89 Percent of Ballot Applications in Muskegon, MI in 2020 Were Fake

We now have confirmation that thousands of absentee ballot registrations turned in to a Muskegon, MI city clerk before the 2020 election were fraudulent.

The only reason why the group carrying out this massive, illegal ballot harvesting operation got caught was because an alert city clerk called the cops. The whole thing eventually got swept under the rug by the corrupt FBI.

According to new information, we now know that there were far more fraudulent ballot applications turned in than the Michigan Attorney General has previously stated.

Muskegon, MI had a population of 38,318 residents in 2020, according to US Census figures. There were about 4,000 adults in Muskegon at the time who were of voting age but unregistered to vote. So, when an employee from GBI Strategies showed up at a city office to turn in 10,000 absentee voter registration forms, a clerk knew that something was up. That same employee turned in another batch of 2,500 registration forms a few days later, for a total of 12,500.

A multi-agency law enforcement investigation was kicked off as a result of this incident. Muskegon city police, the Michigan state police, the federal Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms, and Explosives (ATF), and the Michigan Attorney General’s office all got involved. GBI Strategies, which was the source of these fraudulent ballot applications, was operating in at least six cities across Michigan, as confirmed by the Gateway Pundit news site. Before he vanished, the CEO of GBI Strategies stated on his LinkedIn profile that his company was operating on behalf of the Democrat Pary and Joe Biden in 20 states.


The FBI has quashed the whole investigation and won’t answer any questions about it. Michigan Attorney General Dana Nessel’s office hid the existence of the investigation from the public for three years, until now. Nessel now admits the investigation was real, but her “official” story is that it was one “rogue employee” at GBI Strategies and that there was not widespread fraud in the 2020 election. Furthermore, she says that only a small handful of the ballot applications were actually fake.

Let’s put that official story to the test with some updated information.

When police arrived after that first suspicious phone call from a Muskegon city clerk, she pulled a random sampling of 37 ballot applications out of the stack of 10,000. Set that aside for a moment. We’ll come back to it.

Just the News has obtained a batch of 254 of those voter registration forms from the investigation, from an unidentified source. Additional witnesses have confirmed that these forms are authentic, meaning they were really turned in at the Muskegon clerk’s office and they’re not “Russian disinformation.”

All 254 were fake. They all had either fake names or other fake data on them or were missing required data like a driver’s license number or social security number. Most of them had fake addresses on them, so that if the Secretary of State’s office sent a ballot to that address, the Post Office would hold it as “undeliverable mail” until an employee drops the unmarked ballots off at a Democrat Party NGO’s office to be filled out.

Our point is that 254 ballots is not a “handful.” It means that there were probably thousands of fake applications in the 12,500 that the GBI Strategies employee turned in. They might have all been fake. Since that is the case, that first random sample takes on new significance.

Now that we know the Michigan Attorney General—who is an anti-Trump Democrat—is lying, let’s go back to that original random sampling of 37 ballot applications that she pulled from the stack. It gives us a nice statistical estimate of how many total ballot applications were fake.

26 of the 37 had false names and/or fake addresses. 3 had incorrect voter information. At least 2 were filled out by people who were not the registered voter. Another 2 were filled out for people who had moved to new residences. 18 of the ballots were clearly signed by the same individual.

In total, 33 of the random sampling of 37 applications were fake. That’s a rate of 89%.

If 89% of the applications were fake—and we have no reason to believe that this statistical model is incorrect—that means that at least 11,125 of those ballot applications were fake, within a 1- or 2-point margin of error. That’s what the math says.

That’s not a “handful.” If they were “allegedly” trying to pull of this much fraud in a small town like Muskegon, imagine what GBI Strategies could potentially have pulled off in Detroit and other Michigan towns.

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40 thoughts on “89 Percent of Ballot Applications in Muskegon, MI in 2020 Were Fake”

  1. Thank you for this important info.
    I wonder if gov’t officials will act on this, or will nothing come of it due to widespread corruption across the board……

    1. Nothing will happen. Its just like every other corrupt action in Washington, D.C. The Democrats and corrupt Republicans answer to NO ONE!! They never face justice. Our so called Law Makers, are the most corrupt MAFIA in the World!! Everyone knows that Biden did not get enough votes to get the office of President! If we could ever know the correct count, (and we never will), Trump won by a landslide. Now they are doing every thing they can to see that President Trump can’t run in 2024. This Country is completely Fed up with the corrupt Politicians in Washington. It is time for the tree of Liberty to be refreshed, and I will celebrate that day when it comes!

      1. Unfortunately yo0ur reply could be concieved as a threat. The tree of Liberty is refreshed by the blood of others, in this case the crooked democRATs.

