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“The Big Guy” Joe Biden Started Covering His Tracks in November 2016

It’s tough to envision Joe Biden as some sort of criminal mastermind today. He got confused during an interview this past week and thought he was running against George W. Bush. He’s a doddering old fool that needs help opening up a Jell-O Pudding cup on his best days. But just a few years ago, “The Big Guy” was running a global influence peddling ring and selling out American foreign policy to the highest foreign bidders – while lining his own pockets. This isn’t speculation or “Russian disinformation.” Audio of The Big Guy himself has now been uncovered on Hunter Biden’s “Laptop from Hell.”

When Donald Trump won the 2016 election, it sent shockwaves through the corrupt elites who had been lining their pockets for years. Joe Biden still had most of his faculties back then, so he was one of those who was especially shocked. So shocked, in fact, that he placed a personal phone call to the former corrupt president of Ukraine, Petro Poroshenko, just two weeks after Donald Trump’s victory. Keep in mind that Biden was still the Vice President of the United States at the time.

How do we know about this phone call? Because the audio from Biden’s call to Poroshenko was on Hunter Biden’s Laptop from Hell. Hunter’s laptop had tons of emails, text messages and audio from phone calls from the entire Biden family on it for some reason. My suspicion is that the Chinese put some sophisticated software on Hunter’s laptop to suck up all the Biden crime family’s communications, after they trapped him in a honeypot scheme with that Chinese prostitute who “put her best foot forward.”


One America News, which has had a copy of Hunter’s hard drive for the past two weeks, discovered the phone call and released it. Here’s what Joe Biden said to President Poroshenko just two weeks after Donald Trump’s 2016 election victory:

“This is getting very, very close to what I don’t want to have happen. I don’t want Trump to get in a position where he thinks he’s about to buy on to a policy where the financial system is going to collapse and he’s going to be looking to pour more money into Ukraine. That’s how he’ll think about it before he gets sophisticated enough to know the detail.”

Translation: “The Big Guy” Joe Biden was ordering the president of a foreign country to get his financial ducks in a row as quickly as possible. Biden was telling Poroshenko to get everything lined up with the IMF and finalize getting a central banking system installed in Ukraine. (Ukraine was a financial mess after George Soros and the CIA under Obama staged the coup there that installed Poroshenko in the first place.)

If Poroshenko could get his nation’s financial house in order, Ukraine would be able to presumably take out loans from the IMF, rather than asking the US government under the Trump administration for foreign aid. The last thing Joe Biden wanted was for the Donald Trump administration to start asking questions in Ukraine. It would be better for the Biden family if Ukraine got its central banking system up and running to prevent Trump from ever asking those pesky questions. Joe Biden was covering his tracks while he still had power to do so.

But then Poroshenko lost his election. The new president of Ukraine did ask the Trump administration for foreign aid. And in July of 2019, Donald Trump asked that president questions about rumors of corruption involving the Biden family in Ukraine.

The Democrats never tried to impeach Donald Trump over “Russian collusion.” Even Nancy Pelosi was saying, as recently as July of 2019, that impeaching Trump would be a bad idea. But the moment that Trump asked about the Bidens’ activities in Ukraine, Joe Biden’s allies hit the panic button.

Remember: Hunter Biden’s sometime-business-partner in Ukraine was the son of John Kerry. Mitt Romney’s former top campaign aide sat on the board of Burisma in Ukraine with Hunter Biden (Romney was the one Republican Senator who voted to impeach Donald Trump). Nancy Pelosi’s son was on the board of a California-based energy company that he founded with two Russian nationals, and that company had some murky ties to Ukraine as well.

The fake CIA impeachment “whistleblower,” whose name must never be mentioned, was an honored guest at a ritzy state dinner that Vice President Joe Biden and Secretary of State John Kerry held in 2016. Did the Biden family, the Kerry family, the Pelosi family or the Romney family call in a favor from that guy to “whistle-blow” on Trump when the big panic started? That would be an interesting question to know the answer to.

What we do know is that Joe Biden worked to cover his tracks in Ukraine, from the moment when Donald Trump was first elected. When Trump asked a question about the Bidens in Ukraine three years later, he was impeached for it.

Sure, Joe Biden looks like a doddering buffoon with dementia today – because that is what he is. But just a few years ago, he was “The Big Guy” in charge of one of the largest pay-to-play schemes in modern history. And everyone should know that before they cast their vote in the election.

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216 thoughts on ““The Big Guy” Joe Biden Started Covering His Tracks in November 2016”

      1. I am appalled that they let Biden get away with this and not be prosecuted .he’s a traitor to the United States he should be prosecuted to the full extent of the law him and his family

        1. Take Obama, Clinton’s and schumer,Waterman, Harris, Sanders…
          A lot of the Dems are traders.
          They are so deceived, they actually believe the lies they tell.
          Look at their faces… What do you really see???

          1. All these politicians who are against President Trump are traitors to America and American Citizens.They sold our country for big money from all over the world.They all should be in prison.Also FBI, CIA , many military leaders were payed for selling America.

          2. I know you meant traitors but probably traders also taking advantage of inside info on the stock market and making maneuvers globally on investment maneuvers. Add to that bribery and extortion like with Venezuela and Ukraine. Yeah, traitor is the best word.

          1. There is no way that Obama, Pelosi and other Dems were not in this! An investigation of the FBI must be started immediately to find out why they haven’t acted for a year of having the computer in their hands! This could be the biggest conspiracy in US history! Trump is owed a BIG apology by all the Dems, the wicked Fake News! When I think of the Kavanaugh “trial”, the impeachment and so many other efforts to silence Trump, take him out they all deserve to go to jail for a long time, life sentences!

        2. They all knew what Biden does; funny cause they all hate him, too! I think they’re going to throw him and his family under the bus, soon.

      2. Our GREAT PRESIDENT stated once again that as long as he is in office,that the USA WILL NEVER BE A SOCIALIST NATION !Promises made, promises kept.Trump 2020!!!!!

        1. I do not care what anyone thinks of Trump he does what he says. Biden and Kamala have also been honest about their desire to raise taxes, take away guns, shut down church’s, and so many other socialistic agendas. Challenge is if you like freedom and pursuing free choice or want to be controlled by a few elitist control freaks telling you what to do. As for me and my family we will serve the Lord God and defy slavery.

      3. I think they just might throw the Bidens under the bus to make us happy; someone has to be the fall guy. BUT God has better plans for them. He has already annointed Trump and has prophets protecting him from any harm so he can fulfill his duty. God said Trump will win by a landslide and once that happens covid will disappear and republicans will take over the White House and we his children will experience prosperity. Democrats will disappear to make plans so we the people need to be on top of things. He added that all those who were voting for Abortion, tried to kill people with covid, and eliminated religion need to repent or suffer the consequences of the “red sea.” I think the red sea he speaks of is Trump’s Team color. He said democrats will return and this time around they will be worse and will try to get us again.

        1. I’m very afraid for Trump as the next resort they may try is assassinations…if they haven’t already tried. They have NO compunctions to try such a drastic move to keep their agenda of destroying the US from within…which was predicted back in the 1960s…remember?
          Keep our VP in prayer that he too will be safe and healthy …also that he is learning everything Trump is teaching him by example and words.

        2. I know though Biden would be president Kamala would rule with a socialist agenda even worse than Hillary – that is saying a LOT. Few puppet presidents have existed but Biden would be deposed quickly by the 25th amendment Pelosi is pursuing not only if possible for Trump but also Biden to get them out of the way of socialism. When I scale Biden, Kamala, and Pelosi – Biden is the lightest socialist Pelosi is heavier and Kamala out in outer space off the charts.

          1. My opinion is … The reason they haven t been dealt with is the simple reason that they re all guilty..that s the way of bus. in D.C…get elected,juice yourself,your relatives,your friends…by any means even borderline..or slightly llegal…a lawyer with a briefcase can steal more than 1000 men with guns

    1. So right!,and Pelosi,The Clintons,The Obama’s, Chuck Schumer and a whole lot more need prison time for life for treason!

      1. They are all parts of the leftist crime mafia who have been working hard to destroy our country for years. They have been selling out America and all Americans to make themselves richer every day. With Trump working to drain the swamp, they all panicked, it is no wonder that they hate him so much, he is exposing their corruption!

        1. First time on this Site, comments are great. I have a Plan to put the Bible and Creation back in EDUCATION. CreatorisLiberty com and book “America Come Back”. Volunteer Groups in every County, learn facts of Creation, fraud of Evolution and attend every School Board Meeting demanding the Bible and Creation be put back in School. See, CreatorisLiberty com Blog page for great assembly of Quotes of America’s Founders. Trumps “1776 Project” and Franklin Graham’s “Prayer March 2020” will combine to put the Bible and Creation back in School. 80 % of America’s Children are being Indoctrinated that our Creator does not exist and the Bible is a Fairy Tale. Our Creator hates this and he will lead us to Rescue America. They cannot not do this alone the Righteous must Rise up and take America Back.

          1. You go boy with Gods Blessings and the prayers of billions of Redeemed Christians around the world!

          2. What an awesome plan John. This country had never been right since Obama became President and now Trump is miraculously getting us back on track. God sure has his hand on our President to be able to endure what he has gone through these last for years. God Bless him and God Bless America.

