Hillary’s Server Was INTENTIONALLY Backed Up to Google Servers and Forwarded to CHINA

The day before the Director of National Intelligence Dan Coats stepped down, a flood of declassified documents related to investigations into Hillary Clinton’s illegal email server came out. A startling revelation found in those now declassified emails is that all but four of Clinton’s 30,490 emails were forwarded to a private Gmail address.

Not only was Hillary’s email server illegal but all of the emails deleted from it were sent to a Chinese company using that Gmail address: carterheavyinudstries@gmail

Intelligence community inspector general (ICIG) investigator Frank Rucker, who discovered the anomaly, did a Google search for “Carter Heavy Industries.” That search led to Shandong Carter Heavy Industry Co., Ltd, a Chinese manufacturer of heavy machinery and excavators.

When Rucker and ICIG attorney Jeanette McMillian took that finding to the FBI on Feb. 18, 2016, they ran into a brick wall. Peter Strzok had just become the section chief heading the Clinton email probe and accord to Rucker he was “aloof and dismissive” and not interested in pursuing an investigation into the new evidence.

McMillan told a Congressional hearing committee that she understood the Carter Heavy Industries email address to be a “dropbox” that Clinton’s emails were sent to in real-time. She told Congress, “Even if you didn’t address an email to this address, the email went to it anyway.”

The Senate Finance and Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs committees conducted that hearing on Dec. 4, 2018, after media reports that cited anonymous sources claiming that China gained access to Clinton’s emails appeared.

Those emails contained metadata that would have automatically forwarded them to Carter Heavy Industries.

One year ago, Department of Justice Inspector General Michael Horowitz revealed he knew of the ICIG’s referral to the FBI and would investigate the matter. Horowitz carried through on that promise in an April 9, 2019 letter to senators Chuck Grassley (R-Iowa) and Ron Johnson (R-Wis.)

What the ICIG found is that Paul Combetta, an employee of Platte River Networks, created the Gmail account. Combetta was also managing Hillary Clinton’s illegal email server and created the Carter Heavy Industries Gmail account on Aug. 20, 2012. That Gmail account was used to transfer messages to Clinton’s second private server to the Platte River Networks server.

Neither the ICIG nor Department of Justice (DOJ) has provided details on whether the FBI ever investigated the matter. It remains only a matter of conjecture what Combetta did with Carter Heavy Industries between 2012 and 2014.

Combetta has refused to be interviewed by the DOJ about the matter.

Inspector General Michael Horowitz who was tasked with looking into Hillary’s illegal server refused to draw conclusions about the intention of setting up the dummy account. He wrote in his report, “Accordingly, other than the similarity discussed above between the dummy email address and the name of a Chinese company identified by the former ICIG analyst and former Inspector General McCullough during a Google search, the ICIG and the DOJ OIG are unaware of any information that links Combetta or the dummy email address that he created with the Chinese government or a Chinese-owned company.”

Paul Combetta was given blanket immunity by James Comey’s FBI during the 2016 Hillary email investigation. The immunity deal is inexplicable because Combetta clearly broke the law in wiping those servers using BleachBit and offered nothing of substance to investigators for protection from prosecution.

RedState notes, “Typically, you don’t give immunity to someone who can’t help you land a bigger fish. But as most reading this know, nothing about the Hillary email investigation made sense. It was clearly run as a whitewash operation of any possible criminal activity.”

Horowitz could find no conclusive evidence to prove the reason a Chinese email address was used, but we do know the FBI did nothing to pursue the matter.

What is conclusive is that Combetta broke the law by illegally archiving classified government documents. But there is no need to prove his intent in the matter. His employer, Hillary Clinton is the one who O.K.’d the measure to save those emails to a dummy account and then wipe the originals from her server.

Clinton, not her minions, is the one to look to with regard to intent.

It’s been said a million times:

“If this were anyone but Hillary Clinton, they’d be in jail now.”

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