President Trump to Boycott Joe Biden’s Fake Inauguration

If the courts don’t overturn the Electoral College votes for Joe Biden in the next two weeks, then President Trump will likely have no other legal options left and will be forced to vacate the White House on January 20th.

Make no mistake, if that is allowed to happen, the corrupt Democrats will have successfully rigged the mail in vote against President Trump. There is also no question that there was massive fraud, as the President originally warned.

President Trump’s losses in key battleground states were razor thin. Recouping electoral votes from Georgia (16), Pennsylvania (20), Wisconsin (10) and Michigan (16) could reverse the outcome. Following the 2020 election, each of those states kept their Republican majority in each branch of their legislatures, so, numerically at least, the support is there.


Since the mainstream press and the political establishment are fully invested in validating the outcome of a poorly supervised and chaotic mail-in vote, President Trump has stated he will uphold his Constitutional oath and step down.

But don’t expect President Trump to sit quietly while a well-rested Joe Biden is sworn in and asks Americans to put this sham election behind them. We must, Biden will say, get the rich to pay their fair share and live up to the left’s vision that we’re are all racists—even if we’re really not. The American Dream, he will say, is fairness through free stuff, and, once again, he plans to take the money to finance the free stuff from rich people.

It’s hard to imagine President Trump putting himself through such a humiliating ordeal. In fact, word from Trump insiders is that he won’t attend the inauguration. In the final hours of his presidency, he will ride Air Force One to a hangar in Florida for a rousing speech to his supporters.

His speech, according to Alayna Treen of Axios, “could create a split-screen moment: the outgoing president addressing a roaring crowd in an airport hangar while the incoming leader is sworn in before a socially distanced audience outside the Capitol.”

That spectacle could also be a kickoff to President Trump’s bid for a 2024 return to office. That has actually been done before. Democrat Grover Cleveland served two non-consecutive terms beginning in 1885 and 1893.

So, the next four years promise to be interesting as The Donald assumes the role of Shadow President. He will be the perfect foil and counterbalance to a fawning media, who is likely to forget Joe’s sexual assault and Hunter’s corruption.

Whether President Trump becomes a voice in the wilderness or a powerful leader of the opposition remains to be seen. If Georgia voters elect just one of the Republican candidates for U.S. Senate, look for a renewed Republican majority with Mitch McConnell holding the line until President Trump’s reelection and a return to America-first sanity.

If the Democrats also steal both Senate seats in Georgia, expect Joe’s laundry list of socialist dreams financed by higher taxes on everyone to become the law of the land. Want more details? Just listen to Joe’s inauguration speech as the cheers and applause of President Trump’s supporters drown out Sleepy Joe and his socialist supporters.

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278 thoughts on “President Trump to Boycott Joe Biden’s Fake Inauguration”

      1. Happy that President Trump will not take part in sleepy Joe’s sham. However it could work another way. If he showed up he could STEAL the show away from Biden. But President Trump knows best.

        1. I agree, Trump not showing up means I do not support the corruption the Dems do. They have never played fair. They want to do their agenda no matter how corrupt they have to be. They certainly don’t care about the
          the people of the United States. If you really believe that then your you need to wake up, they are playing you.
          Those in congress (house and senate) that don’t support Trump and even republicans. Are so deep in the swamp they don’t like he is draining it. They have bigger things to worry about now, GOD. Yep, He already started and is coming to keep Trump in for 4 more years, not again in 2024 but now!. Many ones who stood with him then turned from him and many in congress will be removed.

      2. All of you are delusional to continue to peddle these lies. All of you knows that Trump is a big liar and all of you are believing these trash and lies. He is extorting all of you to give him your hard earned money. You all know that the election was fair and free yet you continue to believe Mr. Trumps lies. All the things you said here about Biden and Democrats; you are describing Trump and Republicans. You need to stop these nonsense. The country is more important than any one man. Trump is a criminal. I voted for him but he lost. His behavior is authoritarian. We are not in Russia or Belarus. Please stop. Enough is enough with these lies. I am sick of these lies. The world is laughing at us Stop enabling lies and authoritarian behavior.

        1. Ifeomai, you obviously are getting news from the corrupt American news media. What the President and the 74 million of us who voted for him know is that this election was fraudulently manipulated and stolen. I received a detailed message from Amy White, MoveOn’s director of analytics stating that they would use a ” corrupt method” to guarantee Joe Biden’s win of the presidency. She went on to say that MoveOn had 7 million “foot soldiers” in key battleground states to guarantee the win. Joe Biden himself made a tape recording that a “corrupt method” would be used to guarantee this win. This was played on conservative radio WBTV, Vince Coakley’s program. These are the people who conformed those Trump votes to Biden. You seem like a foreigner who does not know the wickedness that America uses to get her way. As an IBA (Indigenous Black America), I know something about the way this country functions. A. Willis

        2. what????!!!! are you blind or just stupid! Biden stole this election along with his “thugs” and everyone knows it…hope you get what you wished for …complete’s already started and Biden isn’t even President..get a grip idiot!

    1. I pray to God that Biden will never be President! This election was full of fraud! This madness has to be stopped, or we lose our country!!

      1. Marilyn, I agree with you. And I will say this…HE WILL NEVER BE MY PRESIDENT. All we can do is pray that the Lord hears us and answers our prays in one way or another.

        1. As long as we realize God is in control of EVERYTHING , not us, we will weather this outrageous storm! We know from His word that He is coming soon to gather His own out of this corrupt world. Just keep watch and be ready; keep our lamps well supplied with oil!

          1. Amen. God is the only way we will be able to survive. The Devil may win for awhile but God will win in the end and He will come for his children

          2. He missed the opportunity a year or two ago of saving us from the most corrupt individual and administration in the history of this nation. Our current president has fought every day to destroy our democracy so he could be called King. All of the yellow spined representatives and senators are just like trump and they all should be thrown out of their position. None of them are trustworthy.
            We are most fortunate to have a new incoming president who knows how to tell the truth and is a man of his word. Thank the Lord for Joe Biden.

          3. Joe Biden will never be my president, he and his party are nothing but evil criminals and they are going to face God for everything they have done.

          4. I don’t understand what’s wrong with people posting here President Trump lost I know many people voted for him but Joe Biden won regardless if your Republican or a Democrat this country needs to move on

          5. Amen! Whoever Commented by the name of Millard should be shipped to Chona along with Ilhan & Cortez! TRUMP will prevail.

          1. He will never be our President ever, low life corruption should never happen here in our Nation. God help us!

        2. Brenda….God will answer our prayers but remember God’s plan WILL be fulfilled. And what is God’s plan you ask….to hold the world accountable for their sins and turning their back on Him and worshipping idols, self-indulgence, etc. Just yesterday I believe, the new “chaplain” of Congress invoked the Hindu god “Brama” in his closing his “prayer”. This is IDOLATRY. Take heart, God is not mocked. America has sown to the wind and it SHALL reap the whirlwind. Brenda, keep reading your Bible, pray, and seek God’s will for your life. God will take care of everything else.

          1. Charles,thank you for your words and truth! God will not be mocked! Keep your eyes on the eastern sky, they appear that they will be opening soon! AMEN & AMEN! William

      2. I feel the same way. Biden is the worst choice ever for president. He’s not too bright nor healthy. He belongs in a nursing home. I wouldn’t
        Want to see him president if a dog house.

          1. She wasn’t even eligible. Neither parent was a US citizen when she was born. No more than an anchor baby, and that’s not a natural born citizen.

          2. The way this election went purely show how corrupt the left side of government has gotten. Lying about how they won the election even as mountains of evidence keeps pouring in and corrupt people look over it like it never happened

          3. I Agree with President TRUMP
            ❤CHRISTrumPence and US TRUMPlican Lawmakers US 2020/2021 Elected/Reelected Landslides
            Amen & Amen❤

        1. I Agree w/ Sylvia above.
          Joe Biden will never be a president for me, Never, Never
          A sorry excuss for a candidate for president & Harris is also sorry excuss for V.P.
          DOWN FALL FOR OUR NATION??????

