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IRS Whistleblower Says Biden Prosecutors Protecting Hunter Biden

Imagine how quiet things would be in the country right now, if federal prosecutors had given President Trump and his family the benefit of the doubt for the past 8 years. Let alone preferential treatment against prosecution! A decorated senior IRS investigator has contacted Congress asking for whistleblower protection from Joe Biden and his Attorney General Merrick Garland.

That IRS investigator says that Biden appointees in the DOJ have been covering up for Hunter Biden on massive tax violations, and he wants Congress to know about it.

The IRS agent wants to provide details and evidence regarding a “high-profile, sensitive case” (it’s the Hunter Biden case, which the whistleblower request never says) to the tax-writing committees in Congress. Those committees have special privileges that allow them to see individual tax returns and other evidence.


Just the News has confirmed that this is the Hunter Biden case, because it’s being led by US Attorney David Weiss, who is a Trump holdover that is only involved on one case—Hunter Biden’s alleged tax cheating. The IRS agent, whose identity is still hidden because he doesn’t have congressional whistleblower protections yet, is being represented by an attorney named Mark Lytle.

Lytle sent a letter to Republicans and Democrats on the appropriate committees this week stating:

“The protected disclosures: (l) contradict sworn testimony to Congress by a senior political appointee, (2) involve failure to mitigate clear conflicts of interest in the ultimate disposition of the case, and (3) detail examples of preferential treatment and politics improperly infecting decisions and protocols that would normally be followed by career law enforcement professionals in similar circumstances if the subject were not politically connected.”

We can make educated guesses on some of this stuff. The “senior political appointee” who lied under oath to Congress is Attorney General Merrick Garland. The “conflicts of interest” are going to be any of Biden’s appointees who have attached themselves to the Hunter investigation and are running cover for him. The “preferential treatment and politics” is, to paraphrase Adam Schiff on the Russia collusion hoax, sort of sitting out there in plain sight for everyone to see.

It’s not shocking to anyone that Hunter Biden is receiving preferential treatment. The FBI has had his laptop since 2019. And we all know that the laptop is filled to the brim with videos of Hunter Biden engaging in multinational sex trafficking and narcotics trafficking. We’re talking about a guy who left his crack pipe, his ID and his iPhone in a rental car when he returned it in Arizona in 2016. Not exactly a criminal mastermind!

The IRS agent who has been investigating Hunter Biden has a stellar record of investing tax crimes all around the world. He’s won several awards for his work and was supposedly involved in the Swiss Bank prosecutions a few years ago. So, it sounds like he knows his stuff.

Insiders are saying the disclosures the IRS agent wants to share involve improper politicization inside the Justice Department and FBI headquarters. Which means that the IRS has found evidence that Hunter should be prosecuted for, but the case keeps running into a brick wall when Merrick Garland’s people get their hands on it.

Career IRS investigators have recommended that Hunter Biden be indicted for tax crimes. Career prosecutors in the DOJ tax division have agreed with that assessment, according to the whistleblower’s attorney. But the evidence allegedly shows that at least two Biden political appointees in the Department of Justice have declined to prosecute Hunter Biden.

Weiss—the Trump-appointed US Attorney handling the Hunter Biden case—specifically requested to be named a special prosecutor, because that would give him more independent authority to carry out a fair investigation of a high-level, politically charged case like this one. Merrick Garland denied that request, so he can still keep his thumb on the scale in favor of Hunter Biden.

Can you imagine the 24/7 outrage from the media and the Democrats if this was flipped around and Donald Trump, Jr. was being protected by federal prosecutors appointed by President Trump? Antifa would be trying to set the Department of Justice on fire, and the DC cops and the FBI would stand around watching them.

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12 thoughts on “IRS Whistleblower Says Biden Prosecutors Protecting Hunter Biden”

  1. John Solomon is one of the best investigative reporters around. He cannot name the whistleblower at this time.

    1. I understand why a whistle blower can’t be named currently, but I don’t see why they can’t link the source from “just the news” that was mentioned.

    1. It is more like the cockroaches invested in the white House. I hope I live long enough to see them all be stomped on like the dirty bugs they are.

        1. Yes, creepy joe and his criminal family need to be locked up along with the crooked demonrats.
          But we need to forget about this feud between old Joe and arrogant old Donald. We need new and legitimate candidates for our next president.
          Let’s have a fair election and get a good president next.

  2. HUNTER PROSECUTED, YEAH SURE, JUST AS HILLARY AND WHO KNOWS HOW MANY OTHERS, THAT HAVE GOTTEN AWAY WITH blank- blank ACTIVITIES, ” THE SO-CALLED WHITE HOUSE” may be ”The hiding place” of corruption. She stole furniture, paintings, flat ware, and DISTROYED EVEDINCE. Hunter, and his father are not honest people It has been written, yeT! The media is silent, and these liars are protected. Why? my personal guess is—perhaps they are all cognizant of the possibilities’, likened to an article I read many years ago. ”MURDER-IN-THE-FIRST- DEGREE.” So, they ARE silent, these are just my thoughts, and opinions.




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