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REEKS OF CORRUPTION! Prosecutor Who Gave Hunter Biden Sweetheart Deal Worked for Business Partner

It turns out that the Hunter Biden “sweetheart deal” with the DOJ could be even MORE CORRUPT than we initially thought, with it now being exposed that one of the prosecutors who helped cut him the deal actually used to work for one of his shady business partners!

Out of his MANY crimes – known and unknown – the weasels over at the DOJ granted Hunter Biden a sweetheart plea deal which prevented him from facing ANY jail time even after committing federal offenses.

Assistant United States Attorney Derek Hines was one of the prosecutors who signed off on that cushy deal and it just so happens that one of his previous employers was one of Hunter Biden’s business partners.

From 2013 to 2015 Hines worked as a special counsel to a private company by the name of “Freeh Group International Solutions.”

That company – a powerful lobbying firm with deep ties to the Biden family business – is owned by former FBI Director Louis Freeh.


Freeh is KNOWN for being a longtime ally of the criminal Biden family. In 2021 the former FBI director sent a ‘measly’ $100,000 into a trust for Joe Biden’s grandchildren. The month before that sketchy deposit was made, Freeh was speaking with Hunter about pursuing “future work options” with Joe and the rest of the Biden crime syndicate.

Back in 2015, Hunter Biden, Eric Schwerin, and Freeh reportedly partnered on a cushy $3 million deal to get the State Department to reduce the prosecution of Gabriel Popoviciu, a Romanian real estate mogul who was under investigation for bribery in 2015.

While Popoviciu was arrested and sentenced to seven years in prison, he conveniently managed to flee the country before serving ANY time – likely thanks to the high-powered help he had hired.

At the same time that this deal (and likely other shady ones just like it) was being brokered by Hunter and Freeh, future U.S. Attorney Hines was on the payroll!

Even if the eventual federal prosecutor was not necessarily directly involved in their questionable efforts to score cash, surely the powerful former FBI Director who at one point signed Hines’ checks would have CONSIDERABLE influence over him and could talk him into getting behind something like the infamous “sweetheart deal.”

And you can be absolutely POSITIVE that Merrick Garland and his team of Biden protecting puppets knew all about this connection – and it was likely WHY Hines was assigned to the case!

The DOJ needed to at least “appear” to be interested in brining Hunter Biden to justice, but they didn’t want to risk doing that with a prosecutor that they couldn’t be sure would keep Hunter out of any serious trouble.

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18 thoughts on “REEKS OF CORRUPTION! Prosecutor Who Gave Hunter Biden Sweetheart Deal Worked for Business Partner”

  1. The most corrupt and immoral entity on our planet is the DUMBASSOCRATIC PARTY!!!!! These criminrrals would commit murder for a vote!!!!!

    1. These people who keep protecting the biden family, one day will have to answer more as to why.
      Hunter biden is a disgrace to his own family and I don’t think he has any friends. He needs to be locked up and punished fully for everything that he has done. And the person paying his debts for him needs to be investigated fully as to why. He’s a liar like his whole family. It’s a shame but he has to be punished for what he has caused with all his dads secrets of being in the government.

    2. they are not only dumb,[dnc] but also corrupt and evil. let us pray, that a comment most recently expressed- evil will destroy evil- i see it in gangs.

  2. The Judge who took 5 years to do anything about Hunter and then gave this deal was also the choice during Trump Administration approved because 2 democrats asked for him to be appointed in that area because it was mostly Democrat He had worked for the democrats over many years In an effort to work with democrats he allowed it

  3. The Biden crime family has unlocked the gates of HELL & unleashed it onto the American people, & laughing about it all the way to the bank!

    1. You are 100 percent right! But who is going to punish these people for all their lying, stealing and cheating?

  4. How in the hell did get to be Persident….are you going to tell me that nobidy knew of the crap this guy and his were into.
    Isent it a crime to know about crimes being done and withholding information?
    It seems to me there are alot of people involved here either as perpertrators or thode who wrre awear of what was going on.
    This countrys government is turning more and more into a huge mafia crime family and were need to find people who are not involved in any of this crap and make them investigaters and prosucuter and go after the lot of this crew and jail them all.

    1. Its because the Marxist MSM kept the Biden corruption under wraps until after the 2020 Election!!

    2. They knew! Obama knew, Clinton knew, lots of Democrat insiders knew, the only way to make them pay is to vote a republican President like Trump in and a Republican Senate and a Republican House…the new Attorney General will bring charges and then we have to find a Republican judge to preside…there are more than enough facts and evidence to convict the whole family…gotta have the right people in there!

  5. The fixes was in .This is the swamp doing thing for the democrats at its best. No wonder hunter was doing blow on the forth.

  6. Biden needs to be Impeached immediately he has committed more crimes against humanity and America than any President. He makes Richard Nixon look like a Choir Boy for gods sake. Didn’t take this long to file articles of Impeachment against Nixon and resigned from office. Wake up and do the right thing for America and the American People

  7. No one is ever going to charge any of the Biden’s with criminal charges. Everyone knows it is going on now and even before he stole the White House from Trump. In todays society we have two kinds of criminals. ! The (1st) kind are the poor, hardworking citizens who strive to live a good life and raise their families to be good American citizens. Then we have the (2nd) kind like the Biden family who are the worse of the worse criminals that only get a slap on the wrist. Because “Daddy Biden”, criminal son Hunter, and other Biden clan members know someone, who knows someone, that will keep them from being charged and pay for their crime. I don’t think it one bit fair, but the Biden’s, the DA’s, the Prosecutor’s, the Judges, the former bosses, and anyone that knows the Biden’s, should ALL go to prison for their part of the “crime family’. But we all know that’s like getting blood from a turnip, and that ain’t going to happen. Maybe one day , SOON, a smart judge who likes his job to serve and protect, will do his job and turn this around.

  8. Why has joe biden not being impeach soon as possible he is a sick puppy get rid of him he is running out country

  9. The entire democrat party needs to be outlawed. The only way we can have a fair election in 2024 is to shut down the internet, nationwide, for 48 hours starting at 1 AM on election morning and require that all ballots be counted and tallied by the end of that 48 hour period. Any ballots that arrive, or are found, after that time cannot be counted. Also, require picture ID to vote in person. No absentee or mail in ballots.

  10. This report, if accurate, is SOOOO CREEPY. Louis Freeh may be the biggest single reason the FBI has descended into its bottomless vat of corruption. The implied deep-state connections detailed in this story make it seem more and more likely that nothing will come of the several Republican investigations into Biden criminality. Furthermore, we may all be in grave danger if the country continues to rest in the hands of these miscreants. We’re going to need ‘a bigger boat.’ Much bigger.

  11. This just keeps getting better and better. This country is being ran by the most criminal first family in U.S. History. Biden has made a laughing stock out of our country. It took just three years to turn our country into a place of total lawlessness. When ever Biden stands behind a mic. I just cringe. Both Biden and Harris have no idea what their even talking about. The other countries Leaders truly think he’s unfit to be president. And yes they have said as much. The biggest fear they have is that Biden will put us and them into WWIII. Now he’s off for some summit. Hey Biden just a little heads up. All those people who come out to see you. Are not there to hear your positive up lifting speech. What they came for is to hear you say something really stupid and act as though your lost. It’s no joke MAN.

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