          1. Kamela, not a natural born citizen……..indeed. Same story Obama…………….But the democrats seem to love them……like the crook sleepy Alzheimer Joe Biden and his gracious stealing family…..who cares. Even the Republicans seem to be able to make a fist against this…very weak and the millions of people who voted for the. Now even they gave away Georgia….Incredible….they are really helpless.

        2. Not to worry. He won’t be president long. The demonrats want Kamala and they’ll find a way to get rid of Biden, no matter what extreme they have to go to. It’s all a setup!

          1. Pelosi wont want Harris either. If she can get rid of Harris, she will be president. She is third in line for the job, so look out Biden and Harris, Nancy will be coming after you. Ought to be quite a show.

          2. They will throw Sleepy Joe under the bus so Harris can become the President. They only used Biden for his name. Harris is unknown and not liked by many so the Dems used him to get her in.

          3. As Harris is not legally eligible to hold the office of President (neither parent was a citizen of this country , regardless of where Harris was born) Pelosi will suddenly point this out and assume the office of The President as next in line . I believe this was part of her game plan all along . She knew she could never get elected yet she wants that power .

      3. What’s the big deal. No Democrats attended President Trumps inauguration. They weren’t missed. They only would have put a damper on the celebration of a great president. Why would President Trump give credence to a phony president, put in place by a rigged, illegal voting system? More than half the American citizens will not accept China Joe Biden as the legitimate president of the united states. As the number of Independents and rational Democrats realize the election really was rigged the more they don’t consider Biden President. If the Republicans win the Georgia election we may be able to muddle our way through the next four years but if they don’t win and the Democrat Socialist party controls everything no one can predict the future of the Republic.


        1. Trump should not attend the Biden swearing in, nor do the usual welcome among the 4 at the White House. I love the idea of a Trump rally at the same time of the Inauguration.

          1. I hope everyone that attends that rousing speech by our President Trump are so loud that no one will be able to hear China Joe Biden making his speech ! Y’all raise a lot of hell, fly your Confederate flags and have plenty of ammunition for your guns before the Democrats try to take them away from you.

          2. I agree I think that President Trump should not attend nor do I think any of the republican party should attend I think that might speak loud although they’re gonna use it to their spin anyway but it also shows that this is a republic this is the United States of America we the people are not socialist communist cheaters and liars and haters and bully’s and evil doers,God have mercy on this country and We the People

        2. Take names of any republicans attending and remember to remind them of their disloyalty to OUR PRESIDENT AND REPUBLIC every day and in any way that you can think of.

          1. Yes, I am sure McConnell will be kissing the ring. I will be in Washington DC on the 6th January. It is the least I can do to support my president. What has happened to our country? Christopher Ray should have been fired long ago and also Barr. They did nothing when they knew votes were counted outside our country. The do nothing Republicans, (like my Senator John Cornyn) will rue the day he did not support President Trump against this fraud. Also, lets get the names of the congressmen who porked the bill with millions going to foreign countries. They should be held accountable.

        3. For the democrats to think so little of joe Biden that they have to cheat to win an election Says exactly what they think of him. He is a pathetic old pedophile. Never will be my president. Did not get the win fair. Pelosi said before November President Trump would not win and she could guarantee it. She is a disgusting Bitch and didn’t even try to hide the cheating. Congress hasn’t got the guts to stop them. Republican Congress are scared to fight back. That is why Democrats get away with breaking the law.

          1. This is so true, Democrats stole this election and why do they think we are going to sit back and accept this fraud. He will NEVER be my president and Harris will never be my president either. Our country will be in ruin if either of them get into the White House. Sleepy Joe has wanted this for 50 years and now he has stolen his way in there. We CANNOT accept this.

          2. Opal you are a winner, hooray for you for telling as it is, God Bless You and yours.

          3. I think all of us that know how corrupt this election was should keep a record of the Republicans that just kiss the butts of the democrats and when election time comes around, make sure that they aren’t elected for another term and we need to let them know that their actions are what got them “fired”. And we need to do that to every one of them. Most of the people in this country don’t bother to read and find out about what is going on – like for instance that Kamala Harris has close ties with Marxists, communists, Maoists and Socialist so we know what life under her will be like. A group of democrats touting a “Secular America” has sent a 28-page document to the Biden transition team advising him to strip First Amendments rights from Christians who advocate traditional biblical positions on the sanctity of life, marriage and education. Look it up and read it – it will scare the pants off you and this is what some of the people of this country voted for!

          4. Amen….Joe Biden, Hunter Biden, Obama, Hillary, Harris, Pelosi, Schumer, AOC and Squad, the RINO’s, Romney, Kemp, Raffesnburger, Swallwell, who were all traders will get their dues on Judgement Day. Remember, God is watching them.
            God Bless President Trump and all True Republicans.

        4. No, but the other countries, like Iran will be tickled to death that Biden won. Maybe he will give them another 1.5 billion.

          1. Oh for sure they will give them all the money we, the American people, can pay into the government. They are stealing from us just like they stole the election from President Trump!! make no mistake, we are NOT going to stand for the sham.

          2. All the elected in Washington D.C., are employees of the American people. If you don’t do what your employer expects of you, you’ll be out of a job. Do we not have ANY recourse when our employees don’t follow the desires of the people? Looks like we propped open the door to the chicken house, and the foxes are going to devour all the chickens.
            Maybe the chickens should go on strike, and sign up for welfare. ???

        5. very simple, if they really go after Hillary she would take the majority of the corruptors with her AS SHE PROMISSED! tHE RICH CAN’T GET BY all THE TIME someone will show the COBRA she’s NOT too rich to go to jail

      4. I have been hearing for months if not years about corruption in DC. Democrat, Republican, appointed bureaucrats,lobbyists, journalist. When will we see any of these people indicted and/or prosecuted. I am tired of hearing both sides making accusation, claiming that laws have been broken but no one gets indicted. Comey is now a professor at Columbia Univ. I saw him like repeatedly on national TV. Brunner,Clapper, Mc Cabe, and many more. Where are the indictments. Is everyone on the take in DC?? Is there no honest ”men” in DC.. Is Trump the only honest man? The swamp is deep and it is non-partisan. FBI, CIA, all in on the scam. We are in deep trouble here!!

        1. Insurrection ACT needs to be employed immediately! Mr. President, PLEASE. DO. IT!!
          sincerely, George Peabody

          FYI: FRAUD-Election2020 Nationwide: More votes than Registered Voters !!?? = TREASON !
          214 million REGISTERED Voters in the US 2020 election; and, 66% of all Voters [historic Voter turn out], voted in the 2020 election, that equals 141 Registered Voters who voted in the 2020 election.
          President Trump won 74 million votes from REGISTERED Voters; 141-74 = only 67 million votes remaining for Biden. 
          74-67= 7. Biden LOST by about 7-million. Biden total 83-M ? 83-67= 16-M FRAUD votes, I.e., FRAUD computer votes!
          Biden stole the 2020Election with 16-M FRAUD votes from non-existing, non-Registered Voters.
          This means 16 million duplicate or made up ballots were created and counted for Biden!
          Biden,, committed fraud in every imaginable way, but the big steal was in millions of fraudulent votes that were created to steal the election for Biden.  MILLIONS of fake votes exceeding VOTERS!
          President Trump is clearly and lawfully RE-ELECTED 2020 !
          Remember Nov.3 mysterious count shutdown, and ballot dumps in the middle of the night when Trump was up by a landslide?
          2020 will go down as the most corrupt election in U.S. history. An egregious attempt to steal our country= TREASON
          The simple math proves their vicious fraud on every level in multiple states.
          And Patriots must take a stand to stop this theft. Support immediate implementation of the Insurrection Act against this TREASONOUS ELECTION FRAUD ! Arrest them all, and, after short but fair trial, hang them all high!
          Suspects include: Bidens,, Obamas,, Clintons,, Soros,, DNC/Pelosi,, justice John Roberts,, FBI,, Complicit MEDIA,

          1. I’m all for martial law in those 5 states with military running new election with only legitimate voters then we will see who won.TRUMP 2020.

