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Watchdog: Dozens of FBI Officials Broke the Rules to Leak Trump Info

Two Republican Senators sent a letter to the Department of Justice back in June, asking where the heck Special Counsel John Durham is and what he’s doing. The DOJ finally responded to that request for information this past week. The DOJ confirmed that John Durham exists and that he’s doing something. That’s it. Most transparent administration ever!

While we’re still not getting any information about the Trump-Russia hoax from the DOJ, a government watchdog has uncovered something interesting: More than 50 FBI officials went out of their way in 2016 to leak damaging information about candidate Donald Trump to the media.

Only certain authorized employees of the FBI are allowed to ever talk to the media, in tightly controlled situations. During my 12 years at ABC News affiliates, the only FBI employee I could ever talk to was the agent who was the regional Public Information Officer (PIO) for my area. No other FBI employees would dare talk to a reporter in those pre-Trump days. If we needed information from the FBI about a bank robbery or any other case they were working on, we had to get a quote or a soundbite from the PIO.

This is because there are strict rules against talking to reporters. The FBI didn’t want to compromise ongoing investigations, and they would have cracked down on any agent who leaked information to the press. But as with everything when it pertains to the Deep State and Donald Trump, it’s different this time!


The Department of Justice Office of the Inspector General (OIG) revealed last week that 56 non-authorized FBI agents and employees were talking to reporters in 2016. The OIG was trying to (supposedly) uncover the source of FBI leaks to the press. The reason they caught these 56 agents was because they used their government-issued cell phones to talk to reporters.

The OIG admits that this only accounts for cell-phone contacts. There may have been even more agents leaking anti-Trump information to the media, but they were smart enough to meet the reporters in person or used their personal cell phones to call them.

Oh, and three FBI agents were caught actually taking bribes from reporters in order to provide them scoops about candidate Donald Trump in 2016. One unidentified senior FBI official in the OIG report accepted sports tickets from a reporter in exchange for a story. Another FBI official was caught accepted a $225 ticket to a fancy media-sponsored dinner. A third unidentified official accepted “items of value” from several reporters in exchange for stories about Trump.

The OIG report states:

“The misconduct by these three senior officials, and the substantial media contacts identified by the OIG involving numerous other FBI employees, evidenced a cultural attitude at the FBI that was far too permissive of unauthorized media contacts in 2016.”

I don’t know about you, but I sure would like some more transparency about this. What are the names of the three unidentified “senior FBI officials” who took incredibly cheap bribes from reporters? Were any of them named Comey or McCabe, by any chance?

The most intense leaking to reporters from the FBI happened in March and April of 2016. That was the point where Donald Trump had run away with virtually every GOP primary and was the clear frontrunner in the race. 52 FBI agents called reporters and spoke with them during that period.

The next period of intense leaking was right before the 2016 election. 33 FBI agents called reporters in October of 2016 on their government-issued cell phones to leak information about candidate Donald Trump.

Here’s the link to the full OIG report if you want to read it for yourself.

It’s clear to everyone by now that the FBI is no longer a “law enforcement” agency. The actions of these FBI agents and officials when James Comey was in charge are beyond the pale. They were acting as Hillary Clinton campaign operatives, rather than as law enforcement officials. And current FBI Director Christopher Wray has done nothing about it.

No one has been disciplined for breaking FBI policy, blatantly leaking information directly to reporters, taking bribes or anything else. One FBI lawyer got probation for falsifying evidence in a FISA warrant against Carter Page.

Is John Durham really out there somewhere? He’s supposedly been investigating the origins of the Russia hoax for two-and-a-half years now. I’m not holding my breath.

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59 thoughts on “Watchdog: Dozens of FBI Officials Broke the Rules to Leak Trump Info”

    1. Time to close this fraud agency! they’re DONE in the People’s eyes! they also fueled the Capitol riots by placing criminals and telling Cops about it…..planned!

    2. Best PR Agency in the world, up until now. They called National Academy Grads, friends of the FBI, and often called on them to solve cases. They also did so with agents from other agencies that were doing joint investigations. While over 37 years I worked with some great people, those in management forgot where they came from to get recognition and be “the boss”. Sorry for the good folks in the agency!

      1. Sorry, but there ARE no “good folks” in the FBLIE. If there were, they would have come forward and exposed these traitorous pigs.

    3. Shamefully, the FBI has lost its way and, under its present leadership, Christopher Wray, the FBI is not likely to become again what J.Edgar Hoover made it, an independent, non-political law enforcement agency.

