Media Proof: Rep. Matt Gaetz Caught Kicking Puppy, Colluding with Russia, Paying off Stormy Daniels & Spreading COVID While Breaking into Watergate Hotel to Eat Two Scoops of Ice Cream

Oh my gosh! The New York Times, the rest of the mainstream media and the Department of Justice all say that Rep. Matt Gaetz (R-FL) is some sort of human trafficker exploiting teenage girls. This has to be totally true, since the New York Times, the entire mainstream media, and Biden’s Department of Justice are the most trusted institutions in America which would never lead us astray when it comes to the love lives of Republicans or patriotic Americans or Trump supporters.

Perhaps I’m risking my reputation for standing up for one of the fiercest America First GOP Members of Congress, but I’m just going to go out on a limb and say it: The allegations against Matt Gaetz are a steaming pile of San Francisco Hobo Sidewalk Surprise with a side of BULL-Schiff.

The New York Slimes suddenly-and-for-no-particular-reason published a salacious story about Rep. Gaetz on Tuesday afternoon. The Slimes reports that according to “three people familiar with the matter,” Matt Gaetz is being investigated by the Department of Justice for transporting a 17-year-old girl across state lines and carrying on a sexual relationship with her. The Slimes also declares that this is “sexually trafficking a minor,” in case anyone who uses the paper for something other than a birdcage liner actually still reads its headlines.

And color me shocked! The Department of Justice was probing whether Gaetz used campaign funds to pay for travel expenses for fully grown, adult women who Gaetz has dated since he first became a candidate for Congress in 2016. What a great use of the DOJ’s time while Syrian refugees are announcing plans to shoot up more grocery stores in Colorado!


Another not-at-all surprising aspect of this colossal waste of taxpayer time and money: Attorney General Bill Barr actually launched this probe against Gaetz before he left office in December, according to the Slimes.

Ha! There’s no way that’s possible. We all know that Trump’s “wingman” Bill Barr was totally busy cracking the whip on the Durham investigation into Russian collusion. Barr didn’t have a moment of free time in his schedule to do anything other than that. By the way, the Durham “Report” is due to be released… any year now? Right?

Okay, put on your thinking cap here, because this story is about to get a little weird.

It turns out that, according to Matt Gaetz, a former Department of Justice employee started trying to exploit his family for money back in March. Gaetz says that DOJ employee – former assistant US Attorney David McGee of Florida – contacted him in March and said that he could make the DOJ sex trafficking allegations against Gaetz “go away” if the Gaetz family paid him $25 million. To which the Gaetz family replied, “Uh… sex trafficking allegations?”

Matt Gaetz told Tucker Carlson Tonight that he and his father (former Florida state Senator Don Gaetz) immediately contacted the FBI and told them a former DOJ employee was trying to extort them. The FBI was building a case against this McGee person, according to Matt Gaetz. Both the current Congressman Gaetz and his father wore a wire for the FBI, which recorded them negotiating the extortion demands that McGee was making. The Gaetz family was going to wire several million dollars to McGee on March 31, which would have facilitated the FBI arresting the accused dirtbag/former DOJ employee for extorting a sitting member of the US Congress.

(The same federal crime which, oddly enough, Stormy Daniels was never prosecuted for committing against Donald Trump.)

But somehow, someone at the clean-as-a-whistle DOJ leaked a story to the New York Slimes the day before that wire transfer was going to happen. In other words, the totally true and not-at-all-fake “story” of Gaetz trafficking a minor was leaked to spook McGee into not committing a felony extortion crime that would have made the DOJ look like a bunch of corrupt asshats.

The same Department of Justice that has never seemed overly concerned that Bill Clinton secretly flew to Jeffrey Epstein’s private island dozens of times – where Epstein was importing 10-year-old girls from France for sex – is supposedly super concerned that Matt Gaetz was flying around the country with a 17-year-old girl while running for Congress, which is a fairly public sort of thing to do. And it’s the same Department of Justice that was never concerned about Hollywood darling Jerry Seinfeld when he was literally dating a 17-year-old girl that he picked up in a park in New York using balloons and a puppy, when there are a gazillion photos of the child at Hollywood parties with Seinfeld (different state on the other side of country, so Mr. Seinfeld was obviously transporting the child across state lines).

