Democrat Michigan Governor Threatens New Lockdown Ahead of Election

Just days before Election Day, Michigan Gov. Gretchen Whitmer appears to be reacting to polls sharply favoring President Donald Trump as she issued a thinly veiled threat to lockdown citizens.

“If these numbers continue to rise and our health systems are under duress, then the director will issue additional orders that could mean moving backwards,” Gov. Whitmer reportedly said. “That’s what I’m hoping to avoid.”

The far-left governor prompted statewide revolt after imposing among the most draconian lockdown orders in the nation. She grossly exceeded her state’s constitution and engaged in vindictive acts against one northern Michigan barber who took her to court and won. The Blue State governor stooped so low that she had his license revoked before the 77-year-old small business owner toppled her a second time in court. Her overreach and dictator-like actions stirred so much anger that a plot was hatched to kidnap her and put her on trial.

After judge-shopping in the lower courts, her radical lockdown mandates were heard by the Michigan Supreme Court and summarily stuck down. Gov. Whitmer appears to have learned nothing about American freedom and the limits of government actions.

“This virus doesn’t care about a Supreme Court decision,” she reportedly said. “We are in a dangerous moment where there’s the possibility of it just becoming community spread that becomes out of control. We’re seeing that in a lot of our neighboring states.”


This and other comments support the notion she and fellow Democrat governors are running states like third-world countries. Other recent remarks demonstrate that her motivation for the lockdown threat is tied to the upcoming election. Recent reports from the Trafalgar Group — the only polling organization to correctly predict the 2016 presidential election — again point to President Trump edging out his Democrat opponent 46.6 percent to 45.2 percent. He beat Hillary by a fraction in 2016. Democrats are roundly aware that the script has flipped, especially with Joe Biden hiding in his basement again.

“We have pushed our curve down in the past. The good news is we’ve learned a lot about this fire source, we know what it takes. But we need everyone to do their part so that we can avoid having to take steps backward.” Whitmer reportedly said. “I do think that what happens on Nov. 3 is going to impact how eager they will be or whether or not they won’t be willing to work with me on this.”

The Blue State governor is referring to Republicans. It’s abundantly clear she hopes to cause at least a voter-suppression scare to stop President Trump and the GOP. What she doesn’t seem to understand is that governorship is not a license to run roughshod over constitutionally-guaranteed rights. She may not care about what her own state’s high court has to say on the matter, but her position — like her party — remains in the minority. Her recent effort to manipulate the Michigan department of health to shutter the economy has already been met with a string of lawsuits.

“We live in a representative republic and are not ruled by one person,” Michigan resident Kirk Semlow reportedly said. “My business is not a health threat to anyone, and we take appropriate precautions in providing our services to patients.”

Gov. Whitmer packed the state’s department of health with political cronies willing to flout the law. It’s precisely the type of action a Democrat-controlled White House and U.S. Senate would do if they had the chance to pack the U.S. Supreme Court.

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121 thoughts on “Democrat Michigan Governor Threatens New Lockdown Ahead of Election”

  1. Although the COVID-19 virus is extremely bad, closing society will not defeat it. Whether we end up with a vaccine or not will determine a lot of our future response. Citizens are sick and tired of having the Ivory Towers of this nation “dictating” our actions. The Demorats are never going to learn that they can’t run our lives and get away with anything they want.

    1. If you do research yourself instead of listening to communist idiots like Whitmer, Fauci, Gates and the CNN doctors, you would listen to thousands of doctors and people who’re on the same level as Fauci who say otherwise about this flu. The CDC and WHO have also just recently stated that the number of deaths actually caused by this COVID-19 are about 6,000, not the hundreds of thousands we’re being told. That part of it is a scam to induce intense fear, intimidation and manipulation/control of population. Thousands of doctors are treating their COVID patients with hydroxychloriquine and other remedies with tremendous success. Even the tests are proven to be incorrect. They’ve stated that the flu we’ve been living with for years has a much higher death rate than COVID. It is most dangerous to elderly due to their low immune system and other health conditions but it’s still only 5% chance of dying from it. The wearing of masks is actually useless in stopping the spread of this, and Fauci and others are talking about masks permanently. Like you said, closing society won’t stop deaths and we are learning to live with this virus just as we’ve done with all the others. Vaccines aren’t a deterant either – what exactly are the pharmaceuticals, the vaccines being created by Gates and Fauci, putting into their vaccines – I don’t trust either one of them at all! Look at what they’ve done to the children in Indian and Africa. I pray people open their vision as to just exactly what the globals are trying to accomplish here. Go to Youtube and look up a 9 part series of how communism came to rule China, Russia and now in America. They’re using the same play book and forcing people to wear masks is part of it. It’s a psychological manipulative tactic to wear us down so they can control us.

      1. Spot on. Watch how this dies down if Biden is elected. They’ll be reporting that he’s got this under control. After all, what do we know that they don’t tell us? I can’t independently confirm their reports. I don’t for one moment believe the numbers they’re reporting.

        1. yes 100% and they NEVER talk about how the mortality rate has dropped 85% either…. what ever happened to 15 days to slow the spread? What happened to slowing the spread so hospitals will not be overwhelmed?
          WHAT A LIE!!!!! We were fooled and lied to by haters and evil people who do not have our best interest at heart…….

