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Looks Like ‘Pedo Peter’s’ Days in the White House Are Numbered

America is probably going to have another unelected person sitting in the White House very soon. Too many dominoes in the case against mob boss Joe Biden have now fallen. Late last week, House Oversight Committee Chairman James Comer announced that the committee has uncovered evidence that Joe Biden was using at least three pseudonyms when he was Barack Obama’s vice president.

These pseudonyms all had their own non-government-issued cellphones and email addresses that were not a part of the public record. The walls are closing in! It’s the beginning of the end of Joe Biden!

Well, we hope it is. Rep. Comer announced that Joe Biden was using the pseudonyms JRB Ware, Robin Ware, and Robert L. Peters as he conducted illegal business in his family bribery-and-shakedown business. As we’ve mentioned previously, there is no possible way that Hunter Biden was the crime boss running the family business. He’s a barely functional retard with no skills.


And don’t be fooled by the doddering puppet in the White House these days. Yes, Joe Biden is a mentally defective dementia patient who only becomes animated when small children are nearby today. But he was sharper when he was Obama’s vice president. That’s when all of the bribery and collections from Russia, China, Ukraine, Kazakhstan and Romania took place.

Those are just the countries that we know the Bidens raked in $20 million worth of bribes from. Comer estimates the grand total in bribes will be closer to $40 million by the time they unravel the entire criminal enterprise.

JRB Ware is a pretty obvious fake name: Joseph Robinette Biden, JRB. “Robin” Ware is a variation of Biden’s middle name. The Robert L. Peters fake name is an interesting one.

If you think back a few years, as the Hunter Biden laptop saga was unfolding, it was discovered that a contact saved in Hunter’s cellphone was called “Pedo Peter.” Because the Bidens are such classy people, they threw one of their teenage granddaughters under the bus, claiming that it was a family nickname for her and it DEFINITELY wasn’t a moniker that they used for Joe Biden, who took showers with his own daughter.


It never made sense that it was a teenage granddaughter’s nickname. Teenage girls are insecure enough as it is, so why would a family give one the nickname “Pedo?”

But with the Robert L. Peters pseudonym now exposed, it all makes perfect sense. Hunter Biden saved his dad’s secret identity in his phone as Pedo Peter. He must really like his dad!

We’ve speculated in the past that Hunter and Ashley Biden were acting out psychological cries for help in the run-up to the 2020 election. Hunter “forgot” his laptop just like Ashley “forgot” her diary with all the perverted molestation bombshells in it about her father. Were they trying to warn the American voters that their father is a creepy weirdo who likes to molest kids?

The other explanation that is equally plausible is that Hunter and Ashley Biden are a couple of entitled, rich drug addict kids who just leave important stuff lying around.

Anyway, Joe’s going to be done very soon. Which is a problem for the Democrats, because everyone knows that Kamala’s poll numbers are even lower than Joe’s. If Kamala is the Democrat nominee in 2024, Trump will sail into the White House to begin the Great Vengeance Tour. They have to get rid of her first.

California Governor Gavin Newsom (D-Hairgel) is putting the hard sell on Sen. Dianne Feinstein’s family to get her to step down right now. If that happens, the plan is for Newsom to appoint Harris to Feinstein’s Senate seat, so Joe can nominate Gavin to be his new vice president, and then Joe Biden will step down for health reasons. This is a real plan, by the way. We’re not speculating and it’s not an internet rumor.

For the past few months, the plan has been to get Joe to “gracefully” step down so he can head to the glue factory—but only after Kamala is somehow removed first. If she ends up in the White House now, she’ll definitely try to be the nominee. With her out of the way, it clears the path for Gavin Newsom and Susan Rice to swoop in and try to begin Barack Obama’s fourth term in office.

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18 thoughts on “Looks Like ‘Pedo Peter’s’ Days in the White House Are Numbered”

  1. How much more evidence against the Biden’s has to come to lite not only in black and white, but by
    his own words and yet President Trump keeps getting the brunt of all this and more on behalf of
    at least 50% of all Americans, it’s been like watching one of those old western movies of the
    late 40s/early 50s and I for one am sick and tired
    of all these bogus indictments against the wrong
    person and it’s way past time to clean up this mess and get our great country back on track for all Americans, ok Republicans?

    1. I totally agree. Old Joe needs to be locked up for the rest of his life and his family needs to be prosecuted to the full extent that laws provide. Enough is Enough! His horrible administration has put my financial future in dyer straights.

  2. Do you remember what Obama said? “I will fundamentally change this country.”
    You don’t believe it? Well he has had 3 terms and is attempting to run for a fourth. The question is: Are we going to stop this horrible destruction of the USA, or are we just going to give It away?
    I, for one, will never give up or give in to the treasonous actions of the Chinese controlled Demonrats. They can all burn in hell.


  3. Hoo-BOY! And the Democrats are accusing Trump of bad stuff? What Trump did was small potatos compared to this stuff. Hang Biden out to dry, and take Harris with him.

  4. I truly hope that Americans will keep reaching out to their elected officials and let them know how they feel. I am concerned that at this point people are so disgusted that they are either numb and tuned out, or so angry that they are down to their last nerve.
    And I keep hearing on alternative news that it is only going to get WORSE.
    Sad times for our once great nation…..

    1. These republicans need to get off their lazy asses and clean out these good for nothing democrats before all of america is gone to hell.

      1. The Republicans that need to get off their asses are the Republican Voters ! Everyone of us needs to get out & vote, so THEY can’t cheat enough to be able to “win”. It’s so easy to put the blame on someone else, but, in the long run, it is up to ALL of US !

  5. I do believe this insane behavior has gone on for far too long!!
    Pedo politicians are ruining AMERICA,
    Craziness abounds in “ our “White House we are in need of an “adult” in the room!!
    Everyone wants the issue of Hunter rectified, to actually do this would only result in his being pardoned, we need to take out the Biden regime!
    This practice of allowing trans to violate young woman is absurd, be a man. Own up to your gender and stop identifying as “ whatever” , let’s get real and realize that government and science has got to stop with the ignorant actions of chemical warfare, ie: deadly vaccinations , and gain of function, stop playing god and accept him into your life!!!
    Also the ideal that politicians are paying to obtain a position , leading our country, and begging for citizens to fund their ability to get rich off , trying to make America , a great leader once again, just get elected and do the job you were chosen to perform!!
    Stop all the drama and asinine witch hunts it’s gotten quite old!!WILL AN ADULT PLEASE STAND AND DELIVER!!!!

  6. It is time for the republicans to get off their seats, and on their feet and do something other than talk. With having control of congress, they need to start defunding the alphabet agencies and going after the biden’s, obama’s and Clinton’s, along with stopping Soros. What are they afraid of? More and more people are leaving the demonrat party and going Republican. Take advantage of that!

    1. May if some of these republicans had some balls they might get something done other then sit and play with themselves all day

    2. Sorry to say, but the Democraps are still in control of the Senate, only by a small margin though. If Republicans can gain control of the Senate they will have a majority in Congress. But that won’t happen until the 2024 election cycle. I believe Republicans have enough evidence against Biden to initiate impeachment proceedings, they just need to get off their asses and get the job done.

  7. Republicans, per se, are adhering to the idea that the party is civilized, so we must act civilized even though the Dems are not civil. If the party doesn’t give back what they get from Dems, there will always be Dems in charge. Dems are bully’s, so bully them back.

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