Joe Biden’s hatchet man at the State Department, Tony Blinken, has been trying to cause a regime change in Guatemala. After the country’s Attorney General opened a child trafficking investigation into a charity that Jill Biden was involved in last April, Blinken has been doing everything to quash the probe.
In order to “protect democracy,” Blinken is strong-arming politicians in Guatemala to try to get their democratically elected Attorney General fired. The only “crime” that the AG appears to be guilty of is investigating an NGO “charity” that Jill Biden was heavily involved in.
Attorney General María Consuelo Porras had a SWAT team raid the offices of the Guatemalan branch of “Save the Children” back in April. It was a big scandal that we first wrote about over the summer when Robby Starbuck broke it on You can read our initial reports about it here. Save the Children was being investigated for its involvement in the trafficking of more than 200,000 Guatemalan children into the US.
When Vice President Joe Biden left office in 2017, his community college teacher wife Jill was named the board chair of Save the Children’s US branch. That’s how this scandalous investigation is tied directly to the Biden family.
Save the Children denies any wrongdoing. The Attorney General’s office has not commented on the raid since April because the investigation is ongoing.
Save the Children is a “non-government organization” (NGO). It appears to be a CIA front that receives taxpayer funding from USAID, the State Department, and donations from gullible Americans.
Save the Children was expelled from Pakistan in 2011 when one of its CIA officers was caught administering fake vaccines to women and children. The people thought their kids were getting the polio vaccine, but it was just some spying operation that the CIA was running.
The USA branch of Save the Children, which Jill Biden ran for four years when her husband was out of the White House, has been caught in scandals as well. The NGO was caught milking families who thought they were sponsoring impoverished children overseas. It turned out that many of the children that families thought they were sponsoring had actually been dead for years.
Secretary of State Tony Blinken’s response to the Guatemala investigation has been absolutely vicious. It’s received no mainstream media coverage. Under Guatemala’s constitution, the president does not have any authority to fire an elected Attorney General. Blinken is trying to get the Guatemalan Congress to change its constitution so that the president can fire Attorney General Porras.
President Bernardo Arévalo would be only too happy to fulfill Blinken’s request if he could. He owes Tony Blinken, after all. Most people in Guatemala believe Arévalo is illegitimate because their last presidential election was rigged in his favor (by the CIA and USAID).
Here’s how desperately Tony Blinken is in trying to get Guatemala to rewrite their Constitution so they can fire a single person. About 100 members of Congress in Guatemala have sent their children to the US on student visas to attend college. There are about 400 of these college students in the US.
Tony Blinken canceled all 400 of their student visas and kicked them out of the country, because of their parents’ refusal to rewrite the Guatemalan national constitution. That seems like an awful lot of trouble to go to just to get one elected woman fired, doesn’t it?
Since Biden has been in office, an estimated 200,000 Guatemalan children have been trafficked into the US. To give you a sense of the scope of that problem, we have an Amber Alert for a missing child every other day in America. We had 229 Amber Alerts last year in a nation of 330 million people. Guatemala has been issuing 20 Amber Alerts every day for the past few years.
The kids go missing and a few weeks later, a drug cartel hands them over to the US Border Patrol. They’re then handed over to DHS and HHS before being delivered to adult “sponsors” who aren’t related to them. According to independent journalist Ryan Matta, almost half of the children trafficked into the US during Biden’s four years in office have come from Guatemala.
Matta has just released a documentary film on the Biden regime’s child trafficking operation. It’s called Operation Amber Alert. If you think these claims about Guatemalan child trafficking are farfetched, you should watch the whole thing: