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De Blasio Approves Pot Parade, Denies Military Veterans’ Parade for Memorial Day

New York City Mayor Bill de Blasio approved a Cannabis Parade last week after denying a military parade for veterans on Memorial Day on Staten Island. The veteran celebration was set to recognize the 30th anniversary for veterans of the Gulf War conflict.

“It’s a slap in the face,” Jamie Gonzalez, 57, a Marine infantryman who saw combat in Iraq during Operation Desert Storm, according to the New York Post.

“For many of us, a parade is a form of closure,” Gonzalez added. “We gather together and support each other.”

Legal action is now under consideration. The veterans’ group has sent a letter to demand approval, noting the double standard of allowing the Cannabis Parade approval.

In addition, over the past year the city has also seen a smaller St. Patrick’s Day Parade, multiple BLM marches and other events.

The veterans’ group estimated as many as 1,000 people would march in the event.


Of course, the veterans’ parade might not be as woke as the city’s numerous Black Lives Matter or other social justice causes, but they don’t seek a permit like the law-abiding veterans. These groups protest and sometimes cause damage to the city while claiming to be “mostly peaceful.”

Something is seriously wrong in our nations when looters and violent activists are given more credibility than our nation’s veterans. One group tears our nation down; the other has dedicated its lives to protecting it.

At least the veterans’ group is now getting media attention. Leaders recently appeared on “Fox & Friends,” where they announced their concern and potential legal action.

“There is a clear double standard being applied,” attorney Brendan Lantry said. “We are just asking the city not to play politics with our veterans.”

He added, “Memorial Day is three weeks away and so if they don’t issue a permit, if they don’t correct course here, we’re going to be bringing in action in Supreme Court, New York state, here in Richmond County in Staten Island, New York to compel them to issue a permit.”

“The same process that was put in place last week for the cannabis parade … should be put in place at least for our veterans,” Lantry added.

United Staten Island Veterans organization member Lee Covino noted on the program, “Every veteran has a different piece of history they can tell you, from the Pearl Harbor guys, who are getting very old at this point, to people that just got back from Iraq and Afghanistan,” he shared.

“So we want those kids to see real-life history, from their borough Staten Island marching down Forest Avenue.”

It is only fitting our nation, and the city of New York, honors its veterans in every way possible. Approving their parade would help.

Our nation’s values are clearly upside down, at least as presented in mainstream media. We don’t need to defund our military and police to increase social justice. What is more important is honoring those who serve our nation. They are the ones who often help maintain justice in our nation.

Update: On Monday, New York reversed course and gave the go ahead for Staten Island’s 102nd annual Memorial Day parade. Veteran group leaders met with Mayor DeBlasio’s staff earlier this week and explained their how hypocritical decision was and also threated legal action and the city relented.

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37 thoughts on “De Blasio Approves Pot Parade, Denies Military Veterans’ Parade for Memorial Day”

  1. It’s good our vets has gotten the go ahead for their memorial day parade! It would have been a sad day if new york hadn’t reversed the court’s decision. Can celebrate pot but not memorial day!
    Good day for our Vets.

    1. Amen & God bless the right has been to complacent hopefully we are now stating to stand up for our rights. God please be with us, De Blasio & Cuomo you are o n your way out the door.

      1. Narrow the gate to heaven and these to, along with all the other baby killers in their party will not even be on the same road to see it. Never mind enter it’

    2. I sincerely hope the reversal is true. Our military deserves a parade for all they have done for our country. Shame on the New York City Mayor for his initial refusal. There should be no doubt about granting a permit to our vets. They deserve more, but this is the least we can do for them.I support them 100%.

      1. They should proudly don their uniforms, and parade anyway. IN front of the mayors house. and down 5 th AVe in front of Trump Tower where President Trump can give them a warm New York welcome. I know the NNYC Cops there will not listen to Dumblasio if he orders the to stop the parade or the speech. We need some positive Civil Disobedience to teach these Liberal pukes a lesson in Truth, Justice, and The American Way.

    1. Those two anti America criminals belong in jail.
      DeBlasio ‘s wife is a beauty! Meaning nightmare.


  3. This outrage, like The Dotard’s suppression of the long-standing event at the Pentagon, is part of a plan to eliminate Memorial Day and replace it with a new holiday in the coming peoples republic. Memorial Day will be replaced by George Floyd Day, the anniversary of the riots that started the communist revolution. We are also being set up for the cancellation of Independence Day, which will be replaced by Juneteenth or Tranny Pride Day or something like that. The real holiday to be created must be the day when the American people rise up against the illegitimate puppet regime propped up by Chinese bayonets behind more barbed wire than was used at Auschwitz. Down with the dictatorship! Biden and Wilhelm/deBlasio delenda est!

