President Joe Biden hosted a Gay Pride event at the White House and it showed how big of a sick and twisted joke America has become under the Democrat leader!
Transgender activists in attendance at the event decided that it was appropriate for them to strip down on the White House lawn and record videos for social media – despite the fact that there were children at the event.
Transgender Rose Montoya (biological man living as a woman), who was one of the many people invited by the Biden administration, was recorded pulling down his dress and exposing himself while standing alongside two biological females living as men who were doing the same to show off their removed breasts.
Montoya and co. made the decision to strip down mere MOMENTS after shaking hands with President Biden at the event – claiming that they were “living their truth.”
“Are we topless at the White House?” the person recording said in the video posted on Montoya’s Instagram.
However, when critics slammed the fact that this trans activist decided to strip at the Biden White House, Montoya claimed that it was “proof” that he is a woman.
“Going topless in DC is legal, and I fully support the movement to free the nipples,” he said. “Why is my chest now deemed inappropriate or illegal when I show it off? However, before coming out as trans, it was not.”
“All you’re doing is affirming I’m a woman,” he added. But this just further exposes how completely DELUSIONAL the trans community is!
NSFW: Trans activists post video of themselves topless at White House Pride event
— Breaking911 (@Breaking911) June 13, 2023
During that same event, Biden celebrated the trans community as the most “brave” and “inspiring” individuals.
“As I said — I mean this; I swear to God — you’re some of the most — you’re some of the bravest and most inspiring people I’ve ever known. And I’ve known a lot of good folks,” said Biden.
Biden also faced backlash from another angle after the pride flag was seen flying front and center equal to the American flag – insulting the American flag and violating the U.S. Flag Code.
The imperial flag:
— Michael Knowles (@michaeljknowles) June 11, 2023
“No flag should be flown at equal level to the American flag,” said Army veteran and Florida Rep. Cory Mills, who called the placement of the flag “shameful.”
“The flag of the United States of America should be at the center and at the highest point of the group when a number of flags of States or localities or pennants of societies are grouped and displayed from staffs,” according to US flag code.
“You would think the White House knows this,” Chad Robichaux, a Marine veteran said. “They do, they just don’t care.”
It’s totally out of control and our Country is in chaos..Biden is making himself and the USA look like fools to other countries that are having a good laugh at us…..God is saddened by the way we live God is saddened by the way his World has become But he shall forgive Repent Repent ✝️ ….Bible says he created Adam and Eve and I Believe in God
but they stopped a children’s choir singing the national anthem at the white house!!!
how can ANYONE vote for this ass……… how can he do the things he does and get away with it he is A disgrace all this to get votes!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Going after Trump whilE he did much more and nothing is done to him COME ON TRUMP BEAT THIS ASS HOLE all this makes me sick
We have sunk to a new low by desecration of our flag. Nothing is sacred anymore. It is difficult to raise people out of stagnant quagmire once the reptiles have strangulated its core. The heart stops beating; It slowly dies; whimpers, withers away … Only God and prayer can lead us out of it!
Sorry to disagree: you insult the reptiles by saying the they are that low. Rattlesnakes — to say nothing of the other snakes that do so too — eat mice and rats.
Exactly! Joe Biden couldn’t have picked a more anti-American way to prove how much he hates our country and is doing everything he can to destroy us! And then to follow it with his disgusting Pride event at the White House. Joe Biden and his illegitimate party are communists and need to be removed from our government IMMEDIATELY. FJB
It is an abomination! Stopping a children’s choir, and then allowing the freaks to bear their chests. Maybe the next thing would be to show that their junk has been cut off. What is wrong with this picture – and who is going to stop it?
It appears nobody has the brass grizzolies to stop this abomination! Haven’t heard a peep out of anyone of either party speak out against this. This country is being laughed at around the world, with a brain-dead old fool “in charge” and making a mockery of what this country has always stood for. He needs to be kicked out of office- anyone who votes for this fool needs to be institutionalized!
What’s that old saying? “God made Adam and Eve, not Adam and Steve” The country has gone bananas.
I could never hold a public office these days because I do not support these Godless perverts!! These types of people are sending our nation to Hell on a 747!
… or Ann and Eve.
Not quite: he is a good deal worse.
The group running the White House is EVIL
Satan haves them in his grip
Pray for America. GOD help us
Hopefully this will show the American people what Biden and Hunter have been doing to our country and kids for years. This starts years ago.
Prayers for our country.
Prayers for our leaders. Prayers to kick evel spirits out of the world.
God is in control. showing us what we have to pray for to cast the evil people from our government. Thank God everyday for His faithfulness. Amen
It makes me sick to know that people think this is just great! The Demonrats are ruining this country,along with our children’s minds! You will still vote for this crap!
These trans are obnoxious and poisonous! This is not what we want representing our country. You notice it is only the male to female trans acting like fools. If you have boobs, you don’t need to strip to show them off. Real women don’t have to flaunt what they have. Grant it, there are those who do, but, I think they are equally obnoxious and poisonous to our society. One can show off their assets without exposing themselves. Just a footnote here, I am not a homophobe, that term implies I am afraid of you. I’m not afraid of you, w find you appalling, obnoxious and a danger to the well being of our children . Quite frankly, my dear, I don’t give a damn who or what you do. Just stay away from our children.
Look, I have friends who are Democrats, none of them are bad people. There parents were democrats, therefore so are they. Now its time for all of you democrats to take a look at what your party is doing. Its them who has put us against each others. And Obama was who really started it. Joe Biden learned some new tricks from him. To start with keep the people confused and when you lie to them never admit it. From the time he came in office he tried to destroy this country. Obama spent more of our taxes than all of the other presidents combined. And he believed that we were to stupid to understand what he was doing. It just so happens not all of us were. And knew what he was doing. Now Joe Biden is doing what Obama taught him to do. All the Illegals are here because he is paying for there votes. And he is so that they will never lose another election no matter how much they have to cheat. And yes the 2020 election was won by them cheating we find out more everyday more of how they cheated. If you vote for him again then you are a cheater as well. They don’t care about you they want power over everyone and everything. You have to see this and they will do anything to get this power. We need these people gone out of our lives. Unless you want them telling you everything you can do. Is that what you want no Freedom at all?
You want to dress up like a queen, then sit on you FKing Toilet and play with yourself!
To all in the military who have contact with POTUS:
Do not salute that REMF! He has no respect for our flag, no respect for our military, and no respect for our country. He does not deserve respect from you.
Remember a time decades ago, when another flag was hoisted above the flag of Germany?
And you know how that ended.
Wake up Americans!
History is repeating itself,
and we are facing dire consequences.
Glad the Giants won 7-5 last night in 11 innings over the Nuns of Perpetual Nonsense freaks!!
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