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Fauci’s Fault: Look What the Lockdown Monsters Did to Babies and Toddlers

Thousands of children who were born during or before the COVID lockdown insanity cannot communicate. They’re missing all of the normal communication milestones for their age level compared to kids who grew up pre-pandemic. That’s according to a speech therapist from New Jersey who spoke to the Daily Mail in London.

The lockdown monsters scared everyone into thinking children were like these asymptomatic super-spreaders who would kill everyone unless the little ones were masked at all times and kept out of school. Guess what? We’re going to be paying the price for what these monsters did to the children during the lockdowns.

Speech pathologist Nancy Polow says that parents are now scrambling to try to get their kids out of the intellectual and developmental rut that they’ve been deliberately placed in by people like Dr. Anthony Fauci. Because kids were so isolated and were forced to wear masks for so long, they haven’t learned how to talk at a normal age level.

“We call these children COVID babies,” says Polow. Many kids born during the pandemic – especially in blue states or areas that locked down hard – cannot speak AT ALL past their second birthday. She adds, “I have never seen such an influx of infants and toddlers unable to communicate.”


Parents who can afford it are now shelling out up to $1,000 per month to try to get their mute children caught up, so they can communicate within their normal age range. That’s not covered by most insurance policies. So, guess what’s going to happen to all the families where they can’t afford an extra $1,000 a month for speech therapy lessons? In 20 years, you’ll be getting mugged by a generation of people who can only grunt and point at your wallet and keys.

Polow says many of the COVID babies are lagging in other developmental markers like crawling and walking. But it’s the speech problem that has therapists really worried. Delayed speech is often an indicator of broader developmental issues. If kids don’t learn to speak within the normal age range, it can set them back academically for the entirety of their school careers.

Even more worrisome, Polow says that the speech therapy lessons are often not working for many of these kids. Therapists have never had to deal with a problem of this scope or magnitude before. Kids who didn’t have enough interaction with adults and other children during the lockdowns could possibly be messed up for the rest of their lives. (That sound in the background is China laughing.)

Meanwhile, Polow says the center where she employs a number of speech therapists is seeing “lots and lots” of older kids as well. This includes kids who missed two years of pre-school and/or daycare interactions entirely, and kids who spent kindergarten in Zoom classes.

It’s now clear from nearly three years of science that COVID was not only never a danger to young children, but also that kids don’t spread COVID. Period. But think back to all the insane lockdown kooks who insisted that relatives and grandparents shouldn’t visit them, otherwise they’d die if they tried to hug their own grandparents or had story-time with an aunt or uncle, or playtime with their cousins. Monsters!

The delayed speech problem corresponds directly to babies learning to crawl and walk more slowly than normal. What’s that doing? Well, if babies aren’t moving normally, their bodies grow at a slower pace than normal as well. Many of these kids are simply not as big as they should be. To use an impolite term, babies that suffered through the lockdowns are likely to be “runts” for the rest of their lives. This is just awful.

A study published in the Journal of the American Medical Association (JAMA) last January supports what speech therapists are saying. In a study of 225 infants born in 2020, it found that the “COVID babies” were less likely to be able to crawl and smile at themselves in front of a mirror. They also lacked social skills and problem-solving skills that babies normally develop in their first year of life.

The worst part of all is that we won’t know how bad this problem is going to be until years from now. Just as we won’t know the long-term effects of the experimental “vaccines” that they forced on everyone. This is going to be a disaster for America for a very long time.

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10 thoughts on “Fauci’s Fault: Look What the Lockdown Monsters Did to Babies and Toddlers”

  1. I can see how the masks would cause problems, but question if the parents were wearing masks at home. I know for me, I talked to and with my infants and then toddlers (my kids are now adults) all of the time when we were home. What Nancy Polow found makes me wonder if the parents ignored their kids.
    People need to stop wearing masks. It’s ridiculous.

  2. And the data concerning the “vaccine” on it’s cause of miscarriages and following sterility on women who, in the military, were forced to get it is a very big fact that the government and it’s agencies are trying to bury so deep it won’t be available. The military has its own data base, but the government is doing everything in it’s corrupt power to discredit. I’m in favor of Fauci and the Biden handlers be tried for human abuse crimes.

  3. That is the globalist plan to dumb down the population so they can controle them as they would not realise they were pawns and easy to eliminate.

  4. I worked in healthcare at the time and saw lots of people die. Most of them had other health issues. Regardless, the government over stepped and this is the repercussion. I totally saw this coming. My whole family got COVID and I was taking care of all of them and never got it. Wearing a mask is just wrong. When its your time to die there is nothing that’s going to change that. The government put out so much fear that people panicked. The government took control and the people let them because the people were not given the truthful information to make their own choices. The Biden government, Fauci and CDCI should be held accountable and sued for services that these children will need. I wore a mask at work because I had to but once out the door it was off. No one masked in my house of 8 people. My daughter in law got covid through her long admission in the hospital. The hospital workers that came into contact with my daughter in law gave it to her. When I reported it, the hospital should of tested all her caregivers but did not. So an adult who was asymptomatic was spreading the virus with no symptoms. When my son visited her, she passed it to him and the rest is history. We all lived. Since them my husband has had covid 3 times and no one else got it. The CDC needs to release the statistics because more people are having problems with the Pfizer, Moderna shot that with covid. The MRNA shots were an experiment and you all who herded in fear were the lab rats. These companies should be sued and forced to pay for all these Covid babies deficits who cant afford it.

  5. This report bothers me. It makes me wonder what we’re the parents doing with their babies and toddlers?? Didn’t they understand that true life goes on, no matter what ailment hits the home. The little ones need to know they are still loved and will be talked to on a regular basis.
    In my family even though there was a “total lockdown” our family’s needs were to be met. They checked in with my husband and I on a regular basis. I have a great-granddaughter that was born in the early months of the pandemic. She is normal and speaks very well and she is 2 years old. It takes the family to interact with our children, no matter what positions in the family lineup is. My oldest were in the top of their Kindergarten class, by the end of last year. Families were swallowing the lies they were hearing on the news, and being given misplaced fears.
    The only way we as a nation can survive the Fears that we were inflicted with and by those who we we’re supposed to trust. We need to look them in the eyes and let them know it isn’t going to happen again!! Our lives depend on what we do now!

  6. It has been said that there is nothing to fear but fear itself and this proves it. Yes, it will happen again, because our current wicked administration and Fauci along with Mr. Depopulation himself Bill Gates will come up with something more scary or deceitful…perhaps a different pandemic or Climate Change LOckdown! But they will come up with something. We just must be willing to NOT COMPLY.

  7. And now fauchi has given the same damn lab $600,000 of tax payers money to start research all over again. This man needs to be taken away from our money!!!

  8. this bastard shuld be shot ,he lied about covid and the so called remedy ,how many have actualy died of covid,the shot has killed more !the shots have given people heart conditions they never had ,blood clots ,breathing problems and other complacations people never had !and this follow the science bullshit ,which they never followed ,! its just bidens way of eliminating the american population,and allowing the crap people from other countrys he can control ! which we have seen them kill americans and get rewarded for it ! if biden looks at these countrys they came from , if the people dont like something you do they killthat person and take over ,

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