          2. The fraud is bigger than that, I have been watching this weeks before the election here in Pennsylvania, when a saw a story on the local news about a temporary mailperson got caught throwing away mail in votes for the election, in his own trash. His neighbors reported him after seeing numerous trash bags that he was tossing out for about a month. The inspected the last dump and found 7.000 votes for Trump, and a few for Biden. I also saw the steal from the first 2 states the very first night, Michigan, and Wisconsin were stolen as we slept. If you followed the election with the yahoo map, it would tell you how many votes were cast and the % of the voted counted. Very first night New Hampshire turned blue, with 0% counted. That nasty senator threatened republican senators that want to contest the election. There were fake votes sent in from China that they bought from someone here, there were voted flipped from Trump to Biden and the evidence keeps pouring in. In the end Trump may overturn it because he did not get his day in court, and no one will see the evidence, when there is tons of it… Biden could only get about 30 million votes tops, and that is pushing it because he only has 20 million twitter followers when Trump has 88.6 million followere

          3. The Democrats have been planning this for a long time. You don’t print out 16 million ballots overnight. I probably would take months to print out that many. This is not something that happened overnight.


        2. How can the American people get justice from all the liars and cheaters when the majority of the departments of justice and the SCOTUS are on the take!

          1. I think only Chief Justice Roberts is. He has to of been on the take for a long time. Probably since obama care he wont stop it even knowing it was a faud. Did he get paid or threatened for his family?? He has gone with the left for sometime. He needs to retired since I believe he is a traitor to our county and the American people. And yes Trump shouldnt be there just do his own thing . I will not listen to the other side if they get in. I am americam not there slave to take my money for themselfs. and destory our country. I asked God everynight to come back and help us. Please God don’t let this happened to us and this country.

      5. Yes, it HAS TO STOP!
        But the APATHY of MOST “Let someone else do the work” lazy “republicans” and the “RINO” state of
        M A N Y
        elected “Never-Trumpers” have brought the Country to this state of affairs, and I hate to say it, but these scumbags to whom I referred above are going to get the Government that they deserve!
        Sadly also, it is YOU and I – the TRUE PATRIOTS – who are going to suffer the most.

        BRING ON 2024!!!!!
        Lynn E. Utah

      6. Biden will only be the President for a short time. This is the Democrats plan:
        In a short time in office Biden will step aside so Kamala can move up to be the first female & first black President of the USA. Who will be moved to VP? Well that will be Pelosi, Obama, Sanders, Warren or Clinton. God help America.

        1. Please, don’t let this happen to America. We need to fight & help President Trump to clean the Swamp.
          God help us ,Thank you

        1. I’m willing to stand against BLM and their lapdogs antifa. If they want a fight, I say bring it. Both of these terrorist groups are backed by the democRATs and are their useful idiots. Their ideology and tactics are right out of the communist play book. This type of scum is not welcome in any civilized society. I say if they push, we should push back HARD!

      7. marxist ,communist demoncrat’s =10 planks of karl marx communism since 1920 w.w. wilson (cfr)
        2nd Peter 2:19 kjv! lie and only give BONDAGE!

      8. You are 100% wright. Can’t believe for a minute this corruption is allowed, And if it is to be allowed, The United States will fall. Go Trump we pray for another four years.

      9. agree marilyn.tHe demoracts and liberals and news media never respected our president trump. now if biden comes in we are to respect biden. never he never won trump won in a landslide. biden will never be our president and join his socialist was all a fraud.i hope they overturn this election so trump continues to be our president.hope the two republican senators win in GEORGIA .god we need you now and ever.

      10. If anything happens to “The Big Guy”, Kamela becomes Pres. Let’s just pray that elected Republicans give Sleepy Joe and the “ho” the same treatment the LCD’s (Lying Communist democrats) and Lying Media gave President Trump for four years. Primary any RINO in 2022 who didn’t support our President and vote them out of office, along with ANY Republican elected official who cooperates with this illegitimate criminal on any action he takes. TakeAmericaBackAgain

      11. There was no fraud. A lot of people were turned of because Trumps lies and behaviors. That is why he lost. Not everybody that supported him in 2016 voted for him in 2020. You don’t follow or support people blindly without using your brain. You have to use your own brain, eyes and sense. You can just follow blindly as if you’re stupid. You also don’t allow anyone to play on your intelligent. Be smart; use your brains. Stop all these lies of you’re selling. It is tearing our country apart. Don’t forget that all the positions like Presidency, senators and congress seats are all on the same form. Republicans won some seats in the congress. If there was fraud how does machines change only president names . There is no machine like that. Please think about this. Let us not be jumping on these band wagon of lies. Let us use our brain that God has given us freely and think before running with these lies that president is spreading. As a Christian every one need to stop and think. Trump will not die for any of us, why should any of us put our lives on the line for someone who is not loyal to us. A word is enough for the wise. Let us have conscience. Our country is more important than any one man please.

        1. Ifeoma, please enough of the silly rhetoric. This is not a banana country. Americans went with this lie because they are gullible. They went with other national lies, like the assassination of JFK; 911 and other historical events that were lies concocted by people in power. President Trump knew he had enemies. Yes, God has given us brains to figure things out but, God is not coming here to run for office for us. That does not mean the dems did not lie and fraudulently interfere with the election process. Get it!

      1. That can only happen if PTriots come together and March on Washington 70,000 strong I would join that but because of the Dems it would be hard for us all to get there. We could also defy them in force. Speak up tell the Washington elites NO to their communist agenda.

      2. We have a movement to stop the rigged election. The supreme Court, controlled by head justice John Roberts doesn’t want to hear it. They refuse to do their job. Perhaps a concerned citizens march on Washington to the supreme court building would remind them that they work for the citizens and it’s time for them to defend the Constitution and the Republic. If we can’t wake them up I don’t see a way ahead but I will never accept a crooked politician elected by a rigged election as my president.

    2. There must be more to this than meets the eye. Why isn’t our President declaring Marshall Law. This would put a stop to everything and he could then call for a re-vote in the five states monitored by the military. Maybe he doesn’t feel he has the support of the military. This massive voter fraud can’t go down in history. It has to be over-turned before it’s too late. I hope he doesn’t wait until the last minute counting on help from the congress and senate. I think we all know how that will turn out.

      1. I totally agree,I wrote a reply on Facebook n they deleted it quickly it was all about Marshall Law n directly to President Trump n why it’s a must etc!Will see if this will go through!❤️

    3. I couldn’t agree with you more. The Biden family are ALL corrupt. This election sham should not be allowed to persist. John Roberts should have had the balls to take this case on and expose this fraud. He’s a whimp!

      1. He is probably getting a kickback from the Democratic Party . He could’ve voted against the ACA, overturn the abortion law. What makes you think he choose otherwise?

    4. 1. Our president was confronted with a joint effort from both the democrats and republicans who are in politics for the money and power not for the country.
      2. The rich will never pay their fair share. Our politicians are part of the rich and the tax laws will never change to force the rich to pay more.
      3. The middle class again will eventually pay the price for the liberal folly.

      1. The collective wealth of the United States is in the Middle Class. That is the group that will disappear after Biden gets elected. Find the countries that have no Middle Class and see what kind of government that runs them. That might give a clue where the USA is headed.

        1. The National Debt stands at $22 trillion. 22 trillion seconds is 698,000 years. The world is moving away from the USD as the Reserve Currency. Cost of imports will rise dramatically. Not a good thing when the the Biden administration policies will force manufacturing off shore, undoing what President Trump has accomplished.

    5. Exactly. He is not a legal president and not mine or the whore of babylon. Crazy joe will be removed or killed by an overdose or something.

    6. What a sham. You have the support of over half of voting Americans Mr. President. We can hardly wait for 2024>
      Sasse & Romney take a hike – Utah will never re elect you you are fraud to y0ur faith and your tsate

    7. You got that right. All the Biden’s are crooks and I include Jill Biden since she knew what was going on and what her husband and Hunter were doing.

    8. These people that talk about a 2024 election make me laugh. Once the New World Order or Great ReSet is installed we will all be on our way to the Fourth Industrial Revolution and slavery. We won’t be worried about another rigged election. Doesn’t anyone do any research, do your really think this is just an other election. Its over after this folks, America will no longer be America. Klaus Schwab the founder and CEO of the World Economic Forum is behind this transformation and COvid19 was the tool that they used. There will never be a return to normal. Wake up people do your homework.

      1. grace I applaude you, and all the other Ladies that step forth and comment on this discraseful Biden family activities.

