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Stunning Vote Canvass in Arizona Shocks the Liberal Narrative to Its Core

Before we dive into the amazing numbers that were released in Arizona today, we want to point one thing out: This is not the Big One. The numbers being reported are NOT from the forensic audit in Maricopa County, which was authorized by the state senate. The new numbers we have today come from a private citizens’ group that was concerned with voter fraud in Arizona.

What these private citizens uncovered was approximately 300,000 votes that were either tossed in the trash by postal workers or election officials in Maricopa County or were cast by voters who voted illegally (or who were dead). And these are not even numbers that the official audit is checking on!

When Joe Biden “won” red-state Arizona by a paltry 10,457 votes in November, a realtor in Arizona names Liz Harris was skeptical. She had been watching the same mountains of evidence of provable fraud in the 2020 election as the rest of us had, and she wondered if something hinky had taken place in Maricopa County. Ms. Harris decided to get a group of citizen volunteers together and do a voluntary door-to-door canvass and ask registered voters in Maricopa County some questions.

Remember: Phase One of the official forensic audit was supposed to be a door-to-door canvass back in March. But they were prohibited from conducting a canvass, with Biden’s Attorney General Merrick Garland even threatening to jail the auditors for civil rights violations. Garland claimed that if the auditors went door-to-door to ask questions of registered voters, it would scare black people so badly that they’d never vote again or something.

So while the official auditors were prohibited from conducting a door-to-door canvass, there’s nothing that says a private citizen cannot do one. And that’s what Liz Harris and her very large team of volunteers did. They knocked on the doors of registered voters, identified themselves as citizen volunteers who don’t represent the State of Arizona, and asked a series of non-identifying questions, such as:

Did you vote? How did you vote (in-person, mail-in ballot, etc.)? Did you receive an ballots addressed to the wrong person? Did you receive extra ballots? And so on.

They canvassed a ton of registered voters this year. They visited all 7,228 homes of registered voters in the Warner District, and hundreds of voters’ homes in other districts in Maricopa County. This gave them a huge statistical sampling, which they were able to hand over to math nerds and extrapolate out to the whole of Maricopa County with 95% confidence and a +/-1.5% sampling accuracy.


The results:

173,104 Maricopa County residents voted in the 2020 election, only to have their votes vanish. Their votes were not recorded in the vote totals. Their ballots were likely either tossed in the trash or erased by election software. (When the forensic audit results are finally released, this should be easy to check against their results as well.)

96,389 “ghost votes” were cast in Maricopa County in the 2020 election. These are votes in which living, breathing humans who were registered to vote told the canvassers that they didn’t actually mail their ballots in. They didn’t vote in the election – but their votes were actually recorded! Other “ghost votes” included ballots that were mailed to nonexistent addresses but got mailed back in and counted somehow. On the cover of Liz Harris’s report, she even included a picture of an empty lot in the Garfield District in Maricopa County. It’s just a patch of dirt with some trash on it in the middle of nowhere. But 2 people voted from that “address” in the 2020 election.

There were many other anomalies they discovered, including dead voters who turned out for Joe Biden. The citizen volunteers – who have offered to sign affidavits under penalty of perjury – have carried out the task that the official auditors were prohibited from doing. All told, they discovered 299,493 votes that were either discarded (real Trump votes) or cast by non-existent voters (fake Biden votes).

We haven’t even seen the official audit results yet. But the evidence uncovered by Liz Harris and her team of patriots has already provided the answer to us: Arizona’s 2020 election result is unknowable, and therefore its results must be decertified!

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10 thoughts on “Stunning Vote Canvass in Arizona Shocks the Liberal Narrative to Its Core”

  1. Cannot stand Maricopa County’s trashy governing body. Hope they all get “POKEY TIME” and get poked by their jail time neighbors.


  3. The evidence continues to mount and the GOP continues to yawn and ignore it. Worse, our SWORN defenders in the FEC, DoJ, FBI, DHS and dozens of other agencies national, state and local REFUSE to do the jobs they are PAID to do and look into all of this.

    Instead they issue threats to IMPRISON those who are doing their work FOR them.

    If that isn’t proof enough of FRAUD than nothing is. Who but the guilty doesn’t want proof to be uncovered? Disgusting – the US Attorney General threatens to arrest people who are uncovering crime!!

    That says it all. Our government and those in it are criminals and Communists seeking to destroy our nation and impose their system on us.

    So, ummm … , where are our brave defenders and the GOP hiding these days???

    1. So what are yo going to do about it? Your voice needs to be heard rather than just complaining about it. If enough people take a stand against the fraud they will do something. Do not just passively sit by and complain without doing something about it

      1. Tell us a of a workable plan. I’m sure people would participate if they knew they wouldn’t get arrested and forgotten in jail like those who were in January.

      2. So what would you like me to do about it? Totally alone, hop on my mobility scooter with musket in hand and advance on Washington? I’m sure I could, battery power aside, breeze right through those Abrams tanks and the hundred thousand Woke Troops I’d meet along the way.

        YOU demand that other people do “something”. But what are YOU and anyone else doing? Nothing. What are the SWORN and highly paid defenders of America’s Rights doing? NOTHING. What is the opposition GOP(LOL) doing about it? Nothing.

        What I HAVE been doing for 40 years now is telling people that “It is happening here!”. The only response I ever got from everyone, (D) or (R), was “It CAN’T happen here!” then back to their soap operas and football games they went. So do not demand that I do something, I HAVE BEEN.

  4. I’m about sick of the GOP they get on TV and complain but, never follow thru.
    We as a people should ALL ban together and demand TERM LIMITS for Congress and the Senate. I personally don’t know how to even start it but, I would surely be on board and do everything I could to push it to get it done.

  5. I am very cautious about donating to,”win-red” because of the number of,”RHINO’S” and the lack of action and support

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