New Study Finds Arizona’s 2022 Election Had More Ballots Counted Than the Number of Cast Votes

Our elections in many states are about as fake and stupid as the Bud Light marketing department. How does this keep happening? A new review of the 2022 midterm election in Arizona found that there were more ballots counted than the number of registrants who voted.

The same thing happened in Pennsylvania when the 2020 election was stolen from President Trump. In Nevada, 15 of 17 counties had more ballots than the number of registered voters in that same election.

At what point does the evidence become insurmountable?

John Lott, PhD, and Steven Smith of the America First Legal Foundation have just published their review of the 2022 midterm election in Arizona. They discovered what they call a potential 8,241-vote discrepancy in the results. The number of ballots counted was 8,241 more than the number of registered voters that the Secretary of State’s office says voted. More ballots than voters, in other words.

The Attorney General race in 2022 was decided by 280 votes. Kari Lake supposedly “lost” by 17,117 votes.

As we noted a few weeks ago, there are still 8,000 provisional ballots in Arizona that have never been counted. 8,000 here, 8,241 there, and all of a sudden it doesn’t sound like Kari Lake is such a Nazi white supremacist QAnon insurrectionist, does it?


There are only a handful of reasons why this could be happening, and none of them are good. What are those options?

The first obvious thing that comes to mind is maybe the Democrat-controlled election offices are double-counting ballots for Democrat candidates. We know this is one of the many tactics they used in the 2020 election. We watched Ruby Freeman do it on video at State Farm Arena in Fulton County, GA. She jammed stacks of ballots through the counting machines up to 5 or 6 times after the election observers were sent home for the night. That would be the most logical way to end up with more ballots than voters.

The second option is that the Democrats are stuffing ballots that are completely and utterly fake into the system. These would have to be ballots for which no voter actually exists. This option is not likely, because it could be easily discovered right now by a cursory inspection of Arizona’s voter rolls. So, it doesn’t seem like this is what’s happening.

The third option is that the voting machines are effed up and incapable of counting. This is entirely possible, and yet another reason to switch to a paper-ballots-only system and hand-counting every ballot.

Lott’s team of researchers set out with a very simple goal, “To match the total number of registered voters listed as voting with the total number of ballots counted in the Arizona 2022 general election. Doing so would enable us to see if the vote totals were consistent or if they revealed discrepancies.”

They didn’t try to determine whether any discrepancies were intentional or accidental. They just looked at the simplest metric – do the numbers match up? If your receipts consistently don’t match up with the amount of cash in the register at the end of your shift, guess who has some explaining to do with the boss?

This isn’t the first time that Lott and his team have found massive discrepancies. After the 2020 election, they did a nationwide study of what happened. All ballots are supposed to be preserved, untouched, for 22 months after a federal election. Only 6% of county election officials and two secretaries of state in the entire country were able to produce the ballots they were supposed to have preserved. Out of the 6% that followed the law, there was a 2.89% discrepancy rate in one of two directions.

There were either more ballots cast than the number of registered voters, or more registered voters than the number of ballots counted (which means someone is destroying Republican ballots).

Here’s another damning piece of evidence. Lott’s team found the 8,241-vote discrepancy in Arizona’s 2022 election after studying only 6 counties. Arizona has 15 counties total, so there could be an even bigger discrepancy if the entire state were to go through a real audit. Hey, Republican-controlled Arizona legislature: ARE YOU GUYS LISTENING???

You can read Lott’s full findings HERE.

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18 thoughts on “New Study Finds Arizona’s 2022 Election Had More Ballots Counted Than the Number of Cast Votes”

    1. u got that right did u see the piece that joe was in a meeting with these people & he told everyone that he sells secrets of the United States & bet u it’s not we everyone was eating for breakfast either not when china spent 10 million for secrets that’s why joe let the china balloon go over the USA the way it to military compounds to make sure that what they payed for was in fact real . china knows more than what we know about our own country hes been selling secrets sense he was VP if not before

  1. Great! So what is going to be done about this more votes counted than cast, is there going to be legal proceedings to find those responsible?????
    If this be the case the election should be nullified and those elected officials in office removed.
    Those responsible should be tried and if found guilty put in prison and must be fined to help fund a new election.
    No more electronic machines all ballots should be paper and you must go to the polls to vote (exceptions should only be those in military, out of country or physically unable).

    Pathetic that this takes place and those responsible should be shown NO Mercy if found guilty. Election fraud and interference. Interfered by committing fraud of and election.

    1. Agree, but make Election Day a national holiday, mandatory voter identification, no early voting, and only remote voting except as listed above.

      Only problem is finding trustworthy vote counters.

    2. I agree, totally. Let’s make these crooks accountable!! Is the Republican Congress or whoever else is in the position to do something about this…AWAKE! Please, anyone…what are the next steps we can take to get this resolved??!!!

