At Least 18 Dead in Dubai Weather Tampering Experiment

The global warming kooks have murdered at least 18 people in Oman in a weather tampering experiment. They may find more bodies once the waters recede. Someone carried out a “cloud seeding” experiment in Dubai in an attempt to save the weather from cow farts. It worked and they made it rain and then some.

Dubai received more than a year’s worth of rain in just a few hours, and the biblical downpour caused catastrophic damage and many unnecessary deaths. Not that the global warming communists will care. You gotta break a few eggs when you’re trying to make an omelet, right?

The skies over Dubai turned black, thunder and lightning started crashing, and there was so much rain that the locals were expecting Noah’s ark to come floating by. They got 4.75 inches of rain in just a few hours. Streets were flooded all over. The scenes at Dubai International Airport were crazy. The water looked to be at least six feet deep on the tarmac as pilots were trying to scoot massive passenger jets to higher ground.


Dubai has the busiest airport in the entire world (and one of the nicest ones; you don’t have to take off your shoes or do any security theater there), and they had to divert all the flights away because of the storm. There’s just no way that planes could have landed safely with all the flooding on the ground.

The usual stupid people on television started blaming the record-shattering rainfall on global warming, which is laughable. The truth came out within a few hours when a meteorologist from the National Center for Meteorology (NCM) in the UAE confirmed that the historic rainfall and storms were the result of cloud seeding experiments.

Whoever was carrying out these experiments flew six flights the day before the rainstorm and dumped toxic chemicals in the clouds to try to make it rain. At least 18 people are dead because of these global warming kooks.

Just last week we noted that winter-like weather has been occurring in the southern US for the past few weeks. It snowed twice during the first week of April in the desert community where I live, which has never happened before in recorded history. It turned out to be a Bill Gates experiment taking place off the coast of California, in which a different group of global warming nutjobs was tampering with the weather.

Anyone who thought that we were being a bunch of conspiracy theorists should check out the videos from Dubai. They’re all over social media.

“Whenever there are clouds in the sky, we conduct cloud seeding operations. From yesterday till today [Tuesday afternoon], we carried out six trips,” confirmed the meteorologist.

The good news for the people worried about cow farts and sunlight is that temperatures in Dubai are going to drop by 20 degrees F lower than expected because of the storm. The bad news is that most people are trying to enjoy springtime weather right now. Oh, and the dead people. Notice that they’re not apologizing for all the murders they committed with their weather tampering experiment.

As we’ve also been pointing out, none of these groups carrying out these weather tampering experiments seem to have asked for permission to do this. As we see in Dubai, the unintended consequences of this can be catastrophic. We could end up seeing mass starvation due to crop failures because of these experiments, but none of the people carrying them out seem to care. They certainly don’t care about the 18 people they killed this week. What’s a few million more when you’re on a holy crusade to save the planet from cow farts?

It’s looking more and more like the Tennessee legislature was prescient when they passed legislation a few days ago to ban geoengineering in the skies above their state. Hopefully, other states would follow suit.

It also seems like a violation of our rights when these people mess with the weather without even asking permission. I’d much rather be outside in shorts right now, gardening, playing with the kids, and whatnot. Instead, I’m shoveling snow out of my driveway for the first time ever because Bill Gates is an A-hole.

Here’s a Sky News report on the flooding so you can see the extent of the weather-tampering damage for yourself. Has “manmade climate change” (which doesn’t exist) ever done this much damage to a community?


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14 thoughts on “At Least 18 Dead in Dubai Weather Tampering Experiment”

  1. One might have known that Bill Gates would be involved in a ridiculous scheme to carry out for the sake of “saving the planet” only to cause more harm than in this attempt. This guy is a criminal and, if you do your own investigation, the Microsoft crook only has one goal: kill off as many people in the world as possible. Gates has on prior occasions made his thoughts on global population known by stating that by 2035, there will be close to 9 billion people on Earth, far too many to sustain itself. Remember, just a few months ago, he stated that he is planning for the “next COVID-like pandemic and of course, he is buying farmland so he can do his part to control the food supply. Read between the lines as to what this fucking asshole has in mind for you and the rest of the world. He is a bad guy, not a philanthropist, and should be put away!


