Whistleblower: Generals Staged a Coup Against Trump and America on January 6

American Soldiers and Flag of USA. US Army. Veteran Day

We’ve been saying for years now that someone committed treason on January 6, 2021, and it was not Donald Trump. President Trump had issued direct orders for the National Guard to be deployed in Washington, DC, that day because he knew the FBI was sending undercover operatives to commit violence and try to start a riot. Someone disobeyed Trump’s order by not deploying the troops to serve as a calming presence. Thanks to four military whistleblowers who testified before Congress last month, we finally know who committed treason and why they did it.

The House Subcommittee on Oversight held the hearing back on April 17th, but we are just now learning about it. Four National Guard whistleblowers came forward to set the record straight on what really happened on January 6. The whistleblowers were Command Sgt. Major Michael E. Brooks, Colonel Earl G. Matthews, Aaron Dean (Ret.), and Captain Timothy Nick.


The soldiers testified under oath that they were prepared to deploy in DC on January 6th, because the order had come down from President Trump. When the day arrived, however, they were held back from deploying by the Pentagon.

Former House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-CA) had her daughter with her on January 6 with a film crew in tow. You know, in case they needed to capture the drama and excitement of an insurrection on camera or anything. Total coincidence. Tuck that fact away for a moment.

Both Nancy Pelosi and Washington, DC Mayor Muriel Bowser were warned of the potential for violence in the city that day. Both Pelosi and Bowser turned down the offer to have troops there that day.

Former Capitol Police Chief Steve Sund also asked for the National Guard to be placed on standby that day, in case Capitol Police needed rapid backup. Sund made this request to security officials in both the House and Senate—and both turned him down. The Capitol Police had been warned about the possibility of violence at the protest two weeks before it happened.

So, we have the House Democrats, the Senate Democrats, and the Democrat mayor of Washington, DC all turning down help from the National Guard on January 6 after they were warned about the possibility of violence that day. They all knew that things were going to get out of hand that day, and that is why they turned down the troops and why Pelosi had a film crew tagging along.

Those issues are secondary, however, to the fact that someone disobeyed a direct order from the Commander in Chief.

Col. Earl Matthews was the chief legal advisor for the National Guard back in 2021. He testified before Congress that President Trump’s authority as Commander in Chief was ignored by senior military officials on January 6th.

Matthews testified that former Chairman of the Joint Chiefs Mark Milley, along with the US Army’s then-Secretary Ryan McCarthy, secretly plotted to disobey any orders from President Trump. When you learn the reason why they plotted this, it will become clear that Milley and McCarthy both suffer from Stage IV Trump Derangement Syndrome.

Col. Matthews told the Daily Mail, “Army leadership had unreasonably anticipated an ‘unlawful order’ from the President, an order that the President had no plans to issue, and were preemptively seeking to curtail his discretion to issue such an order.”

Donald Trump issued a lawful order to deploy the National Guard in DC on January 6th. The purpose of the troops was to have a calming effect on the crowds. The undercover FBI agents who were tasked with committing violence that day to spark a riot might have thought twice about their orders if they had known they could have gotten their butts kicked by the National Guard.

Milly and McCarthy disobeyed a direct, lawful order from the President of the United States because they falsely believed that Trump was going to stage a coup. They believed that once the National Guard troops were in place, Trump would order them to seize the Capitol and stop the certification of Joe Biden’s fake victory.

So, they staged a coup to prevent Trump from committing a coup he had no intention of committing. It tells us a lot about the liberal thought process, doesn’t it? They make up these fantasies in their heads about what LITERALLY HITLER BIG ORANGE is going to do, and they use these delusions to justify breaking every law in the books to stop him. These people are sick in the head.

