It’s Not Over Yet: But President Trump has a Narrow Path to Victory

No one expected that the election would be decided on election day. That was about the only thing pundits and pollsters got right. In the early morning hours following the closing of the polls, Joe Biden led President Trump in the electoral vote 238 to 213 (216 if you count the 3 Alaska votes the Republicans will win by over 60%).

Nevertheless, as of this writing President Trump still has a clear path to the 270 electoral votes he needs, but his path is narrowing. He is on track to win the electoral votes in Pennsylvania (20) North Carolina (15) and Georgia (16), which would bring his total to 267, just 3 votes short of the 270 he needs.

Wisconsin and Michigan are still too close to call, but currently leaning Biden. If the President wins either Michigan or Wisconsin, it’s over. If he loses in either state, he needs to win Nevada and Pennsylvania to defeat Dopey Joe and the Looney Liberal Kamala.

Joe Biden needs to win Michigan, Wisconsin, and Nevada to reach 270. The word from state election officials is that neither Michigan nor Wisconsin will have completed their vote count until at least Thursday.

In the meantime, many pollsters are polling each other trying to figure out how, again, their fuzzy math went awry. The New York Post said it best, “Political polling is a fraud. It claims to measure something that, it is now unmistakably clear, cannot be accurately measured. Polling’s seductive promise is that it will take the guesswork out of understanding a complex and changing set of circumstances and replace that uncertainly with something that looks like science.”

Texas, pollsters told us, would fall for Biden and Harris. They apparently learned nothing from their embarrassingly inaccurate predictions in 2018’s race between Republican Senator Ted Cruz and the liberal dingbat Beto O’Rourke. Some pollsters had O’Rourke beting Cruz while others had the almost dead even. As it turned out Cruz beat O’Rourke by nearly 3 points. For this election the pollsters again said similar things. They had Biden and Trump tied. Biden’s campaign were so confident they could turn Texas blue they sent Kamala there to campaign in the final days of the campaign. Pollsters were off heavily as Trump won the state easily over Biden by 5 points.

They also got it totally wrong in Florida, where Democrats could not overcome President Trump’s spectacular performance and nearly triple his 2016 margin of victory.

So, polling is bad for everyone. It is a form of unfair psychological warfare that either gives false comfort or discourages those who believe their votes won’t count. Pre-election polls, for example, had Joe Biden leading by ten points, with similar margins in swing states. Judging pollsters’ performance in 2016, voters did not succumb this time to polling false flags and chicanery.

Finally, the 2020 election have President Trump winning a majority of the electoral vote without winning the popular vote. As of early this morning, he was trailing by about 2.5 million votes. One outcome, if President Trump wins could be a push by Democrats to abolish the Electoral College with an amendment to the Constitution.

No matter how this election turns out, you only have to look at the wide and deep red swath of Republican victories in normal America to know that such an amendment would stand about the chances of an Alaska snowball in southern Florida.

Stay tuned to this site for election updates as absentee vote returns could turn this election either way.

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51 thoughts on “It’s Not Over Yet: But President Trump has a Narrow Path to Victory”

    1. I wonder how many people voted more than once to get Joe Biden in the White House. I believe this could be a vote for Joe by cheating or fraud.

      1. They voted alot, I cannot believe there was nothing done about sending out millions and millions of ballots ,
        I just heard there is 1 million more votes in Wisconsin than people registered?
        What the Demonrats have done the our election process is shameful. They NEVER ACCEPTED THE 2016 ELECTION! So they decided to destroy the integrity of a Fair and Free 2020 election!! They should be punished not rewarded with a win. I hope to God good wins over the evil they have perpetrated against “We the People”

        1. I couldn’t have said it better! I feel the same way about the DISINTEGREGITY of the Demonrats for going AGAINST the intelligent thoughts of our ForeFathers. Glad we didn’t have our present demonrat Congress as the group who wrote our Constitution & Bill of Rights because they could not have come anywhere NEAR to being as close to putting together as well worded documents that were thought out. For instance, the Electoral college makes the states more equal in there amount of say-so on who becomes the President. Else California & Texas would be the main ones to decide the election & the rest of the states just ones having to live by CAs & TXs decisions. I’m SURE that our present Demonrats Congress wouldn’t even have thought of that!

