VoterGA is still locked in a legal battle with Georgia Secretary of State Brad Raffensperger’s office over the stolen 2020 election. The group has been suing for years on a variety of angles in which there were suspicious anomalies or flat-out fraud that took place in that election.
In one case, VoterGA is suing for the right to examine 150,000 “mail-in” ballots in Fulton County, which were never folded, and which had perfectly filled-in ovals for Joe Biden. Two judges in a row have tried to strangle this case. VoterGA successfully got the second judge kicked off the case just this week.
The judges in Georgia, along with the Democrat Party, the media, Brad Raffensperger, and Joe Biden are all terrified of these 150,000 counterfeit ballots being exposed.
This case was originally assigned to a circuit court judge named Brian Amero back in 2021. After Judge Amero dragged the case out for what seemed like an eternity, without making any forward progress, VoterGA successfully forced Amero to recuse himself.
This should be a simple case and there’s no reason why it should be taking this long. Multiple election workers and observers signed sworn affidavits that they saw these counterfeit mail-in ballots. Here’s a quote from one of those affidavits:
“The absentee ballots looked as though they had just come from a fresh stack. I could not observe any creases in the ballots and did not seem likely they were ever folded and put into envelopes or mailed out. The marked bubbles for each candidate was filled in black ink perfectly within the circle. They looked as if they were stamped.
“The majority of the mail in ballots that I reviewed contained suspicious black perfectly bubbled markings for Biden,” the affidavit continued.
Another affidavit reads, “In my 20 years’ experience of handling ballots, I observed that the markings for the candidates on these ballots were unusually uniform, perhaps even with a ballot-marking device. By my estimate in observing these ballots, approximately 98% constituted votes for Joseph Biden. I only observed two of these ballots as votes for President Donald J. Trump.”
Let them inspect the ballots! Seems simple, right? If Brad Raffensperger and Joe Biden and the Democrat Party and the mainstream media are all so confident that the 2020 election was the safest and most secure election ever, then what’s the harm?
When Judge Amero was finally forced to go do something else with his time, the case was reassigned to District Judge Robert McBurney. Guess what McBurney has done with the case this whole time? Nothing! He was assigned the case on May 12th of this year.
He did nothing with the case for weeks, so VoterGA requested that McBurney be forced to either recuse himself or be disqualified, because there was no justification for the delays he kept imposing. Under Georgia law, there needs to be forward progress on a case within 90 days. That’s according to Georgia Code 15-6-21(b).
After 141 days, the Superior Court of Georgia granted VoterGA’s request to give McBurney the boot. He never did anything about the case in all that time. The case will now be reassigned to the third judge in the past three years. It’s pretty obvious what’s happening here, right?
The judges are playing judicial “catch and kill” with the case. They sit on it and don’t do anything, hoping that the plaintiffs will give up or go broke and forget about the whole thing. They really don’t want anyone inspecting those 150,000 or so ballots. The really interesting thing about this is that neither of the two judges found any justification to dismiss the case.
The judges clearly believed that VoterGA’s claims have merit, so they don’t want anyone to inspect the ballots. Why would they just sit on a case for years without doing anything on it? They have no grounds to throw the case out of court under Georgia law. Their only other option is to kill it by other means, because the ballots will clearly prove that Joe Biden did not “win” Georgia by 11,000 votes in 2020.
If one domino falls in one state, all the other dominoes will start to fall too.
It will be interesting to see what happens when the next judge is assigned to this case. Will he or she finally allow VoterGA to inspect the ballots? Or have all of the lower court judges in Georgia been given a standing order by someone to never let anyone see the ballots?
Thank you for this valuable information!
I hope all who read this article will forward to everyone they know who still cares about election integrity, and gives a damn about this country and our future!!!
As long as we have Democrats/Communists we will never have election integrity.
Agreed 1000%
I agree!
You’re probably correct.
Wow Democrat and communist in the same sentence I’ve been saying that for years and at least since 1969 they’ve been communist since then
I pray this gets attention ASAP. Stop the hogs before they jump over the reveen Jesús told them to go to. So we can extract the deadly virus. To examine.
I have been warning about Election integrity for the last 4 months. Someone has got to get a handle on this before our 2024 elections.
