Two people have been arrested and one will plead soon guilty to trafficking ballots in Yuma County, Arizona during the 2020 election. This was a direct result of the outstanding work that Dinesh D’Souza and True the Vote did with their documentary film ‘2,000 Mules.’
It happened that quickly, because someone in law enforcement finally chose to act. So many institutions have failed us completely since the 2020 election, but the Yuma County Sheriff’s Office was not one of them. The film was only widely released to the public in May, and already people are going to jail for their roles in the conspiracy. Imagine what would be happening if there were more ethical law enforcement officers in the country like the Yuma County Sheriff.
Guillermina Fuentes is the former mayor of San Luis, Arizona, which is located in Yuma County. She’s also a current school board member in the town. Fuentes was arrested by Yuma County Sheriff’s deputies and charged with felony forgery, felony conspiracy, and two counts of felony ballot abuse. Fuentes is basically accused of being one of the ballot traffickers who handed off ballots to the 2,000 ‘mules’ that resulted in the stolen 2020 election.
She was going to plead “Not Guilty” during a hearing back on May 12th. But then ‘2,000 Mules’ was released. We won’t give any spoilers in case you haven’t seen the film yet. And you SHOULD see it. The documentary is great. Anyway, after the release of the film, Fuentes decided to change her plea to “Guilty.” That will happen at a hearing on June 2nd.
And when that happens, it will make Fuentes the second person to go to jail in Yuma County for playing a role in the theft of the 2020 election from the voters. The first person was a co-conspirator of Fuentes’ named Alma Yadira Juarez.
While Fuentes is accused of being one of the ballot traffickers in the film, Juarez was one of the “mules.” She was arrested for her role in stuffing ballots in the drop boxes that were provided by Facebook’s Mark Zuckerberg and other Democrat Party NGOs. She pleaded guilty and explained to sheriff’s deputies that Fuentes was the one who provided her with stolen ballots.
That’s two convictions in less than a month after ‘2,000 Mules’ was released – and it looks like more arrests will be happening very soon.
Sheriff’s deputies raided the offices of a non-profit in San Luis called Comité de Bien Estar (the “Welfare Committee” in English). A guy named Tony Reyes is the Executive Director of Comité de Bien Estar, and he’s also a member of the Yuma County Board of Supervisors.
Comité de Bien Estar was the non-profit that was involved a couple of weeks ago when it was reported that a swarm of law enforcement had surrounded it. Deputies seized electronic devices, documents and other materials from the office. They also searched the home of a woman named Gloria Torres. Deputies picked Torres up at the office and drove her to her home, where they executed a second search warrant.
Multiple people have confirmed that this is all directly related to the conspiracy outlined in ‘2,000 Mules.’ Although no arrests have been made in this incident, it looks like big things are happening.
Patriotic citizens in San Luis have launched a recall petition to try to kick Tony Reyes off the County Board of Supervisors. They have until September to gather enough signatures to hold a recall vote. The petition organizers gathered 20% of the necessary signatures in just the first few days, so it looks like the Reyes recall will happen. That’s assuming that he does not resign if he ends up being accused of committing an election-related crime (or crimes).
The co-conspirators are already squealing on each other, and it is glorious! True the Vote says there are major developments that will be coming soon, because the trafficking that took place in Arizona was part of a multi-state conspiracy. Man, do we all hope that is true!
The Democrat Party has gotten far too complacent and entitled when it comes to cheating in elections. They know they can’t win “fair and square,” and they became so brazen in 2020 that they deserve everything that’s coming to them. I can’t wait.
We could certainly use a little good news going forward…..
Just wondering…….Does Mexico run Arizona? Are there any staffers with American names.????
Why do you think they want the border wide open?
It is a start but not even a drop in the bucket ! Two people arrested for voter fraud ? There were 2,000 mules that they know of , how many more are there in every state in the Union and not just 5 swing states? According to Dr Shiva ,a MIT graduate with 4 Degrees who ran in an election in Massachusetts through research he found a voting company has been Weighting Ballots since 2002 ! Weighting Ballots IE 1000 ballots x .5=500 and 1000 ballots x 1.5=1500 ballots . Since when is one vote worth more or less than another vote ? California has been allowing ILLEGA ALIENS to vote in US elections since the motor voter law went into effect in 2002
Not one person ins Distort’s agitprop film has been proven to have done anything illegal and three have been cleared.