          1. That’s why the polls are so skewed. They’re trying (just like in 2016) to cover for all the fraud.

        2. They are probably getting cramps from writing out all the extra ballots they need to count to keep democrats looking to win. If Wisconsin reports more votes than registered voters, then ever vote over the number of registered should be thrown out, if not all of them!
          Don’t forget that Joe Biden video in which he says “We put together the most extensive and exclusive voter fraud organization ever in American ploitics”.
          Did anyone catch what he said about “under the Obama administration”? Wondering if he was saying they put their organization together during his first term & used it to win the second term. We know some areas were reporting 25% more votes in 2016, than they had registered voters. That is a dead give away of cheating & to date it has all been demonicRAT’s cheating.

    2. One more time the polls were wrong!!! Fox got it wrong (Stirewall? a never-Trumper) they call Arizona early and let the President stall at 148? All night Biden was ahead, and Florida is a 95% and they will not call it !!!
      Last night was a disgrace , period on Fox. I am very disappointed in them I hope they are not becoming just another Hate Trump Media station. At least they have the most honest hosts like Tucker, Hannity, and Laura…
      Tucker was 100% correct when he called out *Stirewall when he said “We got it mostly right, meaning the Fox polls,? How in the world can C. Stirewall say that with a straight face???? He was dead wrong and he was also wrong on Arizona, Period…..

    1. Don’t let the door hit you on the way out, you should never have opened the site if you don’t love our America ,then pack your bags and get out.

  1. I hope they are checking out Minnesota for fraud. Trump campaign spent a lot time there because we fairly close in 2016 for Minnesota to go red. Things look shady. Not sure how anyone can vote demon-crat

    1. About the only place in Minn. that votes for demented Biden is the Minneapolis-St. Paul area. The rest goes for Trump, but the population center is in Minneapolis-St. Paul. Of course that area may be totally destroyed come next year because of the spineless local leaders.

  2. Fraudulent votes could sway this election also. given the loose and sloppy way the vote counting has been allowed to happen, How about the States that were Democrat controlled states that were going Red and then all of a sudden the vote counting stopped? What’s up with that? Fishy shenanigan’s ??

  3. we were told all along trump will win,he should keep his job,there no real reason for him not to,no more demonrats!!!!! no socialism,etc,etc,

  4. The party of Marx, Mohammed and Malcolm X is following the dictum of its avatar, Stalin, who famously said that it does not matter who votes but rather who counts the votes. The defeated but still malevolent Pennsylvania attorney general has already confirmed that the fix is in there, and if the demented bribe-taking pedophile rapist Chinese puppet who lost yesterday is dragged into the presidency by Obammunist gauleiters, the adminstration of Joe and the Hoe will be as illegitimate as those of Emperor Pu-yi and Marshal Petain and will deserve neither respect nor obedience from Americans who are not satanists, socialists and sodomites.

  5. Apparently half the voting population want to live under SOCIALISM. They cheer now, they will CRY later!TRUMP 2020!!!!!!!!!!


    1. Only in America can a Feeble, perverted, liar who has dementia and has Stolen Money from another Country run for President! You know the other countries are laughing at us! And if he gets the Win he will be removed and Harris and Pelosi will run the presidency. We would be DOOMED, we need to stop them with their cheating so that doesn’t happen!

  7. Where in hell do Democraps find the voters to vote for Biden? Doesn’t ANYONE read the reports on “Joe & family scumbags?” What has this man done for America in his 47-years without working? He ‘s been at the public trough since adulthood. It was bad enough we had to suffer 8 -yrs. of Joe & Obummer. Now it will take days to see if slimy Joe has made it…………..What they stand for is unacceptable to America.