        2. I don’t necessarily think it’s going to die down i think they will continue trying to control. Those governors and bureaucrats must be removed from office and others elected the only way to change status quo. Unfortunately we have those diehard Democrat constituents that refuse to face reality and the disaster that will occur if these leftist officials continue in office.
          Many of the younger generation are gun ho for a socialist country. I didn’t know the elementary to high schools were indoctrinating the children with leftist ideology, I thought it was predominantly colleges doing this. Not that that’s any better.
          I am glad that when President Trump gets reelected a new era to instill thankfulness for our country and to be able to live in this great land of the free never was free but took and continues to take precious lives that stood and are still standing to preserve our way of life. We must educate people of all ages about the fight it took and will continue to take to maintain this liberty.
          Those that hate our country should leave. It’s about principle and if they disagree with what we the American want for our country they should respect or go back to where they are more comfortable. Americans when abroad must adhere to whatever customs of any particular country, they too, when in America must show same regard.
          I know that we have gone to other countries to share the Gospel because it was commanded to us by God. I know other faiths do the same, difference is the Lord does not force any person to believe. He knocks at the door of our heart and it’s up to us to open or not. Our choice, but with that choice will also come the horrible consequence of eternity in hell away from the presence of God. His words not mine.

      2. Thank you so much for this. I just wish that ANYONE on the left would read it and maybe learn something, (my sister included.) All of the information coming in about Biden, and son Hunter, is an excellent example why early voting should not be allowed.

      3. Re the vaccines. Isn’t the Covid-19 virus a corona virus and isn’t the common cold a corona virus? I would think its a distinct possibility they can’t come up with a vaccine for Covid just like the cold.

      4. Thank you A. Wilk. I read that about 80,000 physicians, scientists and health care workers have agreed, and signed a petition, disclosing that shut downs are more dangerous to people physically, mentally and emotionally. We have lost 1 million a year in heart attacks, and shut downs are extremely stressful. A vaccine was tested among 35,000, with only 1 person having an allergic reaction, so a vaccine is on its way for those who can take it. Socialist Democrats want to shut down, to take down the economy. According to Patrisse Cullor, co founder of the Marxist BLM, they intend to defund the police, which some communities are attempting and replacing it, with the Black Panther Leadership and Nation of Islam, which I imagine is their Sharia Law. Kamala has praised the Marxist BLM, while the other co founder Alicia Garza is from Oakland, CA., where the Tide’s Center is managing the Global Marxist BLM funds, from industries and 170 million in taxpayer grants, under deceit. In order to get these into play, they would have to have a submissive, nation and cooperative leaders, like Biden and Kamala Harris. The shutdown would bring America to submission again, which they tried and didn’t work under President Trump. This in my opinion is a logical conclusion, to finish what they’ve started. Americans need to understand their agenda, and the consequences for Americans.

      5. exactly ,turn off CNN and all the other communist media who could careless about America,only their own pockets .Just like Biden and all the other Dems.

      6. In a lot of states Covid deaths are recorded if a person tests positive post-mortem. The cause of death could be heart attack or getting hit by a bus, totally unrelated to Covid. That’s one reason why the death count is so high…

        1. Like Hillery, the Biden crime family is on the take too. They taught each other, Obama too. If Biden is elected, all these crime issues go bye bye. If a politician gets rich, follow the money, corruption is imminent.

      7. Well said and agree 100%! Protect the vulnerable and allow healthy individuals to live a normal life. I am in risk category so I wear N95 mask when in stores to protect myself and my very high risk husband. Fauci and cohorts need to shut up and stop the fear mongering. People freaking out at # of people positive- flu infects at least 60 million people annually and kills at least 60k plus. Are we locked down? Are we forced to wear masks all the time? Forced to not see friends and family?……NO!!!! Let our kids go to school and be normal. Enough is enough- open up America and vote Trump 2020!

      8. Dr. Simone Gold lost her job for pushing hydroxychloroquine as a treatment for covid. Now she is out campaigning for medical freedom and Trump. The Democrats definitely are not for more Freedom, but less.
        They want restrictions on our FREEDOMS, higher taxes, lower incomes, more government control = all parts of communist playbook to take over a country. Why would any true American vote their God given rights away.

      9. Exactly…It’s so nice to read comments from people with common sense..This has to stop..If people are so afraid, let them stay in their houses..Enough already..We need to live and move on and open up the damn country..Another lock down will totally kill small businesses(which is their goal)..Never thought so many people would go along like sheep to the slaughterhouse

    2. Of you don’t look at Democrat numbers and politically motivated data and look at the info given by people that don’t have anything to win either way you’ll see that this virus is one of 7 strains my say anytime have we shut anything Down required masks or tried to tank an economy over one of the other 6 strains that I think 2 of them were during VP Biden and Hussein’s terms and nothing was done it wasn’t till an election year that this virus became a pandemic after and only after more then a 100k people were killed by putting infected people into nursing homes by Democrat govs. And mayors once that was stopped the deaths all pretty much stopped several nonpolitical sources have said how masks don’t work but yet they try and mandate them any masks that don’t seal around your nose and mouth restricting all airflow except through the material do nothing cloth masks can’t filter below 0.30-micron particles the virus is 0.05 surgical filters nothing n95 does seal to your face and has a big hole for exhaling easier which does not filter in or out anything even if you seal it to your face it still doesn’t filter down to 0.03 micron that’s why ist a n95 not an n100 its also the reason they don’t just issue these kinds of masks to military law enforcement or biological clean up people or infectious disease studying people because they don’t work to keep you safe if that isn’t enough to prove they are junk the warning on the masks containers that say warning masks are not safe for use to avoid infectious diseases they always said that. Till recently some of the masks companies took the warning won’t protect you from infectious diseases off because the government is saying they will but until that companies made sure it was apparent to avoid liability for people using them and still getting sick but gov. Took that liability from them when they claimed they magically started working when they have been known not to protect you against any virus flu aerosol born biological containments since the 1800s but because they change the terminology all of a sudden it makes the virus completely different then any other scientific study results and the dumbest among us went out and got there face diaper just because people in China have been wearing them for awhile although there and here now it’s never kept anyone from getting sick 84% of all covid positive patients wore there masks religiously and still got the virus they say cases are going up but how can they go up and people are mandated to wear masks I thought they worked so that means either the masks don’t help at all or the cases aren’t going up which is it

      1. Yet, all the stores and businesses continue to comply with her mandates!! We must call and write to businesses and confront them with why are they ignoring our Supreme Court and our Constitution and we must do it now! She’s a plague, a curse on Michigan!

