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Trump TEARS APART Insane Biden Tax Plan that Gave Control of America to the Socialists

In 2021, President Joe Biden set the United States up to be part of one of the worst deals IN HISTORY – and President Trump just saved us from it.

The Biden regime signed America up to be part of a “global minimum tax,” an initiative led by the Organization for Economic Co-Operation and Development (OECD)

This tax operates like a profit-sharing agreement, forcing large companies to pay a MINIMUM of 15% in taxes to countries if they wish to do business there.

136 countries agreed to this deal but none of them stood to lose NEARLY as much as small businesses in the United States. We have the world’s largest economy and the largest number of businesses who would all be forced to pay this tax, hurting us the most out of any country.

At the same time, the policy would not have benefited the U.S. whatsoever, because, again, the vast majority of those companies are American and are already paying taxes here.


The deal was BRUTAL and basically greenlit foreign nations to extort American corporations for money while leaving those same corporations with less money to employ Americans back home.

To many, the move was viewed as the Biden regime COMPLETELY selling out American companies – because that’s EXACTLY what was happening with Biden just trying to make the socialists happy with the prospect of more tax money to support them.

But President Donald Trump has made it clear he will NOT stand for this.

The president issued an executive order declaring that this OECD deal “has no force or effect” in the U.S. – signaling to all those countries Biden TRIED selling us out to that America is no sucker.

Suspecting that some of these countries might be a bit upset at the idea of losing the cash cow that Biden promised them, Trump also ordered the U.S. Treasury to prepare options for “protective measures” against any countries who might try and put in place tax rules which disproportionately affect American companies.

These protective measures include a SAVAGE portion of the U.S. tax code which states that “Whenever the President finds that, under the laws of any foreign country that citizens or corporations of the United States are being subjected to discriminatory taxes,” he has the authority to “double” the tax “rate of each citizen and corporation of such foreign country.”

In other words, if any of those countries are dumb enough to try and press American companies for the 15%, then Trump can – and will – DOUBLE the tax rate for any of their companies operating in the U.S.

“The United States does not comply with foreign tax policy objectives,” Trump’s memo announcing the decision reads. “This memorandum recaptures our Nation’s sovereignty and economic competitiveness…”

But if this policy is really that bad for America, why did Biden agree to it in the first place?

Well, aside from the fact that every one of Joe’s policies was bad for America, we have to consider who it was that stood to benefit the most from using American companies to drum up some much needed cash – the European Union.

Since pretty much every major European nation has decided to embrace socialist policy after socialist policy, they have completely DESTROYED their economies.

Their hope here was that they could pillage American companies to prevent their garbage leftist economies from completely collapsing.

And President Biden, whose mission it was to put America closer towards socialism, was 100% on board with letting them do that.

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