Shiva’s is a partisan hack as well whose claims have been blown up.
We can thank Reagan for his senile support for the Immigration Bill of 1986. It began the snowball effect of the beaner infestation we now see in apocalypse proportions
When Biden is arrested for his part then I will be satisfied but until.
I agree [and, of course, good ol’ Hillary]
You are half right. When crooked hillary goes to jail, only then can we once again trust the system.
Do not leave out Hillary and Obama! Then the PARTY BEGINS!
i hope they arrest 10,000 democratic’s that lied and cheated put this country at risk of losing its freedoms by a party of idiots, Joe his family has been bribed by China and Russia, Also Ukrainian where we are protecting there borders but not ours . There will be civil unrest for many years with what he has done to this country
You are absolutely right about that!!!! Only an idiot would leave your borders wide open and especially during a pandemic. What an Ass Hat. Non president Fake plant , basement dweller. Lol !
Agreed except for the LOL part,,, it isn’t even a little bit funny
Thx to True the Vote and Dinesh the truth of that fraudulent election is surfacing. No thanks to the RNC & the Sitting GOP EST swamp dwellers. Only members of the Senate Conservatives & House Freedom Caucus didn’t verbally cast President Trump aside. If you think the RNC wants President Trump to run in 2024- think again. They use his name as if it were really he sending messages & emails to garner donations. The DC EST swamp legislative RINOs led by McConnell & his cabal work covertly with Marxist Democrats in a UniParty fashion. It’s the Trump base of thousands that that are overwhelmingly the minimalist #NeverTrump faction in the RNC; who have had cushy ‘me first- the hell with you’ agendas that President Trump was ruining, as he was and still is a blue collar billionaire who loves America & wants the best for the forgotten folks. Our only hope is 2022- replace the RINOs & Marxist DEMs with constitutional challengers. Further, we need to ensure another 2000 mules and rigged machines aren’t part of this coming election, again. The Democrats will viciously do anything to retain power in perpetuity. Tyranny by the few over the many is their goal.
What would the Dems do if the “mules” accidentally stuffed the boxes for us instead of them!?
They better work fast, November is less than 6 months away. We don’t need the demonrats doing a repeat of 2020.
Trump needs to be reinstated now…Biden needs to be tried as a traitor…..death penalty
Amen been waiting for this quite some time now!
All the suspects are wet backs who have scammed the tax payer for their entire lives. These demonrat scumbag
welfare moochers deserve lengthy prison sentences along with having all their assets seized & forfeited. Auction the crap off to repay the taxpayer. Hats off to the Yuma CO. Sheriff!. Just goes to show Senator Rogers & 2000 mules had it right all along.
Amen They did a reak good job putting it all togather for the Total proof.Been waiting 2 Years for them to actually see it happen like we all saw it.
I wonder how many states should be doing the same thing, catching and prosecuting these mules???? President Trump was right all along! That election was stolen from him and the result is Biden destroying our economy and countless lives with it!!! I never thought this could happen here in the United States!!!! This is what happens when you open boarders to these criminals and yet they’re still pouring across the border!!!!! WHEN WILL THE PEOPLE WHO CAN DO SOMETHING,DO SOMETHING? When it’s too late??????
2 down 1998 to go. That’s just the first batch. Lock them all up.
This story had nothing to do with the 2020 election or D’Souza’s agitprop.
As a n “ordinary” citizen what can we do?
TRUMP was right all along. Biden & his scumbag,s stole the ellection! We have the proof, we have the power…Vote every demRAT out of power, so we can nueter CRACKHEAD-DADDY!!!!!
Dopey Joe. Peloshit. AODumC waterhead waters. Shitty schief dumbfuck shummer. Illegalomar and all other Muslim pieces of shit in government should be dragged out to the town square and hanged then burned then dismembered and taken to the dump
Your nicknames are killing me!! Good job!!