    9. For the democrats to think so little of joe Biden that they have to cheat to win an election Says exactly what they think of him. He is a pathetic old pedophile. Never will be my president. Did not get the win fair. Pelosi said before November President Trump would not win and she could guarantee it. She is a disgusting Bitch and didn’t even try to hide the cheating. Congress hasn’t got the guts to stop them. Republican Congress are scared to fight back. That is why Democrats get away with breaking the law.

    10. I think that the people should decide the winner of this corrupt election. It should not be corrupt and immoral politicians, judges, and mainstream media. We the people should demand a run-off election in the contested states. That is the only way that this election would be legal. It should be we the people who decide our destiny and the future of the United States. All this talk of the 2024 election is moot because this will already be a one party nation or possibly worse a communist nation. Wake up people!!

    11. We all need to back President Trump on this move to keep from having a socialist society becoming a reality. This is the only way to save our country , our AMERICA. “BACK TRUMP”

    12. Neither will this household. Won’t watch any so called speech of that doddering old socialist or his communist heels up partner.

    13. Me either. I don’t know if you watch Fox News with Tucker Carlson. They had a Navy person Bobalinski that told all about the crimes with the Biden Family. I sure hope he watches his back. I think he said he had a secret clearance, I think it was, and he got OUT. He didn’t want to put his career in jeopardy. I hope all this comes out before anyone is declared president. As far as I’m concerned this election was rigged from the beginning.
      We sure didn’t want a president that is controlled by the Chinese. I’m still praying every night that President Trump[ will be our president for the next four years. In fact, I wish he could be president for ever, but that changed when FDR was elected four times.

    14. We support you 100% boycott the
      Phoney Inaug almost eighty million or more people support you. We can’t believe this is happening in the USA. Joe Biden will be an ILLEGITIMATE PRES

    15. Joe Biden will never be my president– He is a crook and I don’t totally blame him but I do blame the democrats for this illegal election because I don’t think he (Joe Biden) is smart enought to dream up all this illegal mess that went on so I blame the Democrats for all this wrong doings on them and their wrong doings will turn on them eventually and I want to be around when that happens to enjoy the payback.

    16. Biden was not the choice by the people. He was the choice if corrupt individuals. Their names will come out with the evidence and they will face justice in this lifetime or the next. Justice will prevail and so will our President Donald J Trump.

    17. That’s the only way anyone could beat Trump, Tobit illegally. The man hasn’t done shit in 47 years, but steal from the taxpayers. After 6 months they will put him out to pasture and that sleeping ass bitch Karmela will bring this Country into socialism with the rest radical left. They will have a surprise because the true American People will not take this sitting down.

    18. How do I say this? If you do get to be president it will be for a short time as the tribulation starts this year and the Antichrist will be in charge. You Democrats wanted it you got it. I Just Praise Jesus Christ that I accepted his gift of Salvation and that I will be raptured to meet him in the clouds and take him to heaven for the tribulation along with those that are dead in Christ. May God bless Israel and keep them safe if they have to go through the wrath of God.

    19. Biden will never be my President, Fuck him and communist-socialist democrat political party from hell.

    20. President Donald J Trump has only one last chance, but he will not use this chance because he is not leftist democrat oportunist only stupid believer who wants to be honest. But honest loses with the theacherous and betrayers – leftist democrats and the bribered republicans. About one last chance I mean Coup d’etat which spectaculary has happened in Congress. In The USA constitution this situation requires the Constitutional Presidential Order against it which he has got. Alas, President Donald J Trump doesn’t want to be President for 4 More Years indeed to save America and the world before The communist-globalist annihilation, he decided to step down.
      Cowardice !!!

    21. Agreed! I will be boycotting the Inauguration also. I think EVERY true Patriot should turn if off. They want to silence our voice. Let’s give thim airwave silence during the inauguration. Turn electronics off; make it felt!

  1. It is unreal to me that a criminal family will be in our white house. He cheated his way in. Our supreme court needs to be hung by their balls for allowing this to happen. Take away their black robes and throw them into the street just another bunch of criminals just like the bidens. They didn’t even listen, Trump should of been allowed to present his evidence, but no they were bought off to deniy him his rights. the American people deserve to have their voices heard in the courts. If joe Biden and his criminal family should succeed we can say good bye to America because the china government which the Biden’s owe trillions of dollars to will move in and take America away. We will all be slaves to china. The blood will be on the supreme court for not to the job America paid them to do. And it won’t be Joe biden in office it will be Obama all over again. You stupid people out there who voted for this criminal are as guilty as the democrat party is and you will deserve it when biden takes everything away from you. Look at what you have already lost well get ready because the worst is about to happen when you are end up in the streets with nothing but the clothes on your back. Don’t cry me a river because you were warned.

      1. The Biden crime family belongs UNDER the jail as part of the foundation, not in the jail enjoying free everything. Take the Clinton crime family and the Obama crime family as well and put them under the same jail.

    1. I agree, why not the Democrats got away with spying on us and cheating ,bunch of liars and George Soros and his crime Nazis is very true and real. CIA, FBI , President Trump has tried to free us but it’s beyond his hands now. I’m afraid, Soros said he will bring down the United States, and now he has.

    2. Sorry to say we’ve had a corrupt and criminal first family in our White House before, the Clintons.
      Biden isn’t an elected president but sadly the election fraud is so wide spread that he may be sworn in as a faux president being manipulated by his Marxist handlers.
      Not only is Quid pro Joe a puppet for the Marxists, he is also a demented shell of a man who doesn’t know where he is half of the time.
      We cannot allow the socialist democrats to undermine our election system with their blatant election fraud and massive cheating or we’ll never have free and fair elections again.
      Biden is Not my president, RESIST!

      1. I agree with you Phil. but don’t forget kamala will be president and she is nothing more than a twit who is corrupt and only cares for serving herself just like Hillary.

      2. Agree totally. However, we saw the “Resist” bumper stickers for the last four years. Now we need “REVOLT” bumper stickers.
        If Lyin’ Biden gets in, we can change our country’s name to Cheating States of America (CSA).

    3. Obiden or joebama is only a box office sleeper to fulfill the demoncrats real mission which is to make Harris the president and take over congress woe to America because that’s what happens when you kick God the Bible and prayer out of schools and allow evolution to be taught as well as acceptance of what God called an abomination

    4. I agree with everything except it wasn’t Democrat voters that have won this election, it was fraud and Democratic politicians and judges. If there were a runoff election in the contested states, Trump would win by a landside. That is what we as Americans should demand. Government should be By the People and For the People. Not politicians, media, and most of all Supreme Court Judges.


    6. Trump will always be the President. I’m ready for the civil war and willing to fight for our country. I’m a 65 years young female. If I’m ready the rest of you need to stand up.

      1. Amen Whitewidow, I am 93 years young and ready to go to war. we all need to be ready and have guns and ammo ready/


      1. Civil war is coming. Biden is bad but a person who slept themselves to power is much worse.although watching her “negotiate” with other leaders could be amusing.

  2. I agree 100 % with President Trump!
    Its unbelivable that this can happen in The United States Of America!
    Dear Lord, help US!

    1. I agree Charles – I think that Trump will be running the country from the DC silent office. He will have all his followers with him and Biden and Demo. will not stand a chance as long a Trump is running the show. Biden is nothing but a puppet with no common sense and at least he will be gone soon. Dimentia will and has already taken it toll on him. His wife and family should have known better than to let him be seen by the general public
      due to his condition. He cannot retire with dignity or grace. He deserves to go and will be gone soon and she will not take hold of the white house because she will need a lot of help and I don’t think she will get the help she wants.

  3. Biden is a Usurper of the Office of President and he is a fraud. He is an illegitimate president elect. It is the duty of our Congress to declare he is illegitimate to our nation and the world.

    1. your representatives to challenge the electoral certifications. They must be challenged & overturned!!!

      1. Would be like talking to a brick wall! Mitch and his ‘old guard’ will play possum when it comes to saving our country and the constitution! Don’t look to the justice system, either! The justice system is also TAINTED!! Our country is filled with corruption in every nook and crany, in my opinion! We need NEW BLOOD – the old don’t seem to give a rat’s a$$ about America and her citizens! We need 100 Josh Hawleys!