    4. They ‘r all crooked Democrats,,, ‘n they do not ‘stand’ for America!,,,, they are ALL Deepstate members along with the “owner” of Deep Statr along w/ their leader, Brennan ! God help us ‘n God bless America!

  1. All three letter originations are our enemies. Remember, niggerbama weaponized them against us. Nothing has changed.

  2. What is the point of investigating when nothing is done about the corruption found? Has anyone been keeping count of all the investigations? All the nefarious activities proven? Yet only one arrest, with consequences. What an impotent justice system we have.

    1. Temember how close the 2016 election was? No evidence, bbbbut at this late date i would guess Hillary’s anticipated coronation was in fact a steal and the Democrats underestimated how many fabricated votes would be needed. That would explain why Biden got so many pristine votes in the mide of the night. Take no chances! Biden probably got a third of all votes actually cast in 2020.

  3. The FBI is a joke, they along with the CIA and the NSA do nothing but spy on Americans and work only for the Washington elites. I trust nothing in our supposed government. Beware and keep your arms close . The common man will eventually have enough and rise up against this tyranny!

    1. We will be killed but try to take 2 or 3 with you. If da jews in Germany had done this 6 million would not have been baked

    2. No one is helping Pres. Trump, except the Real American people, who love the US ofA w/ all their heart!, ‘n will do anything to bring “him” back to the office of the WH,,,, We should never allowed him to vacate the Oval Office for the Joker the Dems replaced him with – we should have Stood Our Ground! Now it’s too late ! They will fight to keep the Office – like we should have done,,, So sad !

  4. FBI the Agency, employees and acronym stands for a “License to lie, cheat, steal, bare false witness, evade and soon if they haven’t already, add murder to their Licenses against American Citizens under the Communist stolen Presidency of Biden and the Democrat National Communist Criminal Party (DNCCP).

    Murder is ultimately the natural progression of a criminal empire…ironically this is/was the fundamental basis of the creation of the FBI in the fist place to protect our constitutional Republic from criminal elements within. But humans often seek the easy way out rather than the principled course of a righteous man. The FBI leadership and elements within have demonstrated this in America’s darkest hours prior to and during the Trump Administration.

    What does America do with the FBI from here since it has proven to be “lawless?” A good start would be to prosecute the individuals breaking the law…if this is not done, then disband the entire Agency.

    Any Constitutional Republic can not stand without “Equal Treatment Under Law.” America is fast becoming a Communist Empire…As Communism takes hold I fully expect a purge of US Citizens (call them baby boomers) not able to accept Communism in place of individual Freedom to be purged (killed) in the name of Environmental Equity – Communism.

    Lastly, and ironically, NSA retains all American’s communications and with the direct support of Google, Facebook, Twit, Amazon, Microsoft, NSA has “All Americans communication Government Employee and Citizens alike.” The ability to separate Constitutional supporting American’s such as myself from those that would support Communism is well underway. Separating wheat from chaff is underway. Our Constitution Republic is dead unless “We the People stand against the Communists.” Prosecute the FBI leakers, this will be your clue to your own future.

  5. The US Government is utterly corrupt now. Top to bottom. I keep hearing from people about all the true blue Patriots in our federal agencies but all I ever see are the scum like the ones in this article.

    Money and power. It’s what they all want. And EVERY ONE of them will sell US all out to get it. If there were actually any honest “Patriots” they would act to stop this massive take over.

    So where are they? By the time they actually find a whistle to blow, lo-o-ong after the fact, the damage has already been done.

    1. Agree 100% however the Republicans, including Trump had control of these agencies and government in general for at least two years and did nothing. The Republicans are as guilty at the Democrats (communist) and people like Lindsey Graham who stay on TV constantly shouting about what they will do, ultimately do nothing. The only solution is a Convention of States because the politicians protect each other and keep their gravy train rolling.

      1. Right! After all the flowery promises to get after ELECTION FRAUD and the Red infested Swamp they did absolutely NOTHING.

        I never really trusted Trump and said so and both he and the GOP(LOL) proved me right when they ALL ignored us and looked the other way for 4 years.

        So here we are. I wasn’t a Never Trumper before but I am now. He made serious promises he didn’t keep. He refuses to admit that now even though it cost him, the GOP and We the People big time!

        As it stands right now, We the People have NOBODY in DC that’s on OUR side.

    1. Better yet, send in the illegals. Cheap labor is what they want anyway. Give it to them. They feared patriots on 1/6. Let’s see what they do when 2 million illegals camp out looking for the he handouts they were promised. Send the buses and planes straight to DC from the border NONSTOP!

