answer to being American in the 21st Century.
At long last, President Trump was elected to the White House, and as of this writing, he remains the titular head of the GOP. DJT is a populist, I’ll leave the readers to figure that claim out. And it turns out that hordes of former Demokrats who’ve migrated to the Republican party are populists, too. I am a life-long Republican, and I now see at my advanced age, why Populism (as opposed to business as usual) is the morally correct course for the GOP to take. Sure, we can still support smaller government and reduced taxation while still taking care of the people of this country. It’s about the philosophy of daily life, having witnessed an exponential rise in government overreach which has now come to a head — very few people can ignore it.