  4. This is the greatest tragedy most recently that has come upon America. Indeed the big government components are beginning to take over in Washington and are starting to choke out our free republic and government by the will of the people will soon no longer exist upon the face of the earth. These people have done us and the rest of the world a great disfavor in erupting with their socialistic, communistic, and fascist disorders. They have wronged the people the government once established has cease to do what it was intended to do and for no trivial reason have they stolen our rights , our liberties and our freedoms as established in our Declaration of Independence and our Constitution. It is our responsibility if we intend to hold on to our God given liberty to stand for what is right and to take action, to stand against tyranny which has most definitely leaked into our once well built government but that no longer exists only a shell of liberty is left and only lips service from the most hypocritical of people who would have us to believe they have not wrongfully treated us and in such a vile way stolen from us what our government once promised, provided and protected. Everyone needs to take a moment and read what the wise Thomas Jefferson warned us of and advised us to do In the Declaration of Independence

  5. To attend a possible democrat inaugural address or watch it on the media, might be construed as validating the election.
    Why should true Americans validate the election of a politician who is an outright liar and fraudulently received the most votes due to the lies of his party and the unscrupulous media?

  6. I don’t want any of these Dems that are far left of freedom ,liberty,and justice for all in power! They are the dam swamp of utter corruption,from the Clinton’s on up!.Why!! They are all free is a discrace e to our constitution .,a slap in every law abiding person in our great also tells the rest of the world that our system of government and our constitution.will fail and the free world is lost to corrupt dictators , Russian and china ! And our own people.who are sworn to protect, and up hold our constitution,God help us and bless America.

    1. lets go back a few years jimmy asshole carter made the way for Clinton to be president the DAMN DRAFT DODGER Carter gave all draft dodgers amnesty instead he should have taken one rope and hang them all I served in Nam as a rat 5 long hard years while these draft dodger did not serve and condemned the Americans who did WHAT A FUCKING JOKE

  7. Sad part is our own SCOTUS has fallen into the socialist hate of America and our true Justice system. This tells me we will no longer have true judtice but the communist justice by a sloven Dictator. The past four years have been the most strange in my 86 years as I’ve watched the America I grew up in and served get blindsided by the exact ones we swore to never be overpowered but many of our own people have turned on this country for one hell of a ride into the throws of hell and yet they think communism is the answer. All will be equal no rich or powerful what a downright stupid thing that is as if they will only look at China,Russia or N.Korea they will be looking at this countries future under the Socialist Devilrats rule.

  8. If Biden had won the election legitimately, I would have had to accept him as POTUS, even though my vote and loyalty is to President Trump. However. that is not what happened and therefore Joe Biden is not my President! His calls for unity will go unanswered as they have for the past four years. He deserves nothing more than he and his cronies gave. Prayers and love to President Trump.

    1. Biden and Harris should get what they deserve BIDDEN A COCK, BACK AND ASS WHIPPING 1500 STRIPES ADMISTERED 150 PER DAY ON MONDAY WEDNESSDAY AND 200 0N FRIDAY


  9. Fuck biden and harris, karmas a bitch, when it bites them in the ass it will prove how strong our country is…donald trump 2020…

  10. This is so sad to me that the Supreme Court wouldn’t even look at President Trumps case, what does that say, only more corruption. Biden is getting away with so much and his corrupt son. We won’t watch Biden’s Inauguration . In my eyes, he is not our president. It looks like Cheaters won and our hands are tied.
    President Trump has always had our interests and our country’s interest first and foremost. It will be a very long 4 years with Biden and the Laughing Hyena.
    We are so disappointed with this election, I won’t ever trust another. This is the worse we’ve ever seen. Such haters out there. You will get what you deserve. So sorry for us that we will have to be on the receiving end of this.
    President Trump, we love you and hope you run again because we need you!

    1. John Roberts was the one who denied the President his day in court, not the entire court. Roberts should be but won’t be impeached, he is a partisan hack just like the MSM. Had the entire court hear the Presidents case he would be the one being inaugurated on Jan. 20. Remember Roberts was the one who stated the “fine” in Obamacare was a “tax” and therefor perfectly legal. On top of all this, he’s had a personal vendetta against the President who called him out on multiple occasions.

      1. Judge Robert’s juts put a end to his and probably his fellow colleagues. In a socialist country Supreme Court judges are not needed but then again neither is the FBI. CIA etc. if he thinks he is not replaced. Watch. What you all need to do is contact your senators to reject mr Biden’s electoral votes on January 6th. And if they don’t stand vote them out

    How would anyone with half a brain think that PRESIDENT DONALD TRUMP would attend A criminal inauguration…. There are TOO MANY TRUMP SUPPORTERS … YOU WILL LOSE democRAT, Communists

  12. Isn’t there one America loving sharp shooter out there someplace? I know it’s not the right way, but it may be the only way to stop Joe, and the ho from destroying our country.

    1. I’ve read so many comments under videos on youtube and there are thousands that are locked and loaded and are not going to take this sitting down. Many refuse to be led off to slaughter like sheep. And thats what they intend. People should start to organize. Contact General Flynn. Many do on twitter, not sure what other platforms he’s on.

    2. Be very Careful of what you say . I also.believe The COMMIE CRATS. Stole the election .but Watch what you put on any Social media

  13. we may as well be under Russia than be under a Biden administration and cameltoe harris is even worse. Those crooks will never be MY president or vice president all those crooked SOB’s democrats should be put before a firing squad and shot with loads of cow shit so they will be right at home in the shit hole they came from

  14. The dems stole the election I will never vote again unless
    A trump is on the ticket the Republicans don’t fight and the Democrats will lie and cheat to get power I feel like I’m in china

  15. Let us not forget that Joe Biden may not last but a few months before he is replaced by Kamala Harris, who because she was not elected president could use the same type of fraud we have seen in this election to serve not only the remainder of this term but 2 additional terms. One can only begin to imagine what our country will deteriorate to over 11+ years of socialist leadership

  16. I still believe Donald Trump should start his own third party. The dems as well as many repubs are corrupt and neither party should be running this country. The only way to drain the swamp is to get rid of them all. Joe Biden will NEVER BE OUR LEGITIMATE PRESIDENT. Remember they work for us. We voted and told who we wanted to run our country and they cheated and ignored us.

    1. Yes and that third party should be a true conservative or the patriot party. Since we have Demon rats and independents, what is wrong with having a fourth party that is know as the conservative party. I agree with you in the fact that there are so many republicans that are no better and in some cases worse than the so called moderate demons that I don’t understand why they don’t just join the demons(Mitt Romney. Lisa Mulcalsky, Susan Collins) just to name a few. We need a few brave souls in congress who are willing to give the fake Bit me and headboard Harris administration the same treatment that was shown to the Presidents administration. Problem is just how many would be willing to fight because when you look at what is going on now it is as if none of them have any kind of backbone. Pray for our Country and our President and GOD BLESS THIS NATION.

  17. The great American dream turns into the worst American tragedy we could ever imagine is about to turn into reality because of immense FRAUD in our election process and the people turning a blind eye to the obvious FRAUD within allowing an illegitimate election to stand. AMERICA will succumb under the Biden criminal Presidency! Good by America as we have known her. I cry for her;(((((

  18. Biden must be Impeached immediately. Let’s decide all the reasons later. Election fraud could be brought out under oath.

  19. Joe Biden is not my President. The Nation knows what happened. All the Republican’s, and Never Trumpets that refused to help should be hunted down, and hung. I mean that. America you have become an embarrassment, and just in two months.

  20. Slow Joe is the most corrupt pile of shit this country has ever seen and will never be a legitimate president in America . We need to treat him and the Ho the way they treated Trump the last 4 years . Start the impeachment process now. Time for Congress to get it done or face the wrath of the American people . A couple water boarding sessions should bring them around to normal thinking . Hope you idiots on the left are reading these comments . Civil war is on the horizon in America . You clowns will reap what you see sewn the last 4 years .