        1. It is curious to me as to why the police officials are even enforcing her mandates, since she is breaking Constitutional law herself. The police should refuse to act on this. Why has this not happened?


    4. It is clear that these blue states are closed in order to keep the economy from bouncing back and it really has nothing to do with the virus. We will have to live with this virus as we have with others; with or W/O a vaccine.
      So many Americans are suffering needlessly because of politics which is so sad. The Dems and the lamestream media are the only reason for the division in this country but they are too stupid to realize it!! The constant lies about the President and the failure to report about ALL HIS ACCOMPLISHMENTS has been so unfair and un-American……We the people cannot trust or believe in the press which is very troubling, I don’t know how we can ever trust the Media again. And its not the Presidents fault because they have destroyed themselves, PERIOD…

    5. When I read the title of this article, I thought the were referring to gruesome gavin ‘giveaway the store for free’ newsom, the worthless liberal bastard running California into the ground. He has help of course the best known to most Americans is good ole ‘fart; faced dianne ‘frankenstein’ feinsteinand camel faced ‘heels up’ kamala harris ( her moniker as she began her career on her back first by screwing willie brown, and was the cause of his divorce and has been screwing California for years with her marxist, socialist and leftist ways and now she wants to screw America as vice president) along with a lot more who’s names are to long to list here. Any surprise this slug’s ‘nasty’ nancy ‘pigliosi’s nephew? Bottom line:, who keeps voting for these pieces of worthless SHIT and who in their right mind keeps allowing this to happen.

    6. im 2024, a ticket of Cuomo and Whitmer, and in 2028, Murphy and Newsum, keep loosing, may be Hillary, might change over, in old age.

    7. Whitmer is a dangerous socialist /communist. Is there a difference really? This is what we will have to deal with if the radical leftist democrats take over. GOD FORBID.

    8. This governor is a clown. She knows her days as governor are short. This is her latest attempt to silence the people of her state. Just like here in New York people are tired of these far left liberal governors.

    9. This is her excuse to stop people from going to the polls and voting for Trump. We know who the real ones are that are trying to suppress people from voting. Right here is one of them. Democrats are running scared and they have devised a plan for a coup.

    10. I’m originally from Michigan, people if you love our Republic you need to go out and vote in person. This is a very real threat by the Communist/Socialist Demon Crats who are doing EVERYTHING to thwart this election and our Freedom. It’s sad when they become so desperate that they are capable of doing anything, even burning cities down!!! Make your vote count, vote in person and remove this Scumbag Whitmore!!!

    11. I would care less if I picked up the newspaper and read that Gov. Whitmer caught the coronavirus with a terminal result. Same for AOC, Tlaib, Omar, Pelosi, Pressley, and a few more in Congress…..

    12. Go vote anyway if you dont you will be locked down as long as they are in control take your country back dont let the Democrats scare you

    13. Who’s going to trust the vaccine if they come out with one ??? I wouldn’t trust fauci, gates or the cdc as far as I could throw them. They are all part of this communist push to take over America.

  2. She hasn’t the legal right under the constitution to do that and using threats to coerce people to vote a specific way is highly illegal. The people of Michigan need to have her removed from office. We have no room in this country or the world for that matter for tyrants. She is a whore of the new world order globalists.

      1. I’ve just heard that Whitmer has plans of legalizing pedophilia and flooding us with thousands of illegals here in Michigan and making us just like California. I think this is why she has put up an electric fence around her home. She knows what she plans on doing and is protecting herself. She’s a communist slime and we must get her and her administration out now! She’s completely emboldened and has no bounds on her plans. A citizens’ arrest is all that will stop her. The Supreme Court decision hasn’t stopped her because the stores and businesses are cooperating with her mandates. We need to contact them too on why they’re not listening to our Supreme Court. Take action or we’re another lost state to communism.

      2. Need to get out the vote for Trump and James. And all down ballots Republican. Send her a message. Then vote her sorry Asssss out

    1. Hopefully there’s enough fairly smart people in Michigan left that can see this lady doesn’t care about anyone’s health and she just using it as a fear tactic 7 strains of covid but only this strain they magically came on an election year is Wu more deadly then the other 6 or the last 2 that we dealt with under Hussein’s and Bidens terms that they did nothing at all about they talked about it for a month then nothing other then the reports of people dying ended up being millions that died but no shut downs no masks no quarantines nothing but this strain that hit during an election year under a guys admin. They have been trying to frame since before he even got elected that is hardly infecting anyone rarely killing anyone would of hardly killed anyone if not for Democrat nursing home murders which quickly spiked the death numbers till they were called out then boom the deaths stopped and are still hardly moving up in number that mostly are normal deaths that would of happened if covid would of came or not but they added covid to the death certificates anyhow then the cares act passed adding funding to New cases reported and to deaths which magically after that the numbers in democrat states spiked like crazy although they said face diapers would stop the spread of the virus all these coincidences that just happened to happen with this strain but none of the other strains had any thing this come from them could you imagine this happening the way it did under Biden Hussein’s terms although it did and they did nothing Just imagine if right claimed we need to do all they claim we need to do now the whole situation would of been laughed right out of the news but this strain is supper serious and we all will die unless we just vote a communist pedophile racist dementia patient into office and let them raise our taxes to 70+ % spend 40 trillion more dollars and take away the 2nd amendment pack the courts that will save us all according to them and don’t forget lock downs for all except looters rioters and criminals even law enforcement has to stay on lockdown but if you are allowed out of your house to go make that tax money they are going to steal you have to wear a face diaper and you can only eat alone without family no one will be allowed to eat together even in there homes