    1. I believe most of the votes for Biden are fake. Just look at the Rally’s that Trump had, Look at all the People that love him. Then compare it with Biden’s Rally’s and the people that are amused by him? I don’t know exactly how to explain how his followers feel about him, but they Don’t Love Him! Anyway there is no way that Trump did not get the vast majority of the votes unless there has been cheating! Hope someone gets to the bottom of it right away!

  8. Give the vote harvesters immunity if they come forward and tell who paid them and how much. I.e the woman in Texas. Also, take off the # of Deceased people that voted


  10. People who vote Biden are sticking there heads in the sand and hope everything will go away. They have no idea what they are going to have to endure. Christian Faith gone, health (live with Obama care), abortion, school choice gone, lockdowns, mandatory masks, second amendment gone, change in social security, business move out of country, job opportunity gone. The list just goes on and on. Mandatory to learn Chinese you are going to need it because they are going to own you. Kiss your Freedom goodbye. Might as well just call this America and take off the United States. What a waste.

  11. Between the lying lamestream media demostroyer propaganda machine and the constant demonization of true American Patriots by labeling them as racist, despicable’s, and other unpostable names. Does it re as lly surprise anybody that we are in such deep s##t politically? Oh BTW, the commie based public and “most institutions” of higher learning are in fact indoctrination centers for socialism/communism.

    1. I think the institutions of lower learning are going to be a target in Trump’s next term. I prey that he wins this election in spite of all the Demonazi cheating.

  12. I think this election shows that the DNC still doesn’t know what their people want. Democrats want socialist programs, Medicare for all, tuition free college, renewable energy subsidies. But the DNC can’t run a candidate capable of fighting for these policies, so they will continue to lose to the Republicans.

  13. Between the lying lamestream media demostroyer propaganda machine and the constant demonization of true American Patriots by labeling them as racist, despicable’s, and other unpostable names. Does it really surprise anybody that we are in such deep s##t politically? Oh BTW, the commie based public and “most institutions” of higher learning are in fact indoctrination centers for socialism/communism.

  14. Just remember all you fare journalists freedom of the the press is gone in a commie world and you have all opened the door.

  15. I am praying that President Trump prevails in the electoral college and that fraud is detected and abolished among those who seek to cheat him out of the election. Too many people have been fooled by the Biden swamp rat and his cohorts.

    1. I too have been praying for President Trump to win this election, and I hope the rest of you people in these comments are praying too.

  16. The Dems and their accomplices in the Deep State (Fed judges; FBI, CIA & other corrupt intelligence agencies; Fauci & other career bureaucrats – the list is endless), plus nearly 100% of the agenda-driven media, plus all of Big Tech and Big Corporate, plus nearly all of ‘Higher Ed’ (indoctrination centers) – – given all those evil forces to fend off, it’s practically impossible to overcome. They will likely ensure Biden/Harris get to 270 and take the White House. We’ll have to see IF the GOP can hold the Senate. If not, it’s game over for the U.S. as we know it.

    1. God Bless America and our greatest President Donald Trump
      Keep America Great Again
      Leave President Trump in the White House and Joe Biden in his cellar where he belongs!

    2. There’s a new team out it’s Ukraine and they are bringing everything that they have against the bidens,Obama,Clinton’s, Pelosi Schumer Nader Sanders Omar and the rest of them. They want to prosecute them for money laundering in their country and around the world.

      1. Sad when these treasonists have to be investigated by foreign governments when all of us at home already have known for how long now?… and this corruption hasn’t been touched here!!

  17. What a frickin mess. Trump warned everyone this was going to happen. It’s the only way the Dems can win. Cheating, scandalous, lying political thieves they all are. Biden shouldn’t have even been able to run with all his foreign corruption scandals going on. Guess the American people don’t give a damn!! Shameful our election process has come to this. The AG should get involved if he can. This is out right shame. Please God, we need Trump!!

  18. I’ll bet that most all the ones who voted for Socialism are young first time voters who don’t REALLY know the difference between Freedom & Socialism so they don’t realize what they’ll be missing.

  19. If Biden does get in, he will probably be impeached with his son’s corruption, then we’ll have to deal with the “ho”. But within a month the COVID-19 crisis will probably disappear. I believe all these Democrat are lying cheating scum!