  21. Good Morning I’ve heard enough of Bullshit the American People wake up it’s time to take back America we can’t let that corrupt family and these dems turn this country into socialism and don’t forget what china has done to the world we must stop ✋✋

    1. Do NOT give up your guns at any cost. We have to be able to fight. People have to start planning on organizing.

  22. I will never ever consider Joe Biden our President,for the ugly corrupt way the democrats managed to weasel their way in.Too much money has been paid out for all this corrupt money to keep the swamp monglers in the White House.America is going to be in a very sad place while the democrats ruin what President Trump did for the American People in his term of Presidency!!!

  23. Courts will not look at the evidence. Sixty per cent of Americans say their was voter fraud, 70% of the rest know that their was massive voter fraud but lie that there wasn’t for that is what they do – lie. That leaves about 15% that do not know or do not care.
    This is unique in that massive voter fraud has been proven. Thousands of Americans have signed affidavits where they have witnessed voter fraud. All the voting machines have been used to switch the winner from Trump to Biden. Math does not lie, people do.
    So not allowing the seven contested states; Pennsylvania, Michigan, Wisconsin, Arizona, Nevada, North Carolina and Georgia to be not counted is Constitutional. Deal with it. Crybabies.

  24. Corruption rules the USA and the Supreme Court is a useless entity and all should be sent on their way to live out their lives as being known as a part of the corrupt Democrat Party.

    1. I couldn’t agree more defund the supreme court’s department. They have proved how worthless they are. Save the tax payers money

  25. China pedofile Biden will never be my president. The Clinton’s, Obama’s, Bidens and all the liberal left should be rotting in jail. But at least they all have reservations in hell being held for them.

  26. Agree on election fraud and the corruption that runs to the core of the Democratic Party. However, you cannot look past the fact that the Republican Party is no better off with the swamp rhinos failing to stand up and fight and not bend over as usual. In fact had they gotten behind Trump as hard as the democraps did it would be a different story. The same old tired line of fighting for the “American people is a worn out tire line of bs..”. That is why I am no longer a republican after this election. We will never see another president in our history accomplish as much keep as many promises and move this country back to the top … the corruption will take us down to third world levels …… drain the swamps day become an independent!!

  27. Great to see that the circus is coming to a conclusion and that Trump will be packing his deranged mind and deflated ego and moving on. Unfortunate that he decided to play the most expensive golf game in history by delaying his approval of COVID 19 relief just long enough to cost millions of needy beneficiaries $300 in inadequate support. With any luck American will never again be foolish enough to expose itself to such a disgraceful leader. Arguing that there is fraud simply because your guy lost is simply stupid.

    1. whose ass do you have your head up. Are you that stupid not to understand what is happening to this country. If you are so hot for the socialist agenda then pack your bags and find a country that is the perfect fit( China, Cuba, Russia, Iran} since you think that dictators know the best way to run a country. You do understand don’t you that you will not benefit, only the elite will and you will be nothing more than a pee on with no power. Wake up, you have been brainwashed by the democrat party and the msm. Also it was piglosi who held up any type of help for the people and now they are just waiting for their kickbacks from the lobbyist for adding all of the unnecessary pork to the bill. Stop listening to just one side of the debate and if you did that you may find that things will be going to hell in a hand basket thanks to the democrats if they succeed and get into the WH.

    2. Your the stupid one and you will fine out when biden destory america he already going to be China’s little bitch

    3. Hey Mike FLYNN

      FUCK YOU!! We’re gonna come into DC and throw these cheating, lying, self-serving sons o bitches right out into the street to waiting throngs of Happy Trump supporters who will have noose bound ropes already over the branches of the closest large trees. Public hanging for the wretched swamp creatures. Hang em all. HANG THEM HIGH

  28. Does no one recognize that if there was election fraud on the level suggested that the Democrats are clearly the most effective political machine in history and likely should be the government if for no other reason than this.,while the Republicans were entirely unsuccessful in their effort to suppress the vote the democrats were able muster their efforts to success. Is no one not impressed with the ability of the Democrats to subvert the election, surely an operation involving thousands of collaborators, without a single one coming forward to admit their role in the dastardly deed. Give your head a share. Despite Republican arithmetic that suggests that 80,000,000 is less than 70,000,000, two plus two really does equal four.and anyone with am IQ to the north of Trump’s popularity ratings should recognize that.

    1. Mr. Flynn. I take you are a Democrat? I would be ashamed to be a Democrat! You have no idea ‍♂️ what is coming when Biden takes office. What did he say on Day 1? Oh yeah, that’s right! Raise your taxes! Well, good luck paying higher taxes buddy. And he said he has the galls to resign after taking office? He and Harris went through all that trouble to undermine Trump. That is down right rotten just as the Democratic Party has become. Oh, you are right. The Republican Party is no better neither

  29. Does no one recognize that if there was election fraud on the level suggested that the Democrats are clearly the most effective political machine in history and likely should be the government if for no other reason than this.While the Republicans were largely unsuccessful in their effort to suppress the vote, the democrats were able ride their efforts to success. Is no one not impressed with the ability of the Democrats to subvert the election, surely an operation involving thousands of collaborators, without a single one coming forward to admit their role in the dastardly deed. Give your head a share. Despite Republican arithmetic that argues that 80,000,000 is less than 70,000,000, two plus two still equals four, black is black and white is white
    and anyone with a basic IQ to the north of Trump’s popularity ratings should recognize this.

    1. To Mike: Joek Obiden and the Lie-beral DEMONocrat Syndicate CHEATED LIKE HELL. That nullifies their numbers. An honest blind man would see that. Your logic is flawed.

    2. Dude. Why are you repeating your posts? Are you a robot of the Democratic Party? Are you trying to convince us that Mr. Biden will be a better President? If you are a Democrat…that is fine but don’t come here and spew your narrative that Mr. Biden won this election fair and square. Before this pandemic hit… President Trump had this country thriving and BAM! the pandemic hits and the stock market crashes and where did this virus come from? Right! China! If you think Biden and China didn’t have a hand in taking down in an election year… you are blinded by what you reap. Oh, by the way, do you know that there are Democrat registered voters fleeing to the Republican Party because they don’t like what their political party has become. It has become a cesspool of hatred, bigotry and racism. Defund the police, support abortion and don’t believe in the death penalty? The Democratic Party had become the alternate party for America. Think about that before you spew rhetoric here

  30. If Joek Obiden and the Lie-beral DEMONocrat Syndicate manage to steal the presidency, Joek will undo everything that Trump managed to accomplish. So, if Trump runs again in 2024 and wins (I don’t see how that can happen because the demons have obviously taken over our voting system), Trump would have to undo all the damage done by the DEMONocrats; just like he did because of osama bin obomma. And Trump would be 4 years older with even less energy. Whether Trump wins again or not, I predict that he will be the last Republican President.

  31. Mike flynn ,
    You are just another ” USEFUL IDIOT ” , that is described in the Saul Alinsky , Rules for Radicals .
    Obama proved that Rules for Radicals really works well , as he LURED 98% of the Black vote into
    becoming ” USEFUL IDIOTS ” in casting their vote for him .
    What did he do for these USEFUL IDIOTS after USING THEM TO GET ELECTED ?
    Well , obama helped them by DESTROYING THOUSANDS OF JOBS and many of them lost their homes
    and ended up on food stamps.
    What do you think that Criminal Joe and hoe will do to help you ?
    Both plan on raising your taxes , taking your guns , and put you back on food stamps .
    FED ?

    1. Patriot, thanks for thinking 98% of Black people voted for Obama, but seems like a whole lot of White people voted for his sorry ass too. In retrospect, it’s almost the same thing the Luciferian media is saying now that a high percentage of blacks voted for Shady Joe Biden and Hoe Kamala which is an outright lie. Close to 25 Million black people voted for President Trump. Mostly all of NC, SC and FL voted for the President so overwhelmingly that it was clear and without question who the winner is in these states. “Think” before you put your foot in your big IDIOT mouth.

  32. Any hope of a ‘come-back’ election for Donald Trump is a ‘false’ hope. Kamala Harris will have taken the presidency by then and she’s more vicious than any other member in government. Having stolen this election, the Dems will move on to have Pres Trump arrested and jailed on ‘trumped up charges’. The ‘paid-off’ judges will condemn him, of course. No matter the support or out-cry of the citizens, the Dems will do as they darn well please. They’ll confiscate our guns, shred our Constitution by making changes that benefit only themselves, open the borders and–create massive poverty throughout the nation. Then, we ‘Elders’ can sit by, in our cardboard boxes, and watch the ‘Elite’ party their lives away!! Masses will die of disease and starvation. That’s OK–according to Nancy, they’ve already lived long enough anyway. The ‘young’ will belong to a ‘slave’ nation and be told what they’re ‘suitable’ to do for their life’s work. Not a world worth living in and, certainly, not one to bring children into!!