    1. Most politicians are, anymore. They have found out how much control they can have over the people because of the virus, and don’t want it to end because they will go back to having to represent the people again. With the virus, they haven’t had to.

      1. The dems in this country have NEVER been “for the people” they are all about power, and lining their own pockets. “We the people” means nothing to them. As for Whitless, waiting for her term to end to vote her out will be devastating to our state. She has to go now! As for the recall petitions, where ste they? Havent seen one in Northern Michigan.

  3. You people need to put your foot down and not let them dictate fear tactics to you. We still have a USA Constitution, that’s what we are fighting for in this election, President Trump is fighting hard for our rights. The Whitmer’s of this country is what we are fighting against. Be strong, God Bless America!

    1. The problem is that young people are being taught to hate America and how bad we are. Not all will fall for the lies but many do.

  4. Like a good little Marxist dummycrat this hateful power hungry hag wants so badly to stop her state from going to Trump, she’ll stoop lower than whale poop lying on the bottom of the ocean to satisfy her TDS. Without Trump, the American auto industry is finished. Those electric cars won’t have the power to go long distances and cost astronomical utility bills to charge them plus the cost of the lithium batteries will put them way out of reach so only the extreme rich can afford them. Without the auto industry, Michigan becomes a failed state like New York and California and with the frigid winters in Michigan it won’t take much coaxing to encourage the same mass exodus that New York and California are experiencing.

  5. It will soon be time for Whitmer to go to GITMO and that is what she is worried about. Just another Politician scumbag.

  6. This is why we should not vote for any democratic because they are evil. GOD BLESS AMERICA GO DONALD TRUMP.

  7. Seig Heil Whitmer. It’s what she wants to hear. There is no place in America for dictators like her. Vote in person and vote her out.

  8. I guess state supreme court means nothing to her. This body of judges issued orders to secess her executive order for lockdowns yet she continues with her order. Short of storming the capital building and forcibly remove this tyrant, what choice or actions are left the people of Michigan? Can the court order federal Marshalls to place Gov. Whitney under arrest and place the lt governor in charge? If that’s what it takes, I would prefer that over an armed insurrection.

    1. Michigan is a powder keg. It witless Whitmer shuts it down again and tries to spot our citizens from voting in person on November 3rd. that just could be the spark that sets the whole thing off. Lord I sure hope she’d not that dumb!!

      1. Hey Papa Bear…….. hate to say it…… she’s in excess of dumb my friend…. this one is sick in the mind and needs to be put out to pasture………NAZI C..T!! To the ovens of Nuremberg wit Witmer…. let’s burn this witch!

        1. They call Trump …… Hitler
          Killer Cuomo, Gruesome Newsom and Gretchen ( a German name if I’m not mistaken….. my apologies to Germanic people’s of Michigan) Whitmer
          Each one a NAZI in their own right

      2. She is dumb – she’s a dumb communist slime that has no bounds and is tenacious and determined to take us down, just like Hitler and all other communist dictators. Michiganders must begin contacting all large and small businesses and demand they abide by our Supreme Court’s decision, not Whitmer. Why are they complying with her is the question??? She couldn’t get her way if they were law abiding and told her to take a hike. If she comes at them, then they all take her to court. At some point, she would be shut down!

  9. Whitmer’s hunger for power and control will be her demise. We the people are finally waking up to our insane leaders who are aimed at changing our constitution which is their ultimate goal. Pray more people open their eyes and hearts to this and may God help us defeat this enemy through our voting for the president and congress leaders who uphold the constitution and our freedoms

  10. Isn’t it so wonderful these hollyweird talking heads and demonrat politicians can call for President TRUMP to be killed and nothing happens but some people talk about KIDNAPPING witchmer and get arrested. Communism anybody?

  11. Exactly why I am against emotional rather than logical and well reasoning decision making.

    And what the H is up with the incessant reCAPTCH? What a joke and very irritating. Anyone else having this issue?

  12. Be careful of voting Democrat. When did we have a decent leader that was a a Democrat??? You get what you voted for!

  13. Everyone in Michigan needs to vote Trump and Republican John James. You need to get your vote in. No excuses. We need every vote to send a clear message. We are American citizens not chumps!

  14. Whitmer, Cuomo, Newsom, Pelosi, Schumer, Schiff, Nadler, Harris, Omar, Cortez, Waters, Clinton and Clinton, Biden and Biden —- ALL MUST BE IN either GITMO or in front of a FIRING SQUAD. Oh, let’s not leave out SOROS, their leader.
    What ALL of THESE REFUSE to accept is most evident:
    And, WE are going to prove it !! With God as our leader and sustainer.
    What WE, THE PEOPLE MUST REMEMBER IS THIS: When God goes to war, HE takes NO prisoners. So, let us allow God to do this HIS way. We vote; God judges.

