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Long-Secret Mueller Memo Vindicates Trump – No Obstruction of Justice

A leftwing Soros dark-money group called Citizens for Responsibility and Ethics in Washington (CREW) has been suing the Department of Justice for years. They’re trying to obtain a long-secret memo from Robert Mueller’s Russia collusion witch hunt.

These moonbats have such a bad case of Trump Derangement Syndrome that they’re the ones who have been spreading the conspiracy theory – for years – that Mueller was a secret Russian agent who was helping Trump all along. That’s healthy.

Anyway, that memo has finally been publicly released, and it backfired spectacularly on CREW. Instead of implicating Trump in a crime that Mueller covered up, the memo outlines the fact that the Mueller team knew their “obstruction of justice” claims against Trump were BS all along.


The memo was written in 2019. It explicitly stated that Trump should not be prosecuted for obstruction of justice, because his criticisms of Robert Mueller were VALID. Trump’s attacks on the Mueller probe were motivated by legitimate frustrations and therefore not a crime – according to the Mueller team itself. They said that in writing to former Attorney General Bill Barr. (Funny how Barr never mentioned that.)

This memo concludes that Trump couldn’t be prosecuted for any of his statements about witnesses or the investigating team, without intruding on his legitimate authority as the chief of the Executive branch. As many of us said throughout the Russia collusion hoax, Trump had every right to criticize the Mueller team or even to fire them if he felt like doing so. He was the boss! And we elected him to be the boss. If the chief executive is not in charge of the Department of Justice which is under his authority, then no one is.

That’s why we elect presidents. They’re supposed to run the Executive branch. To claim that it’s obstruction of justice to complain about the DOJ or any other Executive branch agency is to claim that we did not legitimately elect Trump. And we did. By a lot. Twice. Is a president allowed to criticize the Department of Agriculture? How about NASA? If the employees who work under him in any agency are stinking the place up, Trump has every right to tell them to get their act together and criticize them.

Because we ELECTED him to be the boss.

Here’s what the assistant attorney general for the Office of Legal Counsel Steven Engel and Principal Associate Deputy Attorney General Edward O’Callaghan wrote in the memo, dated March 24, 2019:

“Having reviewed the Report in light of the governing legal principles, and the Principles of Federal Prosecution, we conclude that none of those instances would warrant a prosecution for obstruction of justice, without regard to the constitutional constraint on bringing such an action against a sitting president.”

This tells us a couple of things. First, Mueller lied to Congress when he delivered his report. He sat there and testified, “Oh, golly gee, here’s all the obstruction of justice ‘evidence’ that we collected, but it’s not up to me to make a determination on whether to impeach Trump for it. That’s up to the Congress!”

He knew darned good and well that HIS OWN TEAM had determined there was nothing that Trump said or did that rose to the level of obstruction of justice.

Second, it tells us that the DOJ knew that charging Trump with obstruction of justice would be so far out of the ‘standards and norms’ of our country that it would be absolutely unprecedented in US history. It would be like… oh, I don’t know… raiding a former president’s home for documents that the government mailed to him after he left office or something.

You can just imagine what the moonbats at Crew are thinking now that they’ve finally gotten this memo released and it once again exonerates President Trump. “See! That PROVES that Mueller was working for Putin all along!”

Bill “Bag of Donuts” Barr could have released this memo three years ago, but for some reason decided not to. If Trump had known of the memo’s existence, there’s no doubt that he would have declassified it and released it. Instead, we had to wait three years to even learn of its existence. Oh, and by the way, how’s that Durham investigation coming along, anyway? Any day now, right?

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19 thoughts on “Long-Secret Mueller Memo Vindicates Trump – No Obstruction of Justice”

    1. Simply because a “very achieving businessman, an outsider of the political realm, a lover of the country, a TRUTH SAYER, a man who fulfilled all his promises, showed the “””professional LIARS in politics, that things could be done FOR THE PEOPLE, and not for the pockets and corruption, the HATE of all the pro liars is destroying the country…
      By LIARS read Lawyers…..

    2. This bad movie will end when there are no corrupt lying people in our federal govt! Or when Hell freezes over!!

      FYI: This unprecedented “Hatred” for our President Trump started with Nancy Pelosi (who is the instigator of the Jan 6 Break In — NOT DJT WHO SHE WAS TRYING TO FRAME FOR THE MESS HER BLM AND ANTIFA MEMBERS MADE — PLUS PELOSI’s RESPONSIBILITY FOR THE DEATH OF ASHLEY BABBITT, AN INNOCENT BYSTANDER DOING ABSOLUTELY NOTHING AGGRESSIVE! I know, because I was watching a live video of the event and actually saw Ashley get shot and slump down when she was just standing watching things!) Ashleyy was definitely
      I N N O C E N T and her death falls on Pelosi’s shoulders 100%! Thus the HATRED GREW FROM PELOSI AS SHE POISONED OTHERS IN THE ADMINISTRATION AGAINST DJT!

