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WOW! White House Insists Hunter Biden Did Nothing Wrong, Dodges on Possibility of President Biden Pardoning his Criminal Family

The White House is refusing to rule out the possibility of President Joe Biden pardoning his son Hunter or his brother James if the truth comes out about their shady foreign business dealings and they end up facing legal trouble.

When asked about this, President Biden’s communications director Kate Bedingfield said, “That’s not a hypothetical I’m going to entertain. I don’t have anything to add.”

When asked about the president’s knowledge of his family members ‘complicated’ foreign business dealings and financial interests, Bedingfield refused to offer any real answers – dancing around the question potentially to avoid implicating the president.

One reporter asked, “Is it your understanding it’s the president’s view that as he looks at all of Hunter Biden’s business dealings with his uncle, neither Hunter Biden nor James Biden committed any crimes or did anything that was unlawful?”

“We pointed to statements that were made in the fall of 2020 when we addressed these questions,” Bedingfield replied. “I don’t have anything additional to add from this podium.”


Hunter Biden has been the subject of federal investigations dating back to 2018 as investigators look into him and his business associates to determine if they broke tax law, laundered money, or broke foreign lobbying laws in holding meetings and conducting business in places such as China and Russia.

As a result of that investigation, the US Attorney’s Office in Delaware, is seeking grand jury testimony concerning income he received from foreign entities while he was serving on the board of Ukrainian natural gas company Burisma.

The federal prosecutors are also reportedly investigating Hunter’s drug and alcohol abuse, his frivolous spending habits, and his state of mind in 2018 to determine what sort of defense he would make in a potential criminal tax case.

Meanwhile, White House Chief of Staff Ron Klain claimed that President Joe Biden is confident that his family members have not crossed any ethical lines in their international dealings.

ABC News’ George Stephanopoulos asked Klain several pointed questions about Biden’s awareness and involvement into Hunter’s potentially illicit legal matters, noting that the “DOJ is intensifying its investigation” into Hunter, before saying, “I assume the president’s had no contact with the Justice Department about that?”

“Neither the president or any of us at the White House have had contact with the Justice Department about that,” Klain claimed.

“Is the president confident Hunter Biden didn’t break the law?” Stephanopoulos followed up.

“Of course, the president is confident that his son didn’t break the law, but most importantly — as I said — that’s a matter that’s going to be decided by the Justice Department, by the legal process. It’s something that nobody at the White House has involvement in,” Klain further claimed.

Hunter and Biden’s brother, James, have reportedly made millions from the foreign business deals in question which many feel were only granted to the Bidens because of Joe Biden’s political connections as a senator, vice president, and presidential candidate.


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13 thoughts on “WOW! White House Insists Hunter Biden Did Nothing Wrong, Dodges on Possibility of President Biden Pardoning his Criminal Family”

  1. Yeah, the WHOLE Biden family,along with all of the DEMONIC creatures in our government are pure as the driven snow, and not guilty of ONE SINGLE
    bit of wrong doing EVER.
    Whatever we read, or hear from NON MSM sources are all lies, and
    I’m sure anything else we think is in our imaginations.
    Time for this bad movie to end.
    I’m DONE.

  2. what kind of example does this set for the laws in this country,people see this crap and think they can automaticly get away with any crime they comit !!! just because hunter is his drughead son bitch, does not give him freedom to comit crimes against american laws ! but you have to look at that comunist biden himself ,of all the shit hes put this country through and never been impeached , his traitorism and coruptness selling out this country to other countrys that hate america , like china iran and russia ,and releassing terrorist ,

  3. When does sleepy Joe get investigated?? There many deals pointing at the “big guy”. It was alright to investigate and attempt to Impeach President Trump twice, so when do we see something happening??

    1. Dirty Joe won’t be investigated until Republicans re-take the House and the Senate. Dems don’t screw their own like Republicans do.

  4. Such an egregious self serving Ethical Violation by any sitting President is grounds for removal from Office, period.

  5. When does sleepy Joe get investigated?? There many deals pointing at the “big guy”. It was alright to investigate and attempt to Impeach President Trump twice, so when do we see something happening??

    Unfortunately, we have to wait until January 2023 onward.

  6. It is CLEAR that this POS FRAUD now in office WILL PARDON this creep. And we all KNOW it is because he is FRAUD BIDEN’s SON. BLOOD is thicker than water here and FRAUD BIDEN is also covering his own ass because he is the one who set up his son with all the contacts and suppliers. IT is called “COVER YOUR OWN ASS.”

  7. Unless someone is deaf dumb and blind or has amnesia it should be clear at this point that they were the wrong people to put their trust in. Three years ago our gas was inexpensive our grocery stores were stocked and affordable and unlike we were told people of all walks of life got along. The earth was spinning as it has for billions of years and the seasons were true to their definition. When the news tells you about hurricanes that come every year and add an exaggerated commentary about global warming they expect you to react with alarming concern and repeat it daily until you’ve heard it so much you become programmed and believe them. A lie repeatedly told ends up sounding so common it becomes true and smart people don’t fall for it which is why they target our children over those of us who lived enough decades we know they are lies. And while Americans are worrying about doom and gloom they are infiltrated every department including the justice department and the courts. No democrats will ever be found guilty. Warch your back if you are a God fearing conservative republican.

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