There were many facets that contributed to the 2020 election being stolen from the American people. One of the dirtiest tricks that was pulled was when a group of 51 former intelligence officers, including multiple former CIA Directors, abused their security clearances to lie about Hunter Biden’s “laptop from hell.”
These people signed their name to a lie that claimed the laptop had “all the hallmarks of Russian disinformation.” The FBI had known the laptop was authentic since 2019.
Fortunately, House Republicans are now moving to yank the security clearances from all 51 of these proven liars.
What these former intelligence officers did was no small thing. Because they still have security clearances, millions of voters were duped into thinking that the laptop was Russian disinformation and could be disregarded. Surveys of 2020 Biden voters have shown that 17% of them would not have voted for Joe Biden if they had known the laptop was real. That would have resulted in Joe Biden only pulling in about 65 million votes, even after they injected all the fake ballots into the system. Trump would have won by 10 million votes or more, because the Democrats would have run out of dead voters and fraudulent voter registrations by then.
Some people believed the 51 liars, specifically because of their status as former intel officers. They all have security clearances, so a lot of voters though, “Well, they must know something.”
The House Appropriations Subcommittee on Defense is working on a defense spending bill right now. Republicans on that committee are moving to strip the security clearances from the 51 liars in that bill. A policy rider added to the bill would prohibit any funding to grant, renew, or maintain a security clearance for every liar who signed their name to that letter back in 2020.
The letter specifically stated, “The Russian government played a significant role in this case.” That’s not an ambiguous statement. There’s no maybe-they-did, maybe-they-didn’t to a statement like that. The media and Democrats are now claiming that the 51 intel liars didn’t specifically say in the letter that it was Russian disinformation. While that’s partially true, many of the former intel officers ran to CNN and MSNBC and said it explicitly. This includes former CIA Directors Mike Hayden, Leon Panetta and John Brennan.
The letter from the intel liars was the impetus for social media companies to completely suppress the story. Twitter locked the New York Post, one of the oldest newspapers in the USA, out of its account for two weeks to hide the truth from the voters. That happened under the previous ownership, before Elon Musk took over.
The story was suppressed under the guise of protecting people from “disinformation,” which the CDC says is the leading cause of death among people who have taken the COVID vaccines.
It was two years later when the Washington Post finally hired security experts who quickly and easily authenticated the emails from Hunter’s laptop. It was all real, including all of the revelations that Joe and Hunter Biden operated a pay-to-play scheme with multiple countries, including Russia, Ukraine, China, Romania and Kazakhstan.
Rep. Betty McCollum (D-MN) pitched a fit when Republicans started moving to strip the security clearances from the liars. She whined, “Is it the role of this committee to ban individuals from having security clearances for signing their name to a letter — expressing their opinions as ordained in the Constitution?”
Ordained in the Constitution? They LIED to benefit one political party and to meddle in a presidential election! That’s not ordained in the Constitution. In fact, because those 51 individuals still have security clearances, they were legally acting as agents of the federal government in issuing that “opinion.” Technically, they could all probably be prosecuted under the Hatch Act. Since the Justice Department won’t do that, Republicans can at least yank their security clearances away.
The only reason these guys keep security clearances after they leave office is so they can score big-money jobs with defense contractors or as talking heads on MSNBC, CNN and Fox News. Most people would agree that they deserve to be punished for what they did, rather than be rewarded by continuing to retain their security clearances. What are they doing with security clearances at this point anyway? Strip them all away.
No rush.
I wonder if the wheels in our system of government can possibly turn any slower.
If the ’24 election turns out as it should, they may turn a lot faster.
“Biden” Criminal Enterprise.
… That handbasket …
Just a slap and the hand for these kind of people .When will our Nation do something about ALL of these law-breakers ??
Let’s see how many Democrats will sign on to this knowing that the authenticity of Hunter’s laptop is now public knowledge. Do your job, congress. This should be interesting.
Stolen elections have consequences!
The 51 Liars should be put in prison for 20 years. For Election Interference.
Spot on, hard labor in the slammer for every one of them.
I agree, until they get paraded in handcuffs nothing changes
For all the far left A$$HOLES who still think Hunters Lap Top is bogus, wake up and pull your head out of your A$$. Creepy Joe has yet to do that also. If no one out there thinks there is civil unrest coming, Get ready. The Disease is coming from the TOP. They will like being fried in GITMO!
It is quite baffling to me in how much further than just in DC the corruption has grown. The many “Storos funded” judges and AGs around the country are so politically biased as well. When will that get looked at??? Depending on where your court case gets heard, if you aren’t a Democrat, you are screwed before you even attempt to defend yourself.
Not only the “51” need jail time, how about the “mainstream media” who knew better, yet marched on with it as well??
It’s disgusting the road this country is on!!