  3. All those involved should be sued and held accountable for the destruction they created. These people need to learn/realize they can’t and don’t get to control the world we all live in! IMO

  4. As we speak they are working on a second pandemic if you have unlimited money you have a license to kill and no one will do a thing about it. get ready folks for 2025 – 2028

  5. When these people are roasting in Hell, they will see just how insignificant and stupid they were…Or will they??

  6. Same thing happened in Maui and Turkey and Chile. The rich elites are playing God. They are out to destroy anything they can’t control. You liberals are too stupid to see it. They are changing the weather around the world. Winter in upper America has seen hardly any snow, damaging storms that were never that big are destroying states because someone decided to destroy the world to save the idiot climate change nuts from going crazy over a fake climate change. There is no climate change just the man-made weather who want millions of people to die so they can control the rest. Biden and democrat’s are right there cheering these nonhuman subcreatures to destroy America.Al Gore and Obama need arrested for crimes against humanity.

  7. I don’t believe in Global Warming, climate changes four times per year, we refer to them as seasons and I don’t believe in controlling the weather, but I do believe man can screw this World, GOD created, up! I’ve believe in The Earths axes tilting as much as six degrees from center inorder to heal Ozne Layers and weak magnetic fields caused by solar-flares from damaging suns rays. The Earths extreme pitch allows for temperature changes and severe storms, but planets re-alignment, once ozone/magnetic fields have been restored, revert back. These changes have occured since the beginning of time. The Creator knows what HE’S doing and these occurances may become present every 40-120 years, between.

  8. If we know all of this info on cloud seeding why are we all being so quiet about it. Time to let everyone know whats going on. If it is not properly exposed it can not be stopped.

  9. Did it ever occur to anyone that “Climate Change” is a business? They are causing these events in the hope of scaring people into believing their “Climate Change” BS!!! Buy our cars, solar panels, etc. All of which are no better for the environment then the so called problem they are claiming to be trying to save us from. Unless the electricity is hydroelectrically produced to charge your new electric car and you think you saving the planet, you’re an idiot. Where do you think the power comes from? The bad powerplant that runs on coal, oil or gas… not to mention the lithium mining for the batteries… “Climate Change” is a money making scheme and we are allowing it to happen… Solar and wind produce roughly 15% of the power used… keep buying their BS products! Mean while everything you buy at the supermarket is wrapped in plastic… hmmm…

    Up to 60 million Bisson roamed north America at one point in time. I guess we should be glad we killed them off. They were much bigger and I hear that their farts were killing the planet for thousands of years before we save the day!

    Natural “Climate Change” is real and normal, Man-made “Climate Change” is manufactured business BS. Anyone seeding or any other “Climate Change” experiments need to be prosecuted for crimes against humanity. With a minimum sentence life in prison.

  10. Bottom line. How many times have you been told NOT To FOOL With MOTHER NATURE!

  11. It is amazing how so many people can be crazy at the same time with the same craziness. Seeding the clouds with toxic chemicals to make it rain*** these sick people need put in an intuition put somewhere far away as to not kill other people with their craziness. Their are so many crazy people tryiny to destroy are earth its unreal. Don’t people know wnen you put toxic chemicals in the air people have to breathe and that is causing lung problems. Does some people just thanks its ok to cause other people harm ** these crazy earth savers all are nutjobs needing new brains. Lock them all up and throw the key away ..that will save our planet.

  12. Another thing that will save are planet is to get rid of afe pathological liar president. This man is the worse nut job of all the global crazies. He even thanks his uncle Ambrose Finnegan who was in war warII who was shot down over New Guinea was eat by cannibals …*** talk about a nutjob , the man can’t tell the truth even if it makes him sound like a fool. And he has a deep and abiding hatred of the US military and our troops** if you don’t believe this then ask the 1,1oo.00 troops he has abandoned in Niger in hostile territory. This crawl-in president needs took out of office he has got to be the worse president in history of this great nation. The democrats are nothing but destroyers and power hungrey criminals who care nothing for the people of the United States of America . Learn this please and don’t vote for any democrat. Please love America love our country don’t vote for Biden or any democrats.

  13. That kind of stupid can’t be fixed. Only fools listen to the indoctrinated climate clowns.

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