  15. Nothing but distractions. This won’t be the only one. Democrats number one tactic in their playbook:
    Just read any post on Twitter, Facebook, here and other sites- on any political topic. When democrats can’t combat someone’s post based on good research, proven facts and even VIDEO EVIDENCE -like the REAL QUID PRO QUO Committed by then VP BIDEN when he threatened to withhold a Billion Dollars in aid from Ukraine if they didn’t FIRE THE PROSECUTOR That was investigating corruption in a company called Burisma, that just happened to have his son Hunter working on their board and being paid roughly $83,000 per month with zero experience and zero knowledge of the business. ORIGINALLY BURIED by the Democrats corrupted partners, the Biased MSM – that sadly replaced our once proud, once respected FREE PRESS. #3. TACTIC .. the use of the msm to DISTORT FACTS, TWISTING OF THE TRUTH UNTIL IT FITS THE DEMOCRAT NARRATIVE. Joe’s real quid pro quo video surfaced and miraculously days later, the Democrats fabricated the very same against President Trump accusing him and beginning impeachment proceedings. These proceedings were merely a COVERUP for the REAL QUID PRO QUO COMMITTED BY THEN VP BIDEN….. WE NOW KNOW THAT IS EXACTLY WHAT TOOK PLACE- the Democrats lies, fabricated untrue stories and distorted facts, went so far as to have their leader of the impeachment proceedings CHANGE THE WORDS OF THE PHONE CALL TRANSCRIPT AND THEN READ HIS VERSION TO CONGRESS AND THE AMERICAN PEOPLE- BLATANTLY LYING TO CONGRESS AND THE AMERICAN CITIZENS… and with zero accountability and zero consequences. SURPRISED? The Democrats have done absolutely NOTHING to help America with the CORONAVIRUS TRAGEDY… instead they chose to pursue a made up, fake, fabricated impeachment. Knowing full well after just a few weeks of the ANTI TRUMP- CORRUPTED GROUP OF PEOPLE ON THE INVESTIGATING TEAM MUELLER ASSEMBLED… that there was NO RUSSIA COLLUSION, NO UKRAINE QUID PRO QUO- even though they tried mightily to fabricate witnesses- Compulsive LIAR SCHIFF TELLING THE AMERICAN PEOPLE HE HAD TONS OF EVIDENCE- SMOKING GUN EVIDENCE… which he never produced- even USING AND RUINING the military career of Vindman- the OBSESSED DEMOCRATS CARRIED ON THIS NONSENSE LONG ENOUGH TO FLIP THE HOUSE- their ONLY REAL GOAL OF THE IMPEACHMENT PROCEEDINGS… by LYING, FABRICATING UNTRUE STORIES, DELIBERATE OMISSION OF EXCULPATORY EVIDENCE AND INFORMATION AND DISTORTION OF THE FACTS AND TWISTING OF THE TRUTH.. For FOUR YEARS ALL THE DEMOCRATS HAVE DONE… is EVERYTHING THEY COULD TO HURT AND OR DISCREDIT OUR PRESIDENT. They have done ABSOLUTELY NOTHING FOR THE AMERICAN PEOPLE- IGNORING THEIR EVERY RESPONSIBILITY, THEIR SWORN DUTY TO UPHOLD OUR CONSTITUTION- CHOOSING INSTEAD TO TRY AND DESTROY IT… CHANGE IT… THROUGH ANY MEANS POSSIBLE AND AT ANY COST -EVEN THE LOSS OF LIFE- remember they ignored THE CORONAVIRUS- gave NO HELP TO THE PRESIDENT- because they were OBSESSED WITH HATRED… and an overwhelming greed for POWER & CONTROL OVER EVERY ASPECT OF OUR LIVES! So when you VOTE… think ..think about all you’re hearing from the Democrats- all personal attacks on the President for the way he handled the CORONAVIRUS. OUR PRESIDENT KNEW HE WAS INNOCENT OF ALL DEMOCRATS CHARGES- he worked tirelessly the entire time while having to defend himself – he accomplished more than any President has, perhaps ever… all while under extreme pressure and zero cooperation from Democrats… In fact go read an article Titled The 125 ACCOMPLISHMENTS OF PRESIDENT TRUMP BY Peronneau Vandehey in the Frank Report. You will be pleasantly surprised, maybe amazed at what you see… MOST AMERICANS ARE UNAWARE IF ALL THESE THINGS… because of the FACT THAT WE NO LONGER HAVE A FREE PRESS IN OUR COUNTRY… but rather a corrupted-democrat biased MSM that BURIES or simply IGNORES EVERYTHING POSITIVE PRESIDENT TRUMP HAS DONE… and distorts facts… twists the truth… all to fit the DEMOCRATS NARRATIVE… at any cost. This more than anything is responsible for the DIVIDE AND DIVISIVENESS WE NOW EXPERIENCE IN OUR COUNTRY….

    1. I just saw a sign in town that said the same thing. I laughed so hard I thought I was going to have to pull over so I didn’t get in an accident.


  17. Amazing that anyone would vote for Bidon and Harris No one in their right mind would betray our country this way. If they were brain washed by all the teachers for 12 yrs than it’s possible. I say weed out the communist teachers.

  18. First whitmer must go and go now with all her asshat friends
    Second the demonrat party has only traded jim crowe laws for welfare as a way of controlling/coercing the people of color/poor people in this country.
    Three what are the last 4 letters in American, Republican and democrats/demonrats
    American = I can
    Republican = I can
    democrats/demonrats = RATS
    What do you do with rats. Remove them

    Dont want them killed just removed from power forever.