  6. FBI needs to dismental totally. Nobody with IQ above 1 is trusting them anyway. It is nothing’s just one wing of DemRats establihment doing their dirty job.

  7. But friends they want for all of us to be vaccinated and shaming those that are not and not wearing their diaper. Why is the government pushing this so hard? They claim is for our own safety. If they were so concern, why are they turning loose thousands of illegal aliens that have been checked to be covid positive? Have you checked where most are being turned loose? In the red states where they can accelerate the covid transmission. They are not dumb.

    1. I have a picture and video of my wife with a magnet sticking to where she got her covid shot, I tried to post it on Facebook but they took ìt off.

    2. You know Oscar, you may be on to something! They sure are pushing those vaccinations pretty hard. The Democrats are not doing it to save lives since that would mean they care about people and we know, they can never be trusted. Also there is such a thing as “excuse” and “reason”.
      We hear their excuse which is Covid but what is their real reason? Don’t let the government inject anything into your body. Look up, Tuskegee Experiment. The Democrats injected black men with syphilis and watched them die over a period of many years. And blacks today vote democrat.

  8. Take down Biden. He is illegal president. He did NOT win the election. Let the WINNER sits in the Whitehouse.

    1. Biden, Harris, Pelosi and Schumer should have already been impeached/ arrested for treason but they are still here because the foxes are in the henhouse. If we had some Democrats in the house that weren’t corrupt or complacent they would have already instituted impeachment proceedings. You can see what the Communist Democrats have done to destroy our Republic. Just look at what the Democrat Governor’s. Mayors, Attorneys Generals and prosecutors have done in the Red states. Newsom in California first screwed up San Francisco and now as Governor has done it State Wide. Californians twice voted for Capital Punishment yet Newsom said he wouldn’t carry it out. Criminals aren’t arrested and the Police sit buy and watch criminal actions and don’t enforce our laws y making arrests. They aide and abet criminals /illegal aliens by providing them with free education, food, healthcare. Lawyers and other welfare programs. They lie. Cheat and steal to stay in power and don’t give a damn about citizens.

  9. So It’s not just the hierarchy of the FBI That’s rotten It’s the rank and file. This is not salvageable. We must abolish the FBI,and replace it with 100% new affirmed conservative patriots. Make it illegal to politicize it.

  10. The marxist dems just love a corrupt bureaucracy, they control them all in DC. Imagine being able to lie, cheat, steal or kill without fear of prosecution or even public exposure because you own a lapdog media! It’s called an oligarchy, it’s what is in charge of the nation now.


    SURPREME COURT DEPENDS ON THE JUDGES and if the convict and do their job such as how many states found fraudulent votes in 2020 election and you turned your backs on the case if the was no fraud why are they fighting the audits also the shot bills for the china virus are illegal as hell and ass holes are doing nothing except suporting the mandates close the southern boarder and that will slow the virus because 1 0f every 10 are positive and ASS HOLE BIDEN DONT GIVE A FREAK

  12. The FBI has become the problem. They torpedoed Trump and he did more as president than any other and imagine if he had not been screwed over by every one what he could have done. Now idiot Biden Harris team is screwing up all he did for us. Fuel is going up, unemployment going up, taxes going up, Covid going up, immigration screwed, police being bullied, security gone! It is time to toss the Dems out of America. Put Biden in nut house, Harris in bordello and lets make America a decent place to be home!

  13. The bottom line is the politicians care more about there jobs than the people of this country how sad is this, but the fraud and the corruption better get straighten out or we may see something in this country that may not be pretty as there are a lot of people that feel cheated and it’s a matter of time and things could turn for the worse, as there may be a lot of people taking an early retirement.

  14. The FBI is aligned with the Democrats. Forget their upholding the law Together with big tech, the news media, and the Democrats they’re hard at work in re-structuring the U.S. into a Marxist state.

  15. The headline suggested that the OIG report would describe improper investigations of the Trump campaign. But, it was about leaks during the burial of Clinton email security breach investigation. National law enforcement and intelligence are necessary. Unfortunately, even bureaucracies with legitimate roots become self serving. Let’s not delegitimize supporting limited government by using racial slurs.

