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What Was the Mueller Witch Hunt Team Doing for Two Whole Years Anyway? They Never Stumbled Upon Any of What Durham Did?

John Durham’s dud report was issued this week. One nice thing we can say about the report is that it definitively proves once and for all that President Trump never colluded with Russia. Unfortunately, Durham worked so deliberately slow that the statute of limitations expired on a lot of the crimes that were committed.

Every bit of “evidence” against Trump was completely fabricated. Knowing this with certainty now, what in the world was Robert Mueller and his team of Hillary Clinton cheerleaders doing for two whole years in their witch hunt against Trump?

We know that Mueller is a phony and a fraud, but how did his investigative team never manage to come across any of the evidence that the Durham report found? In two years?


Nearly the entire intelligence community and the federal law enforcement community was involved in an operation to stop Donald Trump from ever becoming president. The fake Russia collusion probe, dubbed “Crossfire Hurricane,” was based on nothing but lies. The FBI, the Department of Justice, the CIA, and who knows how many additional entities were in on the scheme to stop the voters from electing Donald Trump.

Once we carried him to victory in the 2016 election, those same entities set about undermining Trump’s presidency to get rid of him—and to cover their own tracks. They did all of this on behalf of the Crooked Hillary Clinton campaign.

Anyone who thinks that we could not have reinstalled Trump in the White House after Joe Biden’s fake inauguration is a fool. If Mueller had been able to prove that Trump colluded with Russia, they totally would have given him the boot and installed Crooked Hillary, on the claim that the election had been “stolen” by Russia.

They were salivating at the idea that they could do that. They were making all the same points then, that we made about Joe Biden after the 2020 election was stolen. Fraud cancels anything it touches.

But again, what did Mueller spend $25 million on, in a two-year investigation, in which he never tripped over any of the evidence that Durham revealed in his report?

We can draw some conclusions from looking at the timeline of the whole mess.

The Mueller witch hunt was begun in 2017, immediately after Trump fired the liar, James Comey. Assistant Attorney General Rod Rosenstein was instrumental in this part of the charade. Mueller was appointed and spent two years on the investigation.

Bill Barr became the new Attorney General in February of 2019. Robert Mueller finished his “investigation” and report in April of 2019. Barr appointed John Durham in May of 2019. And then Robert Mueller issued his team’s final report to Congress in July of 2019. Those incidents happening so close together tells us that Barr, Mueller, and Durham were working together towards the same goal.

Mueller was throwing up smoke and mirrors to cover the tracks of the wrongdoers at the FBI and the Department of Justice. Durham’s job was then additional cleanup, by running out the clock on the statute of limitations. Bill Barr was the go-between in all of this.

It’s been years but think back to Mueller’s bumbling testimony before Congress in July of 2019. On many of his answers, he stated that his team “didn’t look at that,” referring to things that were supposedly being investigated by Durham.

If the Mueller probe had been legitimate, he would have uncovered the fact that the entire Steele dossier was fake, and that the FBI had acted with malice in a conspiracy to undermine the US government. Mueller lied to Congress when he issued his report, but he did not technically perjure himself, because he was able to say he didn’t look at certain aspects that were being looked at by the Durham investigation. Barr appointed Durham just in time to cover Mueller’s tracks in this manner.

Here is something amazing that gives the whole charade away. Over the seven years that this BS has been happening, neither investigation every pulled Hillary Clinton’s corpulent behind in to interview her about this campaign stunt. Neither probe ever interviewed James Comey. Neither probe ever interviewed anyone at Fusion GPS. And now no one is ever going to jail for this.

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5 thoughts on “What Was the Mueller Witch Hunt Team Doing for Two Whole Years Anyway? They Never Stumbled Upon Any of What Durham Did?”

    1. All of these culprits committed their share of treason against our country, our forefathers, our United States!

  1. Mueller was a feeble minded tool of the Left and the Deep State whose “investigation” was a cover and a delaying tactic so all the perps involved could escape prosecution. A DemoKKKRAT controlled CONgress aided and abetted this effort while the Enemy Media created a fog of disinformation for a disinterested public.

  2. All these crooked bureaucrats should have pensions and medical benefits removed and receive no security clearances while they wait to got to jail.

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