          3. Our only hope is God. We must be in prayer for our country. God is still on His throne and He knows all of the truth of all these things. God is able to save us from the evil in our land. We need to all be praying in faith believing. Jesus said where 2 or more are gathered in His Name, He will be there. God said He would never leave us nor forsake us. What beautiful promises! By God’s Grace things will be made right. God bless us all, our country, His Will be done.

          4. Hello Mr. Robb. If you are serious with getting the Bible and Creation back in Education, would you take a look at my publications on Creation? Please take a look on under books and ask for a eBook or Paperback book on the first 11 chapters of Genesis as a start. The titles are A Commentary on Genesis Chapters 1 through 5; 6 through 8; and 9 through 11. I studied under one of our countries finest teacher on the Biblical Creation, Dr. John C. Whitcomb, Jr. I think his book co-authored with Dr. Henry Morris ‘The Genesis Flood’ might also be available still. My commentaries are very good for teaching any age as I have taught both teenagers and adults using them. Robert G. Ogden

          1. Actually, no…a lot of people are waiting to vote on Tuesday, November 3. We can also share this link?

        2. Trump was the “chosen one.” That’s why they couldn’t take him down because God was protecting him! Barry was the devil. Barry was not born in U.S. his father is Indonesian. Those children are borrowed from their friends in Chicago. His Hawaiian Birth Certificate is real per say cause that woman did made it look like he was born in Hawaii. She was killed in that plane crash, remember? She was the only one who died; why do you think that is? Everyone else survived. Remember Joan Rivers and how odd she died? She busted Michelle and called her a “tranny” on her show. Coincidence?

        3. It has been more than years that they have been trying to destroy the US…since the 1776 birth…the liberals were out in academia full force, I KNOW myself, since the 1960s. I lived in the DC area and saw and heard them at working their spin on everything – even the Kennedy assignation…folks, actually LISTEN and read what your children (no matter their age – from pre-school THROUGH college) are being given as assignments, lectures, subtle “information” and comments…TALK to your students and ask questions about what they are being taught “on the sidelines”…you’ll be surprised…what do they hear in school about political situations (their teachers will have said something about “current events”).

          1. I agree with you, Cath. My suspicion is that in 1963 U.S. V.P. Lyndon Johnson, wanted President John Kennedy dead so he could become President and push through the Great Society Policy with the help of his previous cohorts in Congress. The Great Society is what we tax payers have been paying for ever since. The Great Society makes us pay a single mother when she gives birth to a child, because the father is irresponsible. This requires that the mother cannot be married. The father is required to pay child support if he was married and goes through a divorce. But if they were not married then we taxpayers have been paying the child support for every irresponsible father since 1965. That is the Great Society that Democratic President Lyndon B. Johnson crammed down our throats. Funny that he is dead but I am still pay for his Great Society, that isn’t so great with all these single adults making babies that we are paying to raise so they both can live irresponsibly.

        4. When communists came to the USA in the early 1900’s they changed names, called it the liberal party to be accepted. Later to the progressive party. Liberal is a positive term usually so the name gives the illusion of generosity. The liberal/socialists are actually the most greedy and selfish people on earth but are great at telling others what to do, using others money to look good, and masterful illusionists. Progressive is usually a great term meaning to improve but confiscated to give the illusion of progress and improvement while defying all that does improve societies and freedom. The bottom line thinking of true socialists/democrats is seeking control and power over others and stealing their resources greedily.
          I will say that they believe in EQUALITY – them on top over all the masses and equal misery among the masses. I used to listen to the Soviet and Chinese communist/socialist leaders (same agenda different ways to set up socialist states) call American’s CAPITALIST PIGS while the ruling class in the countries horded most of the money and all of the control over the populace. Hypocrisy at the max.

        1. I second that motion, no need to feed and house for life! They chose to be THIEVES, LIARS, and TRAITORS!
          One bullet each, DONE!

          No more CORRUPTION, once WE start holding these MORANS Accountable!

        2. Or a public hanging on the grounds of the White House. They deserve to be hung with all watching what happens to those who are treasonous to America and it’s people. I am a Democrat sick of seeing what these traitors are doing to our great America and it’s citizens.

          1. In the Book of Esther, a gallows had been built by an enemy of the Jews named Haman. He wanted to hang the Jew Mordecai. Queen Esther helped reveal this plot, and her King uncovered the past good deeds of Mordecai, and so Haman was ordered by the King to be hung on the very gallows Haman had built for Mordecai. it would be biblical justice for the very Democrats who tried so hard to hang Donald Trump if they were to be hung on the same gallows they built for him.

      2. oh yes for sure they are a rat pack of criminals and to use president trumps words echoed by his followers :lock em up :

        1. Its time to March in and grab them by their ankles and drag them out to the streets of Washington DC. This is our country its time to take it back.

      3. Yep, but u forgot Adam Schiff who knows all of this & required money from all of them too! He is an attorney, ya know they have to make their money, even if the client is their own Mother!! Mitt Romney didn’t do his work for free either!!
        He didn’t jump jump the rope because he dislikes Trump!! I wonder how he got all his money to run for President??? Now, he went to Utah to take more money from the Mormons as if he is all soo interested in the Mormon Religion!! The Mormons do not believe in “Lying” either, but yet he lies to get their support, votes & monetary funds!! He’s just as big of a hypocrite as
        Hillary & Bill Clinton, The Bush’s, plural, the Obamas, the Pelosi’s, plural, Chuck Schumer, and Adam Schiff, Diane Feinstein, Maxine Waters & her husband, raping the people in her district of
        Illinois of dollars! It soo widespread with these Democrats & it got real bad with the Clinton Administration, even though it was really getting healthy with the start of the Geo. Herbert Bush Administration and like Father like Son!

        1. Now we all know why Rino Gov Romney threw away
          his chance against Obama to become President!.
          Romney acted like an embicile giving answers to
          the moderators. Gov Romney’s father also a former
          Governor wasn’t a straight shooter! The details are
          Long time passing in my memory!! I do not feel that he was ever a true Republican!! He’s a good sneaky politician with lots of $$$from where? Fried of
          Joe Biden family affair, maybe?

        2. Now we all know why Rino Gov Romney threw away
          his chance against Obama to become President!.
          Romney acted like an embicile giving answers to
          the moderators. Gov Romney’s father also a former
          Governor wasn’t a straight shooter! The details are
          Long time passing in my memory!! I do not feel that he was ever a true Republican!! He’s a good sneaky politician with lots of $$$from where? Fried of
          Joe Biden family affair, maybe?

        3. You pointed out the Bush’s along with Obama and the Clinton’s and Pelosi – Schumer and so many others also – all traitors out to push the USA into the New World Order. Many elitists think the NWO is a good thing and will help the whole world but do not understand the evil behind it which is pointed out the the Bible’s book of Revelations – the rising of a false Christ/Savior who will deceive the world. Those heading the NWO know this and hate God and God’s people and follow their leader Lucifer who God renamed Satan meaning slanderer/deceiver. Can evil ever produce good? NEVER! A tree grows by the seed planted. Would you get a peach tree from a pear seed? Of course not. The famous saying of “the end justifies the means” is a huge lie. Only God can take what was intended to destroy us and counter to make us stronger. It is not the bad seed that God intended but His using that evil to counter it and bless us. Good and evil are opposites just like love and fear. Fear always tries to torment while good overcomes the evil. We choose the path of life and death daily. God says to choose life and live.

      4. Please do not forget Adam Schiff. and Comey…the two worst pathological liars I have ever had the misfortune to even lay eyes on in the news…..

      5. I am pretty sure that the punishment for treason is of the capital variety. Maybe it is a good thing that AG Barr has re-instated the death penalty. Selling out the American people and our country for money is despicable.

    2. This is all great, but when are they going to show the American people this corrupt news. They need to publish this on the local networks and the news papers and spend the money to do so or this is a waste of time.

      1. Sadly, the big problem is the current “lack of interest” and because it’s “Russian disinformation,” the lame-stream media refuses to expose the Bidens, et al.

        1. It’s not Russian disinformation. The bidens and lame stream Fake News media know it very well. The Biden Family is Corrupt as the day is long…and the evidence here. MSM is blocking all the biden news along with twitter and facebook. In their stupidity they think it won’t get out…WRONG!………Google is getting completely blown up from people wanting to know if they can change their early vote for corrupto-crook perv…biden… It’s a Historic Landslide Victory for TRUMP/PENCE 2020….. and should be Jail for the bidens. MSM, facebook and twitter should be sued into complete submission for their outragous bias. We need Bias Law Legislation in this country without a doubt.

          1. By blocking the informstion from scrutiny, they are accessories after the fact and should be charged for it
            I would also include a charge of hampering an investigation.

          2. Yeah, but are the early voters going to be “legally allowed” to change their votes? Probably not, if any Dems are in a position to keep it from happening (state & local governments?). That’s what’s always been wrong with early voting. This China virus has screwed up our whole country & don’t think for a moment that it wasn’t what China intended!

