We first started writing about the weird stuff happening with American food manufacturing companies last April, shortly after Joe Biden threatened America with food shortages.
Biden said food shortages were coming because of the border skirmish between Russia and Ukraine – two places where America doesn’t actually import much, if any, food from. It didn’t make any sense at the time. But then all of a sudden, food processing plants started exploding or burning down in the middle of the night, when no one was around. Why?
It didn’t make any sense. There were just too many coincidences for them to be real coincidences. A new scientific study shows that one particular food provides robust immune system protection against the spike proteins in the SAR-Cov-2 Chinese virus. And when we tell you what that food is, about 10 million lightbulbs are going to go off, because what’s happening right now will make a lot more sense.
Ever since Joe Biden threatened the largest food-producing nation in the world (America) with food shortages, bizarre things have been happening. Immediately after Biden’s threat, the Shearer Foods plant in Hermiston, Oregon exploded in the middle of the night. They almost had to evacuate the town because the smoke was so thick. Shearer Foods produced almost all of the potato chips and corn chips in the western US.
Two airplanes then crashed into food processing plants back-to-back – one in Idaho and one in Texas – forcing them both to shut down.
Then in Dufur, Oregon, organic food-maker Azure Standard’s headquarters building, as well as several of their food processing and packaging buildings, burned to the ground in the middle of the night. The fire marshal eventually blamed a case of spontaneous combustion on the fire.
The biggest Walmart distribution center in the country burned to the ground in Plainfield, Indiana. You know, the plant that ships Walmart’s groceries to the rest of the entire country? The Taylor Farms facility in California burned down, and the largest onion-packing plant in Texas burned down.
And so on. More than 130 food processing plants here in America, and several in countries where we import food from, have spontaneously combusted or exploded in the middle of the night since Joe Biden threatened us with food shortages.
This is definitely a matter that the Department of Homeland Security and the FBI should be investigating – but they’re not. They’re too busy hunting down people who dressed up in funny costumes and marched through the US Capitol on January 6th.
There’s also the baby formula shortage which is STILL going on thanks to the Biden regime’s efforts. The formula shortage conveniently started happening after the biggest manufacturing plant of baby formula was shut down by the Biden administration. Are you starting to feel paranoid about the people in charge yet?
Which brings us to the eggs.
Eggs are now $10 a dozen in my neighborhood, when you can find them at all. Almost 53 million chickens were killed in America last year, supposedly due to some bird flu. The Biden regime blames the high egg prices on this massive, government-mandated culling of America’s laying hens.
Last August, a chicken plant called QC Poultry burned to the ground in Montebello, California. Just three days ago, the Hellendale Farms egg producing facility in Connecticut burned to the ground, killing 100,000 laying hens in the process. What a terrible coincidence!
Meanwhile, city and county governments across the country are banning people from owning backyard chickens. They claim it’s just too risky for all of us stupid non-farmers to own chickens, because we’ll spread bird flu around and kill ourselves or something. So, buying chickens to provide your own family with eggs is being taken off the table as an option, unless you want to risk being fined or going to jail.
As Tucker Carlson highlighted this week, many egg farmers across the country have discovered that their hens stopped laying eggs because they were feeding them Purina brand chicken feed from Tractor Supply. As soon as they stopped giving their chickens processed feed, they started laying eggs again.
As all of this is hitting from every direction with the egg supply, guess what? Scientists have published a new study at the National Institutes of Health – Tony Fauci’s former place of employment. They’ve found that a super-food provides anti-spike protein protection for the human immune system at an incredible level.
They discovered that egg yolk protein is almost 5 times more effective at stopping COVID-19 in its tracks, compared to a person who doesn’t eat a lot of eggs. And it works against multiple variants of COVID.
As Vox Day notes, “It’s Ivermectin all over again, only they couldn’t find a way to demonize egg yolks.”
Egg yolk protein protects against the coronavirus, but the egg shortage is because of “bird flu.” Riiiight…
You can read the study about the efficacy of egg yolk protein’s protective properties against the coronavirus HERE.
1) I DON’T Believe in Coincidence!
2) I Believe 2 + 2 = 4 !
3) ALL of these events ARE Perpetrated!
4) Liberal COMMIE is the Perpetrator!
5) Liberal Communism IS from HELL !
6) Liberal Communism IS Declining !
7) GOD IS WINNING !!! Amen !!!
If they are this controlling of our food supply (and not in the good way) then, what else are they doing to us? I believe we need another “Patriot – run” agency that we can trust besides the USDA and FDA. They have not really been doing their jobs at all since forever. Money compromises their judgment…too many paid under the table to do demented billionaire’s bidding to the the demise of our own people. We need people we can trust to do what is good for the people. Many countries have banned foods and products that ours permits. GMO’s are just ONE example that have depopulation goals. There are many other examples. One doctor said in a blog I watched, something to the effect of this: Do not buy many groceries from your local grocery store…most are really poisoning your body. Over-processed foods, GMO (bioengineered foods) and colorings and chemicals which nobody needs. She also said to buy organic or go to Farmer’s Markets or grow your own food. She said to MAKE AND BAKE YOUR OWN FOODS as much as able. Also said not to eat at Fast Food places – and to rarely eat at Restaurants. Try to stick to the Mom & Pop owned cafes if needing to eat out more than normal. My take on the entire thing is this: WHY, in this high taxed nation, where we have institutions which should be watching out for what food and drink is safe to be consumed here, do we need to do this? Are we to do their job? If so…I want my tax money back!!!