The Biden Regime has bizarrely announced their intentions to shut down any and all efforts to bolster election integrity efforts ahead of the 2024 election – making it clear they’re going ALL IN on rigging it, and they’re not even bothering to hide it.
Joe Biden’s lapdog Attorney General Merrick Garland vowed to achieve this by fighting anything designed to make elections safer, claiming that they’re “discriminatory, burdensome, and unnecessary.”
According to Garland, that list of “discriminatory” requirements for the elections include things like Voter ID and mail-in-ballot restrictions.
“There are many things that are open to debate in America,” Garland started out while speaking at an Alabama church. “One thing that must not be open for debate is the right of all eligible citizens to vote and to have their vote counted.”
It’s worth noting that Democrats have their own twisted definition of “eligible” voters which includes illegal immigrants and dead people – at least enough of them to help them defeat their Republican opponents.
Garland went on to claim, “The right to vote is still under attack. And that is why the Justice Department is fighting back.”
The timing of this announcement is what gives away their true intentions. On Friday, the Supreme Court made a surprise announcement that they would be issuing a rare Monday morning ruling this week. That led to every major media outlet speculating over the weekend that the court would rule on the Colorado Supreme Court’s decision to illegally kick Donald Trump off the ballot. Turns out they were right.
Merrick Garland and his band of minions worked tirelessly all weekend to rush to put this plan in place. They knew that Democrat’s plan to get Trump kicked off the ballot had failed and they needed to start work on an alternate plan to ensure Democrats stay in power after November.
“That is why we’re challenging efforts by states and jurisdictions to implement discriminatory, burdensome and unnecessary restrictions on access to the ballot, including those related to mail-in voting, the use of drop boxes and voter ID requirements,” Garland said.
He continued, “That is why we are working to block the adoption of discriminatory redistricting plans that dilute the vote of black voters and other voters of color.”
However, contrary to what Garland is claiming, this has nothing to do with “disenfranchised black voters,” the reality is Democrats are doing everything in their power to ensure that the millions of illegal immigrants they brought into America have the ability to vote.
36 of the states currently require voters to show some form of identification at the polls while 14 liberal states and the heart of the swamp – Washington D.C. – do not require any documentation to vote.
However, roughly 80% of all American voters do support the idea of having voter ID laws to ensure that people are who they say they are when voting. This includes a majority of Democrats, Black Voters, Hispanics, and Low-income voters – so why else would the Biden Regime be pushing to ban them if not for their own self-interest?
Meanwhile, Donald Trump and his team seem to be fully aware of what the Democrats are trying to do here and is revealing the only way to counter it.
“Republicans must win. We want a landslide. We have to win so it’s too big to rig!” Trump declared at a recent rally.
Bad news.
Just how long are Americans going to tolerate this?
The demorats got us into this and all Republicans to stop them
I am surprised that the American people haven’t gotten together and physically forced this administration out of office. I don’t know what it’s going to take to get people awake enough to put an end to all the corruption and treason being committed by this government
dont have trump on the ballot
How about not have Biden (Obama) on the ballot.
Excellent plan!
Eat it, princess.
Spoken like a true head of lettuce.
do what the demorats are trying to do flood the conservative ballets and then let the SCOTUS solve the problem.
Can you imagine the shock our founding fathers would have if they were living today to see how frivolous and corrupt some in our government are when it comes to voting in our national elections? Now we have dead and illegal people doing it. If the party is doing this does not care about honesty and justice, how then can we truly have justice and rights? This makes our country and it’s leader just as corrupt and irresponsible as “banana republics” Are we to have the parties engaging in political kidnapping and murder next ? Wake up caring citizens, read how members actually vote, check their records, not what they say on TV and print. Make you thoughts be known call, write government officials, and VOTE them out of office or prevent them from getting into office.
Far too many of those “citizens” are too busy watching the game, posting to the web, etc.
If republicans don’t win this election our great nation and all our freedoms are gone.God help us!
For the past century, the Democrat Party has intensified their efforts to control virtually every government agency via any means necessarty – including murder. A look at for instant, Bill Clinton’s political history clearly depicts how the Democrat Party eliminated any embarrassing situations by causing impossible suicides, accidental murders, convenient miracles, and cleverly covering up fraud and theft. The Democrat Paarty did the same type of things for Obama. They have obviously and openly done the same for Biden. The people the Democrat Party have been able to sneak into powerful governmental agencies and offices, some by means of illegal/unlawful methods, are willfully coerced into doing precisely what the Democrat Party wants to have done. It is either that, or the person or persons are immediately disposed of without further ado. In contrast, the Republican Party has conceded in practically every confrontation with the Democrat Party that further enhances the Democrat Party to continue in their drive to eliminate any opposition to their Party desires. Many of the extreme wealthy United States citizens strongly support the Democrat Party in order to increase their wealth and overall control and power. The Democrat Party will let nothing stand in their way to destroy what was for over 200 years, the most respected Nation in the world – the United States of America. What began as an honor and privilege to work for the Government of the United States was to perform those duties with a token of monetary appreciation. Today, the costs of paying people to perform their assigned duties is totally ouotragious. We have agencies, offices, and activities that are truly non-essential, but existent so higher authorities do less and earn more. There are layers upon layers of governmental structures that exist basically to pay respect to the Democrat Party for establishing and securing them. The Democrat Party plays the old “donkey and carrot game” constantly with our citizens; imply more wealth and power to those who follow the Democrat Party’s marching order. Leadership solely by the Democrat Party must be thwarted legally, but quikly in order to preserve to Nation many millions of men and women have fought and or died for. My 90 year lifespan is nearing its end, and it pains me deeply to know what the Democrat Party had already done and will continue to do to the country I dearly loved and fought for. If you do in fact love this country, then do something about it! Rid the Government of its corruption by first getting rid of the corrupted officials.
This is your last chance America, what sort of America do you want, total control or freedom?
Mr. Alter , very well stated. Thank you for your service. I pray for our Country.
Um isn’t that basically the same shit they reco acted trimo for. It’s past time for the democrats to be held accountable for there actions. Either they remove them or its time Americans all join together and enforce are constitutional rights and remove everyone of these sell out commie scum from are government not there’s. Which they are convinced that it’s there’s and the people work for them like all other dictators.
Everything they have accused Trump of Democrats have done or are doing right now! If people can not see the corruption that is in our government they are blind or just don’t care the public schools and universities have brainwashed many of our children It is time to start fighting back against the racism, discrimination, unjustice system, and down right treason of our government and its agencies . People must stand and be heard and take action against these treasonous people who are out to destroy America!