        2. It is about time to have some prosecutions. These people have been destroying our Country long enough. It is time to put them in jail. The news media should be held accountable for their part in covering all this up. They should be in jail for being accessories. This might sound extreme, but they are playing a big part in this. America needs to see some justice. We have paid for these politicians to get rich off our backs. Enough!!!!

        3. Oh, it goes much deeper than that. If the international human trafficking (including killings) ever gets exposed, the average citizen of all nations will be out for blood – against their so called leaders.

        4. They refuse to expose the Bidens, and Hillary, and Comey, and Schiff, and Schumer and, and , and….Its because of money, Paul…Soros and others who have their checkbooks always in hand, make sure they have good leverage so they can play anyone….press moguls, media moguls, politicians….they are all in debt to the devil, and he WILL collect, one way or the other. TRUST ME….

      2. You certainly have that correctly. All the talk between us means nothing if we do not pay the price to get it out. This answer is from Peggy Loy

    3. If any of this is true, where are the indictments? Where are the prosecutions? We have been hearing this crap for a number of years and nothing happens. Now we have a main character in a race for the WH and nothing has happened. Leads me to believe that none of this is true!

      1. wake up they are all dirty starting with the clintons obamas bidens and so forth isnt it funny all that have the goods on them mesteriously die vince foster epstein for clintons the lady who had obamas birth certificate died in a plane crash if i were bobelinski i would watch out these people are killers that will go to no means they are all afraid trump will have them prosecuted by atty general barr thats why they want to get rid of him so bad he exposes them he needs to get reelected to clean the swamp first order of business if so sb to get rid of all obamas leftovers in the doj fbi cia and so fprth


        1. I just can’t understand how people can be so gullabie to let the dems take over this country. We are free–why would anyone give that up?? IF THESE IDIOTS GET IN OFFICE WE CAN KISS IT ALL GOODBYE. HITLER promised people it would be a good life just look what happened there. Same story just a different country. If these radicals get control then it will be a real good life for them but you will have no say over yours. And we won’t be the United Stares of America— we will be a suburb of the communist China regime.n One day you will look back and think about how it used to be. Maybe then you will think that President Trump wasn’t so bad after all. And then you will realize just who was really lying. BY THEN IT WILL BE TOO LATE BECAUSE YOU WILL NEVER HAVE THE FREEDOM TO CHOOSE ANOTHER LEADER.

      2. You do not read the announcement from FBI director confirmed the laptop informations are real and true ! Even the ex partner of Hunter gave all three cel phones to FBI .

      3. Oh, it’s true. The problem is, Barr and his team MUST make sure they do everything by the book, examine all sides, have all their evidence locked away in safe places , and then bring them on….one by one…they’ll get prosecuted…it is just not happening as fast as we want it to, which is so often the case. But I have always heard it said. “Anything worth having is worth the wait”. Trust me, if anyone dies before they are fully exposed and required to pay for their crimes……God will make sure they stand before Him to make an account….Sucks to be them….

      4. So you believe that if no one is prosecuted then these deeds are not true? Wow how naive. You do know not every Prosecutor is above the law don’t you. They like to be re-elected and so they take donations from the powerful. Who are the powerful? The very ones who you are saying are telling the truth because they haven’t been prosecuted.

    4. If our justice department is as crooked as the Bidens, nothing will be done!! So far our FBI and attorney general have set on this way to long!!

    5. I found out that I have the highest level of Democrat deranged syndrome! Put them in prison in Ukraine!!!! Why do we have to pay for their crimes here?

    6. This shows you how bad Biden really is, he setup his own son to take the fall, if things fell apart. I can hear Hunter calling daddy help me. He hasn’t figured out that it was his daddy that set him up. Joe had all of the money put in Hunter’s businesses, then laundered through the banks, that is how he got his 10%.
      I hate to ask this, but I think that someone will sooner or later, after forty some years, just how much does Jill know about the family businesses. Sorry…………. just had to ask.

    7. What do U mean TOO? In 6 months Beijing Biden will believe himself 2b either the reincarnation of Lincoln or the albino brother of MLK,, there’s nothing left but hot air in that cranium. The women R the driving factors SATRAPS) behind these BOZO’S. Jill is holding BB up while Nancy/ “D” / AOC & the SKANK SQUAD/Fauxcahontas/ prep Kamy & pull the puppets strings. Nancy’s son involved? Her nephew is dictator 4 life of CA, . “D ” & her red Chinese driver/The CZARINA of the Michiganders her :IMPERIAL MAJESTY” GRETCHEN THE GREAT. Remember the old saying “deadlier than the male”. Who do U really think is the power behind the PUPPET THRONE?

    8. Joe Biden is FAKING dementia so he won’t be prosecuted for his treason. He’s a pathological liar and a con man. This is just another one of his schemes. Treason is punishable by death. He and the #BidenCrimeFamily must pay for their treasonous acts and so should HRC, Obama, Brennan, and the whole Mueller gang.

    9. …wait a second….you mean to tell me that “the big guy” was referring to Joe? Shoot, this whole time, I thought it was Michelle Obama ‍♀️

    10. Hunter Biden and Burisma are just a tip of the iceberg. JB went to China in Dec. 2013, took HB with him, and 2 weeks later RosemontSeneca (HB was a partner in it) got $1.5 B deal with Bank of China. JB as VP was point man on Iraq, and bro James’ new construction company, Hillstone, got $1.8 B contract to help rebuild Iraq. Early in 2009, JB did diplomatic/trade mission to Costa Rica, and bro Frank – who’d been hiding from CA authorities to avoid paying $550,000 wrongful-death judgement against him – started new construction company and got big contracts to build luxury homes, a golf course, and a clubhouse. In 2011 StartUpHealth, a medical services consulting firm, whose executive VP was JB’s son-in-law, got big contracts to help roll out ObamaCare. A crime family indeed!

    11. He actually started before 2016; he started when Trump ran for president. You guys know what the dems did to Benghazi, right? They’re all guilty of killing those military and american embassy employees trying to cover their tracks cause they didn’t kill Osama Bin Laden but his double. Apparently, Iraq told Obama where Osama was hiding and when it was time to do the raid Iraq had already planted the “double” and kept Osama safe. So, the military men didn’t know that it wasn’t Osama they killed until it was over. Iraq decided to blackmail Obama saying if you don’t pay us we will show the U.S. you did not kill Osama. Obama supposedly loaded 152billion cash of our tax dollars on a plane to pay them off then asked for 2billion to be returned to him because he said he also had to pay others to keep quiet, too!

    12. I wished they’d do it before election; cuff them all or at least sloppy Joe and FBI Director first cause I figured at least it’ll put a stop to the riots & protesting crap BUT I don’t think that’s going to happen. Tom Fitton said, it might take years before anything will happen IF they’re even going to get in trouble cause he said he himself has a hard time trying to get any kind of paperwork from Supreme Court! Fitton said, “it shouldn’t take that long to get copies of Fauci’s e-mails unless he’s hiding something! He also mentioned that the first email Fauci turned in to him was one that Fauci was complimenting the Chinese (CCP).

    13. You guys should come and watch WAR ROOM every morning at 9:00 am on YouTube where all Trump supporters hang out. Steve Bannon is the Host along with 3 other people that work with him and they have guests that they also feature. They’re closed on Sundays but it’s on Monday through Saturday. Steve Bannon is planning to expose the contents of that laptop.

      They also framed Steve Bannon so you know Steve wants revenge.

    14. That’s true and what people don’t understand is the fact the CCP only wants World Domination. They don’t want American citizens so they will kill us all. They have no loyalty and they won’t think twice to drop a bomb on U.S. soil if Xi Jin Ping gets anxious because right now he’s just waiting for sloppy Joe and the democRATS to deliver a win so they can do whatever they want to our country. UN voted China to get us. They have no need for us they just want to dominate.

    15. We the People need to protest to make it happen. You guys need to watch the WAR ROOM on YouTube hosted by Steve Bannon Monday through Saturday at 9am. Steve is planning to expose everything!


    17. Actions taken to cover-up the wrongs they did, is an act of treason on the American President. Sifting the subject material is what the left does best to overt the crime in the eyes of the people.

  1. Hopefully enough citizens will vote GOP to counter all the illegals and dead people that will have votes cast in their name. “Unverified” (as the left has said about any voter fraud) is another way of saying “we haven’t investigated and we aren’t going to investigate”. If you don’t look for it chances are you aren’t going to find it.

    1. The media should be held accountable also for there participation in covering up and with holding these crimes that were committed by the Obama & Biden administration. Their just as guilty and should be punished.

      1. The fake news will not be happy with a soci@list government. Under a soci@list government there will be only one news agency, owned and controlled by the soci@list government. They will not need all of the reporters, editors, journalists, hosts, or commentators. They will love being sl@ves just like the rest of us. They will be proud of what they have done.
        You know! come to think about it, they wont even need networks, or the owners, board of directors. the gov can take all of their money and they will be sl@ves too. From the tale of Riches to Rags.