  20. A sad day in America when you have to create a Covid Hoax to get elected because you can not win by the rules. Good Luck with your corruption. Some of us have better things to do with our time.

    1. Well said James,
      This damned virus is just another ( albeit a little more intense than some) common cold. PERIOD. And look what the left has done with it. New York, Michigan, Kookafornia……let’s not forget Oregon either. A travesty to the citizens of our great country…. a kick in the nuts it is Does anybody know anybody who’s died of the flu lately? Yeah, me either. The CDC has made it more than clear, it’s not the lie they told you it was. These tyrannical dictator type governors, you know who you are, you really should stop the shenanigans with this cold and open your states up to business as usual. It would probably do wonders for all of your popularity polls

  21. you all can agree or disagree but out doesn’t matter to me, as long as people ar involved our voting process ,we will never ever ever have a true election meaning that what we the people voted for will be there next president, because if this was a honest world, we wouldn’t need armored trucks with guards carrying guns to collect money at different establishments

  22. Sadly, I agree with you. Yesterday, I exchanged texts with a woman on FB, who went to the polling station with her husband. She went online to verify her and her husband’s votes, and they were counted. It stated that both of them did not enter truthful information, so their votes were listed as “pending”. That’s fraud in my book!!

  23. The biggest problem the DNC has with their voting base is this
    The run of the mill American democrat is basically an uneducated, brain washed, brain dead moron. If I watched ANY of the mainstream media outlets these days, I too would become that democrat. I would be led down the path of insurrection and stupidity by listening to these Marxist, fascistic reprobates that dont give a flying fuck of what it is the American people need or want. Promises, lies, innuendo that never comes to fruition.
    I can’t wrap my head around the fact that Hillary Clinton and Sniffin Joe Biden are the last two democrat candidates for CIC. Both of these buffoons are criminals guilty of corruption, treason and in Mrs Clinton’s case…. murder. What’s heinous is that ALL OF AMERICA KNOWS THIS. Anyone with half a brain wouldn’t consider voting for either one of these pieces of shit. Yet look at the millions of stupid, ignorant, nonsensical idiots that cast there vote for what?!!!
    Government control
    Who knows what the hell kind of medical coverage? It’ll be Putinistic I’m sure
    Open borders. Again , open borders!!! What we need in the US is 30 million more illegals that G Newsom and his auntie Nancy can coddle. Hey democrat taxpayers, he wants them to have “free” healthcare AND collect social security… you dumbocrats and ME will have to pay for that. My healthcare isn’t free ( thanks Obama) and why in hell would these illegals deserve the first red cent of SSA money anyway…. I’ve put into that account for 48 yrs and time for me to collect my retirement money!! Not some border crossing idiot.
    Again, so many people voting for socialism, total control, and near certain death to America. Pains me to see people with a college education who are as intelligent as an ice cube.. maybe a whole tray of ice cubes (AOC comes to mind immediately). To think these “educated” idiots watch CNN MSNBC etc religiously and learn to hate just what these “journalists” want them to. 97 percent of all stories paint Trump in a negative light…… hey dummies, he’s really been a better president for the people than anyone before him in the White House, REALLY!!
    And how many of these Einstein’s voted for the Sleepy one JUST to vote against Trump… these fools would qualify as the DUMBEST of the demos…… I know scads of these, and they too went to college!!
    A gentleman I’ve known know now for 50 plus years, a man I considered one of the more intelligent people I’ve ever known… he’s a surgeon, says to me last year, emphasizing the word amazing…. “ I think Hillary Clinton would’ve made an AMAZING president”! I about crapped my pants. Needless to say, don’t teally want to hang in that circle any longer.
    Let’s not forget that Creepy, Sniffin, Rapist, Racist, Corruption prone Joe also wants to increase taxes vehemently. Hoping I’ve driven home the point

    Democrats are scum and the biggest threat to America Donald Trump will retain his presidency and these next 4 years will be quite productive. Wonder when Nancy will start impeachment proceedings again LOL

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