  4. De Blasico is showing his truth color! Which is COMMUNIST and HATE FOR THE VET WHO FOUGHT TO KEEP HIM FREE! Like those pot head fool who do nothing but rip the government off for crack money! They don’t deserve anything but 6 ft of dirt! We are now witness what our founding father said! BIG GOVERNMENT WILL DESTORY THE COUNTRY

  5. No wonder people are moving out if New York in drives I was born in New York State but am now ashamed to admit it will never go back now

    1. Bill DeBlase’ is a veritable Piece o’ Shit… to agree with dr. ……….. cut off his last half of a testicle. I find it amazing that this POS berates Cuomo the way he does, they could’ve been produced so easily by the same “ birthing person”. They could so easily be kin. (Kin)….. is that a word still or have the “cancel culture” idiots done away with that too?!! Was going to say “brother”, but didn’t know the new appropriate term to use, didn’t feel like offending anyone this morning…..sheesh, (anyone)……. another question? By the end of this year, we’re all going to be speaking another language I guess. I’ll call Nancy… “they” can fill me in on what the new word for “brother” will be. I certainly hope that all of the birthing persons had a great day on Sunday, I called mine and “ they “ were so happy I contacted them. Am I doing this correctly?!! I feel like I need to go back to grammar class…. I’m confused on so many levels now

      1. HadEnough…… don’t forget, June 20th is Semen Donors Day, don’t get caught flat footed and forget.

  6. DeBlamio is posturing to get Cuomo’s job. Now he can claim he tried to do the “right thing” but was prevented from doing so by those evil Patriots.

    Yup, Pot Uber Alles but Patriots are the enemy according to Democrats. What’s next? Legalize all hard core street drugs and murder? Oh, wait, they’ve already legalized murder, they call it abortion.

  7. I want to know ,what is wrong with New York people, Money and your governor are more important. Your all sick

    1. Hitler allowed his Brown Shirts street thugs free reign until they became a threat even to him. I can see BLM and Antifa going down that same road. Will the Deep Socialist State D(SS) soon take out the BLM/Antifa black shirts?

      Those who refuse to learn from history are doomed to repeat it. Again and again.

  8. Democrats are Democrats, Über Alles. Expressing their love of veterans for their dedication to America.
    Hate, Controlling, Inappropriate sexual relationship, Deceiving, Taxing the voters, Obfuscating, attacking women, Jews, Muslims, Asian-Americans and African Americans, voting fraud, Prevaricators, Racism, Lying, Homophobia, Ignorance, Bribery, Hypocrisy, Antisemitism, misleading, Plagiarism, Perjurers, Communists agents, all Democrat résumé enhancements.

  9. New York is a LOST Cause City & State. Anyone who has conservative values & is Patriotic should move out of that cesspool, leaving it to the liberal rats who will destroy it even further. EOS

  10. What is really upsetting millions is this revived hippy movement & elected leaders like Willie De Blasio controlling anything good! We know they are all hypocrites, but when we “wake” to remember, these cowards would not exist or be able to play their games if it wasn’t for Our Vets & present service people! And to think it is on “Memorial Day”!
    We must get ride of all these liberal clowns!!

  11. What disrespect was being shown to the men and women who fought to maintain our freedom! What this Nation is becoming is a huge slap in the face of our Forefathers ! I don’t know when some people are going to quit drinking the kool-aid! If they don’t stop now, somewhere in the near future they’re going to wake up and be in China or Russia, take your pick! Thank goodness the court stepped in!

  12. Demonrats & Liberals are 100 % to blame for the moral decay of America. ALL Demonrats & Liberals are the scourge of the Earth & a complete Waste of skin.

  13. New York is a cesspool of a place as are most Demorat states and citys-New Yorks leaders{if you can call them that} are assholes of the first order!
    They should be recalled then hung before they can infect anyone else.
    Want to know why they do what they do-follow the money

  14. It’s not just DeBlasio and Cuomo, they are all over the US. We have a Democrat Governor that’s just as bad. He eliminated the requirement for voter ID just before the 2020 election. He has extended the mask mandate 6 times already and now he says he is going to open things back up June 1st, But you will still be required to wear a mask. This will be the 7th extension.. When is it going to end? Who knows. If we don’t kick these people out and replace them with someone with a little common sense, this country is doomed.

  15. Permit or no permit, MARCH, MARCH, MARCH!! The veterans have more of a right to march than the druggies, socialists, BLM, Antifa, etc, etc., etc. What have THEY done for this country other than release all their hate and discontent!! DeBlasio has to go — he’s been totally worthless for New York City and Cuomo has done NOTHING for the State of NY.

  16. Unbelievable. No veterans parade at Memorial day. Socialism in America is in full force. Only way to stop them be to have veterans parade with out of permit. If they use force to cancel parade, it must be in every city and towns ignorance to their action. If they want a war, then let’s go with.

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