Hellion, hanging is to good and permanent , let’s settle with bringing back stockades with the posted crime place before them
Put them in stocks for a few weeks in the town square so people can piss and spit on them, then hang em.
And Awayyyyyyyy we go!
I agree….am anticipating more of them going down and to pick up the speed in doing so. The country is going down fast….
Hats off to DD, and TruetheVote for all their hard work in exposing these pieces of doodoo and bringing out the truth. Bret Baier, Martha McCallum and many others should be ashamed of themselves for calling the election for Biden WHEN THEY KNEW HE DIDN’T WIN. They are complicit in this and deserve to serve time like the rest of these corrupt jackwagons. Drain the swamp of all socialist, one world order, demonic swamp creatures. God first makes America great again.
Trumper authoritarian.
Hopefully there will be a multiple state domino effect. Pennsylvania should be checked very carefully. Biden said he would win if all votes were counted and Pelosi said Trump would not be reelected. That should have set off alarm bells everywhere.
Speaking of Pennsylvania, I wish David McCormick had won that Senate race instead of Mehmet Oz. Oz is a Muslim. I wish Pres Trump had endorsed McCormick or Kathy Barnette.
Bet the Demonrats are crapping in their pants. Good to see the Liberal excrements shaking in their boots.
Wonder if the two Liberal Skanks that were arrested are actually Californicator Liberal trash/transplants.
Good odds they are. The whole thing smells like the stench of California Liberals.
Their crimes involved a cit council race. Most individuals charged with voter fraud over the 2020 election have been Republicans.
It isn’t over till every last one of them is in the lockup and the locks welded shut, as a lesson to the next bunch.
to hell with the DOJ the states and local authorities can turn this thing around. lots of demcraps need to go to prision NOW
The DOJ is corrupt along with the FBI, CIA, DNC and many others.
Why don’t you name any political group that is not a scumbag, rotten cheating losers you keep describing? If every group is corrupt then who cares who is president?? You folks on this medium are truly brainwashed by El Hefe Trump.
Blow it out your ass stupid spic
Germany is having a revote of their 2021 election. Their sections, or “precincts” voted to have a revote because of fraud found. By precincts or country wide, they want it to ensure that election will be honest with revote.
Trump can be reinstated as real victor, given back the time stolen by Biden, and move the next Presidential election to 2026.. .. or give him 6 yrs. He’ll need time to fix all the disasters Biden/Harris et al have done to America. Close border entirely as deport illegals, get us back to energy independence, fix international relations, get out of NATO and WHO, repair trade agreements he’s desecrated, fixed supply chain, baby formula shortage, and adult food shortages. Help repair our economy as all Biden’s illegitimate actions are thrown out, ETCETERA. You get the idea.
Time to take back America, stabilize economy and get us back to 1.4% inflation and improving, $1.80 gas, cut regs for companies. Safer, stable, happier, and PUNISH THE DAYLIGHTS out of all the criminal crooks who did this against America. Days of reckoning. Contact your Congressional leaders and vote in 2022 for NON DEMS.
Too bad no fraud has been found in the American election in 19 months.
I like to see what’s going on yes this election was stolen not from just President Donald Trump but it was stolen from the American people that voted for Donald Trump and Donald Trump won this election fair and square so we pray that he will be in stated for the next two years and finish out by this term so he can fix this thing so we can get back on track thank the Lord for people that knows what they’re doing put the rhinos and the crooks in jail
It is about time something was done. Now, if we can just start prosecuting all of them. Voter fraud should be treason. It is a slap in the face of democracy.
If you see starting to flee, you will know they were involved. Don’t let any of them escape. Don’t make any deals. Arrest them, try them, and sentence them for treasonous acts. No long sentences, just apply the punishment. For treason it is life in prison or a death se tense. Clean up on both sides if the aisle.
I fully support cleaning up both sides of the aisles.
Let’s start with the most corrupt party first, which will be the Marxists Democrat Party and the RINOs. I’ve said all along that only a fool would believe Brandon got 81 million votes.