    2. I’m sure are joking. Liberals would NEVER admit to that. It is what is called FRAUD and that party is good at committing FRAUD

    3. I’m real curious if the republikant party, house reps, will bring in Wray and Dana Nessel to badger for awhile. Then say how disgusted they are about the whole thing. Then DO NOTHING!!! House members. Get off your duff, and get this going. Or just tell us to go pound sand. That you aren’t in it for the sheeple. That your in it for da big stash O cash. Because we aren’t all stupid. We see how you all become multi millionaires in 3 or 3 years, and none of you put up a stink about it. As long as dat cash keeps a rolling, that’s all you people care about. Until election time
      Then it’s give, give , give. Well F

    4. no, nothing will come of it, just like in other cases of fraudulent ballets around the country. nothing has been done with those issues as well. we had better get used to it, we have a corrupt government, especially on the dem side, the repubs are too weak and afraid to step forward and do anything about it. so, like the guy who pulled the fire alarm to stop a vote, and hunter biden and all his connections with communist china along with his father, nothing will be done. a slap on the wrist. that is all. folks we are a hairs breath away from living in a corrupt, communist country and it is because no one wants to step up and stop it. they are all weak and useless. a lot of talk, a lot of bluster and then they let it all blow away in the wind. just like the Chinese balloon that was allowed to cross our country and gather information and biden did nothing about it. saying it wasn’t noticed until it has crossed even though reports about a foreign balloon was traveling across the country and at a specific pattern to cover strategic areas and bases… our intelligence community is either that stupid or they were stopped from doing what needed to be done.
      so get used to it. we will never have another fair election again. even now, they are pushing for mail in ballets and drop off boxes. and is anyone wondering why? take a good guess.

    5. The news story pretty much says that government officials are indeed acting on this case but their efforts are directed to thoroughly kill the story so that none of their buddies go to prison.

      1. Yes that and the fact that Trump is being charged. undisciplined election interference by political agendas put into action by the democrats is not without the citizens of this country realizing that they are indeed manipulating once again. The media is again interfering and commiting election fraud with their bias, as are the AG involved in these political court actions. Hell, the judges are even bought and paid for. Everyone has to fight back on their lies of no election fraud and never let them think we go along with their rot and immoral behavior. Stand up for ourselves at all costs.

    1. Since the DOJ is completely corrupt, they won’t do anything. Can we file a complaint to the Hague? Traitors to our Constitution need to be arrested. That corruption starts at its senile head. Our country is being destroyed.

  2. Our elections have become a mockery to our Republic. When is something going to be done to the people who did this and the people who are covering it up. Our nation is the worst I have seen in my lifetime and I am old and fearful for our future generations. Our government is corrupt and the only person (Trump) who tried to alert We the People has been mercilessly persecuted.

      1. You know what is the most frustrating and damaging to one’s faith in the voting system?
        Is not the fact that the Democrat thives stole the election. Is not because they stole it in plain daylight for everyone to see. Is because this senile idiot is still in the WH destroying this country by the minute and nothing is been done to hold him accountable and those who were involved in the stealing process. What is even more frustrating is that all those who proclaimed truth about the 2020 election are gutted by this corupt justice system and forced to admit falsely that they are wrongbecause they do not have the financial resource to fight a corupt branch of the government
        which is the justice system
        And nobody does nothing. Nobody cares that the thieves are in the process of destroying life’s to keep themselves in power. Nobody moves a finger including the fat cats in the Supreme Court. How can people wake up in the morning and by their silence agree with this injustice .
        That is something which the thieves understand very well. The lesson they draw from all of this is that they can do the same in 2024 with no consequences
        The idiot Pence should have never certify the stolen election because he knew that it was stolen. If he is saying otherwise he is a liar. No doubt that senile Biden got a few votes and all the blod which is spilled out today in Ukraine, Israel and soon here ,in this great country, will be on the hands of those who voted for him.
        I hope retribution will come to them in one form or another

        1. Under terrorist command of the POS in the WH! And terrorist it the correct word: still supports the PLA, mothers get killed because they are given custody of their children, judges get shot because they are a judge, the POS wants a/c taken away from you so you cannot cool your home, POS also wants appliance take away from you so that you can run your home! So he is flat out a terrorist that is also a thief and has been paid for by anyone that wants him and he will take the money and the more the better for the Biden Crime Family! He is a terrorist bought and paid for!