  16. The establishment of bureaucratic agencies; which have no direct responsibility to WE THE PEOPLE was unconstitutional and they are now filled with One World globalists who are working to destabilize and bring down our REPUBLIC. Our forefathers gambled with their lives and posterity to rid America of a tyrannical government.
    and in the writing of our Constitution and Bill of Rights, established a means for the common man to protect himself and his family from such government. WE THE PEOPLE have become lazy and have given away far too many of our liberties, (traded for personal comfort and a false security) and once given away they can only be reclaimed by FORCE!!!

  17. We The People, are the only ones who can make this country free again. Too many gave their lives to make this a free country, it is time We The People do something. Vote everyone of the lying, cheating, liars out of office. Do not support the Media who have turned into nothing but mouth pieces for the corrupt Politicians. Lets stop talking and do something, stop watching CNN, MSNBC and all channels that support our corrupt Government. Get rid of Nancy Pelosi and her comrades, it is time to stop talking and do something. We can start with the Ballot Box, we will figure it out if we really care about Freedom and this wonderful country. Stop waiting for someone else to do something, vote everyone of those liars, communists out. Joe Biden has not got the mental capacity to run anything and if you believe he is, well guess again. It is Obama who is pulling Biden’s strings and God Know’s who is pulling Obama’s. Let us take our Country back before it is too late.

  18. Well let guess two top agents for. Clapper and Brennan. I picked on those two nut jobs fast. Both made money on interviews. Okay third Comey no shock and awe here. More over they got to keep security clarence .

    1. Orc’s were elves once. Tortured and mutilated by the dark lord Soros.

      Brennan and Clapper are his finest creations.

  19. the ( DOJ) IS as corrupt as the bidens, clintons and obamas, democraps henchmen ,communisn at its best , all these corrupt so called law enforcers swhould be arrested for treason against american rights, time to get rid of those communist democraps, get people who will uphole the laws of this nation,and the constatution ,

  20. Donald Trump was the best President i think we ever had in our life time, he did more than any President ever did for America in his short time in office, i say short time because he was screwed with by the courts, pelosi and her capital riot lies, FBI, anyone and everyone of power, and the list goes on and on but – trump stayed strong and was and is for the America people, so my question to you is why know other President in united states has not done as much for its people or for America itself when a man with no back ground in the goverment can truely make America great.

  21. FBI= Fat Boys Institute—corruption on steroids since the days of the “cross dresser” J. Edgar Hoover. The enemy in camp has always bee the worst—like their involvement with the J.F.K. slaughter and COVER UP.

  22. Trump was supposed to do more while he was in office but the corrupt politicians with him including the rinos made it difficult for him to do as intended. Who could fight all the internal fights he was confronted with and still held his head high? Which president in history has had the type of opposition that Donald Trump had? We should ask why that much trouble for him? Remember he said he was going to drain the swamp. It was when he was there that he realized how deep the swamp is. Unfortunately, it keeps getting deeper. With all the voter frauds in November, Wray’s announcement of the most free and fair election, rinos like Romney, Cheney and their likes; We the people have a lot
    of assignments at hand. We can do it. But remember, we can do so much as humans. While we do ours, let’s also ask for divine intervention.

  23. What happened to the rest of my comment? It included all government agency’s ,then all forms of law enforcement

  24. Get rid of the 56 FBI agents and replace them with people that know how to keep their mouth shut.If this was a national security topic it would not be in the best interest of the U.S.A. to allow these mouth pieces to stay.God Bless President Trump and the U.S.A

  25. Sooo, CHINA is not the only country that can “disappear” someone. BARR ALSO did NOTHING ABOUT THIS. Then he topped that by stating “NO EVIDENCE” about election fraud! VOTING IS OUR MOST SACRED RIGHT! Without free and fair elections, WE HAVE NO DEMOCRACY! The one right I never thought I would see taken away from me hsa been! There is ENOUGH EVIDENCE BEING FOUND ON A DAILY BASIS THAT I THINK THE NEXT TIME BARR IS GETTING PAID A LOT OF MONEY TO MAKE A SPEECH SOMEWHERE, SOMEONE SHOULD ASK HIM TO EXPOUND ON WHY THERE WAS “NO EVIDENCE’! PERHAPS HE SAID THAT BECAUSE HE NEVER LOOKED!

  26. I worked for five in the 90 s for counter narcotics. Flew 800 kilo s from Colombia to airport in south Florida. Product disappeared. The FBI, FUCKING BAD IDEA. THEY HELPED Start this 30 years ago. Then fbi agent helped orchestrate 9/11. Biden now with stolen election. Time for vets to remember foreign and Especially DOMESTIC. TIME TO GET IT RIGHT.

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