We All Know that ELECTION 2020 was a TRIANGULAR – MULTI-FACETED – FOREIGN-INFLUENCED FRAUD Unlike Anything We have seen in America at Any Previous Time in History. Any VOTER who believes that JOE BIDEN could Defeat Donald Trump…IN A FAIR ELECTION…Simply IS INSANE BEYOND HOPE..! Deep State Operatives and the Pawns that they Funded to Accomplish TRUMP’S COUNTERFEIT ELECTION DEFEAT Used Covid-19, Ballot Harvesting, and International Hacking of Dominion Open-Field Computer Software to Spawn & Multiply VOTES that Were as Elicit as the Demokrack Party Itself. Hillary Clinton’s Undercover Activities in ELECTION 2016 were stained in the Same Fraudulent Cloth…but She Wasn’t Smart Enough to Pull lt Off Properly. Disgust and Anger has been simmering like a Boiling Cesspool for 2-Years of the BIDEN DISASTURE…while Big Tech & their Mainstream Media Cronies beat Their DENIAL DRUM Every Day of the Week…with JOY…as The American People Get Ready to CAST THEIR BALLOTS in November…Not Even Knowing with Confidence…that the SAME FRAUD WILL REPEAT ITSELF AGAIN and AGAIN and AGAIN. God Save America..*
Earth to Will: Biden was ahead in the polls by an average of 7 points for more than a year.
The system is so corrupt try to do anything will be side stepped and words graphed and gurgled , hands moving all over the place while denying everything! Not making sense of anything said! Look at Sussman! I pray a greater force will intervene. We need to get rid of the Democratic and Republican title and vote for the person not the party!
Yep Sussman gets bought off by a jury comprised (rigged) of Clinton donors!
Meanwhile Peter Navarro i.e. got treated like a serial killer via the commie feds and put in leg irons!!
This is fantastic. Iam confident that what is coming in weeks is going to tie what Lindell has on Chinese interference with the interstate mule activity. Don’t forget about that postal truck driver that was transporting election ballots from Brooklyn N.Y. to Pennsylvania. We never heard about that outcome, did we? If indeed serious counter-intelligence activities have been ongoing I suspect the entire election could be blown wide open. We must restore the duly elected President (Trump) and remove the coup conspirators from the WH and beyond. IN the meantime, we patriots must take over all local, state and federal offices so we can finally put an end to the swamp.
Lindell is insane and his BS gets debunked every time he opens his mouth. He was just sanctioned by a court for filing a frivolous lawsuit against Dominion.
The truck drive, Jesse Morgan, was a nutcase whose story was never proven and which wasn’t even fraud if true.
Justice Roberts and the supreme less court could have and should have stopped this from the very beginning. Shame on them! They refused to do their job.
Right you are Carl. Between John Roberts and Mike Pence, these two are the greatest treasonists this nation has seen in years. If these two had just done their jobs, constitutionally, there’d be no war in Ukraine and gas would be south if $3 a gallon……..
Oh, and life would be great
Not sure what’s dumber: the notion that Pence or Roberts had any ability to help Trump steal the election, or that Putin wouldn’t have attacked Ukraine with his buddy in office.
Just wondering…….Does Mexico run Arizona? Are there any staffers with American names.????
What is an American name? This is the most diverse country in the world.
I am a retired Air Force pilot living in Germany with my wife. I am a guest member of a group of 12 to 15 German men who were born and raised in East Germany, and who escaped to West Germany in the mid-1970s. Ever since the day after the 2020 elections, the subject of election dishonesty in the United States has been a topic of seerious discussion at our meetings. I am not the only American who participates in these discussions. Each and every one of those Germans once lived strictly under a communist gevernment. These men find it almost impossible to believe that American citizens are trying to destroy their Government and replace it with Socialism, which rapidly turns to Communism. I can only tell them that not all idiots are housed in insane asylums – a considerable number of them simply lose what intelligence they may have and call themselves Democrats. All of these 12 to 15 German men have lost faith in the USA, and they believe the USA will never again regain the honor and respect from people like them – those who have lived under Socialism and Communism. There were, and still are, millions of men and women who risked their lives and fought in major wars to keep the USA free of governments such as Socialism and Communism. The bastards who are now trying to overthrow our Government and destroy our freedoms, as written in our Constitution, need to get the hell out of our Nation if they wish to live under Socialism and/or Communism. Once a person loses their freedoms, their lives become empty and hopeless. I have spent quite some time during my military career in both, Socialistic and Communistic countries, and have yet to see any citizens of those countries praise their governments. They would give all they have to have an opportunity to live in the USA – legally.
