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Global Food Corporations are Weaponizing the Food Supply

The World Business Council for Sustainable Development (WBCSD), a multinational coalition, is coming together to decide (not kidding) which foods are “moral”, and those that are “immoral” and distributing them accordingly.

The WBCSD bills itself as “the premier global, CEO-led community of over 200 of the world’s leading sustainable businesses working collectively to accelerate the system transformations needed for a net zero, nature positive, and more equitable future.”

Amongst their members, are Kellogg’s, Nestlé, Apple, Google, Microsoft and includes World Economic Forum (WEF) front man Klaus Schwab and ex Microsoft CEO Bill Gates.

Gates is one of those billionaires buying up thousands of acres worth of farmland in America and his produce has already infiltrated huge franchises like McDonald’s, who use Gates’ potatoes for their fries.

“The new framework for assessing the globalist’s approval of various food items is titled ‘The True Value of Food: A powerful aid to business decision-making,’” reported Human Events, as relayed by Blacklisted News.

“It is presented in a document complete with photos of objectively bland looking, plant-based food. Its introduction contends that ‘there is a problem’ with the current food system.”

What that means is, they want to take away our freedom to choose what us peasants can eat and decide for us. They want GMO food, they want to make us all vegan and force us all to eat soy instead of meat.

Why? Because apparently cows farts are so dangerous they’re causing climate change. They want us to eat bugs instead.

Bill Gates was giving an interview on how he supports a plan to “fight climate change” by turning our own feces into our drinking water.

That’s what they want. For us to drink our own excrement…..and be happy about it.

“You will own nothing, and you will be happy”, this according to Klaus Schwab. In his idea of utopia, the population is around 500 million and everyone lives on the grid, controlled by artificial intelligence, eating bugs and complying. Helpless, hopeless, Godless.

WBCSD insists that the current food system we have, is harmful to the planet and responsible for “one of the largest sources of greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions and biodiversity loss.” This, the group further claims, “perpetuates inequality.”

These are the same people who own the very corporations, that have been pumping everyone full of chemicals, in the first place. But of course it’s not their fault, it’s our fault.

“A transformation in how we produce and consume food is an imperative to sustain a global population of 8 to 11 billion people,” the WBCSD said.

“This transformation has already begun and will accelerate over the next decade … True Value of Food (TVoF) analyses incorporates the direct and indirect positive and negative impacts associated with a product from farm to fork.”

WBCSD even thinks chocolate is not sustainable because of the “socio-economic cost.” It’s been written in the groups manifesto that they would like to shift everyone to “an oatmilk porridge.”

The best a person can do for themselves is grow their own food, it’s quite clear that the powers that be, plan to control the world’s population by any means necessary.

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6 thoughts on “Global Food Corporations are Weaponizing the Food Supply”

  1. Such a ghoulish update!
    Keep alert, whatever you do! Find home-grown if possible –
    Reading labels will not be sufficient…
    Take care of yourself!

  2. Read about the incoming mayor of New York!! There is not a box of cream cheese to be found! He is a vegan and says he’s going to change the way we eat and what we eat. Who the hell are these people to tell us what we can, and cannot eat? He’s the new Michele Obama!!! I’m sick to death of being told what we MUST do. These liberal nut jobs need to be stopped… NOW!!!!!

  3. The mentally, morally, and spiritually deficient Lie-beral Demonocrats are suffering from the insanity of satanity whose only expertise is bullshitology, masked under the cloak of self righteousness. They have the Look-At-Me-See-How-Nice-I-Am Syndrome AND ARE FUGITIVES FROM TRUTH !

  4. Grow your own food, Raise your own livestock. Fish & Hunt. Smoke & Can. Won’t be a need to go to a store except to get TP. demonrats rely on Conservatives to supply them with food , CUT THEM OFF.

  5. God created everything. He gave us all the food we would need. We do not need our food genetically modifed. Much of it is already and they do not have to label it. Just look what Monsanto did with seeds. Genetically modified them and so, you must purchase more seeds the following year, because genetically modified seeds do not regenerate. Many poor people in foreign countries purchased these seeds and were unable to sustain there food supply. They had little money to purchase new seeds..

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