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World’s Largest Study on COVID Vax Effects So Far Shows Massive Neurological Harm

Sofia, Bulgaria - November 10, 2020: Pfizer COVID-19 Coronavirus Vaccine and Syringe. Conceptual image.

Remember back in 2021 when they vaccinated all the animals at the Dallas Zoo with the COVID jabs and then three of the giraffes suddenly died? We remember.

We’re not going to let these criminals forget, either! We’re now four years on from the disastrous COVID jab debacle and people around the world are suffering immensely after they were spooked by their governments into taking the experimental mRNA gene serums. Scientists are finally able to start studying large population groups to see what these shots really did to people. It’s horrible.

Scientists in Italy have just conducted a study of almost 9 million people who received the jabs. This population-wide study was published in the journal Springer Nature. What they found was widespread spikes in neurological and psychiatric illnesses among the vaccinated.


Italy had one of the highest vaccination rates out of most countries in the EU. During the first wave of the Chinese coronavirus in 2020, lots of elderly Italians in hospitals and nursing homes died from it.

As we noted at the time, Italy is a relatively poor country by European standards. Their healthcare system is a mess. Their hospitals and nursing homes are dirty and unsanitary. That likely contributed to the higher death rates, which in turn scared people into getting jabbed.

84 percent of kids 12 and up received the jabs in Italy. Among those 50 or older, the vaccination rate was 93% or higher. Almost everyone took the shots.

The researchers in the study in Springer Nature found that this was a terrible mistake. One of the lies that we were told by the CDC was that the spike protein in the shots stays in your arm, near the spot where you get jabbed. That was completely false. The spike protein is able to cross every internal barrier in the human body. It can cross the placental barrier and impact or kill babies in the womb.

It can even cross the blood-brain barrier and cause strokes. The spike protein loves to concentrate itself in the internal organs—especially the heart and the sex organs.

The fact that spike proteins cross the blood-brain barrier is what the Italian researchers are now saying has led to massive increases in neurological illnesses. The study shows that compared to the unvaccinated, people who took the jabs are 95% more likely to experience an ischemic stroke, cerebral hemorrhaging, spinal cord inflammation, transient ischemic attack (mini-strokes), and myasthenia gravis (a neurological condition in which the limbs and facial muscles weaken).

Almost every person hospitalized for a neurological condition in 2021 received at least one dose of the vaccine, the study’s authors note.

The jabs also appear to have damaged the mental health of people in Italy as well. The rate of Alzheimer’s development among the jabbed is now 23% higher than among the unvaccinated population. Vaccinated people are 138% more likely to experience cognitive impairment, 68% more likely to suffer depression, and 44% more likely to suffer anxiety disorders. Vaccinated people are 94% more likely to have sleep disorders than the unvaccinated.

A study by South Korean scientists that was published in October found a similar spike in Alzheimer’s among the vaccinated.

Dr. Nicholas Hulscher is an epidemiologist with the McCullough Foundation. Commenting on the Italian study, he tweeted, “COVID-19 ‘vaccines’ damage the brain and DEVASTATE mental health. This is likely due to toxic Spike protein accumulation and persistence in the skull-meninges-brain axis.”

In other words, the more shots and boosters you receive, the more damage it does to your brain and neurological system and the amount of spike protein builds up.

We’re now four years into this slow-moving train wreck and the news continues getting worse as time passes. We had hoped that maybe the spike proteins would flush their way out of people’s systems over time, but that doesn’t appear to be happening. Anyone who wasn’t outright killed by the jabs has continued to experience higher rates of illness than the unvaccinated. Cancer, neurological disorders, and mental disorders have all increased by huge amounts.

Doctors from around the world are now calling for the mRNA shots to be taken off the market. Maybe that will happen in 2025 if Robert F. Kennedy, Jr., is approved as President Trump’s new HHS Secretary.

You can read the Italian study on neurological damage caused by the shots HERE.

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