Thank you very much for your service, Mr. Altee.
Sadly, I have a friend in Arizona who is an anti-Trumper. He fought in Vietnam against the Communist Viet Cong but yet voted for Biden and Harris in 2020!
Thankfully I also have a friend in Illinois who is Pro America. He also fought in Vietnam against the Communist Viet Cong and voted for Trump in 2016 and 2020!
We need to get one step ahead of the cheaters. They are already trying to see what they can do and not get caught before the votes are finalized. They have already found out that the wheels of justice move too slowly to stop an election do-over. With the millions of illegal border crossings will be voters, just wait and see. We need to come down hard on the leaders of this conspiracy.
Voter fraud is the worst thing that can happen to American Citizens and their families. It steals their ability to elected government employees who they believe will do a fair and honest representation of their best interests in government agencies from the White House to the out house in our local and state parks. We first elect politicians and they in turn hire and employ others to help manage lots and lots of other government agencies If we make a bad judgement call when we elect someone they will in turn do a bad job when they hire someone. Our Vote is valuable and should be used carefully when we search for a well qualified ,intelligent and honest employees!
Most individual who have been charged with voter fraud in the 2020 election have been Republicans.
All traitors ( The Obamas, the Clintons, the Bidens)
should be hung! Why are these crooks still enjoying life in the country they are hell bent to destroy?
One reason is those who standup to Hillary wind up committing suicide
Johan, as repeated earlier skip the hangings and bring back stockades with the posted crime in front of
Why are they not arresting Zuckerburg, he is behind whole mess. They did it for money and he should go to federal prison
Lock em up. And go after the rest.
One of the first persons that needs to be arrested is George Soros for meddling in elections all over the USA
I don’t think arrests and conviction can happen with the enforcement part of our country being controlled by the very bad dictatorship that’s in power. How can a stroke of a pen by one person decide the fate of a nation. DICTATORSHIP DICTATORSHIP DICTATORSHIP
Every one should see 2000 mules! We need to pust democrays from our government!!!!
Stuffing mail boxes is one thing.
The other, much more important issue is the internet connection of the electronic counting machines where hackers can easily switch votes. It can be done from anywhere in the world including from China.
As far as I am aware, laws do not allows the counting machines to be connected to the internet. But it is done anyway, That must stop. I do not see any signs of this being even addressed.
Internet connection has been debunked for a long time.
JUNE 5 2022
B. Shag-nasty
I’m a very old person and have gone through many Presidents.
We’ve had the very good, the good, the OK, the bad, and terrible, but
the one we have now is far below anything we’ve ever had in my life time.
during our travels in Europe we seen many iron cages that bad people and witches were put in middle of town for all to do as please with.. I think we should make a cage for each one found guilty of this false election.. This would make others think twice be for doing this again..
One of the first persons that needs to be arrested is George Soros for meddling in elections all over the USA…He didn’t stop with the USA he also did same in EUR.. and south Amarica. I think the world court shold hold a court on him
i say this if in dought , strip them of all there clothes except for there underware wipe them down with honey & put them on the desert floor ,, stretch them out into an X with hands & feet tied down ,,,right next to a big ant hill let them start telling u names & tell u who there leader is besides names of the rest of there group , then hold another vote for president w/o mail ends unless they have a copy of there id picture & there voters registration card , no more boxes at all thats just a way they can cheat again because they know they can’t win unless they cheat & if do have boxes ,, someone needs to stay with it all night & day until they empty it,,,
Took two whole sentences before peddling a lie.
The arrest had nothing to do with Distort D’Newsa’s agitprop as noted by Yuma officials. It was a situation investigated for two years.
It also involved a city council election, not the 2020 general election so that’s a lie too.
Almost like trumpers are incapable of telling the truth.