  19. Governor One Term got around the State’s Supreme Court decision by having agency bureaucrats do her dirty work for her. What Michigan needs is a state form of the federal Electoral College. That way the Detroit Influence on Gubernatorial elections would be neutralized. Remember that she only carried 17 out of Michigan’s 83 counties. The bulk of them being found in the SE corner of the state and the Detroit Metro area. If the popular vote in given county favors a given candidate then that candidate gets one electoral vote. Then the candidate who carries the most counties wins the election. This is the only way to end Detroit’s stranglehold on the Governorship of the state and making Michigan’s rural counties relevant again.


  21. Hey Michigander’s….,…. Use your voices hasn’t worked wish All Hallows’ Self Anointed Deplorable Queen Witch of Everything Evil in Her supposed Empire, Ya’ll have more power over her Wretched NIT-WHITMERISM with a far leftover dash of Hitler-ism syndrome.

    America isn’t going to collapse from within. Left winged unhinged fear mongering thugs have proven beyond any October 31, 2020 “Blue Moon” They are ready to be legally removed from office.

    File every petition necessary to remove the Self Anointed arrogant one and her evil court of “yes Oh wicked One” packing and use your God giver constitution provisions’ to bring down this “dark winter” of Biden propaganda.

    Put the lid on the campaign of , Asleep @ The wheel Biden, So able to prove, all by himself, he’s unfit, out of it and openly has been hiding, in one of his expensive castle bunkers, preparing for Hibernation. Not being he President of our nation. All while gaffing’s his way, proving how unworthy he and his power grabbing left derangement syndrome Gov’s wither and fall from their unstable perches and dying vines.

    Get going on petitioning the ” Her Wretchedness ” out of the MI’s highest office. A place she’s proven she’s unable to lead.

  22. These typical democRATS has clearly fools us to believe
    that they are for the people. Unfortunately the realization of the title job seems the effects of having the power to control and dictate to however in their heart desire are much more fun and psychological
    stimulate the greed and lust for big $$$,$$$$.$$ . They
    also think that their continuance are bunch of ignorant
    minions both educated and not so smart that 60 sec.
    sound bite is good enough commercials to see or hear.
    Unfortunately after 5 decades watching them get rich,
    I’m still barely making ends meet, still paying taxes. All
    along these corrupt politicians it only takes one term to get rich all across America. They made us as fools.
    It’s up to us to change and get rid of these fake, dishonest politicians. Nov. 3rd 2020 vote for someone
    Who says and do as they promised, like Pres.Trump
    for law and order !!!!!

  23. Joe Biden promises to listen to the experts.

    History is replete with events of shear tragedy where people listened to “so called” experts.

    I want a President who questions the so called “experts”.

    Date: 1912, So called experts wrote gloriously in news papers and other forms of printed media, at the time, that a GREAT Ocean Liner had been designed and built that was Virtually “Unsinkable”. All of the Press wrote stories about the building and Launch of this GREAT SHIP.

    On April 15 1912 We all learned what happened to that so called Unsinkable ship.

    More recently in January 1986 after a cold winter morning in Florida, discussions were held on whether to Launch or Delay the shuttle . Experts, in their learned opinions, said the cold weather should NOT be a factor and they were GO FOR LAUNCH. Well 73 seconds after the launch we all found out how that turned OUT.

    President Trump you can question the experts anytime on anything. You have MY support on that one.

  24. You should step down from your office and get out of politics. Americans do not like what you are doing to them and will throw you out of office if you don’t leave now.

  25. You can’t citizen arrest her we are supposed to be able to remove a bad gov. Official with any means necessary but yet people are going to jail for talking about it that were Democrats and Antifa blm supporters of they will arrest them just imagine what would happen to conservatives of they marched on her and demanded her removal

  26. Covid is only bad because Trump is in office. I would like to see real stats on how many people went to the hospital with covid who have been so scared by the democrats that they felt they had to go and need a ventilator , when all they needed was to stay home. Hyponchondria is real just look at TV every ad is about a drug.
    If Biden wins all of a sudden Covid not so bad and masks come off. All horse shit. More tests higher numbers.

  27. Michiganders aren’t going to be fooled again by the tyrant in Lansing. This witch is pure evil and couldn’t care less about “The People”. Control is the only thing that rules DemoRats, Michigan has had enough of this do nothing, control freak. I don’t recall any other Governor/ Dumb Ass, having so many lawsuits against them, a very clear sign, she is not liked or wanted in in this State. Pack ur bags Old girl, you’re on your way out, either by force thru the courts or simply not being re-elected. You are a pathetic excuse of people thinking in a wrong mind set by putting you in office to do their bidding. These I’ll-informed voters got a good taste of their bad judgement, but you have seriously worn out your welcome. Forthcoming decisions on your part will be closely scrutinized and probably bring on more lawsuits. You reap what you sow

  28. She cannot lock us down unless we allow her to! We can and should ignore her if she tries because she cannot fine, arrests or enforce this crap because she has been defeated! This is a demonic plot to try and sabotage our election and has nothing to do with thst damn virus! We are dealing with an unbalanced wom an who has to be throiwn out of office! Everyone of us needs to ignore her and continue to live our lives and busineses in total freedom! We have the laws of the land on our side! So Witmer DROP DEAD!

  29. This governor IS a partisan fool. Michiganders, I trust you will wise up, sue your governor if she attempts such a stupid move……in my opinion, she IS dangerous & a threat to YOUR right to vote.
    I don’t think she could take such an action as this is also a “national” election & federal law would prevail.
    Only someone who IS an idiot would try a stunt like that, but then we are living in an “age of IDIOTS”, in particular Democrat IDIOTS. FYI, I have voted both Democrat & Republican in the past. Today’s Democrat party is dominanted by liberal socialist IDIOTS, nationally & at the state level. If SOCIALISM is what they want…..move to a socialist nation. I’ve noticed that those folks that hate America still live here (Ex. Michael Moore, (Hanoi) Jane Fonda and many other “we hate America” traitors.