      2. Soros & elites got the media against Trump, republicans and us citizens. You know they all knew about the virus before China announced it right? President Trump didn’t know until China supposedly announced it. Tom Hanks knew about it. So did Bill & Melanie Gates because the Gates are the ones that held that World Economic Forum held at the John Hopkins Center they called it Event201 entitled Pandemic Preparedness in October 18, 2019 in New York, NY funded by Soros. Tom Hanks dropped a hint via Twitter talking about the Event201 and said he was attending it and he was going to bring his favorite typewriter and even showed a picture of his old typewriter brand name was “Corona!” This event was announced by John Hopkins on August 21, 2019 so they all knew all about the virus way before it arrived to U.S. That’s when I started digging on Fauci. He was involved in the creation of covid!


    2. The reason the corrupto-crats want so badly to delay the election results is to buy time so they can figure out just how many dead people, dogs ,and rats need to vote to steal the election. Everyone’s eyes are upon them. They can never pull it off. It will be a Mountain far too large to scale… Corrupto-crats will FAIL AGAIN !

    3. I agree,
      We are Americans. This shouldn’t be happening in this country. Where’s the respect.
      If this was me I’d already be under the jail.
      And if anyone votes for Biden your a #%@!!!
      Do you realize its going to be 4 women running othis country and not Biden.
      Think about it and wake up!
      And by the way did the Obama administration help you?

    4. Congress must pass a law to vote using the fingerprint as the most secure identification when casting a vote. That will drive the democrats crazy!

      1. Jose Luis, what an excell. ent idea: FINGERPRINT IDENTIFICATION IN ORDER TO VOTE !!
        Yes! Yes!! Yes!!!
        Gotta tell my U. S. Senator.!!
        Good job, JOSE !!!

    5. FBI actually started investigating, or so to speak. Fitton thinks they might be faking investigating then will come back and say they didn’t see nothing illegal going on BUT if we’re lucky maybe someone pushed them to start the investigation and throw the Biden family in Jail since sloppy Joe can’t be president under his current condition. Commiela also has family ties to CCP and she wasn’t a U.S. born citizen so really she is NOT qualified to be a V.P. even; which leaves us Nasty Pelousy, argh! I hate that woman!!!


  2. The democrats are in it up to their eyeballs. I pray that there is a Republican landslide like this country has never seen. Biden, Pelosi, John Kerry. Mitt Romney, Hillary and Hunter all need to go to prison for Treason.

        1. If we are hearing or seeing this then so is Trump. He won’t stand for this. Remember he’s cleaning the swamp

    1. This is very difficult to drain the swamp,they all are in the politics for so long ,they all have connection ,the law need to establish to set term limits so this way no one can plant the root this is only the way to get rid of the corruption.

  3. If Biden may becomes President, this will all be swept under the table. If not, then Kamal Harris will become President and the nightmare will get worse. I hope Americans are smarter than to elect a corrupt Biden.

    1. NOT DEMOCRATS HAVE NOT BEEN CHARGED FOR ANYTHING IT LIKE THEY ARE ABOVE THE LAW IF THAT WAS A Republican not doubt they would be put in prison but they will SWEEP it under the rug and NOTHING WILL BE DONE ABOUT IT BUT THEY WILL STILL Accusing Trump of doing everything please make the Democrats I Accountable For what they have done to our country

    2. Unfortunate that so many people voted before all of this corruption hit the voting public. If it is too late, we and this country are doomed.

    3. There’s so much dirt on these people it’s unbelievable. When I started getting interested was when Bill Clinton got caught with Lewandowski. I started digging on Bill & Hitllary and omg those two are pure evil people so much crime around them! When she ran against Trump I decided to start voting. Never voted until Trump came but I knew democrats have been courting Trump to run for Presidency and he kept telling them “no!” But they wanted him to run as a democrat. Trump’s best friend is JFK, Jr. and he figured maybe it’s time to do some digging that’s when he started to kinda started paying attention to democrats and he didn’t like what he was hearing so, he decided to run against them to end corruption plus i do believe he also wanted to find out what really happened to JFK, Jr. Trump used to hang out with some politicians but they all hated the fact that he ran against them. It wasn’t because they didn’t like him; it was because they knew Trump would find out all about their corruption.

  4. They definitely need to be indicted and tried, but does my Republican Party have the balls to try ? I’m not sure.


    1. Soros’ money dictate what media can and cannot do!!! He is a disgusting old man; pure evil. Soros always makes sure he has someone in Supreme Court Justice on his side and also on the local states. He was the puppetmaster for Hitllary’s campaign and I believe Obama, too! Speaking of Obama, you know they are positioning Michael aka Michelle to run for presidency, right? Which will bring Barry back to the White House if she/he wins. You know they have bought a mansion in Hawaii compliments of our tax dollars, right?

  5. I often wondered if Mitt Romney was involved in all this mess. Everyone involved needs to face a court of law and pay the penalty for what not only for what they have done illegally, but also for selling out our country, wasting tax payer dollars on a hoax to cover their lies, and for smearing our President Trump. And their total ignorance, using the same lies, are still doing the same thing. You would think by now they would learn to shut up with the lies. Obama knew about all this too, he’s just as guilty. They’re all guilty of treason!

  6. Very SAD and, Most Disappointing! How could those people be able to call themselves Americans? GOD! COUNTRY! FAMILY! Theuy forgot the Frist the TWO!
    “For the People, of the PEOPLE an BY the PEOPLE! ” They forgot that they were not in CHARGE, but the HEARTS OF THE PEOPLE who LOVE THIS COUNTRY are! The energy of OUR LOVE for our Country Protects our Beloved COUNTRY! Thus, those SEFL CENTERED greedy for CASH, POWER and the FLESH LOST! God never fails to protect those who Love HIM and TRUST in HIM! Daily we pray for our Country and our President!
    God bless America! & our President!

    1. They need to freeze all involved assets as I am sure will add up to billions. Pay it back to the tax payers. All involved should be prosecuted to the fullest extent. May they rottt in jail!!

  7. I hope that President Trump wins with a landslide.
    Then he needs to investigate the Biden corruption to its full extent, and jail all those responsible.
    These crooks are getting rich on hardworking American tax payers.
    They should be ashamed of themselves.

  8. The Biden Family s crime spree probably coes beyond PAY to PLAY and money laundering and also includes CONSPIRACY with the CCP MILITARY INTELLEGENCE for the sum of some 90million dollars over 5 years.Hunter may be Joes FALL GUY!

  9. We must seek the Lord repent, confess and give back our country to Him. That His rule be over our country and our people. That we may do the proper and righteous move to get our country back.
    Soros must be on the list mentioned in the article as he likes spending foolishly, providing for antifa & blm riots with what the Lord has given him. Yes, the Lord has given him his wealth but I know God has a plan. That old man has no direction. Evil incarnate. He needs to repent and ask God for forgiveness as he is too close to the end of his life. I know he has 2 sons that are just like him running his organization with the same ideology.

  10. YES,YES TO TREASON !!! I, for one, do not take lightly Sleepy Joe’s comment about a “dark winter”. I believe that comment was made right before or after he slipped about shutting down oil. Therfore it could very well be that remark was also a slip of the tongue. My opinion is that HE knows that the Democrats have a scheme (mail, dead people voting, using Ihan’s trick of buying votes, Soros, etc.) to assist illegally for Sleepy’s win and that is what he meant by a “dark winter”. Just saying…

  11. This story was very interesting. I have to admit there was a lot of conjecture and what ifs in it, but when you see and hear about the corruption happening with the Democrats and the Biden’s, the story seems more factual than not. The bottom line here is this: The Biden Family is a corrupt group of individuals and most of the Democrat Party were in on it. The MSM were in on it . Many rich billionaires were in on it. China was in on it and yes, the Russians were in on it. The only people who were not in on it were the law abiding American people. They were all lied to and deceived every step of the way. The corruption goes deep with this thing, folks. I hope and pray to God that these miscreant liars and deceivers get there just desserts in the end. A good way to start would be to vote everyone of these scumbag, scuzzbucket, sleaze ball Democrat out of office and then prosecute them to the fullest extent of the law. If I had the power, I would bring back the firing squad.

  12. I agree with every post here,they were all involved or at the very least had knowledge of what was going on and should all be imprisoned and all should loose everything just like they did to general flynn

  13. Vote for Joe and get AOC for Energy Secretary, Fauxchihauntus for Treasury Secretary, Bernie for Secretary of Interior and Zero O’Dork for Secretary of Gun Grabbing. Then we can all sing: Turn out the lights, the party’s over!

  14. The plot thickens….VOTE THEM OUT! Spread the word across social media. The can’t stop us all.
    As the Bible says, “Look, more are with us than against us”

  15. Guilty or not? Do you think any “JUSTICE” will come from all We know? We have a 2-teired justice system and 2 totally separate verdicts for the same crimes committed! The facts may be recognized but Democrats spend NO time in the slammer!

      1. Thanks 4 waking me up Grandma. I 4got the Cleopatra of the USA. PLZ 4give my omission of that HORRIBLE FEMME FATALE in my last comment. I think my memory blocks her out because she may cause irreparable damage 2 my poor brain.

  16. There is not one justifiable reason to vote for Joe Biden – not one. The man is a despicable, degenerate, corrupt, career politician who made millions while in public service. And yet millions of morons will vote for this vile human being. It’s a national disgrace.

