Two big vaccine mandates were done away with this week, although neither one really made headlines. Stanford University sheepishly did away with its vaccine mandate for students. They didn’t make any sort of big announcement about it. They just took the requirement down from their website.
And believe it or not, OSHA has still been trying to implement Joe Biden’s vaccine mandate for companies with more than 100 employees all this time – even after the Supreme Court told OSHA to knock it off last January! The Fifth Circuit Court of Appeals has put a stay in place prohibiting OSHA from implementing the mandate.
When students came back to Stanford for Fall semester in September, the University’s website stated, “All students are required to be fully vaccinated and boosted against COVID-19.” Anyone who was not in compliance was not permitted to enroll in their Fall classes.
On October 17th, after they had already required every student to get the shot or be denied their expensive education at Stanford, the guidance on their website was updated to say this:
“Community members are encouraged to stay up to date on COVID immunizations – in particular, the new bivalent booster, which is available for free from Stanford Health Care.”
There’s quite a big difference in legal terms and meaning between “are required” and “are encouraged.” I guess that’s good news for anyone who wants to go to Stanford in the future, but not good for anyone currently who got the shot against their will and now has heart damage.
Meanwhile, the Fifth Circuit decision is good news for everyone who works at a company with more than 100 employees. Did you know OSHA was still trying to implement the vax mandate on 63% of American workers? It was.
Last January, the Supreme Court ruled that OSHA does not have authority to require the COVID shots on an “emergency” basis. While OSHA complied with that order, it huffily decided, “Fine, we’ll just implement it as a regular rule instead of as an emergency.”
The same states that sued to overturn the OSHA mandate in the first place have had to continue fighting all year long. Success came a few days ago when Circuit Judge Stuart Kyle Duncan blocked the OSHA mandate and indicated that the court plans to permanently strike it down. And why wouldn’t they? It’s not as if the Supreme Court is going to rule differently a second time when the case inevitably ends up there. OSHA simply does not have the sweeping authority to implement this insane rule.
For those who don’t remember, the OSHA mandate would require all employees at companies with more than a hundred workers to take the shot. If anyone doesn’t take the shot, they’re required to get tested weekly and pay for it out of their own pocket. They also have to wear a mask at all times if they don’t take the shot. If any worker doesn’t comply with any of that, the employer is required to fire them. If an employer is caught not complying with the mandate, they can be fined on a per-violation basis.
Employers would also be required to violate the medical privacy of all of their workers, by keeping up-to-date files on their vaccination status. It’s hard to believe that the Biden regime was still trying to implement this, especially after everything we’ve learned about these vaccines.
Then again, the Biden regime and everyone at the CDC continues to sound as they’re just coocoo for these shots. No amount of scientific evidence on how dangerous these shots are seems to get through to them. For example, here’s the heartbreaking story of an Arkansas high school cheerleader who “died suddenly” from a pulmonary embolism a few days ago. The incidence of kids dying from pulmonary embolism before the COVID shots was 1.4 in 1,000,000. We don’t know the incidence today, but I guarantee it’s much higher than 1.4 in a million.
Biden still wants to mandate the shots despite all this evidence. It’s like the new global warming for liberals and globalists. No amount of scientific evidence can change their minds. And if they do change their minds, like the administrators at Stanford, they just quietly change the rules and act like nothing ever happened.
Are people finally waking up to the mRNA disaster?
OSHA thinks that it doesn’t have to obey court orders or what? This unconstitutional communist regime needs to be expelled from our government and our country. They are all traitors to the constitution and only want to turn this great country into another Communist China.
OSHA is so overbearing on small business that the CREATORS of far more JOBs than every major corporation in existence has a goal. TO FORCE everyone to shop at fewer stores [equals less selection] and most online purchases mean the need for less workers. ie; no need for stores and driverless vehicles, almost sounds like the powerful people [that have no idea what the Creator God will do to them when He sends Jesus back at the SECOND COMING] are planing at the Useless Nations Agenda 21 & 2030.
These people are total psychopaths! And it will be tough but for the Born Again Christian, this is all GREAT NEWS!
We’ll be in heaven before the SHTF! We will deal with trials and tribulations, but NEVER THE GREAT TRIBULATION WHICH IS FOR UNBELIEVERS! After Revelation chapter 4:1, the church [who are the Born Again Christians Only] aren’t mentioned again until Jesus returns to end Satan at the Battle of Armageddon! After chapter 4:1, the rest of Revelation is about saving the 144,000 thousand Jews, 12,000 from the 12 tribes of Judah. I am saved by what Jesus did [Ephesians chapter 8 and 9. If you understand that, thern read verse 10 of the same book and chapter. But to my Catholic friends of which I was one until I learned the truth and studied it, I realized I could never be “good enough” to go to heaven. Until you understand that the Creator God’s standard is perfection which NO ONE IS CAPABLE OF, especially the Pope, the only advocate between God and man is Jesus Christ. No priests, no one is even to be called Father but God and not the god of Freemasonry, Shriners, the CFR, too many secret organizations to list that hide behind the guise of philanthropy to hide their secret plans and perversions the higher you move up the food chain.
Bottomline is Born Again Christians have read the end of the books too and we win if and only if we place our faith in Him!
They are trying to control each and everyone of us!!!!
Still mandating a vaccine that doesn’t prevent the virus or even prevent it from spreading doesn’t make sense especially with all the evidence coming out about it’s side effects
I’m old enough to remember the “safe” drug thalidomide. It was prescribed for pregnant women to control morning sickness. A whole generation of deformed babies from this “safe” drug. Now there is a generation of dead babies and dead young people.
OSHA is a group in the government that are controlled by Democrat leadership. That is how they think that the court decision, apply to them. The courts which are mainly controlled by people who are typically middle of the road thinkers. They don’t know who to listen to, the president Dementia Joe or the Sane Court. The thing is being Democrats they follow the party rule not the courts of the land. That is how they get by with it, until a lawsuit comes their way that causes the government billions or trillions of dollars,
I believe that the vaccination is for population control!. They want to weaken us to kill off the older and weaker people.