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46 thoughts on “Whistleblower: Generals Staged a Coup Against Trump and America on January 6”

  1. It does not surprise me that milly and mccarthy disobeyed a direct order from the Commander in Chief… They are traitors, along with pelosi and schumer and biden and they should be tried for treason. They are destroying out country as fast as they can so they can have a one-world-order where they think they will be in control. They’re doing all they can to steal our money (retirement) and take over everything. That’s why they want to disarm law-abiding citizens, too. They are traitorous scum, worse than swamp rats. Looks like they are pushing us to either a civil war, or they’ll start something with Russia, or they’ll have the trash they infiltrated our country with to turn on us, kill us, and then they’ll take over and kill the trash they brought in so they can have everything to themselves. That’s okay – God will take care of them for eternity.

    1. The traitors.need to be put on trial and punished either by death or life in a federal prison. We want our. country back now!

      1. These traitors don’t deserve a trial! They should be perv walked directly to a rope, hung upside down n given a slow painful death by a thousand tiny cuts so they can bleed out slowly just like they’ve done to American citizens!

    2. America and Americans need to wake up before its too late.
      Barack Hussain Obama birth name is Osama bin laden!!!! Fact
      Obama/Osama Palin prints, Facial Overlay and Palin Prints are identical!!!!
      Fact !!!!!
      Osama/Osama said he’d take over and destroy America Without Ever Having to Fire a Shot!!!
      Obama is Osama bin laden !!!
      Wake the Hell up Obama/Osama bin laden speaks about his Muslim Faith and Heritage constantly.
      Obama/Osama is NOT Black nor American

  2. Every one of the Democrats involved need to be executed for treason. Mental illness has no place in Congress or politics.

  3. The obiden regime has one thing on their mind and that is to destroy President Trump and America. There leader, george soros, has total control of Washington democrats, main stream media, Hollywood and many other industries! His total goal is to achieve what hitler did not and that is to rule the World through his minions! His son makes regular visits to the White House to see obiden and his minions. The actions described above are so true and are treasonous acts against American citizens, President Trump, and America! So many are in prison right now that should not be there! Give them pardons and jail the true lawbreakers/traitors of Jan 6!!

    1. Question: Can these individuals, General etc. be brought up on charges when Trump gets in, of disobeying a lawful order, which caused in Jan. 6th fiasco?

    2. If people remember the idiot who was in the Capitol along with the other protestors who broke in, who was wearing the bull horn hat, he was paid by Soros. He also was on a bus load of out of state protestors who George Soros brought to North Dakota (same bull horn hat) and paid them $150 a day to protest during the DAPL Protest on the Indian Reservation in North Dakota prior to January 6th. There were more out of state protestors who were protesting than Native Americans. How many bus loads of protestors were driven to the Capitol on January 6th, paid for by Soros?

      1. Leona,
        It was mentioned on alt news awhile back that several busloads of infiltrators came in, and coverage of their arrival was captured by private individuals’ video.
        Sad that MSM will never cover THAT kind of news…..

        1. Yep! I saw the video that was recorded by a guy with his phone. It was between 10:30 and 11:30AM DC time outside the capitol. Two small busses with two black SUVs escorts with blue and red lights in the grill flashing. The busses stopped outside the fencing and while unloading the men they were putting on Trump hats, coats and Trump flags. I was jumping from site to site to see what was going on, Trump was still speaking, I jumped back for the video and it was already scrubbed. I truly believe Pelosi was the main instigator of the J6.

  4. They all need to be accountable for their actions we the people need to demand accountability we are always held accountable for our actions but I guess the whole democrat party would have to go to jail so nobody will be held accountable and that’s ashamed for our country God Bless Our Country for all the bad players in our government

  5. everyone who watched it knew it was a setup. they need to held accountable for their actions that day! people are starting to wake up thank God.

