The shadowy cabal running the White House has failed to convince Supreme Court Justice Stephen Breyer to immediately retire. They won’t be able to nominate Kamala Harris to the Supreme Court to get rid of her, so now it’s time to panic. They’re launching Operation Keep Joe Alive Until 2024. And that can mean only one thing: Crooked Hillary will be running once again at the end of Joe Biden’s failed term.
The plan that Jill Biden and unnamed others had put in motion was to nominate Kamala Harris to the Supreme Court. That would open up the VP slot, and it’s pretty clear that Crooked Hillary was the only person on their shallow bench that they could nominate for the job. The White House’s conundrum is that they ever gave Kamala Harris the job in the first place. And her approval rating doesn’t have much farther to go before it hits zero. They needed to get rid of her.
Unfortunately for the schemers, Justice Breyer has decided he’s not going anywhere. Plan B has failed, so now it’s on to Plan C: Just keep Joe alive until 2024 and then pass the torch back to Crooked Hillary. With their new “voting tools” that they used in 2020, the cabal now thinks that they can surely propel Crooked Hillary into the White House in 2024. They’ve only been talking about making Crooked Hillary the first woman president since 1993, so it’s not like they have any blind spots about her prospects. (LOL)
Barring something unforeseen and unfortunate, Donald Trump is running in 2024. We all know he is. He’s still holding rallies that draw 100 times as many people as all Biden 2020 rallies combined. The people still love him. The people miss him every time they pull up to a gas pump or walk into a grocery store. Trump knows we miss him, and he is furious that the 2020 election was stolen from us.
So, we’re looking at a 2024 rematch between the greatest president in our lifetimes and Crooked Hillary. How will that be different on this second go-around?
For one thing, everyone now knows that Crooked Hillary committed crimes in 2016 that she got away with.
Her campaign created the Russian potty dossier out of thin air. The FBI, the CIA and the Justice Department colluded with the Clinton campaign to craft that fake dossier and present it to the FISA court in order to spy on the Trump campaign. This altered American foreign policy toward Russia for four entire years, not to mention the fact that it hamstrung the Trump presidency. Think what Donald Trump could have done for America if the first two years of his first term had not been swallowed up by the potty dossier and the Mueller witch hunt.
Now that we know that entire sordid conspiracy that started with Crooked Hillary, imagine how much fun that first Trump vs. Crooked Hillary debate is going to be in 2024. Will Trump have a few things to say about the matter? Oh, I think he will!
We’ve been told since January 6 that questioning the 2020 election is treasonous. It makes you an insurrectionist. But Crooked Hillary still firmly believes that she won the 2016 election. She proved that she believes this last week, when she ready her “victory speech” from 2016 on the internet. It’s clear from the fact that Crooked Hillary won’t shut up and won’t go away that she is now gearing up for another run.
Crooked Hillary is sitting down for fawning interviews in the media and suddenly trying to raise her profile. Just as she would be doing if she were planning to run in 2024.
The White House is laughably claiming that Joe Biden is totally running for reelection in 2024. He’s fit as a fiddle! Why would you even ask?
And yet, all signs point to Crooked Hillary dusting off the wardrobe that she stole from Kim Jong Un and foisting herself back into the spotlight. This is going to be a lot of fun.
This bitch better stay away from the us. If she or her fucking child molesring husband step foot here they will be sent straight to hell. Fucking bitch!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Oh nooo. Keep her away. She’s so unlikeable. She’s a crook and a cheater and liar. The Russian dossier says all about her. Get lost in the woods Hillary
I doubt very much that Hillary will get 20% of the vote. I honestly cannot imagine anyone wanting her in the WHITE HOUSE. I’ll take PRES. TRUMP any day. god bless the republican party …please.
Don’t kid yourself! With all the voter fraud the conniving Demmunists have in place to ensure they stay in power, ANYBODY would be lucky to beat her!
Bloody hell! Not again. Oh well, this irrelevant POS can lose for the third time I guess. She’s good at being a loser, politician, not so much.
What different does it make? Well, to me she is the consummate liar, a treasonous politician, because of her involvement with the illegal server, not to mention here foundation involvement in Haiti. The Russian dossier was just another episode in her criminal behavior. There is another reason that she should never be allowed to become the President is her socialist views based on her involvement with Sal Alinsky and his radical views.
Now there is one other possibility that no one seems to be thinking about. What if the bitch’s illegitimate daughter thinks about running. What then? The reason I say illegitimate, is that if you look at a picture of Hubble and Chelsea, there is no doubt who her real father really is.
The only thing Hillary can run for is the resident of Cell block C in Camp X-Ray in Guantanamo Bay detention camp. Bush closed down camp x-ray in 2002, but President Trump opened it again to make room for these treasonous parasites like Hillary and Bill, Biden, Pelosi, Obama, John Podesta, Chuck Schumer (who has taken money directly from Putin), Adam Schiff, General Mark Milley, Jane Fonda, John Kerry, and on and on. Hillary’s got my vote, she should’ve been in prison decades ago.
Amen to all comments. We need to get back to God & put these ungodly vermin behind us. Please God bless the USA & help us get back to our Bible believing founders & our constitution. Thank you, Stan Doxtater
She can run but she won’t win. What the bitch doesn’t understand is no one likes her. She is nothing more than a common criminal and her husband is a pedophile. America is done with the Clintons and the Obamas.
The Democrat Socialist/Communist Party will steal the election again! Same way as the 2020 election was stolen, more ballots than registered voters! Pima County AZ, PA, Wisconsin, Georgia, Nevada just to name a few. Every State had illegal votes, we must get rid of the mail in ballots! Beware of judges and courts over stepping their authority and “ legislating” instead of State Legislatures! Only in person or Absentee ( verified signatures) votes should count, voter IDs required, a one day election! The crooks are trying to keep the Plan-Demic going so they can use mail in ballots! Another big problem is weaponized government agencies and propaganda news! Do not put nothing past a Communist as you know their motto is “ By Any Means Necessary” !
What in Sams hell is the democrats think they are doing? Hillary is a loser from hell and not president worthy.
We love America and we are not going to lose another e!ection to the likes of Hillary besides she’ll be arrested for treason.
Wish the Helldebeast would get lost out on the open Serengeti, get mauled to death by a pack of hyenas, and then vultures come in and clean up the last bit!!!!