Anyone with any “intelligence” would’t have collaborated with that DemoKKKRAT smear against DJT, but money and power usually overrule any rational thought. All of those “51” traitors all need to be in jail. Hitting them in the wallet is the next best thing. Why do these people retain security clearances anyway? Silly me, they’re part of the “Deep State” and the Military/Industrial complex.
Fine great! What about the politicians that made up that lie. What about the politicians that kept it going as fact? What about all the news media that made sure everyone in the world knew it. What about all the crap the Trump family had to go through? What about all the expense the Trump family had to spend to save their name from lies? There has to be TOUGH consequences for all. It has to be made public. This crap has not stopped yet!! More lies, made up stuff and they are doing anything they can still bring him down including going after all his friends, business partners, his family and more. WHO IS NEXT BRANDON!!! If they convict Trump of one crime then they better get ready to INDICT THE BIDENS and their friends, their business partners, lawyers and anyone else.
The committee needs to publicize the origins of this “Russia, russia, russia” cabal. The 51 scrots that signed the blinken letter should be prosecuted for interference and their clearances pulled. Durham made it perfectly clear that the origins of this whole “smear campaign” to target Trump45 and his people was “originated” by hillary clinton and her cell of communists who created the structure, the payment and coordination to attack our constitutional republic’s presidential election. Biden’s conspirators should be exposed and prosecuted in order to “right the wrong” which has denigrated our nation and persecuted one of our greatest Presidents, Donald J Trump.
They all deserve to be stripped of their clearance, pensions and rights. All deserve at least 15 years in prison…….each.
The 51 not so inteligent security expets should be stripped of all security matters and fined for their stupidiy
Really a dumb question to ask Mary McCollum! Did you read the OATH OF OFFICE? From what everyone else see is YOU DEMOCRAT ARE VIOLATION YOUR OATH! What happened? I tell you what happened you think you do NOT HAVE TO FOLLOW THE CONSTITUTION LAWS! BECAUSE YOU SUPPORT “BIG GOVERNMENT ” DEMOCRACY! That why you democrats and RINO are breaking laws! Yes it the job of the HOUSE COMMITTEE TO HOLD YOU AND OTHER RESPONSIBILITIES FOR YOUR ACTIONS! These 51 fools were doing a DISHONEST THING TO PROTECT A 48 YEARS CRIMINAL! Biden should NEVER been re- elected by the fools in Delaware! But who know why democrats have to STEAL AN ELECTION? It is due to protecting those who are STEALING OR SELLING OUT AMERICA?
how is it that biden remains in the White House with all garbage that comes out of him and his administration. we all know full well that the 2020 election was rigged to put biden into the White House. we also know that biden is obamas lap dog and is beholding to him. Why else would obama stay in DC. with pelosis hatred for President Trump, she and obama crafted all of the events to try and bring him down and they have failed at every turn. Yet our corrupt democratic congress has turned a blind eye to everything and they know full well that President Trump was the rightful winner of the 2020 election and they still fail to acknowledge the fact and remove biden from the White House and put President Trump back in The 2024 election will prove once again that Americans want him in the White House.
I feel that Biden must be impeached, but I also feel that by the Republican Congress holding back from seeking impeachment this will only help President Trump to get back in the Whitehouse in 2024. The charges against President Trump are fake. I’ve asked the Lord that if Trump is innocent, please let him and his family. God Bless America.
I meant I asked the Lord to please help President Trump and his Family and keep them safe if Trump is innocent.
The 51 LIARS definitely need their security clearances revoked along with their government pensions and government benefits. Why should the American Taxpayer foot the bill for someone who is ANTI-AMERICAN? Vote Republican in 2024.
That is not enough! ALL the liars that said that it was a Russian disinformation, EVERYONE SINGLE ONE should be arrested and jailed! To just take away security clearances of all retired or former agents is a joke. Their clearances should be revoked once they leave office. At any time they can become agents for other countries like China. EVERYONE in Congress that said this was true should be arrested! They lied and lied and continue to lie about this. If we do not clean all this mess up now, the government will fall apart. WE MUST see justice done. Not all this, they will get that done to them and that and NEVER seen it followed through. Just promises OH they will get it now or Biden did it now, Biden is in trouble and nothing NEVER HAPPENS! NEVER! Biden has committed treason MULTIPLE times. FACT! BIDEN broke his oath of office and nothing happens. Communism is allowed to flourish, nothing is done! Medias lie and cover up and nothing is done! If this continues and nothing is done now about the drugs in the WH. I swear, the American CITIZENS will revolt! Clean up your house quickly because true Americans are screaming with their mouths closed. It is building. They interfered in an election!!!! The 2020 elections should be thrown out! Every Democrat that used it to get elected should be thrown out! Biden needs to be thrown out NOW! Then his VP to follow! If they both can be combined for an impeachment, then do it! Democrats should be running from being associated with this scandal. Now with the drugs, Democrats run fast from this party of Communism! Condemn all of this.
I’d like to see their Cush government pensions yanked!