Some days when you wake up, it’s hard to believe the way the country was profoundly changed by the Wuhan coronavirus (from Chi-nah). Could we have been that stupid as a people? The inflation and pain that we’re feeling right now is a direct result of the 2020 response to COVID. We haven’t even got to the pain that we’re going to feel from Joe Biden’s first year in office yet!
One of the things that’s most difficult to wrap your head around is the severe harm that we did to kids. We’re only just starting to find that out, now that we’re a year into this experimental vaccination program.
A year ago, the government was telling every unvaccinated person that you are no longer a citizen with full rights if you haven’t been vaccinated yet. You might have thought that you were waking up in a country where you have the right to life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness every day, but you were wrong. Those rights were suspended if you were a dirty unvaccinated person. You were now a second-class citizen.
You couldn’t go to a restaurant. Or a movie theater. Or a Pearl Jam concert. (Oh no. Anything but that briar patch!)
You couldn’t fly on an airplane without a vaccination. You couldn’t go out in public without a face mask on. In Michigan, where they have a truly crazy governor, you couldn’t buy paint or carpeting, or go fishing by yourself. In many cases, bosses decided to fire employees that refused to get vaccinated.
American kids in lockdown states got it the worst of all. Zoom classes. No social life. No sports. A corresponding spike in youth suicides. A ton of “firsts” in life missed out on completely, because baby boomer politicians were scared of a virus that had a 99.98% survival rate and got drunk on their newfound powers.
The only way that you or your teens were allowed to return to life was to take an experimental medicine for which we didn’t know the long-term effects. If your teenager wanted to play sports, they had to get vaccinated.
Well, now it’s a year later, and we’re seeing the effects of what mass vaccinating our teenagers did to them. It turns out that the experimental gene serum that attacks human ovaries, hearts and livers, was not such a great thing after all.
Last year, your kid couldn’t play sports if they were unvaccinated. This year, if your kid was vaccinated, they might not be able to play sports because it’s now too dangerous for them. There’s a very real chance that your vaccinated teen now has an undiagnosed, life-threatening heart condition that could kill them if they exert themselves.
That’s not an exaggeration.
In the town of Lake Hopatcong, New Jersey, for example, the Morris Sussex Family Practice has changed its guidelines for clearing student athletes for sports. Sports physicals are no longer a quick turn-your-head-and-cough affair. Thanks to the COVID vaccines, student athletes are now required to have blood work and an EKG before they can be cleared for sports.
The clinic’s website says that if a teen has had ANY coronavirus vaccine (Pfizer, Moderna, Johnson & Johnson, etc.), they cannot be cleared as healthy until they go through an extensive heart exam. The blood work checks for kidney and liver problems that can signify heart disease, and the EKG can help to detect a potentially fatal heart arrythmia, pericarditis, myocarditis, congestive heart failure and other undetected problems.
That’s what kids now have to go through in order to play sports. From the Morris Sussex Family Practice website:
“COVID vaccinations affect your risk… If you have received doses of any Covid vaccine, we will not be able to clear you to compete in sports without performing lab work and possibly an echocardiogram to rule out potential heart damage.”
Well, that’s just freakin’ great. Thanks, Dr. Fauci. Thanks, Joe Biden. Thanks to every person in charge who lied to the American people and coerced and frightened them into taking an experimental medicine that they didn’t want or need. There need to be public trials and long jail sentences for the people who did this to our country.
Time to file a lawsuit against Dr. Facui and Biden, CDC, these people were running a DICTATORSHIP IN America! Parents need to ban together to fight back. Hope they knew 3/4 of those worker at CDC are NOT VACCINE
Wyatt….I count my good fortune each day that I refused to enter that experimental ( is that even the correct analogy ) “vaccine” into my body. I believe that the death count from these atrocities is in the 10’s of thousands, perhaps even worse than that. Everything concerning these serums has pretty much been a fallacy, just one (another) huge lie after another by the powers that be. I don’t believe that any if our elected officials really took the shot, they’re all in on the lie that we are all living now. At least we have this family practice addressing the ramifications of just what happened here in the last two years. That student athletes need to be subjected to physiological testing to see if they weren’t compromised by these shots………WHAT?!!! This is insane!!!! Now the medical field will reap the rewards of planned obselesence. Heinous is an understatement. I grew up in the best nation ever convened on this planet. I’m not going to die in that same country. We’re not a free country any longer
Unless we have very public trials, fair but with real consequences, this will happen again. I say fair because stupidity is not illegal, but it is very common amongst the “elites and experts” populating our Govt. And they will hide behind stupidity to deflect blame.
WOW – All this BAD VAXX info has been going around for such a long time now – even 6 months is a long time – and nothing has been done about all the bad results, side-effects, conspiracies, blatant lies from the government, cover-ups and MAIN STREAM MEDIA – and all anyone does is talk about it. Surely, when these WOKES get caught out, openly being dishonest (not even blushing) and performing criminal acts like letting illegal border crossings – and without PUNISHMENT etc. I have not seen such lying in all my 82 years by officials who are supposed to be VOTED BY THE PEOPLE AND FOR THE PEOPLE and not for themselves.
How come it takes so long for the people of America to watch and accept and allow Babbling Biden and co take over the once great and respected USA. The rest of the world sees your country now as a huge joke – and nobody can do anything about it. If the people are so proud of their country, surely they are not so stupid as to allow this kind of WOKE behaviour to control them – ESPECIALLY the schools with CRT thrown at the children – it is worse than child abuse because it is legislated by GOVERNMENT. Hey, come on people of USA, even including Demoncrats, get off your hind quarters and get rid of the Satanic leadership – HOW CAN A SO CALLED CATHOLIC PRESIDENT ALLOW ABORTION – left, right and centre. MAGA MAGA MAGA!!!
I totally AGREE
Young athletes should be properly evaluated anyway, with or without this vaccine. Too many young athletes have underlying issues that can only be diagnosed early through blood labs and more elaborate testing. Do you want to lose a son or daugher, due to a sloppy or incomplete medical evaluation?
I got both shots in Jan 2021. Got Delta in August. Got Omicron in Dec.
I am fatigued. I get short of breath walking up a slight grade. I feel lethargic. Was it the vaccine or getting the diseases, all in one year.? I will never know.
They are STILL pushing boosters. No, thank you. I think I was poisoned.
You are right. Poisenened by your government.
1. Biden, Pelosi, Miley, Zuckerberg, Sorros, and all the other far left asswipes are actively destroying our once wonderful country. I can’t wait for them all to be tried for treason!
If a person comes up to you and says”I am from the government, and I am here to help you”,cut their lying throats!