  2. Any 5th grader with a calculator knows if the paper equation doesn’t match the digital count, then something isn’t right, right? For example in the 1960 election, by the time the polls closed @7pm Nixon was projected the winner but by sunrise after the “Hard” paper count… Kennedy won… Nixon didn’t contest the count even after all the dead people voted in Chicago. Nope… Kennedy’s election produced the winner before sunrise. But since the “digital” computer count it takes weeks to drum up an accurate count in the 21st century. What happened. (((Computers))). As a 5th grade educated Citizen I suggest “no mail in” balloting PERIOD! If you can’t register according to State Constitutional Mandates, then your vote doesn’t count because the law will provide no exceptions, if a Citizen can’t register then that citizen CANNOT VOTE. If voting is important to you, follow the law, if there is a law, no law… no violation rule. Let the States determine who’s a voter, by sunrise we’ll know who actually got elected, Poll Workers will be able to cast the last Votes of the day in the precincts they are assigned to work in. Any questions?

  3. Everyone on that election Board that’s involved should be investigated and brought up on charges and sent directly to prison.!!!!!! what the hell country do we live? we are getting just like the third world and this fucking cheating HAS to STOP period. The American people better start demanding that these Bastards that are doing this be put in prison and not let out. PAPER ballots like OLD are the way to go and never have changed!!! France has NO problems because they use paper ballots, and the counting is done that day and the next morning everyone knows who won. and NO more voting weeks ahead and extended voting!! This is another way of fixing the votes. Those god dam demo-RATS stated that were going get rid of President Thump way back in the beginning when he won no matter what it took to do this!!! It was all planed right from the start when that political witch Pelosi stated right on TV that she was going to do it. Adam Shiff is her LAP Dog the f GEEK.

  4. How many times are the voters going to allow and accept the Democrats voter fraud and criminal behaviour?

  5. So what happens now? Most likely nothing. Katie Hobbs remains governor and Kari Lake is left in the wind.
    Trump should be president but he won’t ever get back in the WH most likely.
    The Biden family stays free.
    I think new paper ballots should be printed immediately and a new election should. Take place within weeks

    1. Voting machines screwed with, double counting votes, trucks going over state lines loaded with ballots. Where the hell is the investigating! Isn’t congress Republican majority? Why aren’t we doing anything about this? I’m almost considering not voting in 2024 because it’s not going to matter. BANANA REPUBLIC

  6. Thanks for confirming what we’ve known for the last 3 years or so. Again, what’s going to be done? Until you get all of the corrupt judges out of office, follow the money and start bringing Zuckerberg, Sorros, and Stacey Abrams and all of their Mob Cronies to justice, what can we do? We have video of Ruby Freeman admitting to it, 2000 mules have video and traced the fake ballots back to Stacey Abrams group, but yet, we still can’t bring charges? What’s going on? I believe some republicans are in on it, too. The dems are manipulating the voting laws again to keep stealing. Unless we, the people and the maga republican party grow a set, it’s going to keep on happening. Follow the money. My opinion is you’ll find cartel payoffs, Chinese media money, and Sorros money paying off crooks holding office. The only ones doing anything are Judicial Watch.

  7. NO…they are not listening!! These RINOS need to be ousted for not listening to their constituents. Just like my state of Michigan….lots of tampering in our elections since at least we moved here from PA. It was a red state when we moved….and shortly after (2018) we find that we now “magically” have a Dem. wretched governor and AG and SOS….with a Republican legislature. It did not make sense. Then, we look at the 2020 election and felt really ripped off….as most our our counties were RED (out of 83 counties, only 13 of them turned blue) which should be a red alert immediately that something is seriously wrong here. Everywhere we went we saw many, many Trump flags…hardly any Biden support at all. Imagine that! The problem here is that Soros money pays off weak and impotent people to do the globalists’ bidding. I wonder how many other states went through the same thing? They even went as far as using our tax dollars to run an ad with he SOS Benson lying…saying that this has been one of the most fair and secure election ever! Since when do they run ads like this? Since NEVER! Reminds me of the kid caught with his hand in the cookie jar! Making up lies! And then we had 2022 midterms…..the same ball of wax! They used abortion as the excuse this time…and realistically, perhaps it did sway some to the wayward D’s side, but in most cases, it was the cheating AGAIN which now gave us a Dem. controlled legislature on top of maintaining the 3 blind mice (Gov. AG SOS) to all of our dismay. How do you have a predominantly RED state and get blue government?? Still scratching my head on this one.

  8. The proof of election fraud is slowly but surely being discovered and reported. The evidence vindicates of of those folks who voted for Trump in 2020 and candidates such as Arizona gubernatorial candidate, Kari Lake, in the 2022 midterms. And yet, those on the progressive far left will never ever admit that those elections were stolen. Instead, they will clap their hands over their ears, refuse to listen to the facts and scream that it’s the other side of the political aisle that’s guilty of criminal behavior. What many of us have known from the beginning is that the progressive socialist DemoBorgs can’t win in a fair election They can only win by cheating. Our mission, and we must accept it, is to do everything we can to uncover the illegal attempts by the the Democratic Party to steal the election in 2024.

  9. At what point does all this information that confirms that the 2020 elections were tampered with or rigged, become reality to the fact and people responsible held accountable? There is no doubt in my mind that the pelosi and obama engineered the whole election to put biden in the White House. This is fraud in the highest levels of our government and with all this information, nothing is being done about it. President Trump was the legal and rightful winner of the 2020 election and should be in the White House now.

  10. I live in Maricopa county. When my niece went to vote she was rejected because “she has already voted”!
    Regarding the outcome: does it seem plausible that this state would elect a dedicated conservative congress and a radically liberal governor who flies the “pride” flag from her office window?

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