  30. Witless Whitmer is in direct violation, acting illegally against Judges’ orders! It’s past time for a ‘Revolt’ against her dictatorship!

  31. I just saw where 64.7% of Michigan’s population are registered voters. Of that number, 61.4% voted in the 2016 General Election. Now of that number, 75% are over the age of 65. Of the people , in that age bracket, the vast majority of them vote for Conservative candidates. So is it any real mystery as to why she put infected COVID-19 patients into the states Nursing Homes? Especially when it’s an accepted fact that the individuals there, are the most vulnerable to dying from the virus are found in those facilities? So viewed, from a certain perspective, not only is the Governor a Pawn of the Left but also a murderer! Let that one sink in before voting for her the next time that she runs for office!!!!!!!

    1. You know what Snowdoon…. she IS a murdering bitch, she might be a worse example of a human being than “Killer Cuomo or even CA’s Gavin the great. I’ll tell you what, I’m no pcyschiatrist and have no medical degrees to my name, but each one of these power mongering sons o bitches are obviously mentally unhinged and should be removed from office and thrown out into the street. For fucks sake!! Cuomo with his book pointing the finger on covid like DJT is the problem. This buffoon seriously thinks he did a great job in New York…. Earth to Fredos brother….. you killed 6,500 people!!! You complete asshole!!! And those poor souls in CA!!!! While in lockdown he’s been running his state like a well oiled machine…… there are the rolling blackouts because he won’t get off of his ass and get the electric grid to it’s needed capacity, HE’s LESSENED THE PENALTIES FOR PEDOPHILES IN CALIFORNIA!!!!, Who would even consider that?!!, and he threatens 12 yr olds with jail time if they miss their Zoom classes. Gretchen, don’t even know where to start with you, you tried and true FREAK. Step down you 3 seriously brain warped tyrants. Dictators, all of them. I’ll be glad when Tuesday is over with and we can get down to getting our country back to where it was before these failures as humans run us any more into the ground.

  32. This washed up nobody dictator needs to be removed from office with no pension, no benifits and no pay, NOTHING!! She has made a complete joke of the state she’s supposed to govern. She’s a fool, a joke, and a complete asshole!!! GET HER OUT!!!!!!

    1. That winch needs to be kicked out of Office and never allowed to be in any kind of Public Service again! She’s a Commie!!

  33. After reading many of the posted comments, I’m sad. 223,000
    Americans have died from Covid and millions all around the world.
    Innocent people who were only living their lives, loving their families.
    And no, it isn’t a conspiracy, it is a communist China disease that
    they allowed to spread all over the world. Germ warfare ?

    1. Barbara, I’m convinced the China virus was the most devious, dangerous, and evil thing the Democrats have ever done to this country
      Not really a conspiracy theorist, but this just has the Dems fingerprints all over it. Another, in a long line of attempts to belittle our great leader and further their American hating agenda.
      And you know what you Democrat Scum…. you all failed miserably on this attempt too, but you did manage to kill over 200,000 people and ruin countless thousands of lives and our roaring economy.
      It’s a pity all this done to our country because of your seething hate for one man.
      We get it now Democrats, DJT took all of your corruptive piggy banks and now the money is in limbo and your gravy train is upset and you’re just livid with him because your Chinese payday was upended. And we know how long the list of payees is too, right?!

      Only problem is, Donald Trump is going to kill it Tuesday and be re-elected…….. oh Nancy, let’s not do the needless multimillion dollar investigations that have no substance or a limp impeachment again ok….please Nancy………… we, as a nation, implore thee, Queen Nancy don’t. Things are going to change mrs Pelosi, and like the last four years…….. you’re NOT gonna be too happy. After Donald’s big win, why Nancy, don’t you and your boy Chucky just step down and disappear won’t you please, you both have gotten more than your fair share of illegal monies too I’m sure

  34. Wow! There are really some long winded replies here. That tells me that there are some really angry people out there. (Solution) The police should ignore the Governor’s edicts and look the other way rather than enforcing them so that the rest of us can get on with our lives. Let us as individuals decide if we want to take the risks.
    Who’s kidding who about this so-called Pandemic? The people who created it already have the cure or they would never have let it out. They and there buddies all over the world already have the cure. Really! Why else would they have released it if they too were in danger?

  35. So many replies have mentioned communism which sort of surprised me but in fact is spot on. Many believe this brutal form of government is long dead due to the wall coming down and the media spreading hatred and lies daily. The riots in the streets the virus all are to continue to take out President Trump. So many people know this but these socialists, communists have such a strangle hold on our country I like so many others fear what may be coming. Biden in his best days wasn’t much and now delusional he is easy prey for the elites with their billions to present him as anything other than what he is My advise to anyone is we have it relatively good right now, why change? Their is a virus out there , I have friends that are affected some worse than others depending on their age and health but this has been used to rid us of a great President that was legally elected and that is nothing more than the overthrow of America. These leftists will say and do anything to get into office but listen to them, none of them actually spew what they really believe but what they know we as freedom loving people want to hear. If they said what they stand for or the big bucks people supporting them believe they couldn’t draw a crowd. Keep the faith, teach your kids and pray to the One that is and always has been in control.