  3. More and more of the 2020 ballot fraud just keeps getting out. Hey, judges we’re are you? None of you would even look at any of these lawsuits would you? I think these judges are just as guilty of voter fraud as the rest of the swamp. Well must have been or else why would Pelosi set up President Trump and his supporters? Swamp thinks we are all stupid, but they are the stupid ones. We seen all the setups since day one. It’s not just the power they want to keep. It is also their dirty money. Not to mention their luxurious items, that we will never have or even close to it. Republicans do you want to lower the debt ceiling? I think we should take all assets of swamp and back taxes they have never paid and we could lower the debt big time. I hear one more person lie about 2020 I am going to come unglued. Lot of snakes in our government.

  4. One of the above comments included the phrase: “It is time for the tree of Liberty to be refreshed, and I will celebrate that day when it comes.” I feel that accurately sums up the private thinking of the silent majority in this country. Honest, average Americans who are finally seeing through the lies, distortions, misquotes and overall fabrications fed to us by the government, it’s organs (which includes the mainstream media, make NO mistake about that), academia and Hollywood. They are trying to weave a particular narrative that we the People are finally recognizing for what it actually is and the motives behind creating it. The insidious disease of totalitarian socialism has been eating away at the pillars of our society for decades, starting on campuses in the 1960’s. The radicalized students of Marxist professors are now firmly entrenched in government, media, some corporate entities, entertainment, and even the military to a degree and it may be too late to defend our culture, traditions and values by conventional means. I certainly hope it’s not too late and if everyone who privately believes as I and the commentators before me do stood up and demonstrated our resolve to preserve those things that built the greatest nation in human history, perhaps we can avert what is slowly but surely evolving into something nobody really wants. The comment about the tree of Liberty needing refreshing is sadly as true today as it was 300+ years ago when it was first uttered. Let’s all hope we can achieve the preservation of our country, it’s values, traditions and culture before the tree becomes refreshed in the manner it was back in the 1700’s.

    1. Very well said Stephen. I am an Australian, but have a long term love of America and its People. I fear (as you do) what effect this is having on USA right now, and unless THE PEOPLE find the courage to stand and say NO MORE!!
      As Gen Michael Flynn states, “we all have to find courage”. “Fear is a reaction, BUT Courage is a DECISION” EVEN PEOPLE WHO ARE FEARFUL can make the decision to demonstrate courage! AND WE ALL (Good People) MUST!!!
      It will all get worse and worse at a progressively faster rate (which it has and IS doing right now). MY deep concern is also for the rest of the world but in particular my beloved Australia and my fellow “Aussies”.

  5. So sad that we are even having this conversation! People like George Soros who has supported, or should I say guided” those in the Democrat party should be held for treason or the likes. Who is it that financed all of these judges that support of this corruption??
    How is it that the easiest way to become rich is to be elected into office? That goes for both sides of the aisle. If you look at how much they make along with their perks and insider information, it’s ridiculously shameful and yet, everything is status quo. Money talks and politicians make the walk!! Middle class pays the bills for it…
    Wake up America, another 3rd world country is evolving right in front of our eyes!

  6. 40,000 ballots in maricopa county with no radioactive tracer…800,000 fraudulent ballots in detroit….fake registrations in wisconsin….suitcases and stuffed drop boxes all over fulton county, georgia. there is more than enough evidence to invalidate the 2020 election. if we are unable to have free and fair elections, what is our recourse in the future?

    1. Amen to all that, glad somebody is posting numbers and places. And we all know there are a lot more places and votes/ballots that were fake or forged. Just sickening what our so-called DOJ/FBI allow and forget their oaths of office to the American people and the Constitution of the United States. I was a Democrat years ago, now a happy Independent, but I’ll never vote Democrat again. There have been decades of corruption, lies, setups, distortions, and paid actors of crimes in our voting processes. If there is nothing to hide then hide nothing. Judges are as guilty as many others for not looking at lawsuits, or being afraid of what those actions could reveal. Just sickening, and I’m still amazed at how just the so very few voting machines just a few counties in some states that were allowed to be forensically examined, showed log and security files were deleted. They don’t delete themselves. And this was supposed to be a valid election? No way in heaven or hell it was valid. What our country has become from the political processes makes me sick. We need a Congress cleaning and clear out the heads of each of our Gov’t offices as they show they care more about paychecks and power than they do the American people.

  7. I predict conservatives will never win a national election.

    democrats (communist party USA) have proven they have the process, the people in place and the money to win (steal) any election they decide to.
    In 2025 they will have complete control and will go all out to install their “socialist” utopia.
    Gun control will be very high on their agenda.

    Be prepared !!!

  8. I cannot believe what is (has happened) to what used to be the “United States of America” and is now the DIVIDED states of america. AND it is ALL because of the corrupt democratic party and the RINO’s in the republican party. I USED to be a republican but now consider myself a CONSTITUTIONAL CONSERVATIVE if there is such a “party”.


