Research scientists at Cambridge University say that one out of every four people who received the COVID jabs now has AIDS. Don’t worry, it’s not the gay kind!
The researchers say that these people have Vaccine-Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome (VAIDS). That means that about 65 million Americans are now walking around with an undiagnosed case of AIDS. Or VAIDS.
Doctors believe that a “glitch” in the experimental mRNA shots caused an unexpected attack on the immune system from within each patient’s body.
The UK Telegraph reports, “Cambridge scientists found such vaccines were not perfect and sometimes led to nonsense proteins being made instead of the desired Covid ‘spike’, which mimics infection and leads to antibody production.”
When that nonsense protein is created, the body then attacks that, and it results in an unintended immune response. The University of Cambridge’s Medical Research Council (MRC) Toxicology Unit says that when the nonsense protein is “read” by the immune system, it misinterprets it. This results in a wide array of different autoimmune diseases, including VAIDS.
This research mirrors a lot of other studies that have been conducted previously, not to mention the evidence that we all see right before our lying eyes. A study published in the journal Science last year found that the mRNA jabs can trigger small fiber neuropathy and postural orthostatic tachycardia syndrome (POTS), both of which are neurological disorders.
We’ve also reported on military members who were discharged after developing epilepsy and other neurological problems after Joe Biden forced them to take the shots or else lose their jobs.
A federal judge recently forced Moderna to release some documents from its internal trials. We’ve previously seen a lot of damning evidence from Pfizer, but not as much documentation from Moderna. (It’s not any better than the Pfizer data.)
One set of tables known as the CBER Requested Tables was submitted to the FDA back when Moderna was requesting emergency use authorization for its shots. The document, which was just released this week, reveals that out of 15,178 jab recipients, 2,640 of them had a Grade 3 or Grade 4 adverse response to the shots. Grade 5 would mean the shot killed you directly, so these are fairly serious negative responses to the jabs.
If 17.4% of Moderna recipients had an adverse response, that’s fairly close to the data that the Cambridge scientists have just reported. It’s almost within the margin of error. Close enough for horseshoes, as they say. If you split the difference, it looks like around one in five people who received the COVID vaccines now have a compromised immune system that will never heal.
Once again, we see that the FDA and Moderna knew the shots were dangerous before the FDA approved them for the public and then demanded that everyone take them. A 17.4% incidence rate of catastrophic side effects is not “rare.”
Some of the most high-profile people to get AIDS from the COVID jabs include Megyn Kelly, Justin Bieber, and Celine Dion. Podcaster and former Fox News host Megyn Kelly announced back in September that she had developed VAIDS from the shots.
Kelly stated, “I went to the best rheumatologist in New York, and I asked her, ‘Do you think this could have to do with the fact that I got the damn booster and then got COVID within three weeks?’
“And she said, ‘Yes. Yes.’
“I wasn’t the only one she’d seen that with.”
VAIDS presented itself in Justin Bieber via facial paralysis. Celine Dion developed a neurological disorder known as “stiff person disease.” Both have had their music careers ended by the COVID shots. Bieber’s 26-year-old wife also had a stroke after receiving the jab.
Keep in mind that we are still very early on in the process of learning what the long-term consequences of this experimental gene serum will be for the human race. Some people got sick immediately after taking the jabs, but for millions of others, we still don’t know what’s going to happen to them.
Turbo cancers that have been caused by the jabs are killing thousands of additional people each year (RIP Toby Keith). As many as 10% of people suffering heart attacks nowadays are under the age of 40.
We still have a long road ahead of us, but we know it’s not going to be pleasant.
Another reason Fauci and all the others involved, Biden for one should be held accountAble for every sickness and death that happened during the fraud scheme.
The jab works exactly like they designed it. Wasn’t it Bill Gates who said vaccines and viruses were the best way to control the population?
He said straight out that the Gene Therapy would LOWER the population, not just control it!
Five days after receiving the 2nd Maderna jab my Partner had a blood clot, stroke and massive brain hemorrhage.
