Fraudulent Study Claims Republicans 43% More Likely to Die From COVID Because They Questioned Government

From the very beginning of the debate surrounding the COVID vaccine, Big-Pharma allied leftists have been claiming that Conservatives are a threat to themselves and others because of their increased skepticism over the vaccine.

 Now a new, HIGHLY FLAWED, study has emerged to “support” their claim and Democrats are celebrating it as some kind of victory.

The study, funded by the far-left Yale University, argues that Republicans in Florida and Ohio died at a rate 43% higher than Democrats. The analysis argues that that Conservatives who dared to question Big Pharma and the government mandated vaccines were “wrong” and paid for it with their lives.

Of course, there’s one big problem – IT’S A LIE!


Yale’s study is extremely misleading and so much so, in fact, that it seems to have been done on purpose.

The study admits that it did not have access to the cause of death for the individuals involved in it, NOR did they know the Individual’s vaccination status AT ALL. Instead, it relies on the assumption that all excess deaths were COVID related deaths.

This means that they had ZERO actual statistics to support their claim that the excess deaths occurring in Republican counties were unvaccinated individual, but they proceeded to claim that anyways.

Researchers even ADMITTED that statistics from before the COVID pandemic suggested Republican counties have higher excess death rates than Democrat counties – such as to say that this trend exists REGARDLESS of COVID or the vaccine.

The Yale study didn’t even find a significant difference in death rates between Republican and Democrat counties in Florida.  It only found such differences in counties in Ohio. Yet, they marched forward with their argument that Florida conservatives’ vaccine skepticism was “deadly.

Serving as further proof that the study was designed to be a politically charged weapon against conservatives, researchers also conveniently decided to EXCLUDE independent voters – despite the fact that they make up about 41% of the general population.

The study also only pulled excess deaths data from May 2021, which is when they claim most US adults would have had a chance to receive their COVID injection. This is obviously a miniscule snapshot of a month which the researchers very cleverly selected based on the fact that it happens to back their claim.

It’s worth noting that fatality rates started plunging months before the vaccines were introduced to the public, but the study conveniently ignores that.

On top of all of that, the Yale study casually skims over the fact that Democrat voters actually had higher excess death rates in the vulnerable 65 to 75 year-old range. The study debunks itself!

Years later, Democrats are still trying to convince people that Conservatives are threats to the public for simply questioning the vaccine and they’re knowingly using GARBAGE studies like this one to do so.

Add in the fact that Yale University has quite the fruitful relationship with Pfizer and it all becomes too obvious to deny.

Pfizer has donated tens of millions of dollars to the university over the past two years AND funded the building of a $35 million medical research center for them.

It’s obvious that the “science” is still being weaponized to manipulate the masses – don’t fall for it!

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12 thoughts on “Fraudulent Study Claims Republicans 43% More Likely to Die From COVID Because They Questioned Government”

  1. F Yale University, all of the people that “administer” there, all of the people that “teach” there and all of the people that go there. May the JAB get them.

  2. I had not received the vaccine and had covid and pneumonia, and because of the government (Democrats) policy I was not treated for either because of my age, then 76 years old. Instead, I was sent to a hospice hospital and put in a coma to die. I woke 2 months later healed by God. In rehabilitation I was given the vaccine and a booster. The booster killed all feeling in my feet. I spent all of 2022 in a wheelchair and was told it was permanent. Christmas 2022 God again came through and I could feel my toes and by New Year this year I was walking again. Take your vaccine and the booster shots and stick them where the sun doesn’t shine.

  3. Are you surprised that woke Yale University faculty concocted a “fake science” report on covid death rates?

    The skool is a propaganda center and crooked as Lombard Street

  4. Even Yale scientist should realize how absurd this is! Is there no end to the insanity we are stuck in, or that is, until the next election!!

    1. Love your optimism but being a former SDS Member and socialist in college I do not think elections are going to solve the deep deep doo doo this country is in. Socialism is slavery and a master does not give his slaves easily.

  5. Gee I am a Republican over seventy years old with a heart condition and pre-diabetes who never got the vaccine, I must be dead and do not realize it! I did contract the Communist Chinese Nothing Burger Election Stealing Plague but did not know it until my doctor informed me that I had the antibodies for it and did I ever notice I was sick. Nope I did not. The sad reality of the Communist Chinese Nothing Burger Election Stealing Plague (CCNBESP for short) is that only 1 to 1.5 out of 100 victims died (if you believe official statistics) of it the other 99-98.5 did not. The reason it was let loose on the world by the COM-CHI Party scumbags in Beijing is so they could have their Maoist lickspittle lackeys in Academia (like Yale), the Media and of course infiltrated political parties in the Western so called democracies (quisling DemocRATS and RINOS anyone?) hype up fear so they could steal elections. It worked in Australia, New Zealand and of course the good old USA among others. That is right we now live in a COM-CHI vassal state rule by a bunch of commie/socialist incompetent ideological over schooled morons led by, no not the senile old crook, but the Marxist mulatto former President. He said he wanted to fundamentally change our country and he has with his COM-CHI masters. Can we change it back? Socialism in any form is slavery, It will not be easy since they have the jack booted thugs who are more than happy to put them on the people’s necks.

  6. All universities expect their workers (professors) to win grants (free money) for them. So we end up with stupid, money wasting studies. Always wonder how much really goes into the study and how much into pockets of humans. This study was a money waster. The money probably came from a Soros funded group because intelligent board members would not have approved such a stupid, do nothing hypothesis.

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