Spoiler alert: There’s no 17-year-old girl in the Matt Gaetz story. There’s no exploitation, no “child trafficking” and no crime.

Honestly, the biggest bombshell in this story – for me, at least – was learning that Matt Gaetz dates WOMEN. I mean… you’ve seen the neckties he wears, right? I kind of assumed Gaetz swung the other way.

And I hope Gaetz fights these fake allegations as fiercely as Donald Trump fought the fake Russian collusion/Stormy Daniels/TWO SCOOPS OF ICE CREAM fake allegations.

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43 thoughts on “Media Proof: Rep. Matt Gaetz Caught Kicking Puppy, Colluding with Russia, Paying off Stormy Daniels & Spreading COVID While Breaking into Watergate Hotel to Eat Two Scoops of Ice Cream”

  1. My guess is that Matt Gaetz is an honorable, outspoken, truthful, honest, person that works as a congressman,
    and doesn’t just “occupy the position” for the money, therefore he poses a very real threat to the corruption of the Democrats that never do anything but Hate, Divide, and spend taxpayer dollars and attempt to smear, and “CANCEL” anyone that calls them out in disagreement! GO MATT GAETZ !!!!

    1. My thoughts exactly Vinnie. It stands to reason that anyone the demonrats smear they are afraid of. They think we’ll listen to them. WRONG! Anyone the demonrats lift up is bad for our country. I’ve been watching Gaetz and he is one of the goooood ones. Watch your back Gaetz they are getting desperate. That’s why they are lying about you

      1. They post bullshit but ignore the truth.
        1st fact.
        The Clinton’s spent ALOT of time at Jeffery Epsteins pedofile island.
        So,what fo you think they did there ? They were flown there by Jeffery Epsteins private plane.

        2nd, Biden talks about sniffing little girls hair.
        He loves it when the little girls bounce up and down on his lap.
        He loves it when they wet the hair in his legs and watch the hair dry.

        He sniffs everyone’s hair and hugs WAY WAY too long.
        Obama is actually gay and the children were born from artificial insemination.

        Now wheres all the publicity on this ?
        Buried like the fake election results.

        Peloski was raised a socialist like harris.

        Buried like all the people who died under suspicious circumstances after testifying against the clintons.

        Horrendous harris was a high class escort with Mayor Greene.
        Growing up we called them whores or prostitutes.

        Now all this bullshit is buried deep.
        So anyone who is a descent human being is being attacked by these vultures

        1. Sooooo right, Darlene !!!!!!

          Corruption in FBI, CIA, DOJ, SCOTUS and everywhere in the government has gone so out of control and I’m afraid is already too late to expose it !!!!
          They got too powerful, have mountains of money and also the media, Big tech , Hollywood, Academia… all infiltrated by these
          marxists who are using the marxists agenda along with Alinsky’s scheme to destroy our country and enslave the people!!!!

    2. libs don’t like him bc he’s strong, (also engaged to be married), smart & quick to call them out for their lies !!! … this is corruption to it’s fullest to try to break him down like they did general flynn & others, esp Trump !!! It’s evildoers who don’t like that you don’t agree with them… 🙁 thank you for your comments … be blessed & happy easter !!!

    3. I do not believe these lies about Matt Gaetz!!!
      When the left doesn’t like what you’re saying they try to smear your name and reputation.
      Must mean Matt Gaetz is doing everything right!!!

  2. My goodness, is that the best they can do? Come on man!! Sound like someone you known?
    Sounds just like something Democrats would pul!, Anything to put a Republican down and keep them down.

  3. The lying media only go after those they are afraid of, those that will expose their lies and deceit. Generating fake narratives to deceive the weak minded. Sadly there are far to many “weak minded” in this world today.

  4. If you aren’t taking flak, you aren’t over the target. The Dems want to “get” any Republican, especially those who support Trump. They are trying to neutralize him.

