Obama Appointed Judge Forces Wisconsin Taxpayers to Foot the Bill for Medicaid Transgender Sex Reassignment Surgery

Can you imagine your hard-earned income going to transgender sex reassignment surgery for low-income individuals in your community? It sounds like a radical policy out of a fictional dystopian world in which an ever-growing group of laggards depends on their host for seemingly endless financial support. Unfortunately, this is reality for the taxpayers of Wisconsin.

Though Barack Obama has been out of office for three years, his flawed governance still manifests today. The sole reason why Wisconsin taxpayers must pay for transgender sex reassignment surgery is the fact that an Obama-appointed judge is responsible for this mess.

According to U.S. District Judge William M. Conley, Medicaid, a taxpayer funded program, cannot legally refuse medical treatments to individuals with gender dysphoria. This opinion will cost Wisconsin taxpayers more than a million dollars per year as they pay for Medicaid recipients’ gender confirmation surgeries.

Examples of such surgeries include genital reconstruction, mastectomies and breast augmentation. These are intricate surgical procedures that require the costly expertise of plastic surgeons.

About the Ruling

Judge Conley’s ruling is the result of a lawsuit filed by two transgender individuals over a year ago. The Wisconsin residents insisted the state and federally-funded Medicaid insurance program provided insufficient healthcare due to their transgender identity. These individuals, Sara Makenzie and Cody Flack, claim they are dealing with extreme gender dysphoria that mandates the expensive surgery.

The question begs: just because a transgender person is ashamed of his her or appearance and desires surgical alterations to live in a body of the opposite sex, why should the taxpayer have to foot the bill?

It should not matter if the transgender person in question is rich or poor; there is no logical reason why others should have to pay for transgender sex reassignment surgery under any circumstances. Just because the transgender individuals in question are uncomfortable in their current body does not mean they are deserving of a surgically altered body at no cost. Many people who do not have gender dysphoria are unhappy with parts of their body, but they don’t demand taxpayers pay to make their boobs bigger or their nose smaller.

However, thanks to Judge Conley’s permanent ruling, tax dollars for the poor will be redirected to gender confirmation surgical operations throughout Wisconsin.

This ruling is important as Conley insists gender dysmorphia qualifies as a legitimate medical condition with the potential to spur harsh symptoms. Though it is certainly possible such a transgender individual would become depressed without transgender sex reassignment surgery, there is no merit in the argument that he or she should qualify for the surgery for free simply due to economic circumstances.

After all, there are plenty of other surgical operations that could prevent adverse symptoms yet the public does not foot the bill for these operations as doing so would be a collective financial suicide.

What Happened to Self-reliance?

Rewind time back a couple decades and the notion of the public covering the cost of transgender sex reassignment surgery would be ludicrous. My, how times have changed. Though few will argue transgender people should be ostracized from society, just about everyone agrees hardworking Americans should not have to cover the cost of individuals sex change operations.

Why is it not enough to treat transgender individuals with respect? Are these individuals really deserving of massive handouts simply because they are a bit different from others and poor?

The moral of this story is transgender individuals who would like to dramatically change the hand they were dealt by God should have to bear the financial burden of such a transition on their own.

A Lesson for Liberals to Learn

Though the early polls show the top Democratic presidential candidates have more support than President Trump by a sizable margin, the left should know elections have consequences. The reign of President Obama is responsible for the Medicare transgender sex reassignment fiasco occurring in Wisconsin. Though much of Obama’s desired legislation was blocked by a red congress, his pathetic legacy will live on in the form of the liberal judges he appointed.

Plenty of lefties are proud of Obama’s presidency yet you will be hard-pressed to find many willing to back Judge Conley’s recent decision. The fact that Wisconsin taxpayers are now covering the cost of sex reassignment surgery for transgender individuals is nothing short of political correctness run amok.

President Trump has counteracted Obama’s destruction of our country by appointing right-leaning judges throughout his tenure. Only time will tell if Trump’s appointees will save this once-great nation from a downward spiral into political correctness that will inevitably leave us all financially broke and spiritually disenfranchised.

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