  17. Lol there is no way the Democratics will win this election we the people have had enough of their lies racism and hatred for this country. We will put our faith in God his son and Holy Ghost. And please pass the ammunition

  18. I pray that Trump is reelected by a landslide.
    The saddest part of all of this is the non believers
    who choose to put their hatred of Trump ahead of
    the well being of their country. Note I say well being..because these people have no love for our
    country love President Trump for what he has tried
    to do for our country but if the proof had come out implicating him as it has Biden I would have
    run to distance myself from him.
    When you ask these liberals why they hate him they have NO ANSWERS. Most younger voters
    have been indoctrinated and fed years of liberal
    rhetoric instead of receiving an education. The
    children today have parents who don’t teach them
    right from wrong..or consequences.
    The lies about Trump run rampant.
    He isn’t against immigration..only illegal immigration. He is against Sanctuary cities..
    He is for Voter ID..he supports our first ammendment rights..our right to protect
    ourselves thru the second ammendment..
    Pro life..and I believe more so than anything
    the requirement that you get out and work
    for a living.
    Joe Biden was never intended to be your President
    Soros and Obama are the puppetmasters and
    Joe Biden the puppet..the TROJAN HORSE needed
    to sneak her in the back door..she received less
    than 10% of the votes when she campaigned for
    office.. Soros is the most dangerous person in
    this country..filthy rich and hatred for America.
    He has PURCHASED prosecutors throughout our
    country to do his bidding..and they in turn have
    refused to uphold the law.. He needs to be
    charged and deported from this country after
    they seize his assets. Obama needs to be
    prosecuted to the fullest for the treasonous
    acts of his administration.
    The media needs to be made to report facts and
    not withhold information..Another problem
    caused by Soros..Teachers need to be held accountable and the unions brought to justice.
    Children need to be taught skills..not liberal

    1. First time on this Site, comments are great. I have a Plan to put the Bible and Creation back in EDUCATION. CreatorisLiberty com and book “America Come Back”. Volunteer Groups in every County, learn facts of Creation, fraud of Evolution and attend every School Board Meeting demanding the Bible and Creation be put back in School. See, CreatorisLiberty com Blog page for great assembly of Quotes of America’s Founders. Trumps “1776 Project” and Franklin Graham’s “Prayer March 2020” will combine to put the Bible and Creation back in School. 80 % of America’s Children are being Indoctrinated that our Creator does not exist and the Bible is a Fairy Tale. Our Creator hates this and he will lead us to Rescue America. They cannot not do this alone the Righteous must Rise up and take America Back.

    2. Couldn’t agree with you more, they all need to be voted out of office and those who are holding office should be behind bars as well. I’m tired of all these “FAT CATS” thinking that they are better than the rest of us. This has gone on long enough and it’s time to clean this up. WAKE UP PEOPLE !!!

    1. Hell…… the biggest “crime family” in America is the DEMOCRATIC PARTY!!! The Italian mobs in the big cities don’t hold a candle to Obama and all of his ilk.
      At this juncture, they should not even be an election. “We the people” should shut it down, storm into the halls of Congress locked and loaded, and put the whole Democratic Party out on their asses. That’s how it’s gonna have to happen, I’m a registered Republican, but I can’t wait on the Republicans because they don’t have any testicular fortitude whatsoever to remotely pull this feat off. I feel that if they did, it would’ve already been a done deal. The Democrats are evil connivers, and it’s more than obvious what they’re doing. And now they’re going to try and steal this joke of an election?!! If our President “loses” this thing……. WE……………….., need to be the rescuers of our country. Seriously …. who else is going to rise up and take the EVIL DEMS down??!!!! Just heard that Comrade Biden is up by 8 percentage points overall, lying MSM….. and there’s another institution that needs a royal spanking. 8 points!! Bullshit. The Democratic media is as guilty as the party they work for.
      I understand that there is plenty of jail room out in California, as governor Newsom has been releasing thousands of hardened criminals because he’s afraid they’re going to catch Covid. What a guy. What a world!

  19. dr15oct20
    Here’s a known fact, sleepy Joe () Biden of 47 years in govt., is the founder and creator of the Swamp Creatures, as the nemesis of justice shall prevail upon these liars n cheaters and his cohorts the democrats, some republicans, Obama judges, MSM(msmafia) etc. This nest is huge and will unravel all those involved in the government. WHAT IS A.G.BARR DOING ABOUT THIS CRIME, HE’S RUNNING AROUND MAKING ARRESTS NOT RELATED TO THE MAIN CRIME SCENE OF UKRAIN/RUSSIA, WHICH HE TOTALLY IGNORES FOR AFTER THE 03NOV. The democrats/cohorts have induced so much fear by intimidation and, their gimmicks they shower on those who do not surrender to their Political Evil and bully tactics are threatened after 03nov is what they can expect if dems. win by hook or by crow. To this I inject a change in the Top Military Command and DOD, who should work at the pleasure of the President CIC of the Armed forces with the mandate of the people and not otherwise, and not some nitwit statements made by thieving democrats who do not practice what they preach but accuse PTrump for all their immoral and unethical behavior as reported daily by few honest news media. Democrats have the qualities and characteristics of criminals; they can sugar-coat their words to you, into believing all they will tell you, that they will do for you and never will, if elected.

  20. Why are Republicans so afraid to prosecute any of these criminal Democrats (Biden, Hillary, etc)? What’s stopping them? Where’s Trey Gowdy?? I’d like to see him, Ted Cruz and Graham nail those bastards and soon. Also, I HOPE Trump when he wins FIRES top leaders in the FBI for their negligence.

  21. Pelosi’s son has business dealings with communist China. I wonder how many others in public office have family, friends, and themselves in such deals. China will blackmail these people fast.

    1. China already has blackmailed all of them including the techs at Silicon Valley. Chinese has especially the men having sex with young girls as young at 10 years old while Chinese were were recording it and that’s why they are all throwing everything at Trump because China is threatening to expose them if Biden does not win the election because China I believe is afraid of Trump.

      I totally agree about Soros; he & his family should be kicked out of the U.S. for treason. He also has AG Barr in his pocket dating back to Bush. Practically all the democRATS are corrupt. You guys need to watch the WAR ROOM on YouTube because Steve Bannon who was also framed by the democrats and Trump followers talk every morning at 9am. I do believe Trump will win a landslide; as God has already annointed him to win and survive this election. God also said, those who harm his children in the “red sea” (red sea meaning Trump team color) should repent OR they will suffer the consequences of their actions. He also added that once this trial/election is done covid will stop and Trump win all our lives will experience prosperity. That the Republicans will take over the White House and dems will go in hiding for a bit BUT they will return and be worse than how they are now but it’ll be years from now. God said the biggest mistake dems made was ABORTIONS, COVID, and what they’ve done to America and its citizens and they need to repent!

  22. Hunter Biden and his corrupt family, that being Joe Biden need to be help accountable for all their involvement in China, Russia and Ukraine deals that put our country at risk. Pelosi also needs to be thrown out of office. Apologies are in order for Pres Trump, & the fake impeachment removed from his record. All the illegal players have been named on the laptop from hell. That’s Hunter Biden’s laptop. The FBI should do a better job of investigating these criminals and all of them, including crooked Hillary should be prosecuted and convicted.

  23. Do we the born and raised American people continually refuse to reflect on God’s Commandments, Thou shall NOT KILL, yet how many ABORTIONS have occurred prior to as well as after the non-Constitutional Roe vs Wade became law? We are seeing first hand on a daily basis God’s Word REPROBATE being put into action in our country! Please begin to READ God’s Word-The Bible
    KJV. Mathew 24-25-Luke 21-Mark13. It’s Time for Truthful Repentance to God for our personal Sins we have committed against God & Truly begin a personal relationship with THE One & Only JESUS CHRIST.
    Heavenly Father, Please Protect Our President & if it be Your Will May Our President be Re-Elected a second term. Please have mercy on all of us for our sinful life’s that we live due to our sin nature in which We inherited from Adam, Read Genesis & call on Jesus Christ for Forgiveness of ALL our Sins!
    Jesus is Coming!