  5. Let’s don’t forget to accuse what we are already guilty of. Child trafficking is just one of a few major scandals Trump uncovered on the dems. That is one of the major reasons why they had to bring Trump down. Notice how nothing is hardly being said about the Epstein Island deal. Nothing will ever come of it

  6. Those A**Holes in D C are nothing but a group of demons following their leader,SATAN. They knoqw they’re lying, but their leader’s go them by the you know what. I’d like to be a little fly on the wallnwhen the good Lord takes them down, and He will in His time and His way.

  7. Sorry, I disagree with your observation of Barr. In my opinion Barr was and is DEEP STATE, never intended to bring anyone one to justice.

    1. You are very right. Seems Barr, Pence, and some others are far more establishment rino’s than many of us once thought. Sad to see the depth of the corruption in our nation.

    2. Agree with you , Gary !!!!!
      Corruption from one end to the other!!!!
      This is why the marxist party became so desperate to get rid of Trump because he wasn’t going to play by their rules, he was going to expose all the corruption and all those sleaze balls in both parties!
      So, they had to get together with all the marxists infiltrated everywhere in the government to come up with whatever plan to nullify the people’s vote !
      So they did !!!
      Now they could go ahead and do what every dictatorship/ totalitarian regime has done :
      Censorship, confiscating people’s guns, put the
      opposition into “ re-education camps”, confiscate
      the people’s savings accounts and so on !
      Plus, of course, allowing millions of uneducated, unskilled illegals to invade our country, give them citizenship so they will “ vote” for them to keep them in power forever!!!
      This is what’s coming !!!!

  8. Great call Big Rob. Correct……. nothing will come of the Lolita Island scandal….. as nothing will happen to the murdering governor of NY, as nothing will come of allegations against the wrecking ball they refer to as our president.

    How wonderful would it be to actually see members of the GOP stand up and make sure the aforementioned issues got addressed.

    When I heard that they’re trying to bring down Matt Gaetz on these absurd lies, I had to laugh out loud. Feeble attempt at retribution I’m afraid.

  9. When you can’t submit a solid argument go for salacious fairy tales. This is projection of something the dems did or want done to them.

  10. Well, Gaetz and margorie Taylor Greene are in the same boat now. Both are targets for the left. both have made up cocky mamie stories being told about them. Get real Gaetz a human trafficer, I have heard they might be some in Congress behind this sort of thing as Epstein was, but Matt Gaetz , get real. I think he just got married recently and he would cherish that.

  11. Another Trump supporter that’s getting the shaft. When they PROVE this I will believe it. They have smeared God, so why not This hard working American. I’m thinking Clinton, on his trips to the ISLAND, did more than this. But he’s a Democrap so he gets by with it. Stinks

  12. One of the basic rules of the Alinskyism that is the guiding principle of the Democrat Party is to always accuse the opposition of what you yourself are doing. One Democrat after another has been caught with children or sexually molesting adult women. Latest example is that mass murderer in New York who thinks women are his personal toys.

    So to distract from that and keep their moronic base happy they ginned this up.

  13. See the so called doj has the wrong name attached to this paper work and should have read bill Clinton of the clintonites and his buddy Epstein that mysteriously killed himself when the cameras weren’t working in prison!

  14. Maybe when these news rags get lessened to toilet paper ( which is all their worth) they can get jobs on farms slinging B.S. into manure carts. Why waste their true talents

  15. Governor Ron DeSantis will be the next target…just remember, the commies lie about everything! The displacement of guilt is their mantra….they do it, and they know they are dishonest and all power-money-hungry liars. God help this Country – soon!

  16. They are accusing Mr. Gaetz, for what they are doing. Been their. Demos need to shut their mouth’s,

  17. Gaetz is a conservative and a Trump supporter and he won’t roll over and play dead like the rest of the gop seems to do every time the communist left opens their lying yaps which makes him a target for the communist left and of course the respected msm(who always print the truth)– wow -almost regurgitated on that one– and the respected, uncorruptable doj will run with any lie to rid congress of a real Congressman. There goes more of taxpayer money spent on a 3ring circus clown act.