  6. Release the J-6 prisoners. It was a complete setup. Bring charges to the ones that planned it.

    1. America and Americans need to wake up before its too late.
      Barack Hussain Obama birth name is Osama bin laden!!!! Fact
      Obama/Osama Palm prints, Facial Overlay are identical!!!!
      Fact !!!!!
      Obama/Osama said he’d take over and destroy America Without Ever Having to Fire a Shot!!!
      Obama is Osama bin laden !!!
      Wake the Hell up Obama/Osama bin laden speaks about his Muslim Faith and Heritage constantly.
      Obama/Osama is NOT Black nor American

  7. While we’ve known the truth, it’s nice to see that there are still patriots that have come forward, finally! Their excuses don’t add up!! A coup inside of a coup etc….is just as bad as mad Maxine Waters recently telling people Trump has an army training up in the hills for taking over the country and they’re coming after people of color!!!??? These people are sick!!!

  8. I believe the whistleblowers & they should be protected at all costs !!! There’s been a least a couple or more whistleblowers that have had mysterious, untimely deaths already !!
    But I fear that, without actual Hard Proof, such as in writing or video evidence, this will go nowhere fast !! Even with it, it’s highly questionable if it would be followed up with any charges.

  9. We the People of the United States need to rise up with Trump to get our country back and send the whole Democrat Rats to prison.

  10. More than just holding them accountable jail them for life. Treasonous acts by law can be death. Trump is the man we need in the white house and let him clean house drain the swamp and lock the damn Democrats up. Lol. All of them or deport them along with the illegals definitely all of them.

  11. They ALL WERE PUT IN OFFICE BY OBAMA! They all deserve to be EXECUTED BY FIRING SQUAD! Other leader in the military need to step up and REMOVED THESE THAT VIOLATION THE OATH OF THE MILITARY!

  12. The only thing us true American people can do is go to war against the dirty democrats and take our country back before they destroy every thing about our country. We the people need to make a stand against the above the law democrats and show them they can be held accountable for their crimes. Period.

  13. WE THE PEOPLE…..not the treasonous elite, is in the Constitution ! They ( all of them, democrats, rinos , military, big tech billionaires ) SHOULD, not that they will, be served, tried, and sentenced as the traitors they are ! They are all part of the swamp and need to go.

  14. Everyone with an IQ higher than that of a doorknob knew that treason was committed. Dementia joey did not win. He admitted that on video. Obozo did not win a 2nd term. joey said that the voter fraud scheme got him in the White House and obozo a 2nd term. Now we hear that military leaders disobeyed a direct order by the President. The punishment for treason should be carried out. A long prison term or death.

  15. At any time during the assault on the Capitol Building, Trump could have picked up the phone and told them deploy the National Guard against the attackers, but he didn’t. Instead he just watched it all happen on tv. You can go on believing otherwise but you would be believing in a lie. Ultimately the responsibility for the failure belongs with Trump.

    1. Apparently, you didn’t read the article, Your problem is, Trump Derangement Syndrome, you read and/or hear only what suits you.
      “The soldiers testified under oath that they were prepared to deploy in DC on January 6th, because the order had come down from President Trump. When the day arrived, however, they were held back from deploying by the Pentagon.”
      What don’t you get, the Communist Speaker of the House, the Senate Communists, and the Communist Mayor of Washington Dirty Cesspool refused Trump’s help!
      A President can pick up the phone, order anything he or she wants but if unelected Traitors whom are COMMUNISTS in disguise, are going to ignore his orders there isn’t much more to be done. That’s why it’s called a coup. Get your head out of the bag and take a breath, They staged the Election and followed up with the January 6th Fedsurrection. It’s called, bring along the fall of America into Communism at all costs, and Trump was in the way. Those of you that remain ignorant about what is occurring in our country, is easier than feeling like you might have to do something to stop it.

    2. So even though it is proved that the Democrats planned the whole thing, your Trump Delusion problem won’t allow you to let go in the face of truth! Poor you!

  16. You’re just as bad, they never thought Trump was going to stage a coup, they were staging a coup and needed the J6 operation to go down without a hitch to cover the millions of fake ballots they inserted after shutting down counting.

