5 Signs America is in the Early Stages of a Civil War

The Democrat Party has succumbed to mob mentality and now presents a clear and present danger to all regular and peaceful Americans. Barack Obama was one of the most radical (in the communist sense) presidents in our nation’s history and yet when he was reelected in 2012, conservative Americans shrugged and went back to trying to figure out how to make some money and survive under an increasingly totalitarian and regulatory regime.

No one on the political right was talking about killing the Obamas or attempting to hound Democrats from the public square in protest. Now that the Democrats are out of power, the hateful response of their base shows that America is closer to Civil War 2.0 than any of us had imagined. Here are 5 signs that we are, in fact, already in the early stages of a civil war.

1. Attempted Political Assassinations

Congressman Steve Scalise and other Republicans found themselves under fire at a baseball practice in 2016. Fortunately for conservative Americans, Democrats can’t shoot worth a hill of beans. (Democrats might want to pause and think about that for a second before they rush headlong into a civil war – but pausing and thinking are two more things they are opposed to.)

Scalise survived his wounds, but he was very lucky. A short time later, Sen. Rand Paul’s liberal Democrat neighbor jumped him from behind and savagely beat him. The liberal perp’s excuse was that it was over yard debris. Does anyone believe that for a millisecond?

2. Rejection of Democracy

Refusing to accept the results of a fair, democratic election and RESISTING the results and the newly-elected administration is the very definition of a civil war. We always refer to it as the “Democrat” Party instead of the “Democratic” Party because there is nothing “democratic” about the leftwing lunatics these days. They have rejected democracy.

We shrugged when Obama won reelection. Democrats blocked streets, set dumpsters on fire and tried to poison the ventilation system at the Deplora-Ball during Trump’s inauguration. We all expected them to get bored and go home after a month or two, like they did when they occupied Wall Street.

But here we are, two years into the most successful and popular Republican administration in history, and the left is still rejecting the election results. Their candidate didn’t quietly accept the election and stagger off into the sunset. She’s still out there drunkenly complaining that Russia, the NRA, James Comey, the Dixie Chicks and a tuning fork all somehow conspired against her to steal the election.

The system of governance under the Constitution that held our nation together since 1787 (aside from that last little hiccup in the 1860s when Democrats had to be put in their place) has been rejected by the Democrats.

3. Nazis, Nazis Everywhere!

Everyday Trump supporters – regular people in every sense of the word – have been so demonized by the liberal media and the Democrats that their fringe base now views it as a moral imperative to kill us. Donnie Deutsch went on MSNBC the other day and stated emphatically that if you support President Trump’s immigration policies, you are literally a Nazi standing on the border waiting to kill illegal alien kids in your portable homemade gas chamber. Thanks for adding so much to the public discourse, Deutsch-bag.

Once again, if we’re all Nazis, then the left is no longer interested in reasoning with us. They just want us dead and it’s only a matter of time before they start acting on that clearly-stated desire.

4. Excluding Conservatives from the Culture

DHS Secretary Kirstjen Nielsen was hounded out of a restaurant last week by a screaming mob that included at least one federal employee from the DOJ. The Red Hen restaurant in Virginia kicked Sarah Sanders and her family out when they tried to have dinner there. The owner of the Red Hen says her gay employees were too triggered by the presence of Sanders and her family. Breeders!

Then the Attorney General of Florida, Pam Bondi, had to call for a police escort to safely make it out of a movie theater.

Each of these encounters is just a step or two away from actual violence. This is also a real-world extension of Silicon Valley’s censorship of conservatives on social media platforms.

We don’t get to participate in the culture, because they think we are evil. We don’t have the mark of the beast, so we don’t get to buy or sell or watch “Avengers: Infinity War” without shrieking harpies getting in our faces.

Rep. Maxine Waters (D-Crazytown) is egging on the mobs that are spooking conservatives out of public spaces. What exactly does Waters want, here? Separate drinking fountains for conservatives?

5. Open Calls for Terrorism Against Us

One of the most savage tactics in warfare – which is rightly considered a war crime – is the brutal killing of women and children to make the other side lay down its arms. The psychology behind this is to make the battle too costly for the other side. How else would you interpret Peter Fonda’s calls to stick little Barron Trump in a cage with pedophiles, or to publicly whip and rape the women in the Trump administration? Where were all the public repudiations from prominent Democrats on Fonda’s sick calls to violence? There weren’t any.

Scott Adams, the cartoonist who created Dilbert and who was one of the highest-paid public speakers in America (and a Democrat), no longer does public appearances because as a perceived Trump supporter, he is in physical danger from the left. Ann Coulter and Milo Yiannopoulos have to hire Seal Team Six for their security details whenever they give a speech on a college campus.

For the Democrats who seem to think that you have a snowball’s chance in hell of winning here, please consider this. The Trump administration has not made any threats or hints that it would consider taking our firearms away from us.

Despite that, Americans bought a record number of firearms for the month of May in 2018. The Americans who are buying all those firearms like our Constitution. We like having elections and picking the person(s) that we will allow to represent us in government. We like doing things the old way.

If you really want to try things this new way, you should know that we’re ready. And you’re not going to like the result. Consider yourselves warned.

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