  33. I am writing this comment at 1145 am. Watch the time it says it was posted. Weird where are these comments going. Yuck.

  34. Creepy Joe will NEVER be my President and his slut wife should be standing on the street corner instead of being in the White House . This PERV says , unity , yea right , we’ll give CREEPY Joe and his RADICAL , SOCIALISTS the SAME unity as the dems gave President Trump !!!!

  35. If Biden is sworn in and Kamala is just a brain freeze away from the presidency, they may become president and vice president of the land called America. They will NOT be my president and VICE president.

  36. I don’t envy Joe Biden. If he lives that long he has 4 years of hell ahead of him. He promised stupid, young college kids that he would forgive their student loans. He promised BLM’s he would defund the police. He promised 10 million illegals entry into the United States.

    Besides that he has 75 million voters who voted for Trump, only to have their votes tossed out the window.

    For 4 years we have heard nothing but Trump and the Russian Collusion, which they could never prove. Then we find out about his own China Collusion, which can be proved. We are not going to shut up and we are not going to go away.

  37. Joe Biden and Kamala Harris will never be my president. I will not cry and scream at the top of my lungs in public but I will not abide a stolen election.

  38. Maybe this is end times because antifa, blm, and the Proud Boys all agreed “F*ck Biden,” I will not accept this illegitimate, fraudulent, communist administration. Nor will I pay taxes. The dems seemed to like “resist.” how will they do with complete anarchy? Truckers not delivering to DC and surrounding areas. Start a neighborhood watch and build it into a militia. Don’t accept this, I know that it’s easier to just acquiesce, but being a slave isn’t for me.

    1. Well said! Thank you for your service. We were not made to be slaves or to be controlled by tyrants. That is what our fore fathers fought for and then wrote a Declaration to protect us from such evils. But more importantly is this Declaration was written by God-fearing men which was ordained before our Father in Heaven. We are to protect the Constitution from enemies foreign and domestic. That is all of our responsibility.

  39. No DAV, the logic isn’t flawed. Perhaps skewed a bit, but think of this. If Mueller COULD have proven Russian collusion, Trump would probably have been impeached yes? So he was laying out why Biden should be..once he’s inaugurated if he is. China collusion, they own Dominion and Soros owns Smartmatic. Connect the dots.

  40. Guess what Harris will not be president it will be Pelosi scary huh I would say there is no way Pelosi will stand by and let Harris become president. God help us.

  41. Biden May be president for a short time, then Harris will take over for a short time, then by hook or by crook, Obama will take over, as he has planned to do all along! Biden and Harris are his “ stooges”, they do as HE says! He admitted as much on the hack Colberts’ show. He is so arrogant, he believes he is God, above the law! No one can touch him, he “ thinks”, because he has gotten away with major fraud for many, many years! This stolen election is HIS plan, and he wants to rule the world, not just the u.s.!

  42. Just sick like everyone else. Not worth living if this takes place and pray that Trump listens to Flynn and uses the insurrection act. Just pray something good happens. Either way there will be rioting and what we saw this past year, riots, burning in cities, destruction will continue and Kamala said this will go on no matter what. So we do need to fight as Patriots for what we believe as Trump would say “ what do we have to lose? “ Nothing at this point.
    GOD BLESS PRESIDENT TRUMP he fought and we must too!

  43. We, lost along time ago, we just didn’t know it.
    This has been going on for a long time, just came to a head, with TRUMP because he wouldn’t go along with the master plan, they couldn’t buy him, nor scare him.
    Like they have to everyone else, even the supreme court.

  44. Well if the people of the US set by and allow this to happen then I truly feel sorry for us
    We, our children and grandchildren will wake up in a socialist dictatorship
    All the blood, sweet, tears and lives lost over all the centuries to keep American free from such socialist dictatorship will have been for nothing
    We will owe all those people a apology!!!
    Want to see what life will be like
    Look at Cuba,!!!!
    I pray that GOD will have mercy on us for our stupidities
    Maybe we will get the backbone of our forefathers and stand up and take our nation back
    GOD bless American

  45. Biden is weak and a coward china already owns him and he not even president yet he will never be my president

  46. This is not the end, no one should give up hope. A few weeks ago I read that Trump has 85.6 million followers on the POTUS twitter account and since the election around 330.000 no longer follow him. Biden has around 20.1 million followers and he is demanding that Trump’s followers be transferred to his twitter account. This is proof that there is no way in hell did he get 80 million votes, when he doesn’t even have the supporters, and he is trying to cover it up, but the Democrats are so evil they may try to do that, I do not think that Biden understands how twitter actually works. Once you join twitter, you tell them what you like and dislike, then they suggest people and events to follow, the main page where people tweet is where you can choose who and who not to follow. Biden and Harris started to show up in my twitter notifications, I was so angry I blocked them. If you get any tweets from these criminals I suggest you do the same. Trump is tweeting from @therealdonaldtrump and is no lomger using the POTUS account. I do believe they are going to continue to bury “the steal” we have taken enough abuse from the left. I say NO MORE. Block Biden on twitter, I like to tell him where he could go and build back better… That even sounds stupid, just like him

  47. I can not understand why the Democrats do not want a fair and honest election and why they wouldn’t want a audit in every questioned State.
    Furthermore how can people claiming to US citizens allow a person to run for office and was/is under an investigation for crimes involving foreign countries. A blind person could see that 2020 US Election was fraudulent rigged election. If it wasn’t rigged why would the Democrats have pushed so hard to have mail-in-voting? They used the pandemic as the excuse but it was nothing but a crutch to try and justify fraudulent votes.

    Lastly with number of affidavits filed and the number of witnesses that has given sworn testimony how can the US Supreme Court not overturn the 2020 election?

    It’s coming to the point where the American people are going to have to stand up and fight this corrupt thing they call Government. Every American has one (1) vote and a voice. It’s time that our voice be heard against the corrupt agenda of Joe Biden. He has been apart of corruption for the last 40+ years. He talks out of both sides of his mouth. He hasn’t even taken office yet and he has already back track on his immigration promise he made about opening the borders for everyone. Now that 2 million aliens are sitting at the border waiting on January 21, he sees he has been caught up in a promise he can’t keep. I told Biden supporters before the election that he lied so much on the campaign trail and they will find it when he takes office, but a lie has come out and he has not even been sworn into office.

    1. Chad, so well spoken. I have been contemplating how so many people could be so misinformed? But it came to me that Trump was out spoken, said what he would do and did what he said. The media, with few exceptions, bought and paid for how are people to get the real truth? We have to have more air ways, publications, etc. that tell the real story. Why have so many people not known about the “Biden Family” corruption? This election was just as the communist do theirs. BOUGHT & PAID FOR! Remember, Hillary stating “Biden should not concede under any circumstances” They knew what was coming and how it would all play out in our court system. Our Acting FBI Director, has been doing business with Communist China in his previous job, He had the record expunged before accepting his job as acting FBI Director. I am at a loss as to what we the average tax paying citizen can do? Even NOW OUR VOTE DOESN’T COUNT! I just hope & pray God will hold His Hand over America! There are still Christian people in this land!

  48. First, King James {Peasant King} As I believe that we are all directly akin to the gods and goddesses. It is the goal of all human life to become more like the GREAT as they created a righteous path for all who believe in the all-father Wouton. Second, we are not separate from our ancestors, nor the generations who are unborn. I believe in the connection of the family line that transcends all notions of time and space. Third, we are our deeds. Our actions define who we are and determine to what extent we are able to fully live our life. By acting in a higher level, we gain access to options in the afterlife.

    1. The only way anyone is going to Heaven is by the Blood of Jesus! We all, every human being, will have an afterlife the only question being: Heaven? or Hell?