  24. What is absolutely astonishing is that ANY TRUE PATRIOTIC AMERICAN WHO CARES, TRULY CARES ABOUT OUR COUNTRY, OUR CITIZENS- ALL CITIZENS REGARDLESS OF RACE, RELIGION, or ECONOMIC STATURE, REGARDLESS OF THEIR POLITICAL AFFILIATION, that at this point, after all we know, that ANYONE COULD BELIEVE THERE IS ANY DISCUSSION ON WHO OUR PRESIDENT SHOULD BE… if you truly, sincerely and honestly make your decisions based on PROVEN FACTS, THE UNDENIABLE TRUTH, and you really give a damn about our country, and it’s future and for your children’s and grandchildren’s future… there is only ONE CHOICE and that CHOICE IS TO RE-ELECT THE BEST PRESIDENT OUR GREAT NATION HAS BEEN FORTUNATE TO HAVE LEAD US THESE LAST FOUR YEARS, a PRESIDENT that has been forced to endure more crap from the opposing party than ever in our history- unfairly charged with one bogus, fabricated, made up, in some instances illegally, from the Russia collusion hoax, the fabricated made up quid pro quo, that we all know was a COVERUP for the REAL -UNDENIABLE- THEN VP BIDEN QUID PRO QUO when he threatened to withhold a Billion Dollars in aid from Ukraine if they didn’t fire the prosecutor that was investigating corruption in a company called Burisma that just happened to have his son Hunter working on their board and being paid roughly $83,000 per month, with zero experience and zero knowledge of the business… Joe while addressing a small group and panel laughs when he says- “I said I’m leaving here in six hours and if you don’t fire the Prosecutor you ain’t getting the Billion Dollars… well SON OF A BITCH.. THEY FIRED THE PROSECUTOR! Let’s not forget during the impeachment proceedings the democrats leader- COMPULSIVE LIAR SCHIFF, CHANGED THE WORDS OF THE PHONE CALL TRANSCRIPT BETWEEN PRESIDENT TRUMP AND THE UKRAINE PRESIDENT AND THEN READ HIS VERSION TO CONGRESS AND THE AMERICAN PEOPLE… HE BLATANTLY LIED TO EVERYONE-with zero accountability and zero consequences. PLEASE – PLEASE TAKE A MOMENT AND THINK… really think, do some research and check all the things President Trump has done- most of which you may not be aware of due to our corrupted media that has become the mouthpiece for spreading ONLY INFORMATION THAT SUPPORTS THE DEMOCRAT NARRATIVE- even if that information is bogus, completely fabricated, and with no regard to the damage it will do or has done to America and Americans… if you have NOT YET VOTED… take a moment and GO ON LINE AND READ AN ARTICLE WRITTEN BY PERONNEAU VANDEHEY IN THE FRANK REPORT TITLED: The 125 ACCOMPLISHMENTS OF PRESIDENT TRUMP…. ONCE YOU READ THIS… you will be first OUTRAGED… and second.. THERE WILL BE ABSOLUTELY NO DOUBT AS TO WHO YOU SHOULD VOTE FOR: PRESIDENT TRUMP WILL REBUILD AMERICA EVEN BETTER THAN HE DID THE FIRST TIME… and let’s please NOT FORGET ONE EXTREMELY IMPORTANT THING- the democrats were quick to first jump all over the President when he SHUT DOWN TRAVEL WITH CHINA A FEW DAYS AFTER THE FIRST CONFIRMED CORONAVIRUS CASE IN THE USA IN LATE JANUARY… calling him XENOPHOBIC, RACIST, ALARMIST, and FEAR MONGER… then in MARCH WE SAW PELOSI ENCOURAGING TOURISTS AND RESIDENTS TO COME OUT TO CELEBRATE AND HAVE FUN IN CHINATOWN… we witnessed the same thing when NYC MAYOR de Blasio invited people to come to the city.. the city that was eventually ground zero for the virus… going so far as to say he would provide maps of the restaurants to eat in and the plays to see on Broadway… later the Democrats blamed the President for not doing enough… yet even though cities with the most trouble were democrat, President Trump had numerous hospitals built in NYC and had a medial ship with a thousand beds to NY HARBOR- all in record time- all never done before.. he then did the same for California, etc. But what you MUST REMEMBER , PLEASE REMEMBER- that YES, our President made some mistakes, but none were deliberate… our President also saved countless lives with his swift actions… but what I want everyone to NEVER FORGET- while the President was trying to help fight this unwanted, uninvited tragic mistake of carelessness from CHINA- not immediately notifying the world of their mistakes that let the CORONAVIRUS OUT- the entire time PRESIDENT TRUMP AND ALL THE MEDICAL, SCIENTIFIC PERSONNEL HELPING FIGHT THIS VIRUS- the DEMOCRATS SPENT ALL THEIR TIME AND EFFORTS TRYING TO IMPEACH OUR DULY ELECTED PRESIDENT BY PHONY, FAKE, FABRICATED, means even illegal means … devoting NO TIME TOWARDS HELPING FIGHT THE CORONAVIRUS THAT WAS KILLING INNOCENT PEOPLE ALL OVER THE WORLD- they CHOSE THEIR OWN SELFISH DESIRES OVER THE SAFETY AND SURVIVAL OF AMERICAN CITIZENS! DON’T FORGET THIS!
    Vote for the FACTS, the TRUTH, the person who cares about every citizen and the person that puts our safety and security and well being above all their own…. PRESIDENT TRUMP IS THE ONLY CHOICE… COMMON SENSE MUST PREVAIL OVER MINDLESS POLITICALLY MOTIVATED RHETORIC. Please don’t be swayed by the relentless attempt by democrats to discredit and hurt our President and our great nation. The best is yet to come! Vote PRESIDENT TRUMP AND VOTE REPUBLICAN ACROSS THE BOARD…. thank you.❤️

    1. They did the same shit to General Flynn because they felt threatened by him and they figured he was too honest and asking too many questions so, they tried to crucify him. Thank god he was found NOT GUILTY but they are still trying to give him a hard time about releasing him to clear his name. These democrats are evil people. General Flynn would be the perfect replacement for FBI Director!!!

      Trump already appointed Tom Fitton of Judicial Watch to head a group that Trump is creating to get cases moving at the Supreme Court. These democratic judges are constantly stonewalling Judicial Watch when they’re trying to investigate on cases. Look at Hitllary’s case they’re stone walling, look at Dr. Fauci’s investigation, they’re stone walling. Tom Fitton gets so frustrated because he said these people act like they’re all above the law. He said, don’t be surprised if you see Joe Biden become the President. I’m like wtf what good is the supreme court then; is it only for show, that’s all BS, then!!!

  25. Expose all of the corruption in Washington once and for all. These scum bags need to go including that witch Nancy Pelosi see should burn on the stake like all the witches did in Salem

  26. The crimes go even deeper, Think about this; Why do so many left and some right stall all this information. Because; their part of it. The Rhinos on the right are taking also. Do you think they would just stand by and let the left take from the cooky jar? Pre3sident Trump and Barr, please open Pandoors box and let out the stink!!!! So many of us are wondering why they’re not being brought forward. If we did something illegal we would be in prison. It is time to flush the toilet. God is on our side.

    1. Yup there are some crooked republicans, too and you can tell who they are. Just take note of who disrespects our president like Nasty Pelousy & Schumeister, along with FBI, etc. John Kerry’s old boss who became a lobbyist was also on the take along with 4 other senate people on the Burisma case. Steve Hilton on Fox did a report exposing all the corruption BUT nothing happened; No one paid any attention. Rudy Guiliani also questioned about Burisma and so did UK’s new president because he said there was money laundering he discovered and it was pointing to our democrats to the tune of 7.4billion dollars of our tax payers money!!! I sent copies of all those reports to Judicial Watch.

  27. What is most alarming is the DNC-media-social media suppression. Not to mention the laptop was notified to the FBI in 2019 and no information was provided by the DOJ or FBI to validate the authenticity and help shut down the scam impeachment. Classic diversion tactic of dems, what they accuse they doing. The fact that NY post that is subject to liable have been suppressed and no further vetting BU other media or FBI rather its being suppressed. Gues if by some chance Biden wins he gets away with this scot free. A special counsel needs to be appointed ASAP so if this is proven and validated then the dems will have same mess Trump had, whole Biden gets removed by 25th amendment and Harris is the real candidate. It’s so shameful. Biggest scandal in American history and most of the media is standing by and helping suppress. We need a Trump win hold senate and start holding people to account.

    1. I have said for more than a year now that IF Biden is elected he will never be sworn in as president. He will be declared incompetent and Harris will then be sworn in as president. Pelosi will then be installed as Vice President. Then — ‘KATTIE BAR THE DOOR!’ This revelation explains almost everything that occurred including the orchestrated and finely choreographed pro forma impeachment. Everyone knew that the Clintons were as crooked as a dog’s hind leg — this explains how deep and wide the conspiracy permeated the Obama administration, who, by the way, HAD to be involved as well, since it was he who nominated crooked Clinton to the post of Foreign Secretary.

    2. God help us if the Whore were to become CIC. A horrific thought

      “There are good people on both sides”…… we all know what our President meant by that statement before the left spun it into a “racist, white supremicist” comment being taken completely out of it’s true context. What I’m trying to convey here is that the Democrats don’t belong on EITHER side of that coin do they…… as, they aren’t “good people”
      Tar and feathers. I’d love to see Chucky Schumer in tar blackface in some stocks as we throw rotten tomatoes and rocks at him with a chorus line of his corruptive cohorts standing in line behind him awaiting their turn. DAMN THATS A LONG LINE OF IDIOTS!!

  28. Reorganize the FCC and replace them with honest, God fearing, conservative, patriotic managers. Then inform Fake News, Huffington Post, and FB, Twitter, and Google, no more Liberal bias. No more censorship of Christians, Patriots, or Republicans. No favoritism over either Party, or lose license to operate. That means from a multibillionaire to a pauper nearly over night. Got it?