Why has this been ignored for long The people of this country have known that that election was full of fraud lies and totally stolen. This great country and the world would not be in such an unbelievable condition if the true winner had been given the presidential position he actually won. There was peace all over the world. People were so much safer and moving forward with there lives. Now since the radicals put covid into our lives and wars about to break out everywhere we have been trying to bring some normalcy back into everyone’s life. It is time to stop this witch hunt on PRESIDENT TRUMP.
In my opinion, this action was ignored because of the radical Democrats/RINO’s, Soros, Global Elites, Washington DC Swamp, etc., decided who would be POTUS in 2020. Therefore, they suppressed the votes due to malfunctioning on the Dominion machines (coincidence?) Think not. the 150,000 suspected fraudulent ballots should be re-checked and those involved in this action should be terminated and arrested.
I agree
J6 was a government TAKEOVER by communist DEMOCRATS & RHINOS with complete backing of STATE OWNED MEDIA/ FAKE NEWS.
AS HARD AS DEMOCRATS TRY TO JAIL & KILL AMERICAN CITIZENS that refuse their UNJUST RULE it’s not going to happen. DEMOCRATS are LIERS CHEATS THEIVES and KILLERS! Their open BORDER is going to see MILLIONS of illegal immigrants dead as WINTERS coming in these blue STATES and NO SHELTER. ALL THESE DEATHS ARE ON DEMOCRATS
HALLOWEEN is coming and DEMOCRATS have sent MILLIONS OF TERRORISTS across America neighborhoods, HOW SAFE DO YOU FEEL?
BUY MORE GUNS AND AMMO when you buy candy
This was well known about for years now. The courts have obviously been suborned. Some one is pulling the strings. Not only do we need to know who but why? 150,000 mailins printed on a machine needs to be explained. Its the very thing trump was trying to find out about and made a phone call. That and the video of people after hours running ballots through machines multiple times with no observers have not been adequately explained…Swept under the rug.
You will never convince Americans that there wasn’t voter fraud throughout the states during this election. DISGUSTING.
I was born 89 years ago in Columbus, Georgia, and spent almost all my life living in Georgia unti 1951. While I was a student at Ga Tech, I was quite tempted to become a politician. Since all of my relatives, paternal and material, had always been Democrats, it was my goal to becomde a Democrat politician and if possible go to Washington either as a Senator or as a member of the House. One of my dad’s close friends was Senator Richard B. Russell, who at that time, was the Chairman of the Senate Armed Forces Committee. I had an opportunity to personally meet with Senator Russlee, whom we called “Uncle Dick” at the time, and told him I wanted to become a politician, and like him, bring some honesty to Washington. Unlce Dick asked me if I had lost my mind. He said first of all, there was no such thing as a honest politician. I told him we thought he was the mosat honest politician in Wasdhington. He told me once again, “Bobby, there ain’t no such thing as an honest politician. We all are in politics to get whatever we can whenever we can, and to hell what our constituents want us to do. On that day, November 17, 1951, i immediately left supporting the Democratic Party and became a Republican Party supporter. I remain a supportive Repulblican 72 years later. In lieu of becoming a damned politician, I became an Air Force pilot, and fought in combat for my country in Korea, Dominican Republic, Vietnam, and also flew “spooky missions” for four years over the Soviet Union. I, like millions of my fellow military personnel was indeed a Patriot, and risked my life hundreds of times to support my Nation – the USA. What we in the military forces fought to preserve, has now been almost totally destroyed by the Democratic Party. The greater majority of our American citizens have never lived under the rule of socialsim or communism, Some of us veterans have personally seen what it is like to be living in a country where freedom is only a word sometimes found in a dictionary. It is extremely difficult for many of us Vets to see what the corrupt, inept, and immoral Democrat Party has done to destroy a once proud and faithful Nation. Senator “Uncle Dick” Russell once told me that there was no such thing as an honest politician. He was certainly unaware that what he had told me was perhaps the first and only truth he ever spoke.
Thank you for the post. And thank you for your service.
There are a few decent republicans in office, but not many. The ones who could be honest, keep their mouth shut because they have been caught in comprimising situations & are being blackmailed. 385 members of congress must be replaced. Thank you for your service. Sincerely – Vietnam Veteran.