      You can continue to go after DJT; you can continue to try to destroy his reputation; you can try to accuse him of heinous acts (something you idiots would have naturally done yourselves); however, dem dingbats, sane and intellectually intelligent Americans KNOW WHO DJT REALLY IS — SOMEONE AS DIFFERENT AS YOU/YOUR POLITICAL PARTY AS LIKE THE SUN VS URANUS — DJT being the Sun!! As hard as you try to disrespect that man, the more his supporters RESPECT WHO HE IS — a man who puts his Nation and Countrymen before his own desires and wants to make sure we are strong, Protected, Economically Solvent, and Proud to be AMERICAN!!

      You pathetic “dem dingbats” are the droppings in a bat cave because you have no idea of what that kind of Loyalty entails! So understand this: all your disrespectful behavior towards DJT just comes back and gut punches you to the floor! If you keep this behavior up, the whole world will see the reality that the delusional democrat party is made up of nothing but masochists — and not one smart one in the bunch, starting with Nancy Pelosi! Wonder how she sleeps at night with Ashley’s Spirit dancing on her pillow!!

      1. Yes, Micacla, to all you wrote. I cannot believe the blindness, anger, and stupidity of those that can’t understand what going on. No conspiracy, either.

    3. If we hadn’t had Trump, we would have had the bad movie without knowing it, and it constantly worsening. WITH TRUMP, we know about the bad movies but also know finally someone was fighting to get them turned off. Yes, it’s awful to know about all the crooks and crooked Agency monsters, and it is exhausting to hear about the battle going on against them and their continuation, which we would have had either way. Just ask parents at school board elections, censorship, armed raids against companies trying to get truth uncovered. Ask Project Veritas and all of the people who are being treated by Socialist and Communist/ Autocratic methods to harm you.

      I am thankful, as we all should be, that Trump came and decided NOT TO SIT BACK and overlook CORRUPTION. That he knew it had to change for all our sakes, and rarely had anyone done anything about it. He put himself in front and went for it, and they descended upon him, his family, his trusted Cabinet and friends, trying to destroy them. Are STILL TRYING TO. NOT A DAY GOES BY WITHOUT SIGNS OF IT. But they are going after us, the common citizen, more than him sometimes.
      He won’t live forever, but they know damage they can do to America and Americans will go on for many decades. I appreciate Trump being willing to stand in front and run interference to help us and fight down the Deep State.

    4. Sorry to disillusion you even more, it never ends. Socialism is a terminal disease. It spreads and grows until it controls every minute detail in peoples lives. Then the rot sets in. Socialism have nowhere to go when it owns 100% power so the burden of lies, hate, stupidity, arrogance and incompetence will make society collaps. Then someting new can emerge, hopefully better. But socialism has a way op popping up again like a zombie in a horror movie.

    5. When we absolutely CRUSH the democrats at the polls. Then we prosecute them for all the crap that they have done for the last decade or so.

  1. All this Trump harassment simple because he wanted to put America first. Obama started this one world B.S. and Trump was pulling us back away from it. Sleepy joey, is here to finish us off for China.

    1. You are right, and I’m getting more and more pissed off every day. I have friends and even a sister who are liberal and I find it harder and harder to bite my tongue when they voice their stupid opinions.

    2. Then we better not elect Michelle if you dont want another Obama pres. as he would be calling every deed and action. He is a snake as Biden is also.

  2. well that beats all We the People already Knww Trump was Innocent and now the “left” AKA Commies have proved it

    1. The FBI is clearly very one sided politically driven. It really came out during H. Clinton’s criminal ways and they have seemed to have been joined at the hip to all top Democratic Socialists. Clinton had classified info and documents at home, she lied to Congress about it, tried to and thought she had destroyed these documents (all was proven), she even removed (Stealing items from Our White House, items belonging to all Americans and She is still walking Free with a Security Clearance she should Never had been allowed to keep and even running for President. She is an Evil lying person and a very dangerous person. The Democratic puppets in the FBI needs to be guilted by an honest Attorney General NOW!

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