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President Trump Gives Middle Finger to China, Stops Them from Unleashing Plandemic 2.0

President Donald Trump has signed an executive order withdrawing the United States from the crooked World Health Organization (WHO), and it may have come just in time to prevent the United States from suffering through another round of COVID-like lockdowns.

In his order, Trump notes that the United States will immediately cease all funding of the WHO, redirecting those funds to domestic health initiatives that prioritize American interests and values. What a crazy concept!

Trump said that the official reason for the withdrawal was because the organization had completely failed to hold China accountable for their role in the COVID-19 pandemic, but also for allowing the communist nation to use the body to push an insane globalist health agenda which aimed to undermine the sovereignty of all member nations around the globe, including the United States.

Specifically, Trump was concerned about a China-backed initiative which aimed to give the massively corrupt WHO the ability to declare global pandemic “emergencies” and then use those declarations to order lockdowns and seize control over any nation.

Once a health emergency is declared every signatory, including the United States, must submit to the authority of the WHO.

This includes allowing the globalist organization, which is covertly run by China these days, to decide how to handle treatments, vaccine mandates, lockdowns, government surveillance, and even “peace-keeping” forces.

Back in 2023, President Joe Biden happily reaffirmed his support for a legally binding “Pandemic Accord” which gave the WHO the authority to do all of this.

Joe sold us out to the Chinese.

But luckily, with the bird flu on the rise, President Trump put a stop to this madness just in the nick of time.

The WHO has been mentioning the potential for the Bird Flu to become the next global pandemic for YEARS now. It was pretty obvious that the organization was hoping this would be the next COVID.

Only this time, they hoped they could use to seize control of the United States and FORCE us to comply with their every demand, which would have been an…interesting…sight to see.

This would have made the lockdowns and mandates we saw during COVID-19 look like child’s play by comparison.

However, Trump’s executive order states: “While withdrawal is in progress, the Secretary of State will cease negotiations on the WHO Pandemic Agreement and the amendments to the International Health Regulations, and actions taken to effectuate such agreement and amendments will have no binding force on the United States.”

These tyrants can no longer execute the plan they’ve spent years working on, and it’s all thanks to President Trump!

Had former Vice President Kamala Harris won the election, ESPECIALLY considering how loyal the Democrats are to China, we would have had the CCP tracking our every move to ensure that we remained in compliance with the WHO “pandemic policies.”

Failure to comply would have seen red soldiers knocking on our doorsteps, potentially even rounding us up and sending us to camps to “reeducate” us until we caved.

The negative implications of us staying in the WHO would have been MASSIVE, and now they are no more.

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