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Study: COVID Shots During Pregnancy Cause Brain Damage in Offspring

hands in medical gloves make white rat injection on white background

The process for new drug approvals is often slow and laborious—and for good reason. We don’t want to rush untested drugs to market in case they end up having some kind of horrible side effects. We threw all that out the window, unfortunately, when it came to the COVID shots.

Safety tests that should have happened over a process of years are just now taking place after more than 260 million Americans were given these injections. One of those tests that never took place before just happened and the published results are horrifying.

Researchers just tested the COVID shots on pregnant rats to see if the mRNAs have any negative side effects on the offspring. Before we get to the results that they found, it’s worth revisiting the time when Pfizer did the same thing with pregnant rats a few years ago.


After the COVID shots were already being injected in people in January 2021, but before they were approved for use in pregnant women, Pfizer carried out a quick animal trial in its internal testing. At a lab in France, they injected two dozen pregnant rats with their new “safe and effective” COVID shots.

All the baby rats were born with skeletal deformations from the mRNA shots. Pfizer then did what any responsible and ethical scientists would do in a similar situation. They killed all the rats, swept the study results under the rug, and told the FDA that the shots were “safe and effective” for pregnant humans.

Former CDC Director Rochelle Walensky then went on all the TV stations to tell pregnant women that their babies might die if they caught COVID, so they’d better take the vaccine immediately.

All of that really happened.

Fast forward to 2024, when medical doctors at the Department of Physiology at Izmir Katip Celebi University in Turkey decided to do a similar experiment with the COVID shots—but with a twist!

Instead of killing all the rats at the first sign of negative side effects, they let the rats live so they could see what actually happens with them after being dosed with the experimental Pfizer gene serum.

The doctors just published their study results this year—more than three years after everyone was told the shots were safe for pregnant women. The title of the study kind of gives away their findings: “Prenatal Exposure to COVID-19 mRNA Vaccine BNT162b2 Induces Autism-Like Behaviors in Male Neonatal Rats: Insights into WNT and BDNF Signaling Perturbations.” It’s published in the prestigious Springer journal.

The shots caused brain damage in many of the baby rats. The babies exhibited not only mental but also physical defects as a result of exposure to the mRNAs.

Everyone was explicitly told by the CDC that the spike proteins in the shots stay in the injection site in the arm. This was always a lie. The spike proteins cross the placental barrier and in the case of these prenatal rats, caused serious harm to them after they were born.

Many of the male rats exhibited autism-like behaviors. When compared with the non-vaccinated baby rats in the control group, the vaccinated ones were developmentally disabled at carrying out physical tasks. They couldn’t learn how to walk properly, for example.

Two important things stand out about this research. The first is that the spike proteins clearly cross the placental barrier from mother to offspring. If a pregnant mother gets a COVID shot, the baby gets the COVID shot too. That’s no longer disputable and cannot be dismissed as a conspiracy theory.

The second thing to note is that even after crossing the placental barrier, the spike proteins continued until they crossed the blood-brain barrier in these prenatal rats. The shots caused brain damage to some (but not all) of the babies in the womb. The doctors concluded that there were genetic changes to the synapses of the baby rats which then caused neurological and developmental disorders, including autism-like symptoms and poor motor control skills.

We eagerly await an explanation from the vaccine fanatics about how this is all a conspiracy theory. This is the type of animal trial that should have taken place years before any human being was ever injected with these shots.

You can read the results of the study in the journal Springer HERE.

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9 thoughts on “Study: COVID Shots During Pregnancy Cause Brain Damage in Offspring”

  1. My Grand Daughter has Level 1 Autism. She was born in June 2020 and is now almost 4 years old. Her mother, my daughter got the Covid-19 shot before and booster during the the pregnancy on fear of what was being “promoted” by Doctors, Media and the Government. It is now coming out as ALL lies. BUT because of the EUA (Emergency Use Act) that the vaccine was produced and used under – NO one can or will be held accountable. It was a crime against humanity. I personally do not believe anything the Government says. So much corruption, lies and deceit.

    1. I am sorry about your granddaughter. Though the Covid vaccine causes all kinds of horrific problems, usually long term and many will be lifetime spans.
      However, your granddaughters autism could not have been caused by a Covid vacc and booster to mother before she was born in June 2020. The vaccine was not available for use until the very end of 2020, with most not having access to them until 2021, and boosters didn’t start until months into 2021.
      Your granddaughters situation has to be related to something else. I do agree Pfizer and the other companies were pushing vaccines and boosters even after they knew there were major medical problems occurring almost right a way, or up to many months later, including fatalities. Only recently we learned Israel and other European countries notified Pfizer in Feb 2021 that they had patients developing severe, even fatal, side affects. They asked Pfizer if they had the same findings and were told no, no problems here. And they hushed up the fact the calls existed. But there were problems here, and they were increasing . In developing one of the boosters later on, they tested it on mice. .. TEN MICE.

  2. This is Bullsh.. phizer needs to be shut down from all business transactions. Everyone in charge needs to be fined and without jobs. And Fauci needs to be jailed for pushing the whole situation!!!

  3. I feel so sorry for the victims of those lies. Something should be done to make that act unconstitutional. Mankind is horrible how it treats each other.
    Only God Almighty, can fix these problems.
    Place your faith and trust in him. Abide by his laws. It has gotten to the point of Sodom and Gamorah. He cured that with fire. Then when it got bad again he cured it with the Flood.

  4. The Depopulation by vaccination is working,Covid 19 was the vehicle that allowed the NWO,WHO and Democrats to begin what Obama meeting in 2013 discussed.

  5. I knew something was off when the manufacturer of the covid vaccine did not use the same inoculations for their staff, it shows they knew the adverse effects beforehand!

  6. People have been saying for years that both Rachel Walensky and Anthony Fauci were incompetent, corrupt and their opinions were formed by money and political slant. I have been saying that the corrupt MSM can cover for them in the U.S. but the entire world wants answers and the truth will come out. Will these two ever be held accountable? Or will Fauci die in luxury of old age? This is just the tip of the iceberg many more studies will be made and likely many more harmful results will be exposed. So many young people suddenly dying of heart attacks after being vaxxed. So many suicides etc.

    1. When they looked the statistics of all of these maladies, autism, birth defects, heart attacks, suicides etc. They should be looking at pre-vax and post-Vax numbers. The significant increase will have only one common thread. Personally I believe that COVID was a test to see how far they could go informing people to do their will. Now they are pushing for digital currency. In China they tested COVID passes – they were digital too. If anyone did something to offend the powers that be their COVID pass was deleted. Now switch the COVID pass for your money. One click of a button and you have no money. That is on the dark side, but even on a normal day the power goes out, internet goes down your money is frozen. Think about how many hackers there are out there trying to hack every system there is – especially where MONEY is concerned.

  7. So sorry about the baby. These vaccines makers know what there doing and don’t give a dam, they just hust, hust and keep on jabbing . They Don’t give a dam they just do.

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