After raking in billions of dollars from their experimental COVID vaccine, Pfizer is back for more – revealing a dangerous new vaccine which is specifically designed to target unborn babies.
Pfizer announced that they are working on a new vaccine which will be injected into pregnant mothers in order to inoculate their unborn babies while they are still in the womb.
According to the pharmaceutical giant, the vaccine is supposed to protect children against the respiratory syncytial virus (RSV) after birth.
RSV can be deadly for some infants, but the large majority tend to recover from the common virus quite easily, suggesting a vaccine like this may not offer too much benefit to most children.
“Pfizer Inc. today announced positive top-line data from the Phase 3 clinical trial (NCT04424316) MATISSE (MATernal Immunization Study for Safety and Efficacy) investigating its bivalent RSV prefusion vaccine candidate, RSVpreF or PF-06928316, when administered to pregnant participants to help protect their infants from RSV disease after birth,” Pfizer announced on its website.
“MATISSE is an ongoing randomized, double-blinded, placebo-controlled Phase 3 study designed to evaluate the efficacy, safety, and immunogenicity of RSVpreF against medically attended lower respiratory tract illness (MA-LRTI) and severe MA-LRTI in infants born to healthy women vaccinated during pregnancy,” Pfizer said.
Pfizer claims that the RSVpreF investigational vaccine was “well-tolerated with no safety concerns for both vaccinated individuals and their newborns,” but that’s the same thing they said about the COVID vaccines which have now been proven to be extremely dangerous.
According to the company, “Pfizer is the only company with an investigational vaccine being prepared for regulatory applications for both infants through maternal immunization and older adults to help protect against RSV”
“These data reinforce Pfizer’s resolve to bring our expertise in the research and development of innovative vaccines to address critical public health needs using new approaches and technologies.”
The results of the study met only one of the pre-specified regulatory success criteria, but Pfizer plans to submit its first regulatory application by end of 2022.
As measured by severe medically attended lower respiratory tract (MA-LRTI) illness through the first 90 days of life, the committee found an efficacy of 81.8% (CI: 40.6%, 96.3%). The number fell to 69.4% over the six-month follow-up period.
Pfizer’s history, however, proves that they have a rather… intimate relationship with the FDA, suggesting the federal agency could help Pfizer cut some corners in order to bring this dangerous new vaccine to market, and that’s further evidenced by the fact that Pfizer’s RSVpreF was already granted a breakthrough therapy designation by the FDA.
After the Covid jab debacle, any woman who opts for another Pfizer creation doesn’t deserve to be a mother.
AMEN to that, and any adult who allows themselves or their children, to be forced into taking any vaccines mandated by the WHO, CDC or anyone else, out of fear of losing their jobs and/or their children not being allowed to attend school, deserves what ever happens to them as a result of the vaccines. It is high time that people stop acting like sheep, allowing fear to control their lives. SCREW the so-called elites and the NEW WORLD ORDER, rise up, stand your ground, take control of your own lives and fight back, there are more of us then there are of them.
AMEN!! We aren’t test animals- we have animals to do tests on to see the results of various ” experiments”. No one knows the long-term effects this has on an unborn. Just take a look at the up tick ratio to people who have received the vaccine and those who didn’t. Those that did: HEART PROBLEMS, BLOOD CLOTS and the list goes on and on. These were healthy individuals. I didn’t receive the vaccine, I got it and bounced back quickly. I know many weren’t as fortunate. They had to go into a hospital for treatment and some unfortunately died. We put enough garbage in newborns systems. They have to STOP this insanity all just to experiment! No thank you!! People have predicted in the past that people will be branded and they won’t be able to go to stores etc. I read somewhere that this vaccine ID number is 666. If this is the case, what IS in this vaccine make- up? I read an article awhile back about that at least 1 of the vaccine’s chemical make-up has many harmful ELEMENTS to humans. They really don’t tell you what’s in the vaccine before they inject it into people. What if they have allergies to it’s chemical compounds? I say if you believe in God, let it run it’s course and no matter the outcome- THIS was meant to be. STOP playing “God”
I agree. They would be insane to do that!
Yup – and, by the way – they don’t use DNA modifiers,
If you believe that, I have a bridge you’d be interested in buying…
They just voted the women of America declared pregnant women don’t have a child in there womb ? So why do we refer to them as babies because then it would be murder
Srew them to the wall — and lose the srewdriver.
That should have read, “Screw them to the wall — and lose the screwdriver.” They might stew for a while, but that is their problem.
Being 91 and having lived through ,TB ,menjitus,measels,mumps,chicken pox,diptheria,scarlet fever ,polio to name a few. Vaccines were not available.I’m sure thats only half the list.
Now being told by a brain dead head of state to wear a mask???
Plus the fact old cars turning over when going to fast around corners and Fords not having brakes util the 50’0. Lots of people being killed by horses ,as remembering death rate was
over 6% Now days being real low 1%.
Please tell me why every one has to wear a mask, get a vaccination by order OF!
I honestly think its because we aren’t dying as fast as they’d like. I presume they miss Uncle Joe’s cute little projects.
I am 77 and agree. We’re not dying fast enough to suit Bill Gates, George Soros, Clausse Schwabb, Obama, Biden I probably missed some of the Satan Worshippers…
I am with u at 78 same view
It’s a fact ,believe me.
Not something that I’d feel comfortable using!!!! There is no reason for using this particular vaccine and if I were
a young mother, I would be refusing this vaccine!!! I’ve read nothing that shows what this vaccine is supposed to do for the parent or the baby and I would certainly not use such a vaccine, especially not knowing what it’s supposed to do for ones body!!! It seems to me that Pfizer is looking for new ways to make money!! Not at all
We need to stand up to all of these idiots, from old Biden on down and all of the controlled organizations such as the CDC, WHO, AIH and many others. They are all in it together to control and manipulate us. We must stand up and resist!
I never trusted the pharmaceutical companies in the first place. Then Covid and the so-called virus prevention shots came out.
I wasn’t about to let them inject me with anything so highly endorsed by the Democrats. Something didn’t smell right and I was right.
People started having health problems and others died as a result.
Then when we hear the intentions of Klaus Schuab and Bill Gates to reduce the world population through implementation of viruses, Healthcare and vaccines, it all made sense.
They intend to con as many people as they can into taking their kill shots. Some of which, we won’t know the damage they have caused for quite some time.
The pharmaceutical companies are also positioned so they can’t be sued if people are harmed or die as a result of their shots.
The bottom line is, we are all marked for death, sounds conspiratorial I know, but it’s true.
In ’73 they said if we don’t allow women to have abortions, this world would be over-populated. Here we are 50 years later, and if you take a ride to different parts of THIS country you can see millions of acres of unused land that can be built on. I am now 67 and I have yet to have had a vaccination for the flu or covid, and they told me I had covid before they even swabbed my nose. What I’m getting at is I don’t believe I had it, so I won’t let them put anything in my body that has not been proven to keep me from getting something else, like blood clots or other heart problems.