Ty for your Service! I also agree with you.
Thank you for your service. I’m am 72 and my state convinced me also I couldn’t support democrats, even tho right now it’s an embarrassment to live in Minnesota. I changed my mind about democrats while attending college for political science and a few other classes of the same. Dems have destroyed our country and hopefully more will see the light.
My story isn’t as honorable as yours but had to share. Walz and Biden have destroyed Minnesota by not allowing businesses to come here.
Hopefully we can all an together to stop this madness. They are calling Minnesota Little California as Walz follows Newsom to the tee.
The fact that these corrupt judges get away with no consequences for their dishonesty is just another example of how all three of our government branches – the legislative, executive, and judicial have all been captured. These anti-American idiots are trying to hide something already found, but are so brazen about it that they thumb their noses at true Americans and say, “what are you going to do about it?” We all know that answer too: nothing.
I wonder why they have not just destroyed the evidence. And why they have permitted to drag this along for so long. Obvious there is some truth to what happened in GA. Sure would be great to get the truth.
My next vote,will be with a Winchester if these tratiors try stealing the 2024 Presidential election! FJB,HUNTER AND GARLAND TOO!
Where are all the republicans in our government we elected? This should have been stopped before now yet another republican lies for democrats. So Kemp what were you promised or how much cash did you get from democrats? Pay attention people! This will only get another corrupt judge to stall on this until just in time if 2024 election. Anything democrats and rhinos can do to lie, cheat, silence, bankrupt, ruin and keep our loved President Trump out of the White House. This includes fake news stories. We’ll until republicans get a spine instead of being a Pelosi puppet, this world will only get worse. We have Obama, Clinton, Soros, Biden, Holder, Pelosi, Schumer, Schiff, McConnell, Graham, Millie, garland, Sullivan, Nadler, and so many other’s are to blame for majority of our problems. Two tier justice system doesn’t help matters. We have a bunch of idiot’s running this country that have no business doing it except being puppets to those who have bought and paid for their services (thugs). If you have an issue with crime then do the time. So sick of democrats going after their opponents and their supporters just because they don’t like them. Really is this what this is all about? No. What does President Trump know that we don’t about our government and the swamp? Let’s pray ballots are looked at.
If you are looking for the answer to “where are all the republican we elected?” I have been saying for years part of the dems plot is to put dems in posing as republicans to skew the votes. Do you see it happening now?
Think about this very hard ! This country has had some very honest leaders in the past. But this was in a time when truth was the way to go .
Understand this, XiJoey and his camel hoe did not win, they got in by fraud, stuffing 2,000 ballot boxes with millions of “ballots” in 5 toss-up states which TRUMP won in 2016 to beat Shittery, and was also winning by 1.5% in every state on 2020, when returns were suddenly cut off at 2:30 am, to give the criminals time to finish stuffing, and THEN counting “ballots” for FIVE days. None of that will matter soon, when XiJoey’s 7 million Unvetted Chinese nationals and mooooslims take over as the new masters.
That will only happen if all us Patriots run out of ammo,and we run out of tratiors to hand from lightpoles along Pennsylvania Avenue! FJB,HUNTER AND GARLAND TOO!
Everyone knows Biden is a crook.
Everyone thinks they know how deep the deep state is. I don’t think even the most educated of us has any idea how deep and corrupt they are. I keep wishing for that one person who has authority to come in and clean this mess up. But I am not sure they will allow it. Thanks to all who have served our country proudly for your service and I simpathize with you for what is going on today. God bless America.
“a worried American”
Be aware of the judges you vote for! Look at their records of decisions they have made. If they don’t align with upholding the law, don’t vote for them. There are a lot of crooked judges out there who need to be removed from the bench and their judgeships denied.
I can’t believe that no one has stopped the Democrats in their shoes. Republicans we need to stand up and get them out of office before we all end up dead. I back PRESIDENT TRUMP 1000%. I am not afraid of the democrats what more can they do to us, the lying dogs that they are.