Three days in the hospital and 3 days in Hospice and he was gone. He was strong, healthy and took no meds!
About an hour after receiving the shot he developed a really bad headache, could not eat lunch and just a little for dinner. He slept all day and then all night. Truly a rare schedule for a guy who never had headaches.
And this is just another reason why you should not trust the Biden-Harris Administration’s love for Dr. of Death Anthony Fauci and the World Health Organization. Looks Like Depopulization To Me !!! Thankful that I never got the Jab even after all of the media harassment for those who refused to get the jab !!! The blood of the nonjabbers could be much in demand one day.
I’m right with you, never got the shot, never will.
I’m with you Kathy !!!
Yes I agree with you! I never got jab myself. I don’t believe it was a vaccine, cause it take years to real prefect one. My hubby did, but not me I got the covid but so did he. I am not sorry I never got one.
Unfortunately, vaccine shedding happens
They made us the test subjects and now we are seeing the results. I guess that’s what happens when you make people take an unproven vaccine. Thanks government and msm! They should be held accountable IMO
This Biden mandated mRNA has to be taken to court and guilty government people incl.Biden has to be criminally held accountable
Too evil to fail, apparently.
Include in the group of those who suffered from the jab, Eric Clapton! He lost the use of both hands for months!!
I like to say there are 250 million dumbasses in this country but that wouldn’t be fair you’re supposed to be able to trust the government
Do you really think it is a mistake? You have a would be killer by the name of Gates that says we need to reduce the population. We have a disease that was reported to be deadly. Then we have a “miracle” vaccine developed in record time and forced on a lot of people. Maybe it was a poison already developed and meant to have lingering and deadly effects for years to come, but they needed the disease so they could use the poison as a vaccine. So they came up with covid 19! Possible?
“would be” killer? How about straight up mass murderer? He already killed thousands in Africa with his “bring back polio” vaccine.
Yes, I agree, the present administration’s goal is to reduce the population and inforce a One World government to rule the world. Read the book The Biulderberg Group. It’s all happening (very scary)
I’ve never trusted our c c p bought & paid for evil regime of a fake US government that want as many of us dead as possible in cahoots with WHO, The One World Government elites & the culling of the world ideologist or world population control freaks that think that they have the right to murder people no differently than the Nazi concentration camp doctors who murdered people in their evil medical facilities inside the Nazi concentration camps and experimented on them also. I’ve done all my research and I continue to do my research before I ever get in line like a robot because my government tells me to do so. Nuremberg Code should be read by all humans. Educate yourself & don’t throw your rights and freedoms away so fast, because your life depends on it. Wake up people and look up.
Such really scary thoughts
Every one involved with the Covid shit needs to be put in prison. The ones suppose to help did not help and are government did not help they all need horse- whipping and imprison.
I discerned this jab was too pushed to be taken, so I did not. Even being a high risk diabetic and liver cirrhosis patient, I felt even more it wasn’t a good thing. I have my only son who is in a test lab so has a science type mind, he was convinced he was doing his part so took the pfizer, I am not sure if he took the booster, as controversy was taking place by then, and my heavy prayers were strong, asking God to cover every cell in his body with the blood of Jesus, not allowing this vaccine to do any harm that I felt it was made to do. My youngest daughter as well took the first two vaccines, but never the booster, and just before getting on the cruise ship the reason she got the shot, it was lifted no more vaccines were mandated!!! Sucked, as she didn’t want the vaccine in the first place, but she wanted to take the European cruise! I pray the same over her. I was not selfish in my prayers either, as I also asked God to do the same for every body that took the lie, as they too were doing what they felt the Government was asking of them, to do their part! What a way to push one into doing something they are not sure about in the first place, because they believe the ones in high places to be able to decide correctly for us all…as well, my two children got pretty Covid sick after taking the vaccine, I as well as my husband also did from each other being exposed, myself was the better of all of them, and…I’m high risk! God protect us all from the evil that walks upon this earth stronger than it ever has. Prepare where your eternity will be, signs of the times are all around us. Be safe and well.