  29. I believe the biggest threats to Democracies around the World is George Soros. Unlike Hitler who tried to rule the World with an Army, Soros is doing it with his wealth. Through his foundations he supports anarchists (BLM, Antifa etc) causing dissent among a Country’s Citizens under the guise of racism, genderism and social justice etc. This in turn destabilizes the Governments of Sovereign Countries. His intent is to take over their financial institutions, media and corrupt political leaders. His ultimate goal, to Rule the World under the guise of being a Globalist. Several Countries have tried to prosecute him, but individually were no match for his wealth and connections with corrupt leaders of many Countries. If the UN is worth the space they take up, George Soros and his family should be tried internationally for Crimes against Humanity, the rule of justice applied to Nazis. Countries around the World should siege the financial assets of all his foundations and freeze his business and family assets. Any Country giving him and his family refuge should be subjected to international trade sanctions. Like Hitler, for many years Countries turned a “blind eye” to his agenda. Giving Hitler an opportunity to build an Army and indoctrinate many with his warped racism and ideology. Placing superior value on the lives of one group over the lives of all humanity. The World must stop History from repeating itself.

  30. Democrats are ether the:
    The stupid ie lemming followers
    The ugly ie just look at democrats they are literally the ugliest people on the planet
    The corrupt ie the politicians and big money whom have ether sold out to China , stolen from America or committed treason to cover their sins
    The elite ie have all the money so the only way to get richer is to make Americans poorer
    The evil ie Obama and fauchi produced covid gave it and millions to China to unleash on America to cover their crimes and turn America communist
    The media ie the biggest liars in the worlds history
    The satanic ie all democrats which are the vessels of the apocalypse!
    There is only one way to stop democrats!!!
    Start with the leaders and politicians
    Then the money men
    Then the media
    Then Hollywood
    Then the sports
    Once you eliminate all of the above which is likely about 10000 treasonous scum
    The head of the snake will be removed
    The rest will follow like lemmings for democrats are the scum and the afraid and the ugly
    They cannot support themselves they are obviously morons all of them , they will continue on and follow any free meal available
    When America wises up we will quit feeding the morons and they will ether go to work become Americans or die of starvation!
    Morons are the democrats so they will die of starvation
    Which is better America to kill the 10000 democrats trying to ruin America or
    Let the democrat scum ruin America
    America and Our Constitution is based on rights for all not the few against this Great Nation!
    Killing 10000 criminals to save America and giving morons the chance to become humans by casting away democrat treason and it’s narratives by becoming patriots and getting jobs is a very small price to pay both morally and realistically to save America for without America the rest of the world will collapse within days!
    Democrats are to stupid to know their policies and agendas spell nothing but hate starvation and misery!
    Patriots and hero’s unite and save this country

  31. I am so disappointed in the FBI. All of my lifetime the FBI was the gold standard. They were respected and held in high esteem by all. I did not realize that they were part of the swamp which is more evil and deep than anyone ever imagined. They (the FBI) have had that computer since 2019 and NOTHING has come out of it. The FBI is now included among those who cover for the deep state monsters. I care not about Hunter. He is a sleaze bag that will destroy himself but Joe is a different matter. Joe needs to come out of his basement and answer for his part in this illegal operation. In past times the corrupt would be exposed and our country would move on. No more, even the media is an integral part of this cover up. BUT GOD, who is in control, can have His way in spite of all this. In God We Trust.

  32. I knew I hated Obama and Biden in office they didn’t do anything for the American people for 8years except spend on date nights that cost us money. We were poor while they lined their pockets. The Clinton’s are not off the hook either.
    The Pelosi family are in on this we have to drain the swamp….

    1. They did one thing for the America people, divided this country well beyond repair. Obama is a Communist and some dumb ass white folks help get the idiot in office, the only reason Obama picked Biden as VP was where he could get part of the cut.

  33. These are the REAL reasons these DNC/Communist ‘Operators’ hate President Trump. These UN Agenda 21/2030 Goals are why there are SO MANY TRAITORS IN OUR GOVERNMENT! They support THIS:
    1) One World Government
    2) One World Cashless Currancy
    3) One World Central Bank
    4) One World Military
    5) End National Sovereignty
    6) End ALL privately owned property
    7) End of the family Unit
    8) Depopulation and control population growth and density
    9) Mandatory multiple vaccines
    10) Universal basic income (austerity)
    11) Microchipped Society for purchasing, travel, trackiing and control/Implement World Credit System (China)
    12) Trillions of appliances hooked into the 5G monitoring system (internet of things)
    13) Government raised children
    14) Government owned schools, colleges and universities
    15) End private transportation (owning cars, etc)
    16) All businesses owned by government/corporations
    17) Restrict non-essential air travel
    18) Human beings consentrated into settlement zones
    19) End irrigation
    20) End private farms and grazing livestock
    21) End single family dwellings
    22) Restrict land use that serves human needs
    23) Ban natural drugs and homeopathic medicines

    This is why all this civil unrest and infighting is happening in America today! If not for President Trump, Crooked Hilary would already have begun the ‘enslavement’ of America, and the implementation of these New World Order Goals!
    Please share this information so Americans can understand the TRUE DANGERS of the DNC/Communist Party!

  34. Joe Biden is the Spiro T. Agnew of the Democrat Party. The ultimate gang leader was or is Barack Obama. The American people are the ones that were financially extorted. I will never forget.

  35. Let’s face it. It’s not only the democrats that are dishonest, but 99% of the news broadcasters. I am completely at lost with why the democrats can’t see what is going on in this country and why they go along with it. Unfortunately the schools in this country are union driven and the unions are big liberals. They are brain washing our youth and have for some time, causing them to become liberals without brains. This is what Hitler did and it worked for him as it is working for the democrats.

  36. Biden promises he will be the president of all the people. what he doesn’t say is he will be master of all the slaves. Socialism

  37. You know I been thinking about this court packing thing. It could save the country a whole lot of money. You see if the court is going to make the laws we wont need the congress. Just think we could get rid of all the congressmen, and their aids, secretaries, advisors, and other support personal. We wouldn’t need to pay for all their perks, and pet projects. Ya ! man we could save a billion dollars a year, just by eliminating congress. Congrats Schumer you come up with some really good ideas sometimes. Of course we would have to provide job training for those that need to be retrained. We could teach them how to make Big Macs, or KFC.
    The Big Macs are for Trump and the KFCs are for the cabinet.

  38. The OBAMA + CLINTON + BIDEN entities invested heavily with the MAINSTREAM MEDIA, hence CENSORSHIP. Nothing negative concerning their corruptions have materialized as all silenced. Sponsors, lobbyists, and Big Tech should not conceal the monies funneled for their depravity. The recent NY POST censorship alerted America to the underlying manipulations as to the spin concocted by MAINSTREAM MEDIA to influence its audience. Americans deserve transparency, truth, and, integrity — to evaluate, and then, decide. The freedom of choice is a God given right protected by the U.S. Constitution. Vote Trump to sanitize the Swamp and Deep State. MAGA.

  39. To John & Will, I cant help but see the hand of God n the laptop coming forward with all of what is on it. If
    Hunter was cognizant of its contents, why go to he local computer geek for help? Overall, if all the trouble stems from what’s said in this article is true, then I see the hand of God showing he isn’t done using the USA for His purposes. BUT, if we Do get thru this intact, we can’t just forget this new chance from God.

  40. Socialism, Slavery, Marxism, Maoism, Unism, Stalinism, Hitlerism, Putlinism, Xiism, Bidenism, Harrisism, Obamaism, Castroism, Maduraism, are all the same thing, they are,

    Big Bother owned by YOU

    If you want to be a slave, you may register at your local PSP ( AKA DNC ) Headquarters, after you turn in your guns all that don’t apply for slavery will be shot, with your own gun…………….PSP = Putin Socialist Party.;

  41. This “China Virus” was well planned….. But, something went wrong…. Just connect the dots…. AND all who just may(?) be involved….

  42. Are you now understanding what was going on? All roads lead back to Obama and Biden. We now know that Biden lied about not having anything to do with what happened to Michael Flynn. General Flynn was getting ready to expose the Obama administration corruption in the Ukraine, Russia and Iran. They needed to stop him before he went to Trump. All the top management in the FBI ALL need to lose their jobs. It’s not just Chris Wray, it’s all of the upper management. They’re protecting the political establishment, both democrat and republican, it’s sickening to think they had the evidence that would have clear Trump from the impeachment fiasco. Wray and the rest of these dirtbags allowed the House to play this impeachment fiasco out, wasted everyone’s time and taxpayers funds, to protect a member of the political establishment and his scumbag son, who were the “real” culprits. Especially when they knew it would NEVER pass in the Senate? It’s the futility of hate from the political establishment. Let’s not bring up Joe Biden’s role in what is happening to General Michael Flynn. You all know that Biden lied about that as there are notes and comments that he made that were recorded. But the media won’t do their jobs on that either. Everything came from Obama, he’s deep into this “plot” to destroy Michael Flynn, who was getting ready to be a whistleblower against the Obama administration. I bet he knows all about the Biden’s overseas activities. Does it all start to make sense now, as we piece these things together?

    1. Started before little O and crooked B, go back to willy Billy. O & B just picked up the ball and ran with it. Remember that Billy bobblehead gave a billion dollars to NK, so that they could continue their nuke program.
      Then little O gave 150 Billion to Iran so that they could kill US soldiers, and continue their nuke program. Yes we have had some really bad presidents, and the Demonicrats want to give us some more.