  49. This Election was as corrupt as the Dems and their so called GOP compadres…. I am shocked at the long list of GOP politicians who have gulled us the last 4 years… the Senate is full of them…. all funded by China and now even Pakistan‼️ It will surprise me if The President attends the fraudulent inauguration …. i have never seen a nest of Vipers like the GOP!!!!! The President should form his own party when he runs …. he has the support of 74 million voters and if they start preparing from now, the country will overthrow the frauds in congress running in the 2022 Elections! Persons running for office in 2022?should be from the new party formed by the President and his followers!!! These Vipers in THE GOP makes Romney look like a babe in the cradle…. this is what I dream for USA…. a third party….. fresh and not part of THE RAT INFESTED SWAMP…..

  50. After reading all the comments about the corrupt election how can anyone not see that President Trump was defeated legally in the Nov. 3rd election, and the dems know it and just don’t give a dam…Period

  51. True democracy is socialism. This country is supposed to be run as a Democratic Republic. When politicians say they want to save our democracy, they are preaching socialism. Any politician mentioning our country and democracy in the same breath should be removed from office for sedition, check our constitution which they give an oath to uphold.

  52. How can a none natural born resident be a VP when she cant legally be president. DOES SHE HAVE A FAKE BIRTH CERTIFICATE LIKE OBAMA OR IS SHE A DOG IN HEAT WAITING TO BE FUCKED BY HER DEMORAT PARTY


  54. I have a bad feeling that God might want to teach America a lesson. Maybe we strayed too far away and a lot of suffering will bring us back. Look what he did to Israel. God has loved America from day one but we forgot his simple rules. Stay strong. Keep the faith. Pray. Ask God to forgive us. Joe Biden being President would take a miracle. That’s why I believe God is in control.

    1. I agree with you John completely EXCEPT if Biden goes into office it will be the devil’s work not a miracle.

  55. If Biden/Kamala go in this will be the SADDEST day for America in history. The election has proved (if people were watching) how communism takes over a country. When Trump talked about the swamp who knew how deep it went.
    May God intervene for America and bring back the Christian Nation our forefathers gave “everything” they had to give us. Thank you President Trump & family for opening our eyes. We need to pray, pray, pray that it is not too late.

  56. I watch from Sydney Australia the now demise of the once great United States of America and cannot believe what I see. A corrupt media with elitist so called journalist not reporting what is actual fact of voter corruption by the Democrats. The Washington swamp was never going to be drained within 4 years because it has shown to be extremely deep. Corrupt politicians and judges in your courts who say they represent the people and your constitution is a nonsense. The rise of the left with BLM and Antifa is something that needs to be eradicated for if not it won’t be the United States of America however a cesspit of criminals running the asylum. The American people have plenty of power at their fingertips with your second amendment and if it means a peoples coup or a peoples Marshall Law that might be a way out of it. Remember Tiannaman Square where 1 man stood in defiance of the tanks that the CCP in Mainland China rolled down the square. People power will always win over any military even the most powerful in the world being the United States. The rest of the world watches while the American people decide.
    The United States Military unlike China and it’s corrupt murderous CCP leaders would never crush a revolution by it’s people wanting to take their country back from the abyss because if you do not do it now it will be too late.
    The likes of the Clinton’s, Obamas the OAC, Nancy Pelosi Harris and Bidens with many others need to be be put on the stand including the heads of CNN ABC MSNBC and the puppet journalist Don Lemon along with corrupt Governors in New York, California and other corrupt states and locked up for the rest of their lives. George Soros, Mark Zuckeberg (Facebook) Jack Dorsey (Twitter) are not the elected representative of the people however have so much dominance in the future direction of the United States.
    America it’s time to take a stand it’s time to take your country back and it’s now.

    1. I agree with comments as to the fraud in this election. And I cannot believe the supreme court refused to even hear the arguements. My suggestion is a petition to limit the supreme court justices to a certain numbers of terms and not for life. And I would like to know more about the certain person with the same name of a supreme court justice that was on the plane to pediophile island. And I would like to hear more about the young lady in hunter bidens emails shown cutting lines of cocaine with a credit card with a recognizable name. Heaven forbid a Trump family member be in that position.

  57. I say it’s time to declare war on these criminals that have Weaseled their way into our government everyone knows what really happened they have been trying to get rid of President Trump before he was elected so we know what kind of illegal Traitorous people have committed it’s time to remind the criminal politicians that they do not own this country the patriots on this country and they work for us and I say we go down and Dismiss every criminal that we know is there that goes for judges law enforcement the big tech and the fake news media we have the army to put back this country the way the founders intended it to be I say it’s time for everyone of the patriots to to go to Washington and once and for all clean these people out otherwise we will do this again until we put a stop to it it’ll happen again and again besides a small country Israel were the only superpower free country in the world and the globalist are not going to let it standSo if we do not clean it out now we will have this fight again if we are able to defend ourselves we must stand and fight we will lose our country who is with me

  58. The democrats are rotten but the thing that turns my stomach are the republicans that know how bad the democrats are and still support them in this voter fraud and stabs not only the best president this country has ever seen, but all of the American people. You talk about rotten, the smell of these turncoats make you vomit. President Trump did wonderful things for this country and the world. The American people failed him. The republicans failed him. President Trump is a builder and a fixer. I hope he and his wonderful family will pick a project that most people would consider impossible and make it possible. Please send thank you cards to both the Trump and Pence families for all they’ve done for us

  59. President Trump is my president. Joe Biden is not nor ever will be my president. Democrats have always been corrupt scum but when Barack Obama began his campaign for president, the first words out of my mouth was “he’s the Antichrist”. Our nation will never recover from this. Please let me know where in Florida President Trump will be, I would love to come.

  60. Joe and Hunter are BOTH bought and PAID FOR by the American Left, China, Deep State, Global Elites, etc. Joe has NEVER been a president, and NEVER will be, INAUGURATED or NOT. He is NOT a LEADER. He would be (IF inaugurated which HOPEFULLY he WON’T be) an ILLEGITIMATE “president” (?). One Enlightened And DISGUSTED Patriot. Team Trump and His Allies 2020.

  61. I just don’t get it ,our Nation is under siege ,it’s being criminally taken over by a Communistic,Socialistic ,Marxist party coming from China’s involvement n Biden n Harris won’t be governing ,it will most definitely be a continuous of power by Obama,Hillary n all the corrupt gang of China’s reform here in our Nation n it will be destructive n almost impossible to turn it around,Why can’t our President Trump protect our Nation by ordering Marshal Law to protect what’s happened n continues with the highest corruption n they are getting away with it ,the President won this election n there is no doubt about that ,we have the strongest Military by far n we sit here today like lame ducks letting the corruption just continue,Americans want to know WHY OUR NATION IS CRUMBLING RIGHT IN FRONT OF US ALL N WE CANT INSTITUTE OUR POWER AT BEST ,MARSHAL LAW TROUPS,PLEASE TELL ME N SO MANY OTHER AMERICANS WHY !!!❤️

  62. We can see the obvious election fraud here in the UK . The corruption , fraud is obvious for everyone to see. Most people here wanted Trump reflected. He favoured trade deal was going to to good for us as well as the USA. Biden has already threatened the UK over Brexit & Ireland. I have most of my Irish family in the USA , which most were democrats , they voted for Trump. Now it looks like a real racist will become President. The USA and the world will be poorer place due to this election, I personally believe Obama re ection was fraudulent

  63. I believe there are Reps not supporting their own President; I am sure if that is the case they will regret that down the road. Just like Romney pandering to the Dems so he thinks he can go somewhere politically down the road. But he is finished politically.

  64. With the fall of Georgia’s two Senators in the runoff election we can now say we live in the USSA ( United Socialist States of America), because this nation wil never be free again until we have guts to defend her, or until Jesus Christ comes an raptures the faithful and punishes the evildoers!!!

  65. it’s kind of like being invited to dine with the thief who stole you silverware. all demoncrats are now dead to me. some of them don’t know it yet.

  66. Isn’t time that Pelosi, and Feinstein retire. Pelosi is 82, and Feinstien is 87. In the words of Aunty Maxine “he aint my President, and I was borne to impeace him, he’s coruptand needs to go to jail” I wonder what she’s saying now?

  67. Millard is right. the corrupt one is trump.he incited his supporters to riot and destroy property in the capitol

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