  17. Whether Republicans or Democrats, Uniparty politicians are Communists hell bent on bringing along the fall of our Country. The only way, Traitors will be brought to justice, is for, We the People, to wake up and stand up. The fall of America, followed by One World Order is where they’re
    taking us. Tyranny will not stop Tyranny. Period.

  18. “The traitors.need to be put on trial and punished either by death or life in a federal prison. We want our. country back now!”

    Your message couldn’t be clearer and agreed upon by all honest Americans made ill by leftist’s treacherous, gross manipulations. This remains a very urgent question waiting to be answered: Why is our system of checks and balances not functioning as intended, so that these atrocities committed to our Nation be aborted legally?

  19. A very good comment from Rayzor1 says:
    “You’re just as bad, they never thought Trump was going to stage a coup, they were staging a coup and needed the J6 operation to go down without a hitch to cover the millions of fake ballots they inserted after shutting down counting.”


  20. Just another set up job by our great military and Pelosi and Washington DC mayor. When are all the criminals in Washington DC and our own government be held accountable for treason and other crimes. I want to know how much did all these criminals get in return for their crimes. Democrats and the rest of the criminals are just bought puppets. It’s amazing to watch all these criminals lie and expect us to believe what they say. How much of our money has been wasted for everything they did to President Trump? These liars are not even any good at it either. Remember the cops that testified? I’m sorry but their actions where laughable in the least. First why were they reading from a script? Why did the acting up come at certain points in their script? Lying to congress is a crime, right? Bouser allowed payed thugs to harm her city and her police during antifa and BLM riots and help keep them out of jail. Yet has J6 prisoners be beaten up by her jail system and treat them like terrorist? I don’t care if you like President Trump or not but when you intentionally break laws you are a criminal, right Bouser? Then you have cops who suddenly have higher jobs and money no object for them to me is an act of treason. Just answer one question please. Why would you intentionally attack your opponent if they truly lost? I have seen and heard so many things that don’t add up period as far as all the allocations against President Trump. Now they are boldly saying basement boy will be back for four more years because President Trump can’t be president if he has a criminal record and charged with a crime. Tell me this then. Why was an illegal allowed to be a president? Why has a sitting President been caught with his family in bribery and treason yet he is still president? There are others like Pelosi who was caught doing inside trading in the stock market making a killing and this is a crime, right? Schumer has threatened Supreme Justices which is a crime, right? Millie has disobeyed a sitting President, this is a crime, right? Schiff spied on a sitting President and this is a crime, right? Kackling Kamala has donated to help criminals get out of jail free and this is a crime, right? Zuck interfered with an election with so many others and this is a crime, right? Not one of these criminals have been charged, right? Yet they go to extreme’s to attack someone else by tampering with evidence to make them look like a criminal and this is a crime, right? These criminals really know how to break laws very well, while sitting back and letting some people be charged with crimes they didn’t commit at all. If you feel what the criminals did is ok then are not an American who loves this country and should be forced to leave and citizenship removed, right? Just think this is just a very few examples of the criminals have gotten by with. Now tell who is being punished for there crimes? Not them it’s opponents and citizens of the U.S., right? Criminals can’t even get 100 people to show up for their rallies and such in some cases no one, right? Then the opponent is holding rallies with thousands of people who chant USA, we love you and lock them up at his rallies, not to mention showing up at small businesses and people gather ASAP to get to see him, right? Who actually works for the people in government and Washington DC right now? No one they just want power and money from you, right? Then you had a President Trump who donated his salaries to different organizations, did his job the entire time while being attacked by the actual criminals, right? So who is actually working for us the people? Think about that.

  21. Obama and Biden staged a coup in 2008 and again in 2012. Obama was never eligible to be President of thhe US. Obama is not an Article II “Natural Born Citizen”. Biden was never a vice-president since Obama was never a bona-fide President. BTW, Biden’s “VP” is also ineligible. Kamala Harris is also NOT an Article II “Natural Born Citizen”. See my book on this subject “Imposters in the Oval Office” by me. iUniverse Publishing (c)2018.

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