  44. if truth was known probably most of the republican congressman that retired and didn’t run for office in 2018 giving control of the house to Nancy and the demo rats were or are also involved somehow in some of the corruption any other reason that Paul Ryan and them other Rino’s would leave and not try and help our President drain the swamp it was because they were part of it or were aware of all and was scared they might themselves be exposed

  45. AMEN.
    “One America News, which has had a copy of Hunter’s hard drive for the past two weeks, discovered the phone call and released it. Here’s what Joe Biden said to President Poroshenko just two weeks after Donald Trump’s 2016 election victory:
    “This is getting very, very close to what I don’t want to have happen. I don’t want Trump to get in a position where he thinks he’s about to buy on to a policy where the financial system is going to collapse and he’s going to be looking to pour more money into Ukraine. That’s how he’ll think about it before he gets sophisticated enough to know the detail.”
    Translation: “The Big Guy” Joe Biden was ordering the president of a foreign country to get his financial ducks in a row as quickly as possible. Biden was telling Poroshenko to get everything lined up with the IMF and finalize getting a central banking system installed in Ukraine. (Ukraine was a financial mess after George Soros and the CIA under Obama staged the coup there that installed Poroshenko in the first place.)”]

    Is anyone surprised the CIA is also implicated in Hunter’s laptop revelations? It appears that all of the corruption in the federal government leads right back to the CIA, which a former CIA agent identified as the central hub of the new world order’s shadow government. Reading this entire article, looks like Mitt Romney & SOS John Kerry also have a connection to this “pay for play” scheme of the Biden’s. No telling how many more of the deep state establishment & new world order puppet INSIDERS & congressional members are also involved.
    There definitely is much more than partisanship involved. Criminal extortion, sedition, TREASON, and crimes against humanity & all of the ones involved in it have been working hard with their INTERNAL COUP to take Trump down before he could investigate their activity. Their still ongoing COUP has failed & now the new world order & deep state establishment INSIDERS are really desperate to regain control over their last holdout against them.
    We can expect domestic & foreign sleeper cell terrorists,, no matter who wins this election. If Biden wins (God Forbid) we will have more of the same, only worse & immediately after, of their “peaceful protests” approved by and egged on by a majority of demonicRAT congressional members in Washington, DC, as well as state level mayors, governors, state legislators, & crooked A G’s. If Trump wins, we can also expect the worst domestic & foreign terrorist attacks they can muster to try to finish destroying our nation, because the new world order & all its INSIDERS will know their indictments, arrests, detainment & prosecutions will follow immediately. Some states are saying they are calling out National Guard as a precaution. Those national guard troops will likely be deployed to the larger cities, The ones deploying these “peaceful protesters” are going to send their thugs to urban areas where they can do the most damage away from sites where they are likely to be taken out immediately.
    Folks, make sure you are all locked & loaded & ready to defend yourselves and your community before going to bed Nov. 3rd.

  46. It’s interesting that the Democrats are the ones threatening Civil War in the event of President Trump’ reelection. Although I’ve no doubt about rabid elements of the Left being a concern in such a war, overall the Democrats would lose, just like they lost in the last Civil War that they instigated.
    Should it come about, there are a number of Democrat leaders that should be arrested, charged with Treason, Tried and Executed when (not if but when) they’re found Guilty of Treason and Insurrection. Pelosi, Schumer, Biden, Obama, Clinton and a whole host of others. Armed Rebelling Insurrectionists should be given No Quarter.
    If they want to play this game, then We the People get to make the rules it will be played by. In the face of Treason, Insurrection and Leftist Tyranny, the Law be damned, it will be stamped out hard, with no mercy, enough that it’ll be another 150 years before they poke their heads out from underneath their rock.

  47. Jose,
    Now it all makes sense.
    I first read about The Laptop about 2 weeks ago. I knew then that Joe / Hunter should wind up in front of a firing squad.
    But, I did not know until today that this huuuuge SCANDAL involved so many democrat BIG DOGS who, also, should wind up in front of a firing squad.
    The Democratic mindset of sheer idiocy. corruption. and lies and wanting, at ANY COST, to get rid of President Trump; IT MAKES SENSE.
    No wonder Hillary and the rest of the democrats refused to accept Trump’s victory in 2016. Losing the election is not their problem; THE LAPTOP (getting found out) IS their problem.
    Treason is resolved one way: through EXECUTION !!
    How thankful I am that I have been praying for our nation, our President/Vice-President, for all of our sane leaders (who appear to be only Republicans).

  48. That’s the democrats play book of getting rich passing laws to give money to foreign governments, and then get the countries to send some back to line there families pockets.DEMOCRATS ARE SELLING AMERICA(TREASON)

  49. I see delusion along with Evil, I really don’t see how anyone in their right mind would go along with their campaign.
    Also @johnandrewrobb, I say right on!

  50. This is no joke. We must see to it that these people are dealt with. We’ve been living so long under the guise that our government was honest and would take care of America before all else but we see now how wrong we were. Not all but a great number of politicians have sold us out. Some of you may like some of these people and don’t really want to do what should be done but selling out this country isn’t something that can be swept under the rug. When I think of all the people in politics that have been trying to stop everything Trump does I start to realize how deep this goes. This election means everything to these people because they know it’s over and many of them will be going to jail. This has to end.

  51. Well what worries me is Fraud. They need and want Biden in that so they can get Harris as President! I am concerned over the Fraud just to get them in office. They will do anything. We are seeing that with Big Tech. Wall Street Money. They started about a year ago, I believe, censoring End of Age a Christian Station I watch. End of Age mentions that there.

  52. Obama was in on this up to his eyeballs. A lot of the money laundering was done during his administration. Joe Biden doesn’t have the intellect to have masterminded this corrupt family scheme. Now we know how Obama got so rich.




  55. I am so glad this article brought out the names of the other families involved in ALL this demoRAT/rino corruption. I knew Hanoi kerry’s name would start popping up because I believe he was in on it with his step-son and we all know or should know how corrupt the witch hag piglosi is but they also brought up the traitor romney. He has tried to hide but he can’t hide forever. No wonder he wants Trump out of office so badly.

    1. If they have a telephone conversation of joe biden from the laptop from hell, they need to play it on Fox!!! I can’t believe all this information is coming to light, and our congressmen and senators seem befuddled!!!! Dam. Nancy peloses son is on a board with russian communists!!! Now I understand her dislike of Pres Trump. It all makes sense. Do we need to get a citizen group together and go to the capitol???? COME ON, CONGRESS!!!!

  56. This shows you how bad Biden really is, he setup his own son to take the fall, if things fell apart. I can hear Hunter calling daddy help me. He hasn’t figured out that it was his daddy that set him up. Joe had all of the money put in Hunter’s businesses, then laundered through the banks, that is how he got his 10%.
    I hate to ask this, but I think that someone will sooner or later, after forty some years, just how much does Jill know about the family businesses. Sorry…………. just had to ask.

  57. The media and the news are just as corrupt as ole Joe Biden. They are afraid that if they told the truth people might believe them. Then they might get canceled on Twitter. They are competing for a new award. The TTA ( Tall Tail Award ), currently CNN and NYTs are neck and neck. I think CNN has an slite edge. Just keep up the good work Lem0n you have a good chance at the first prize. A front row seat to the sewer. and your choice of two H0llyw00d celebs to keep you company. Due to the lack of excrement’s to make the statues for the award, there will only be one winner.

    1. Socialism, Slavery, Marxism, Maoism, Unism, Stalinism, Hitlerism, Putlinism, Xiism, Bidenism, Harrisism, Obamaism, Castroism, Maduraism, are all the same thing, they are,

      Big Bother owns YOU

  58. Read this carefully: “(Ukraine was a financial mess after George Soros and the CIA under Obama staged the coup there that installed Poroshenko in the first place.)”
    It doesn’t surprise me in the least, but since when does an official agency of the US government “work with” a person whose sole purpose is the destruction of this country? Is the Swamp deeper than we thought?

    1. Do you all think that Trump will lit that no good piece of shit take over this country, I don’t think so, When he gets elected again he’s not only going to get Biden, He’s going to clean house with the FBI and lots of the no good D

  59. Donald J Trump will win and he will clean house again and take care of the FBI and get rid of those Mother F—ers.that are trying to take down our beautiful country. THEN in 2024 Nikki Haley will be our next president, we will take down the Democrats and hope the decent ones will start a new party.

  60. Biden is 32 votes away from taking the Presidency!
    32 votes away from opening America’s borders to Illegal Aliens, 32 votes away from giving free health care to illegals, 32 votes away from destroying SS, and Medicare, 32 votes away from America becoming a Communist country with the Squad making all decisions, and 32 votes away from Kamala Harris becoming President of the US!
    All the companies Trump brought back from China to give Americans jobs, will immediately go back to China, with more joblessness, and homelessness for Americans!
    So much for Trump making America Number One!

    This is what over 62 million losers voted for, so when ANTIFA and BLM come for you, your family, and your house, just give it to them!

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