I know l voted for President Donald J. Trump, and so did my husband. I couldn’t believe Joe Biden won. The drop off mailbox at our post office had been broken by someone trying to jam mail in ballots. Now, we have to go inside to mail anything. Also, l read where one of President Trump’s former Campaign Chairman and a friend were turned away at a poll location by police. They were told they needed an affidavit from a judge in order to enter. They left and returned with the document. The police officer told them to leave or they would go to jail! I don’t know the former Campaign Manager’s name, but l recognized him on television. Our grandson was born on the 4th of July, and this same man sent our grandson a video, wishing him, his 1st year birthday. Miss GA came and sang the National Anthem, and our son and his wife had a cardboard picture of President Trump, so that the children and adults could have their picture taken with it. President Trump knows he won Georgia, everyone knows it. If there’s nothing to hide, do a recount! I voted for Governor Brian Kemp, and l have never been so disappointed when he wouldn’t demand a recount! I firmly believe, President Trump won in 2020, and our country wouldn’t be in the absolute dump since Biden has been in Washington. Actually, he’s really not there and he has mental problems. I don’t understand why they don’t get him out of the Presidency and take action.
I firmly believe that President Trump was robbed, because Nancy PELOSI and her other colleagues made sure that President Trump lost. We need him badly, because if someone doesn’t do something soon, we will lose our country. I don’t want to leave this world, knowing that my children and grandchildren will be at the hands of a Communist regime. Thank you and May God Bless and heal our country, because He appointed Donald Trump to lead our country, due to the fact that he knows things, he knows how corrupt it was when he beat Hilary Clinton. Please impeach Biden, mail him, his family, Clinton, PELOSI, Wray, Obama and anyone else that was involved with this corruption and they all have blood on their hands. It’s time to drain the swamp.
It’s about time someone in Georgia grew up and got something done about their cheating.
Thank-you Robert E. Alter for your very true post and for your service. I have always been saying that the Biden Administration was not in office by the votes of the true American citizens but by hook & CROOK just what old Biden is a CROOK. But we all know it — but whats being done about it *** nothing cause the dirty leftist democrats are seeing to it.*** ” nothing” is starting to be the American citizen way of life. ” you can do nothing ” but get walked all over by the dam democrats, they are breaking the USA The USA Is going broke, and soon we will have a new MASTER At the head of the table, we know it’s coming its hard to except ,,going to be hard on our children but bad change is on its ungy way.**** our military can’t help our government can’t help “nothing” is the answer. The rich billionaires who is doing this to our country will learn the hard way cause when the new RULER takes over he will be the first to fall !! Just wish I could see there nug face when they see that all there hard work of tearing down this nation is not going to let them stay at the top, instead they will be the first to fall. GREAT JOB OF GIVING OUR NATION AWAY *** YOU AND ALL YOUR BILLIONS OF DOLLARS WILL FALL HARD THE RICH MAN WELL BEG FOR WATER.
One person asked ” why is our elected Republicans doing anything “. Well there trying but the difty above tbe law leftest democrats are puting stops on. The ones who are trying like Sen. Tommy Tuberville just got his life on the line !!. A Former CIA Director Michael Hayden publicly called for A sitting Republican Senator to be assassination simply because he stands in the Left’s Radical plans for America’s Military. They say he is in the ” way ” of Biden ‘s plans. And guess what ? There is ” nothing ” being done to this Heyden for this crime.!! And it is a crime !! But its the democrats so ” nothing ” is the above the law way. Our Republican party is under unlawfull acts and ” nothing” is being done. The dam democrats has our justice systems so guess were doomed to this ” nothing” being done. Some one somewhere please save our homeland , save the American citizens.
I 1000% agree with all the comments above. I have a couple of things to add to these. 1-I don’t know why the video of Crooked Biden making the following statement isn’t being shown at least 20 hours a day 7 days a week from now until the election next November. It was Crooked Biden in his basement being g interviewed by some left wing news person. In the interview he was asked how confident he was about winning the election. The answer he gave from his usual lying mouth was surprisingly truthful. He said, “There is no doubt that I will win because “THE FIX IS IN”, we have made sure of that”. My quote may not be exact, but, that’s almost word for word. I screamed when I heard this. This video is as damaging to the dim dems as the one with him bragging about getting the prosecutor in Ukraine fired.
They lie, cheat, and steal in plain sight where we can all see it. Bit nothing happens to them because they and at least half the Republicans in Washington are crooks and the people who are hired to uphold the law are bought and paid for by them.