  36. Screw half Wit Whitmer Her political career is over with !
    I doubt she will win reelection, Michigan will go red first !
    Trump 2020
    Thanks , Kenny

  37. Look at the history of the Nazis and the Russian communists and the way they gained power and what they did to remain in control. The demonrats are doing the same thing and use the same tactics. These people don’t want to govern, they want to RULE the people. It is more than evident. Prime example , Michigan and New Jersey. Need I say more? Can’t leave out the Peoples Republic of California! What kind of people are these anyway?

  38. IMPEACHMENT, IMPEACHMENT, IMPEACHMENT for this PATHETIC Governor of Michigan. Just another BABY MURDER PARTY HYPOCRITE who HATES PRESIDENT TRUMP because he BEAT the ” B ” in 2016!

  39. The CDC keeps provisional statistics of Covid Deaths after reviewing death certificates from cities and states. They eliminate all death statistics that have underlying conditions and are reported as Covid deaths.The actual statistic of Covid deaths are dramatically lower than the daily reported death count.The CDC Provisional Death Statistic is never reported by the media. The emphasis is on the people infected and no reporting of people who have recovered .The media reports hospitalizations and deaths but does not report that the death rates and hospitalizations are down.Initially 50 percent of deaths of Covid were in Washington New York and New Jersey.Since then .the medical community has utilized a variety of therapeutics.A vaccine will help control infections and deaths but will not eliminate it completely.We still have Flu deaths every year even though we have a Flu vaccine.And we have not found a cure for the common cold.We do control it with medications and Covid will be something we will live with until a vaccine slows it down.

  40. This goes on because the citizens in each county refuse to go, ex parte, to county court and obtain restraining orders against the Gov for claiming to usurp the authority to act with lock-downs when the Constitution does not authorize her to act so just because she decides to call C-190 an emergency.

    buttress these civil moves, in each county, with orders directing the District attorney’s office to arrest the Governor and her inner circle henchwomen for tyranny through usurpation and abridgment of the US : State Constitutions : Lawful statutes and procedures = every provision of mandatory due process, in matter of the state government employees clear and present public duty to secure Private Right against all invasion domestic and foreign.

    bind the judge with judicial notice of his Oath of office; or,

    you can just do nothing but whine – just like you always do…

  41. i said from day one we were edding for a communist country if biden goes in he is not runing for office comella is and they are telling him what to say that includes obama sanders and most of the democrats.

  42. Whitmer is mentally ill and should be removed she should not even be allowed to finish out her term she is not mentally fit or competent to continue in that roll

  43. Most of the Democrats follow the Draconian rule of fear and deception when it comes to controlling the people. I do not think any of them know what the truth is even if it came up and smacked them square in the face. Folks, do not believe a word they say. The Covid pandemic is much less severe than what they are saying it is. Very few people are dying from this now. If anyone does die from it, it is the gravely ill people. It is unfortunate that this is happening, but most of these ill people, who supposedly catch the Covid virus, we’re probably going to die anyway from some other health issue they had just prior to getting the virus. It is nothing but smoke and mirrors the Democrats are pushing on the American people. If Joe Biden wins, the American people lose and I mean big time. I can predict, with mathematical certainty, in two years time the unemployment rate would be higher than it has ever been in the United States. Most large businesses that employ millions of people, will close up shop and move to China because of Joe Biden‘s friendship with China. People will be forced to stay in their homes. The national deficit will go through the roof. And yes, all of your taxes will be going up like you’ve never seen before . Gasoline will be to three maybe four times more than what it is now. I could go on and on and on, but I think you can get the picture from what I am saying here. The bottom line is this, vote Republican all the way. Do not vote for any Democrats. They are devils, every last one of them.

    1. Think of this idiot idea of battery operated cars and other vehicles: Biden will put up 250,000 battery stations (maybe???). They won’t be like our gas stations in that we get gas and move on in minutes. These batteries must be recharged every so many miles. That will take time, so no more of taking minutes to give car what it needs to run. It’ll take hours and there won’t be enough charging stations to handle this and managing our lives will take a drastic turn to destroy us. This will definitely stop our life as it is now. No more vacations or travel anywhere – we’ll be home most of our life. They will even ration the number of times we can charge up. If we’re out, oh well, too bad! If we need to get groceries, oh well, too bad! If we need to recharge to get to work, oh well, too bad! This is just one of their false utopia offerings!!! The Democrat Party are proven liers who have lied to their supporters over and over and over – when will their supporters wake up??? Good old Bernie wants us to become another Cuba, who are now using horse and buggy; Venezuala, whose society is completely decimated and not functioning; China, who are living under complete dictatorship and it gets worse and worse every year. Look at the number of people who have been murdered in these communist run countries! Anyone who opposes their rule of abuse is taken out.

  44. I thought the state took away much of this wannabe Stalin’s power to make such radical decisions. She is as much BS as cuomo and northrup.

  45. She is intereferring with the election. Voter fraud. Media has been lying and the Governor. Only 13,200 people have died of Covid not 220,000. The majority has been from the flu , and Pneumonia. With underlining conditions. Respiratory problems. The test have been tampered with. The media has been lying for 8 months to take our President down. All planned by the Democrats, and Soros. Obama and Bill Gates couped this idea back in 2015. Fauci slipped up once said that during Trump Adminstration we would have this epidemic? So how did he know? He works with Bill Gates. This was all planned. President Trump is exposing the Corruption . Pelosi son, Schiff’s son , John Kerry sonNadler’s son are all working for Burisma. That is why they tried the Impeachment. Now the Virus. Pelosi and Schumer were involved in China to start this Virus. Pelosi family involved in the Post Office and owns one of the Media Station. So much more. Biden needs to be put in prison.

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