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Marjorie Taylor Greene Threatens Biden Officials for Ignoring Sex Trafficking Victims

Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene (R-GA) refuses to back down on the corruption at the Department of Justice, the FBI and the Biden White House. The many, many prostitutes that Hunter Biden was cavorting with on his laptop videos are all victims. When we used to be an honest country, we called this exactly what it is: Human Trafficking.

Every single one of those girls on Hunter’s laptop is a victim of human trafficking, and in many cases, the “First Son” transported them across state lines for the purpose of sex. That is a serious felony, and Hunter Biden “allegedly” did it many times.

Rep. Taylor Greene is putting Biden regime officials who are supposed to be doing something about human trafficking on notice. By not defending the rights of those victims, the Biden regime is by extension guilty of human trafficking as well.

Hunter Biden even deducted payments for these trafficked women on his tax returns, according to IRS whistleblowers. During a hearing last week, Rep. Taylor Greene shocked a bunch of stuffy people by holding up pictures of Hunter Biden engaging in sex acts with these trafficked women. (The naughty bits were blacked out.) There’s no question that Hunter Biden did this.


Greene also mentioned to Biden officials that these were violations of the Mann Act, but she didn’t elaborate on what it means. If you’ve never read up on the Mann Act, it’s crazy! Not the act, but what was going on in America at the turn of the 20th century that prompted Congress to draft and pass the act.

Since we’re on the subject of human trafficking this summer, what with the “Sound of Freedom” movie blowing up at the box office and Hunter Biden in the news every day, it’s worth revisiting what led to passage of the Mann Act. To put it mildly, the QAnon “conspiracy theories” are nowhere near as far-fetched as they sound when you read the history of the Mann Act.

The Mann Act 1910 was named after Congressman James Robert Mann (R-IL), who drafted the law.

In the early 1900s, as many as 60,000 American girls were being drugged, kidnapped and forced into prostitution in American cities each year as they were “victimized by a huge, secret and powerful conspiracy controlled by foreigners.” According to historian Mark Thomas Connelly, “A pervasive and depraved conspiracy was at large in the land, brutally trapping and seducing American girls into lives of enforced prostitution.”

That’s literally the QAnon “conspiracy theory,” minus the adrenochrome stuff.

The Mann Act made it illegal to “transport or cause to be transported, or aid to assist in obtaining transportation for” or to “persuade, induce, entice or coerce” a woman to travel for the purposes of prostitution.

Reps. Taylor Greene and James Comer sent an 8-page letter this week to Hilary Azam, National Human Trafficking Coordinator for the Biden regime, and Kristina Rose, Director of the Office for Victims of Crimes, outlining their concerns. These two Justice Department employees specifically are, according to Greene, just as guilty of human trafficking as Hunter Biden if they have ignored the clear proof that he was engaged in these crimes. It’s literally Azam and Rose’s job to ensure justice for victims of human trafficking.

As we’ve seen with all the illegal alien kids vanishing on the Biden regime’s watch, they don’t appear to be very concerned about human trafficking. In fact, it looks like they are the ones who are doing the alleged trafficking.

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10 thoughts on “Marjorie Taylor Greene Threatens Biden Officials for Ignoring Sex Trafficking Victims”

  1. I read that the Cartel targets young women after tailing them for awhile during their work or school routines.
    Be aware of zipties hanging on car door handles. That is a signal of one who is good to kidnap. Also, don’t touch a paper towel shoved under a car door handle.
    They have been found to be laced with Fentanyl,
    and the drugs kick in quickly, so the victim is down and available to be taken in seconds.
    This info provided by a law enforcement officer whose night working daughter was targeted.
    Stay vigilant, and tell your daughters about this!

  2. Interesting! If they jailed Jeffrey for exactly the same thing, why not Hunter. Under Biden Administration disparity in treatment is very obvious to the general public. While Biden remains in office I will not respect or recognize him as a President of America. Tremendous evidence exists that reflects him as nothing but a mobster, who in time (hopefully very soon) will have him pay for all crimes committed since initially being elected as a politician. He must know, he will go down in history as the worse person who held the position of President. Note* I did not say elected President.

    1. I agree! That mobster is in NO way my President and should be arrested, jailed, prosecuted and imprisoned at Gitmo and all his money and properties confiscated, sold and the money put where it will benefit our Veterans and the American taxpayers. He’s also a communist and has been/still is selling out America and her freedoms and he needs to pay for ALL his crimes against America!

    2. totally agree. biden is just the name on the potus. the actual potus has never left DC. biden is just the extension of the obama presidency. biden and pelosi are just lap dogs for obama and continue his agenda of turning America into a third world socialist country. obama thought he deserved a third term as potus. obama was counting on hillary winning the presidential election of 2016 as she was also indebted to obama when Trump won, obama teamed up with pelosi to have him impeached. when all that failed, obama organized the rigged election to put biden in the White House. everything that is happening in America today is related to obama. it was also obama that had the FBI raid Trumps home and to which classified documents to be supposedly found among the Presidential records that Trump was allowed to take from the White House. Classified documents that would get him indicted. obama and pelosi will not not stop in their relentless efforts to keep President Trump out of the White House.

  3. I would bless the day I see that ruthless biden and son Hunter locked up in prison. what biden is still doing in office is beyond me. the miserable corrupt no good should have been toss out the day he entered our white House on a stolen election. and all the no goods who voted for him need their heads examined. McCarthy needs to impeach the miserable criminal asap.

    1. YES! Lock both of them up and destroy the key and the lock! They both make me ill just looking at them. The big guy is also guilty of sex trafficking and pedophilia. I wouldn’t let him within 10’ of my child let alone close enough to sniff/etc or touch in any way. Please keep at it MTG and don’t stop until corn pop and son are out of here! Make them PAY for their crimes!

  4. Omg ! How much more are American’s going to take from these ruthless, corrupt two ? This father and son should be throwed in prison ASAP!!.never in my life time has two people gotten away with so much and not paying for it !! Poor Trump has got hit with more bull shit and are U S President is getting away with more crime!!. Should not still be in office get him the hell out !! Worse president in history. Put him in prison ASAP.

    1. Yes!! Yes!!! Yes!!! Put them both in prison ASAP and put a permanent stop to the relentless persecution and arrests/prosecutions for NOTHING of President Trump!!! Stop all the democrat/communist trumped up charges and make them leave the man alone. We don’t need commie obiden in the White House one day longer to keep destroying America and allowing more illegals to cross our borders.

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