  10. I don’t care what it looks like but I’m going to trust God because I know that he will put Donald Trump back in the White House it might take the military to escort him in there but it will happen. We need to start trusting God he’s exposing these people look what he’s just exposed here about the election 2020 there’s more he’ll be exposed into we’re all going to be surprised that the people that he actually exposes that we didn’t know anything was going on with them Joe Biden is going to get his sorry behind out of the White House one way or the other God will remove them. Hell is going to be hot for these people , it might even be hotter for Joe Biden he has a lot of blood on his hands. Look at his border that ought to tell you something. All I got to say is I’m trusting God Satan has had his way with America long enough it’s time that we told Satan to get out of our country get out of our lives and leave us alone and start believing that God is real.

  11. And yet with this election fraud in Michigan being covered up by the corupt Nessel,and SOS they are still pressing charges against the election alternative electors who were legally selected because our elections were disputed and our Michigan courts systems ignored these cases as no standing! How is having our votes stolen by rigging, corupt, fraudgelant elections not have standing it was a crime against all of America and these judges helped cover it up. Nessel even threatened all lawyers with not being able to practice if they bring election fraud suits to the Courts how was the hat even legal for get to do. Michigan elections were rigged in 2022 also they checked signatures for the primaries to kick off the top Republicans from even running, but no signature verification for the elections themselves . FBI was a Democrat fraud ring and Georgia should be arresting those people since the person dropping those fake registrations in Michigan was a Georgia resident, and she was allowed to be released and continue to drop fake registrations off after she was caught.

  12. And yet with this election fraud in Michigan being covered up by the corupt Nessel,and SOS they are still pressing charges against the election alternative electors who were legally selected because our elections were disputed and our Michigan courts systems ignored these cases as no standing! How is having our votes stolen by rigging, corupt, fraudgelant elections not have standing it was a crime against all of America and these judges helped cover it up. Nessel even threatened all lawyers with not being able to practice if they bring election fraud suits to the Courts how was the hat even legal for get to do. Michigan elections were rigged in 2022 also they checked signatures for the primaries to kick off the top Republicans from even running, but no signature verification for the elections themselves . GBI was a Democrat fraud ring and Georgia should be arresting those people since the person dropping those fake registrations in Michigan was a Georgia resident, and she was allowed to be released and continue to drop fake registrations off after she was caught.

  13. Biden was chosen by the DNC because they knew that they could have total control over him. They kept him in his basement so he wouldn’t blow their corrupt plan to steal the election. There is so much proof of fraud that Biden’s win should have been overturned within six months of the election. But, since the entire FBI, CIA, DOJ, and all liberal Democrat judges, DAs, etc. are involved in this horror story, nothing can be done to correct it. I pray every day that they won’t succeed in destroying The Honorable Donald J. Trump. He was a GREAT President and he showed the world how worthless and sorry the Democrats really are. And that’s the main reason that they want to destroy him.

  14. “The People Of The United States Of America” are NOT electing our leaders, they are being put into high places by BIG Tech, BIG money and BIGGER LIES!


  16. More corruption from our government than they can hide. Term limits may help a little, but the crooks are just stealing in plain sight with no consequences. Law is for the peasants, not for the elite.

  17. Nothing to see here. That was safest election ever remember. Now FBI has new headquarters in Delaware they can do Obama and Clinton bidding without DC looking down their backs. Can someone say no money in the cookie jar for these traitors who commit treason. I can’t believe republicans actually helped democrats with the new headquarters. Guess we finally know the true rhinos in swamp. When will republicans get a back bone and stop taking bribes from democrats. I do believe it is time to restructure our government once and for all. I thought no one was above the law Pelosi? I guess Kennedy was right. Can I get you were right about this. President Trump is going to have fun with Your Fired first day back as our President. Democrats and rhinos wonder why their voter base is leaving them. So many of us seen the red flags by the swamp and their thugs on day one when President Trump first ran for election in 2015. What I find appalling is these idiots tell lies about things or tell the truth and nothing ever done. When these so called smart people think I’m stupid really need to look in the mirror or at least over their shoulders from now on. They can’t even keep their stores straight anymore. I would love to know who sends them all their talking points for the week. Really need a person with a brain to make it believable. Where are all the apologizes to President Trump and the American people. Really democrats and rhinos do you believe the American people really want to vote you into office. I would love to be on the punishment board for these people. For over 12 years the swamp and rhinos have gone out of their way to lie, steal and cheat without accountability and I would love to be able to watch them in the final acts of treason so can show them I am a law obeying citizen who loves my country.

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