  18. Can these idiots not get over what Trump was so successful at which Democrats can’t hold a Candle to?
    They can’t live a normal life because their trying to control president Trumps life.
    Look at Democrats last episodes
    Canceling Laura and president Trumps Interview last night!!
    That’s Low as anyone can get.
    I dont think theirs a limit to how far the Deep State Idiot’s will go!

  19. biden is a mere front man who only does what he is told. Like it or not, this is a scripted communist takeover used all over the world. Using the FBI as a GESTAPO type police, taking all rites and freedoms that we take for granted. Legislating coruption and coverups of the perverts who are now running this country. I am not sure that there is an out to this. It has gone too far..

  20. George Orwell was so on spot. New York Times should change name to New York BS Newspeak . What a sewer of lies. They have no shame. No morals or ethics.
    Perfect tool of Bidumb who it seems is perfect tool of democrats.

  21. After reading all these comments and the story–I think one of the commie/socialist democratic congress persons and A few democratic senators are telling stories about this honorable US Congressman who is working for the the Americans instead of the the commie pigs-democratic –who are trying to frame him of a all complete lies. I would not put it by any or all the democratic pigs/commies in the US Congress–especially pelosi/ a lot more members –who are working for the commies–and not for the United States citizens From what I have been reading the US Congress has many members working for the commie/socialists pigs of the commie world I think the commies in the US Congress better watch out–because when you get caught –it could be worst as to your world then you think.. Like these commies could wind up in China-Venezuela-Cuba –when we find you.

  22. This is a roost so people won’t be concerned about all the lousy bills there trying to push threw. There is no transparent with this new Daffy Duck (Biden) so called president.

  23. They want to get Gaetz off his committees but leave Swalwell alone who has been proven to have been in bed literally and figuratively with a Chinese spy. Matt was looking at a Senate run. He’s a threat to the Demoncrats.

  24. Nothing surprises me when it comes to democrats, satans own party. Just another smear campaign in an effort to take down an innocent man.

  25. They post bullshit but ignore the truth.
    1st fact.
    The Clinton’s spent ALOT of time at Jeffery Epsteins pedofile island.
    So,what fo you think they did there ? They were flown there by Jeffery Epsteins private plane.

    2nd, Biden talks about sniffing little girls hair.
    He loves it when the little girls bounce up and down on his lap.
    He loves it when they wet the hair in his legs and watch the hair dry.

    He sniffs everyone’s hair and hugs WAY WAY too long.
    Obama is actually gay and the children were born from artificial insemination.

    Now wheres all the publicity on this ?
    Buried like the fake election results.

    Peloski was raised a socialist like harris.

    Buried like all the people who died under suspicious circumstances after testifying against the clintons.

    Horrendous harris was a high class escort with Mayor Greene.
    Growing up we called them whores or prostitutes.

    Now all this bullshit is buried deep.
    So anyone who is a descent human being is being attacked by these vultures

  26. Matt Gaetz is a spoilt brat that thinks he’s untouched by the law…but he’s just the “Toe-rag” that Donald Trump blew his nose with. The Republican Party in Congress & Senate think he’s an over inflated brick, they even want to get rid of him. Watch in the days ahead as events fold out. As for Trump he’ll soon find out…he has Trumpist Company where he’s going & that the jails will be a bit fuller with undesirables like themselves. Can’t wait…as to you his cult followers please get new hobbies to do as the old Gung-ho madness is going out of fashion. See, I even gave yous a Chinese word to enlighten you to broaden your “Horizons”.

    PS. You don’t have to write me to thank me. Anyway “Happy Easter” oh & please put down your guns while you’re eating your Easter eggs…or you’ll frighten them, the “Easter Eggs”, that is & maybe even shoot yourselves in the foot. Ouch!

    1. Your comments indicate just how nasty you are. You wouldn’t know the truth if it bit you in the behind. Matt Gaetz has done NOTHING wrong. The wrong -doers are the slanderous fake news media who run an unproven story at the behest of their liberal marxist deomcrat masters and partners in trying to eradicate a successfully outspoken opponent, end the US as we know it, and take away our constitutional freedoms. They are slime.

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